Release notes

This page contains release notes for the SDK.

1.4.0 - 2020-08-12


  • DAML on SQL is available as an Early Access standalone JAR, you can find it on the GH Release page
  • Improvements to Ledger API and documentation for client application failover
    • This involves changes in the Ledger API in corner cases, but unless you are dealing with application failover, you are unlikely to be affected.
  • DAML REPL is stable and has gained new features, including the ability to run without being connected to a ledger
    • Module imports now need to be made explicit when starting DAML REPL
  • daml codegen js is significantly faster when generating Javascript/TypeScript code
  • New Previous/Next buttons on Thanks to Alex Mason for the suggestion!

Impact and Migration

Migration from SDK 1.3 to 1.4 should require no action for almost all users.

  • If you were using the Early Access version of DAML REPL, you need to make a minor adjustment to the CLI parameters to start it.
  • If you are working on application failover, you need to incorporate some API improvements.

Standalone Early Access release of DAML on SQL


The DAML Sandbox’s primary purpose is to serve as an in-memory development tool, but has had support for SQL backing for a long time. This made it a popular choice as a prototyping ledger and test tool, but lacking a separate distribution, required an entire SDK installation to run. To add clarity and ease deployment, the developer tool “Sandbox”, and the Ledger “DAML on SQL” are now being separated. As a first step, DAML on SQL is now available as a standalone JAR file on GitHub releases. Some minor changes to functionality and CLI are planned for upcoming releases to further differentiate developer tooling and actual Ledger. The standalone JAR will remain in Early Access until those changes have been made.

Specific Changes

DAML on SQL is now available with every release from the GitHub Releases page.

Impact and Migration

For now, this is a purely additive change, but at the same time DAML on SQL will become stable,, persistence mode in Sandbox will be deprecated, and after a transition period, both support for persistence in Sandbox, and the already deprecated Sandbox-classic will be removed from the SDK. Users of Sandbox-classic or Sandbox with SQL backing are advised to start migrating over to the new DAML on SQL distribution.

Client Application Failover


Client applications have to be able to deal with the possibility that participant nodes become unavailable, for example due to network or hardware failure. For such cases, some DAML Ledgers offer the possibility to run hot (or cold) standbys of participant nodes. When a failover from a primary to a standby node occurs, the client application has to handle the possibility that due to latency or initialization, the standby is not yet fully caught up with the Ledger. Improvements to Ledger API and documentation makes this significantly easier.

Specific Changes

  • The error code for requesting a transaction stream with an offset beyond the ledger end changed from INVALID_ARGUMENT to OUT_OF_RANGE.
  • The command completion service now validates the offset and returns the OUT_OF_RANGE error if the request offset is beyond the ledger end.
  • Added a documentation section on how to write DAML applications that can fail over between eventually consistent Ledger API endpoints.

Impact and Migration

The behaviour of the transaction and command completion services have changed in cases where an offset beyond ledger end are given. This should only happen if a client application re-connects to a different node which is not fully caught up, so you are only likely to be affected if your application fails over.

If you were relying on the old behaviors (returning INVALID_ARGUMENT, or accepting the argument, respectively), you now need to handle the OUT_OF_RANGE error and implement retry logic.

REPL is now Stable


DAML REPL, a developer tool to interactively evaluate DAML and interact with DAML Ledgers has been in Early Access since SDK 0.13.55. With this release, it becomes stable, meaning its developer facing APIs are final and won’t break outside of major SDK versions. In addition, it has gained a number of new useful features including the ability to run without being connected to a DAML Ledger, allowing interactive testing of pure functions, for example.

Specific Changes

  • Run DAML REPL without connecting to a ledger by omitting the --ledger-host and --ledger-port parameters.
  • List the currently imported modules using the REPL command :show imports.
  • Type :help at the REPL prompt to see a list of possible REPL commands.
  • Add and remove module imports using :module [+-] Some.Module.
  • Use let bindings to bind pure expressions
  • The list of DARs passed to DAML REPL can now be empty.
  • The REPL now supports loading multiple DARs specified at the command line. The DARs are loaded as data-dependencies.
  • The REPL no longer loads modules by default to avoid collisions when multiple DARs are loaded.

Impact and Migration

You now need to either explicitly import all modules of your DAR file using the --import flag, or use :module + inside the REPL. For example, if you previously started the REPL with

daml repl .daml/dist/script-example-0.0.1.dar``
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you now need to either run

daml repl .daml/dist/script-example-0.0.1.dar --import script-example``
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or import modules individually with

:module + ScriptExample
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Faster JavaScript codegen


The TypeScript/JavaScript codegen daml codegen js used to generate TypeScript files and then use yarn to compile these to JavaScript and declaration files. The codegen now generates JavaScript and declarations directly, significantly improving speed, and removing the dependency on yarn.

Specific Changes

  • daml codegen js no longer requires yarn and is significantly faster.

Impact and Migration

No action is required to consume this improvement.

