
Enable and configure reporting

To enable metrics and configure reporting, you can use the two following CLI options:

  • --metrics-reporter: passing a legal value will enable reporting; the accepted values are as follows:
    • console: prints captured metrics on the standard output
    • csv://</path/to/metrics.csv>: saves the captured metrics in CSV format at the specified location
    • graphite://<server_host>[:<server_port>]: sends captured metrics to a Graphite server. If the port is omitted, the default value 2003 will be used.
    • prometheus://<server_host>[:<server_port>]: renders captured metrics on a http endpoint in accordance with the prometheus protocol. If the port is omitted, the default value 55001 will be used. The metrics will be available under the address http://<server_host>:<server_port>/metrics.
  • --metrics-reporting-interval: metrics are pre-aggregated on the sandbox and sent to the reporter, this option allows the user to set the interval. The formats accepted are based on the ISO-8601 duration format PnDTnHnMn.nS with days considered to be exactly 24 hours. The default interval is 10 seconds.

Types of metrics

This is a list of type of metrics with all data points recorded for each. Use this as a reference when reading the list of metrics.


Number of occurrences of some event.


A meter tracks the number of times a given event occurred (throughput). The following data points are kept and reported by any meter.

  • <>.count: number of registered data points overall
  • <>.m1_rate: number of registered data points per minute
  • <>.m5_rate: number of registered data points every 5 minutes
  • <>.m15_rate: number of registered data points every 15 minutes
  • <>.mean_rate: mean number of registered data points


A timer records all metrics registered by a meter and by an histogram, where the histogram records the time necessary to execute a given operation (unless otherwise specified, the precision is nanoseconds and the unit of measurement is milliseconds).

List of metrics

The following is an exhaustive list of selected metrics that can be particularly important to track.


A timer. Meters how long processing of a command submission request takes


A timer. Meters how long processing of a query GET request takes


A timer. Meters how long processing of a query POST request takes


A timer. Meters how long processing of a fetch request takes


A timer. Meters how long processing of a get party/parties request takes


A timer. Meters how long processing of a party management request takes


A timer. Meters how long processing of a package download request takes


A timer. Meters how long processing of a package upload request takes


A timer. Meters how long parsing and decoding of an incoming json payload takes


A timer. Meters how long the construction of the response json payload takes


A timer. Meters how long the construction of the response json payload takes


A timer. Meters how long a find by contract key database operation takes


A timer. Meters how long a find by contract id database operation takes


A timer. Meters how long processing of the command submission request takes on the ledger


A meter. Number of http requests


A Counter. Count of active websocket connections


A meter. Number of command submissions


A meter. Number of package uploads


A meter. Number of party allocations