Minor Improvements

  • The DAML compiler will now compile type synonyms (type X = Y) into the DAR,whenever possible, and will expose these synonyms via data-dependencies. This works for DAML-LF 1.8 (the current default) and upwards.
  • DAML Ledgers now print detailed log messages whenever a request was rejected due to a failed JWT authentication/authorization, allowing for easier debugging.
  • You can now use daml new project-name --template=template-name instead of daml new project-name template-name. The positional arguments led to confusion so the named version is now preferred, but both continue to work.
  • Successful package uploads to the Sandbox are now logged on the server. See
  • Sandbox now allows the user to specify the participant ID with the --participant-id switch.
  • The daml ledger commands now accept a --timeout option which can be used to change the timeout for API requests from the default of 30s.
  • You can now specify the version of Sandbox and the JSON API independently of your SDK version by setting platform-version in your daml.yaml. This is useful if you are deploying to a ledger that is running components from a different SDK version. See for details.
  • daml new foobar --template=create-daml-app now properly respects the project name and creates a project called foobar in daml.yaml and package.json instead of hardcoding the name to create-daml-app.
  • Scala codegen has gained support for exercise-by-key commands. See Issue #6466.

Bug and Security fixes

  • Fix an issue in the JavaScript Client Libraries where some recursive types resulted in a stack overflow.
  • The ActiveContractService now only sets the offset in the last response, as intended, instead of in every response element.
  • A bug relating to how Fetch nodes are validated in some DAML ledgers was fixed.

Integration Kit

  • The performance test names have been changed. To learn more about the available tests, consult the documentation for the Ledger API Test Tool and run it with --list. Docs:
  • Fixed a bug in the Ledger API test tool that caused the full conformance test suite to be run when trying to run performance tests but using a wrong name. See
  • Truncate GRPC error messages at 4 KB. This ensures that we won’t trigger a protocol error when sending errors to the client.
  • Change the callback for contract keys from GlobalKey => Option[ContractId] to GlobalKeyWithMaintainers => Option[ContractId] in DAML Engine
  • Removed Sandbox specific code from the API intended to be used by ledger integrations. Use the maven coordinates com.daml:participant-integration-api:VERSION instead of com.daml:ledger-api-server or com.daml:sandbox.
  • StandaloneApiServer can now be run in a read-only mode
    • The type of the constructor parameter writeService of StandaloneApiServer changed to Option[WriteService]. Passing None will not start any of the admin services, the command service, and the command submission service.
    • The constructor parameter readService of StandaloneApiServer has been removed.
    • A new constructor parameter ledgerId has been added to StandaloneApiServer. It is used to verify that StandaloneApiServer is run against an index storage for the same ledgerId. Initialization is aborted if this is not the case.
  • The LedgerConfigurationService now properly streams configuration changes.
  • Default new Engine constructor to Engine.StableConfig so it does not need to be overridden unless you specifically want to run in Engine.DevConfig mode
  • The LotsOfPartiesIT and TransactionScaleIT test suite have been deemed not providing relevant signal to DAML ledger implementers and have been retired. The tests will be nominally kept in but will be skipped while they are in a deprecation period. You are advised to remove explicit references to those tests before they are fully removed.
  • All tests are now run by default. The --all-tests option is now ineffective and deprecated. You are advised to remove its usages from your build scripts. Non-isolated tests that could affect the global state of the ledger and interfere with other tests are now automatically scheduled by the test tool to run sequentially at the end of the run.
  • The --load-scale-factor option is now unused and deprecated. You are advised to remove its usages from your build scripts.

1.3.0 - 2020-07-16


  • The Websocket query and fetch APIs are now stable.
  • The JSON API Server is now released as a standalone JAR file to GitHub Releases.
  • DAML Script and REPL now work in Static Time mode and can query parties.
  • DAML Studio exposes more details on how contracts were disclosed.
  • The Trigger Service, a solution to host and manage DAML Triggers is now available in Early Access.

Known Issues

The DAML Studio VSCode extension is affected by a known and recently fixed bug in recent VSCode versions:

For some users this may lead to the Scenario View in VSCode not rendering correctly. If you are affected by this issue upgrading to VSCode 1.47 should resolve it.

What’s New

Websocket API is stable


The JSON API Server exposes several Websocket endpoints which allow clients to maintain a live view of contract data without polling. These endpoints have been available since before SDK 1.0 in early access, and are now considered stable.

Specific Changes
  • The API specification for the /v1/stream/query and /v1/stream/fetch endpoints are finalized and fully implemented.
Impact and Migration

The final version of these endpoints is backwards compatible with SDK 1.0 in the sense that clients of these endpoints from SDK 1.0 work with SDK 1.3. Thus no action needs to be taken.

Standalone JSON API Server


The JSON API Server is a component intended to be run in production environments to supplement the lower level Ledger API with an easy-to-use queryable ledger state consumable by any HTTP 1.1 client, including web browsers. Despite this intended use case, the JSON API Server was only distributed as part of the SDK, which meant that the DAML SDK had to be installed on production servers in order to run the JSON API Server. Providing a stand-alone JAR distribution gives application operators a much leaner deployment option.

Specific Changes
Impact and Migration

This is purely additive to the distribution via the SDK so no action is needed. However, if you do run the JSON API Server in a test or production environment, this gives you a leaner and more portable way of doing so.

More functionality in DAML Script and REPL


DAML Script and REPL had some limitations in key test and production use cases. Firstly, neither exposed the Time Service, which made them hard to use in static time mode. Secondly, they only exposed functions to allocate parties, not to query existing parties, which required existing parties to be passed in via a file, or to be obtained using unsafe functions like partyFromText. By exposing the relevant functions of the Ledger API in DAML Script and REPL, Ledger Time can now be queried and set in Static Time mode, and existing parties can be queried.

In addition, it is now possible to use DAML Script and REPL with multiple JWTs, which in particular, means they can be used with multiple parties on DABL.

Specific Changes
  • DAML Script and REPL’s getTime now correctly handles time changes in static time mode and returns the current time by querying the time service rather than defaulting to the Unix epoch. This only works in static time mode and via gRPC. In wallclock mode, getTime continues to return the system time in UTC. When run against the JSON API in static time mode, it continues returning Unix epoch.
  • Add setTime to DAML Script and REPL which sets the ledger time via the Ledger API time service. This only works in static time mode and via gRPC.
  • Add listKnownParties and listKnownPartiesOn to query the corresponding ListKnownParties endpoint in the Party Management service.
  • The time mode for DAML REPL can now be specified using the--static-time and --wall-clock-time flags.
  • You can now use DAML Script with multiple auth tokens. This is particularly useful if you are working with the JSON API where you can only have one party per token or with an IAM that only provides single-party tokens. The tokens are specified in the participant configuration passed via --participant-config in a new access_token field. The existing --access-token-file flag is still supported if you want to use the same token for all connections. Take a look at the documentation for more details.
Impact and Migration

This functionality is purely additive so no action needs to be taken.

More Privacy Information in DAML Studio


DAML Studio’s Scenario view allows developers to explore the transactions resulting from their DAML models in real time. One of the main uses of doing so is to verify that privacy is preserved as expected. Until now, the available views only gave information on who got to see a contract and through which transaction. SDK 1.3 adds information on the mechanism through which a party learned about a contract. This saves the developer the work of inferring this from the detailed transaction view.

Specific Changes
  • When displaying scenario results in table view in DAML Studio, there’s now a new checkbox “Show Detailed Disclosure” which shows indications why a party knows about the existence of a contract:
    • S means the party is a signatory.
    • O means the party is an observer.
    • W means the party has witnessed the creation of the contract.
    • D means the party has learned about the contract via divulgence.
Impact and Migration

This functionality is purely additive so no action needs to be taken.

Early Access Trigger Service


DAML Triggers give developers the ability to write automation of DAML applications in the style of database triggers using the DAML language itself, aiding code reuse and allowing contract definitions and basic automation to be packaged and shipped together. These triggers need to be managed at runtime, which until now required developers to manage individual JVM processes, raising the bar to actually deploying DAML Triggers in production. The Trigger Service provides a way to manage DAML Triggers via a simple REST API.

The Trigger Service is currently in Alpha, meaning API changes are still likely, and it notably doesn’t support authentication yet.

Specific Changes
  • Added the daml trigger-service command to the SDK to start the Trigger Service. More information in the documentation.
Impact and Migration

This functionality is purely additive so no action needs to be taken. If you are already evaluating Triggers for your application, we highly recommend trying out the Trigger Service as it should ease their use considerably. We welcome your feedback.

Minor Improvements

  • The Java Binding’s Bot.wire and Bot.wireSimple now return a Disposable, which can be used to shut down the flows. You are encouraged to call .dispose() before terminating the client.
  • Added a CLI option for specifying the initial skew parameter for the time model. You can control the allowed difference between the Ledger Effective Time and the Record time using the --max-ledger-time-skew flag.
  • When run with persistence, the Sandbox used to crash if the database wasn’t running during startup. It now instead waits for the database to start up.
  • Additional CLI options to configure the write pipeline in Sandbox, allowing operators to determine at what point back pressure is applied. See daml sandbox --help for details.
  • Initialize the loading indicators in @daml/react of useQuery, useFetchByKey and their streaming variants with true. This removes a glitch where the loading indicator was false for a very brief moment when components using these hooks were mounted although no data had been loaded yet. Code using these hooks does not need to be adapted in response to this change.
  • The create-daml-app example can now be run against a HTTP JSON API port specified in the environment variable REACT_APP_HTTP_JSON_PORT
  • Improved error messages on unsuccessful key lookups.

Bug and Security Fixes

  • damlc test --project-root now works with relative paths as well.
  • The Package Management Service’s ListKnownParties response’s PartyDetails now properly reflects where a party is non-local on distributed, multi-participant ledgers that expose parties to remote participants.
  • The application identifier in a command submission request is now checked against the authorization token. See
  • In scenarios, fetches and exercises of contract keys associated with contracts not visible to the submitter are now handled properly instead of showing a low-level error.
  • Some libraries in the DAML Studio VS Code Extension were updated to fix security issues. DAML Studio now requires VSCode 1.39 or newer.
  • Fix an issue in DAML Script where the port was ignored for non-empty paths in the url when running DAML Script over the JSON API.
  • Fix an issue in the Ledger API indexer that could have caused a crash in the presence of divulged contracts. Exclusively affects DAML ledger implementations where distributed participants each only see a portion of the ledger. The sandbox is not affected. See

Ledger Integration Kit

  • The Ledger API Test Tool --exclude and --include flags now match the full test name as a prefix, rather than just suite names. Test name is built by combining the suite name with a test identifier, so this change should be fully backwards compatible. Run with --list-all to list all tests (as opposed to just the test suites with --list).
  • LfValueTranslation.Cache now requires separate configuration of lfValueTranslationEventCache and lfValueTranslationContractCache
  • Upgrade auth0 jwks-rsa version to 0.11.0
  • KVUtils does not commit output keys whose value is identical to input anymore
  • The Ledger API Server + Sandbox now accepts a new time model if none is set. Previously, it would erroneously be rejected because the generation number submitted to was incorrectly set to 2 rather than 1. This would not affect most users of Sandbox or other kvutils-based ledgers, as if a configuration is set automatically on startup when creating a new ledger. This affects users who explicitly override the initial ledger configuration submit delay to something longer than a few milliseconds.
  • Add 8 new  timer metrics to track database performance when storing transactions. The overall time is measured by daml.index.db.store_ledger_entry.
    • Timer daml.index.db.store_ledger_entry.prepare_batches: measures the time for preparing batch insert/delete statements
    • Timer daml.index.db.store_ledger_entry.events_batch: measures the time for inserting events
    • Timer daml.index.db.store_ledger_entry.delete_contract_witnesses_batch: measures the time for deleting contract witnesses
    • Timer daml.index.db.store_ledger_entry.delete_contracts_batch: measures the time for deleting contracts
    • Timer daml.index.db.store_ledger_entry.insert_contracts_batch: measures the time for inserting contracts
    • Timer daml.index.db.store_ledger_entry.insert_contract_witnesses_batch: measures the time for inserting contract witnesses
    • Timer daml.index.db.store_ledger_entry.insert_completion: measures the time for inserting the completion
    • Timer daml.index.db.store_ledger_entry.update_ledger_end: measures the time for updating the ledger end
  • Added 4 new timer metrics to track DAML execution performance The overall time is measured by
    • Timer daml.execution.lookup_active_contract_per_execution: measures the accumulated time spent for looking up active contracts per execution
    • Histogram daml.execution.lookup_active_contract_count_per_execution: measures the number of active contract lookups per execution
    • Timer daml.execution.lookup_contract_key_per_execution: measures the accumulated time spent for looking up contract keys per execution
    • Histogram daml.execution.lookup_contract_key_count_per_execution: measures the number of contract key lookups per execution

1.2.0 - 2020-06-10


  • Module prefixes can now be stored in daml.yaml. This means that you can use multiple versions of libraries in the same project by specifying them in daml.yaml instead of with the --package command line flag.
  • A new flag, --max-lf-value-translation-cache-entries, allows you to set a number of events for which DAML-LF values will be cached. This can help reduce latency when serving transactions.

What’s New

Module Prefixes


When upgrading a package using a DAML upgrade workflow, one has to import both the old and new version of the package as dependencies. If both the package and module names are the same, this used to require setting compiler flags. The new Module Prefixes feature gives an easier means of disambiguating the packages and modules.

Specific Changes

The compiler picks up a new block module-prefixes specified in daml.yamlmodule-prefixes takes entries of the form package: Prefix, and modules from the package are then accessible using that prefix. For example, the below makes module X from foo-1.0.0 available as Foo1.X, and X from foo-2.0.0 as Foo2.X.

  foo-1.0.0: Foo1
  foo-2.0.0: Foo2
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Refer to the documentation for detailed information.

Impact and Migration

This is a purely additive feature, so no migration is necessary. If your project uses the old --package compiler flag to disambiguate packages, you can switch to this simpler method.

Minor Improvements

  • The Sandbox’s --max-lf-value-translation-cache-entries option allows you to set a number of events for which DAML-LF values are cached. This can reduce latency in serving transactions.
  • daml damlc inspect-dar now has a --json flag to produce machine-readable output. See the documentation for more information.
  • The Scala bindings have gained a method, LedgerClient#close, which will shut down the channel and await termination. This is optional; the channel will still be shut down on JVM exit if this method is not called.
  • Record dot syntax like rec.field1.field2 is now handled in expressions entered into the REPL.
  • daml trigger, daml script and daml repl now all support the --max-inbound-message-size command line flag, which configures the maximum size of transactions that can be handled.
  • The createAndExerciseCmd command has been added to DAML Triggers.

Security and Bugfixes

  • Dependencies have been upgraded to newer versions to avoid exposure to reported security vulnerabilities.
    • Upgrade jackson version to 2.11.0 from
    • Upgrade io.grpc:grpc-xxxxx and io.netty:netty-xxx version to latest
    • Upgrade protobuf and protobuf-java to 3.11.0
  • A Sandbox Classic migration issue when used with postgres has been fixed. See #6017
  • A bug where large multi-command transactions would cause a stack overflow in DAML Script was fixed.
  • The Standard Library’s DA.Text.splitOn function will now correctly handle the case where the separator appears at the end but should not be matched, as in splitOn "aa" "aaa" == ["", "a"]. See #5786 for more details.
  • The DAML linter, dlint, has been improved by removing some Haskell-based rules not currently applicable to DAML and by changing some function references.

Ledger Integration Kit

  • The Ledger API Server emits new metrics for the LF Value Cache. If the --max-state-value-cache-size is greater than zero, the following additional metrics will be recorded under the daml.kvutils.submission.validator.state_value_cache namespace:
    • hits
    • misses
    • load_successes
    • load_failures
    • load_total_time
    • evictions
    • evicted_weight
  • Added new Ledger API Server metrics for daml.index.db.*.translation to measure the time spent translating to and from the serialized DAML-LF values when fetched from the participant index.
  • Added new Ledger API Server metrics for daml.index.db.*.deserialization to measure the duration of the translation of the serialized DAML-LF values when fetched from the participant index.
  • The Ledger API Test Tool has gained the TransactionSize performance benchmark test.

1.1.1 - 2020-05-13


  • New package management endpoints on the JSON API
  • Better TLS Support for the JSON API
    • Action required if you start the JSON API using daml json-api and do not run it behind a reverse proxy.

What’s New

New Package Management Endpoints on the JSON API


The Ledger API’s package management service allows uploading, downloading and listing of DAML packages available on a DAML Ledger. For situations where connecting to the Ledger API is not possible or is inconvenient, these services are now available through the JSON API as well.

Specific Changes

The JSON API has three new endpoints

  • GET /v1/packages – returns all package IDs
  • GET /v1/packages/<package ID> – downloads a given DALF package
  • POST /v1/packages – uploads a DAR file to the ledger
Impact and Migration

This is a purely additive change. Users who connect to gRPC from their applications for the sole purpose of managing DAML packages may switch over to the new endpoints to eliminate dependencies on gRPC or Ledger API language bindings.

Better TLS Support for the JSON API


In addition to the numerous new TLS options introduced in SDK 1.0.0, the JSON API can now also connect to the Ledger API via TLS. To protect against insecure connections which may leak access tokens, it also adds a warning if not run behind a reverse proxy that terminates TLS connections. This warning will become an error in a future release.

Specific Changes
  • The JSON API accepts new command line parameters --pem, --crt, --cacrt, and --tls, which configure it to connect to the Ledger API using TLS.
  • By default, the JSON API now checks that connections are made through a reverse-proxy providing HTTPS, ensuring that JWT tokens don’t leak. To disable this check, such as for development, pass --allow-insecure-tokens. A failed check currently results in a warning.
Impact and Migration

daml start automatically sets this flag so there is no migration needed. If you are starting the JSON API manually, we advise you to add the flag --allow-insecure-tokens for development environments, and to run the JSON API behind a TLS-enabled reverse proxy in production.

Minor Improvements

  • Faster Sandbox reset via the ResetService.
  • daml trigger and  daml script now default to wall clock time if neither --wall-clock-time or --static-time is passed.
  • daml script now has an --output-file option that can be used to specify a file the result of the script should be  written to. Similar to --input-file the result will be output in the DAML-LF JSON encoding.
  • You can now disable implicit party allocation of the Sandbox by passing the flag --implicit-party-allocation=false. This makes it easier to test as you would against another ledger which does not support this feature.
  • The daml ledger commands no longer require the Bearer prefix in the access token file. This matches the behavior of DAML Script and other SDK tools.
  • Added --max-commands-in-flight to Sandbox CLI configs. This limits the maximum number of unconfirmed commands in flight in CommandService.

Improvements to Early Access Features

  • daml damlc visual now works properly in projects consisting of multiple packages.
  • Fix a bug where exerciseByKey was not properly recognized by daml damlc visual.
  • DAML REPL now produces better error messages on calls to error and abort.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a bug where scenarios with names containing special characters resulted in a crash in the scenario service.
  • The Sandbox properly respects the --log-level CLI parameter
  • The sandbox now properly delays command submissions using minLedgerTimeAbs or minLedgerTimeRel. See issue #5480.
  • Migrating from Sandbox 0.13.55 to Sandbox Classic 1.0.0 could have introduced contracts falsely reported as active when in fact they are not. Migrating to Sandbox Classic 1.1.0 will fix the issue. See issue #5659.

Changes to Ledger Integration Kit

These changes only affect ledger integrators and operators that consume the metrics emitted by the DAML Integration Kit. We have introduced new metrics and adjusted the naming of existing metrics to be consolidated. If you have built a dashboard for a ledger built using the integration kit, then you will need to adapt that dashboard. The changes are as follows.

We have introduced these new metrics:

  • a timing metric for the commit at daml.kvutils.writer.commit.
  • a metric for command validation upon submission, daml.commands.validation.
  • daml.commands.submissions is a new timer that measures all submissions.
  • daml.commands.valid_submissions is a new meter that counts valid (unique, interpretable) submissions.
  • daml.kvutils.reader.parse_updates is a new timer that measures the translation time of ledger log entries when serving state updates to the indexer.
  • daml.kvutils.reader.open_envelope is a new timer that measures the deserialization time of ledger log entries when serving state updates to the indexer.
  • daml.ledger.log.append is a new timer that measures the time for writing new log entries.
  • is a new timer that measures reading from the ledger state.
  • daml.ledger.state.write is a new timer that measures writing to the ledger state.
  • We have renamed these metrics:
    • daml.lapi.command_submission_service.failed_command_interpretations has been renamed to daml.commands.failed_command_interpretations.
    • daml.lapi.command_submission_service.deduplicated_commands has been renamed to daml.commands.deduplicated_commands.
    • daml.lapi.command_submission_service.delayed_submissions has been renamed to daml.commands.delayed_submissions.
    • daml.lapi.command_submission_service.submitted_transactions has been renamed to
  • The metrics registry should now be passed using the new com.daml.metrics.Metrics type, which wraps/replaces com.codahale.metrics.MetricsRegistry.
  • maxDeduplicationTime configuration (the maximum time window during which commands can be deduplicated) has moved from SubmissionConfiguration to the Configuration class.
  • Engine is now mandatory in several  participant api server related constructors to avoid running multiple interpretation engines.

1.0.1 - 2020-04-27

This is a bugfix release for SDK 1.0.0. All users of SDK 1.0.0 are encouraged to upgrade at their earliest convenience. This release fixes 3 issues:

  1. Fix an issue with false negative contract key lookups by non-stakeholders (see for details).

    This issue affected the new Sandbox introduced in SDK 1.0.0 (but not sandbox-classic) as well as the scenario service. Both Sandbox and the scenario service are fixed.

  2. Fix a crash in the scenario service.

    SDK 1.0 introduced a bug where the scenario service would crash if a failing transaction contained transient contracts. In DAML Studio this was shown as the following error:

BErrorClient (ClientIOError (GRPCIOBadStatusCode StatusUnknown (StatusDetails {unStatusDetails = \“\”})))
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  1. Fix an issue where Sandbox incorrectly rejected certain commands relying on getTime during validation (see for details). This was only an issue if you set either min_ledger_time_rel or min_ledger_time_abs.

1.0.0 - 2020-04-15


  • New JavaScript/TypeScript client-side tooling is now stable and the recommended way to build DAML applications. A new Getting Started Guide based on these tools has replaced the Quickstart guide.
  • The Time Model has been improved so that it works seamlessly without user input to the Ledger API. Action needed when you update to the latest version of API bindings or recompile gRPC clients.
  • More TLS configuration options for DAML Ledgers.
  • The next generation Sandbox is now the default, bringing an experience closer to a distributed ledger. Immediate action is needed if your project is relying on scenarios for ledger initialization.
  • Cleanup of names, deprecated features and language versions. Immediate action needed if you use any Java dependencies with com.digitalasset packages or Maven coordinates.

Known issues

  • The new Sandbox has a known issue where some false negative contract key lookups are only correctly validated on the read path, not on the write path. The net effect is that with carefully constructed DAML models, non-conformant transactions can be recorded in the underlying storage, which may lead to data continuity issues when this issue is fixed. Full details can be found on GitHub issue #5563.

What’s New

New Client Tooling


Distributed applications are much more than smart contracts running on a distributed ledger, and in 2019 we set out to make it significantly easier to build that part of applications which lives off-ledger: Automations, Integrations, and UIs. The new tooling is focused on giving application developers an easy-to-consume, real-time ledger state, which moves the development experience away from event sourcing and makes it similar to working with a database.

  • The HTTP JSON API: giving a queryable view of the ledger state and endpoints to submit transactions, all using an easy-to-consume JSON format.
  • A JavaScript/TypeScript code generator: turning a DAML package into a (typed) library to interact with the HTTP JSON API.
  • A set of JavaScript/TypeScript client libraries: working hand in hand with the code generator to interact with the HTTP JSON API, and bind ledger data to React components.
  • A new Getting Started Guide shows how all these pieces fit together to build a complete distributed end-to-end application with a custom UI.

The HTTP JSON API is designed to be consumable from any language ecosystem. The choice of JavaScript (and React) for the rest of the tooling was driven by the desire to aid application development all the way up to UIs, using the most widely adopted technologies.

Specific Changes
  • The documentation has a new Getting Started Guide. The previous Quickstart guide has moved under the Java Bindings section.
  • There is a new SDK template with a skeleton for an end-to-end application using the new tooling. It’s documented and used in the new Getting Started Guide. Use daml new create-daml-app create-daml-app to get started.
  • The /v1 endpoints of the HTTP JSON API and the JavaScript Code Generator and Support Libraries are now stable.
    • The JSON API has gained an endpoint to allocate parties: /v1/parties/allocate.
  • Support for maps and lists has been removed from the query language.
  • Note that the WebSockets streaming endpoint of the HTTP JSON API is still under development.
Impact and Migration

The new client tooling is almost purely additive so for most, no action is needed. For new applications, we recommend this tooling as it makes a lot of things quicker and easier. However, direct use of the Ledger API and HTTP JSON API continues to be a good option for anyone needing lower-level control or wanting to use a different language for their applications.

The only non-backwards compatible change compared to previous versions is the removal of queries on lists and maps in the HTTP JSON API. There is no trivial migration for this. If you were relying on these capabilities please get in touch with us via, on our forum, or on Slack. We’d like to hear how you were making use of the feature so that we can replace it with something better, and we will make some suggestions to work around the removal.

Improved Time Model


SDK Release 0.13.55 introduced a new method for command deduplication and deprecated the command field maximum_record_time. SDK Release 1.0 further improves the Ledger Time model so that users no longer need to pass in any time related information to the Ledger API. The new time model is designed to work under almost all circumstances without user intervention, making developing applications against DAML Ledgers easier in practice.

Specific Changes
  • The Sandbox no longer emits Checkpoints at regular intervals in wall clock mode.
  • The ledger_effective_time and maximum_record_time fields have been removed from the Ledger API, and corresponding fields have been removed from the  HTTP JSON API and Ledger API language bindings.
  • The --default-ttl command line argument of the HTTP JSON API is gone.
  • Ledger Time is no longer strictly monotonically increasing, but only follows causal monotonicity: Ledger Time of transactions is greater than or equal to the Ledger Time of any input contract.
  • The Command Service is no longer idempotent with respect to duplicate submissions. Duplicate submissions now instead return an ALREADY_EXISTS error, consistent with the new deduplication mechanism of the Command Submission Service.
Impact and Migration

Old applications will continue running against new ledgers, but ledger time and maximum record time set on submissions will be ignored. As soon as the client-side language bindings or compiled gRPC services are updated, the fields will need to be removed as they are no longer part of the API specification.

Better TLS Support


DAML Ledgers have always supported exposing the Ledger API via TLS, but support on consuming applications was inconsistent and often required client certificates. From this release onward, more client components support consuming the Ledger API via TLS without client authentication.

Specific Changes
  • When Sandbox is run with TLS enabled, you can now configure the requirement for client authentication via  --client-auth. See the documentation for more information.
  • The daml deploy and daml ledger commands now support connecting to the Ledger API via TLS. See their documentation for more information.
  • DAML Script and DAML Triggers now support TLS by passing the --tls flag. You can set certificates for client authentication via --pem and --crt and a custom root CA for validating the server certificate via --cacrt.
  • Navigator, DAML Script, DAML REPL, DAML Triggers, and Extractor can now run against a TLS-enabled ledger without client authentication. You can enable TLS without any special certificates by passing --tls.
  • DAML Script and DAML Triggers have the option to configure certificates for client authentication via --pem and --crt and a custom root CA for validating the server certificate via --cacrt.
Impact and Migration

This is a new capability, so no action is needed. These new features are useful in production environments where client to ledger connections may need to be secured.

Next Generation Sandbox


The DAML Sandbox has had a major architectural overhaul to bring it and its user experience even closer in line with other DAML Ledgers. The new Sandbox is now the default, but the “classic” Sandbox is included as a deprecated version in this release. The classic Sandbox will be removed from the SDK in a future release and will not be actively developed further.

Specific Changes
  • daml sandbox and daml start start the new Sandbox. The classic sandbox can be invoked via daml sandbox-classic and daml start --sandbox-classic.
  • Wall Clock Time mode (--wall-clock-time) is now the default.
  • Scenarios are no longer supported for ledger initialization.
  • Contract identifiers are hashes instead of longer sequence numbers.
    • A new static contract identifier seeding scheme has been added to enable reproducible contract identifiers in combination with --static-time. Set flag --contract-id-seeding=static to use it.
  • Ledger API Offsets are no longer guaranteed to be a parsable number. They are an opaque string that can be compared lexicographically.
  • The command line flags --auth-jwt-ec256-crt and --auth-jwt-ec512-crt were renamed to --auth-jwt-es256-crt and --auth-jwt-es512-crt, respectively, to align them with the cryptographic algorithms used.
Impact and Migration

The impact is primarily on demo applications running in static time mode and/or using scenarios for ledger initialization. Since both the classic  and new Sandbox are compliant DAML Ledgers, there is no difference in behavior apart from these fringes.

If you rely on static time mode, set it explicitly using --static-time.

  • If you rely on reproducible contract identifiers, also set --contract-id-seeding=static.

If you use a scenario for ledger initialization, migrate to DAML Script. If you were parsing ledger offsets, you need to find a way to stop doing so. This is not guaranteed to be possible on DAML Ledgers other than the classic Sandbox. If you were relying on doing so, get in touch with us on We’d like to help with migration and want to understand how you were using this so we can better support your use case. If you were using ES256 or ES512 signing for authentication, adjust your command line flags. If you were running the now classic sandbox with persistence in a SQL database, you need to recreate contracts in the ledger run with the new sandbox. There is no automatic data migration available. To ease transition, you can revert back to the classic Sandbox using daml sandbox-classic and daml start --sandbox-classic=yes. Note that the classic Sandbox is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Cleanup for DAML SDK 1.0


As we are moving into the 1.0 release line, we have done some cleanup work, aligning names of artifacts, removing deprecated language versions, streamlining the release process, and finishing a few language tweaks by turning select warnings into errors.

Specific Changes
  • All Java and Scala packages starting with com.digitalasset.daml and com.digitalasset are now consolidated under com.daml.

    • Impact: Changing the version of some artifacts to 1.0 will cause a resolution error.
    • Migration: Changing Maven coordinates and imports using a find and replace should be enough to migrate your code.
  • Ledger API services are now under the com.daml package. A compatibility layer has been added to also expose the services under the com.digitalasset package.

    • Impact: grpcurl does not work with the compatibility layer.
    • Migration: Scripts using grpcurl need to change the service name from com.digitalasset to com.daml.
  • < DAML SDK 1.0: com.digitalasset.ledger.api.v1.TransactionService

    ≥ DAML SDK 1.0: com.daml.ledger.api.v1.TransactionService)

  • The default DAML-LF target version is now 1.8.

    • Impact: Projects will not run against old DAML Ledgers that do not support DAML-LF 1.8.
    • Migration: You can target 1.7 by specifying --target=1.7 in the build-options field in your daml.yaml.
  • All DAML-LF versions <1.6 are deprecated and will not be supported on DAML Ledgers.

    • Impact: The new Sandbox will not run DAML code compiled to DAML-LF 1.5 or earlier.
    • Migration: Use classic Sandbox to run older DAML models.
  • We no longer release the SDK to Bintray.

    • Impact: If you were relying on artifacts on Bintray, you will not be able to update to version 1.0 without changing the repository.
    • Migration: The new locations are as follows:
      • SDK Releases and Protobuf files are released to GitHub Releases.
      • Java/Scala artifacts are on Maven Central.
      • JavaScript artifacts are on NPM.
  • File names must now match up with module names. This already produced a warning in previous releases

    • Impact: Projects in which there are mismatches will no longer build.
    • Migration: Change your .daml filenames to match module names.
  • It is now an error to define a record with a single constructor where the constructor does not match the type name. This restriction only applies to single-constructor records. Variants and enums are not affected. This already produced a warning in SDK 0.13.55.

    • Impact: Projects with now illegal type declarations will no longer build.
    • Migration: In declarations of the type data X = Y with .., you have to change the type name (X) to match data constructor name (Y) or vice versa.
  • The compiler name collision check has been extended to also count the case as a collision where you have a type B in module A and a module A.B.C (but no module A.B).

    • Impact: Projects with such module names will produce warnings and stop compiling in a future release. The JavaScript Code Generator is not usable on packages that don’t uphold this restriction.
    • Migration: You have to rename your modules to avoid such name clashes.
Impact and Migration

Impacts and migrations are covered item by item in Specific Changes above.

Progress on Features Under Development


Work is progressing on two features that are currently under active development.

  1. The DAML REPL, introduced with SDK 0.13.55 is becoming richer in its abilities, getting ever closer in capabilities to DAML Script.
  2. Work on a Websockets streaming version of the HTTP JSON API’s querying endpoints is progressing. The aim with this streaming service is to combine the ease of consumption of the HTTP JSON API with the liveness provided by a streaming API.
Specific Changes
    • You can now use import declarations at the REPL prompt to bring additional modules into scope.
    • You can now use more complex patterns in statements, e.g., (x,y) <- pure (1,2).
    • You can now connect to a ledger with authentication using daml repl --access-token-file=path/to/tokenfile option.
  • Websockets on the HTTP JSON API
    • The error format has changed to match the synchronous API: {"status": <400 \| 401 \| 404 \| 500>, "errors": <JSON array of strings> }.
    • The streaming version of the query and fetch-by-key endpoints now emit the last seen ledger offset. These offsets can be fed back to new requests to start the stream at said offset. Such offset messages are also used for heartbeating instead of the previous explicit heartbeat messages.
Impact and Migration

The only impacts are on consumers of the Websocket streaming APIs. Those consumers will have to make some minor adjustments to include the API changes around error handling and ledger offsets.

Minor Changes and Fixes

  •  Better support for snapshot releases in the DAML Assistant.
    • daml version can now list the available snapshot versions by passing the flag --snapshots=yes.
    • daml install latest can now include the latest snapshot version by passing the flag --snapshots=yes.
    • DAML Script can now be run over the HTTP JSON API, which means it now runs against project:DABL. Take a look at the documentation for instructions and limitations.
  • Party strings are now restricted to 255 characters.
    • Impact: If you used the Sandbox with very long Party strings they’ll be rejected by the new Sandbox and other DAML Ledgers.
    • Migration: Shorten your Party strings. Note that in ledgers other than Sandbox, you may not be able to choose them entirely freely anyway.
  • You can now disable starting Navigator as part of daml start in your daml.yaml file by adding start-navigator: false.
  • Calls to the GetParties API function with an empty list of parties no longer results in an error, but in an empty response.

0.13.55 - 2020-03-18


  • DAML Script is officially supported
    • Action required by April 2020 if you use scenarios for Sandbox initialization
  • DAML Repl is available as an experimental feature
  • Support for cross-SDK DAR Dependencies and Contract Upgrades
    • Action required to mitigate an upcoming restriction to DAML type naming
  • Improved daml.yaml features
  • More consistent APIs regarding contract visibility
    • Potentially breaking change that is unlikely to affect any existing DAML applications
  • New command deduplication feature
    • Action required by April 2020 if you rely on maximum record time for command deduplication
  • Security improvement
    • Immediate action required to make SDK components continue to listen on external network interface

What’s New

DAML Script - A better way to initialize and test your ledger


Being able to script the interaction with a DAML ledger is useful for testing, application initialization, and even one-off operations in production use. DAML scenarios cover a subset of those uses: Realtime testing and feedback in the IDE and ledger initialization in the Sandbox in static time mode. The main drawback of scenarios is that outside of the IDE, they only work with the Sandbox in static time mode and only during ledger initialisation. We have, therefore, built DAML Script, which generalizes the concepts behind Scenarios to work for any DAML Ledger, at any time. Going forward, we will deprecate ledger initialization based on Scenarios, and we recommend users to start using DAML Script now.

Specific Changes
  • DAML Script is no longer experimental
  • daml.yaml now supports the specification of an initialization script via the init-script field, which is analogous to the scenario field.
  • DAML Script now works against ledgers with authentication with tokens passed in via the --access-token-file flag
  • DAML Sandbox now shows a deprecation warning if a scenario is used for initialization
Impact and Migration

Scenarios for Sandbox initialization will no longer be supported with the next SDK release in April 2020, but will continue to be supported for DAML model testing in the IDE and command line. If you are using a scenario to initialize the Sandbox today, we recommend migrating that to a DAML script. DAML Script has similar syntax to Scenarios. Take a look at the documentation for instructions on how to migrate from scenarios to DAML script.

Experimental: DAML Repl - Interactive DAML Script


We are introducing an interactive read-eval-print-loop (REPL) for interacting with a DAML ledger. This feature is analogous to using an interactive shell session to examine and change the data in a relational database. It is based on DAML Script and allows accessing all functions from your DAML code. We encourage you to test this feature and provide feedback. It is still marked as experimental, so we can incorporate your feedback effectively and efficiently.

Specific Changes
  • Introduction of the daml repl cli command
Impact and Migration

DAML Repl is an entirely new feature, and no changes to existing projects are needed. Please refer to the docs for more information on this new functionality.

DAML-LF 1.8 brings cross-SDK upgrades and data dependencies


One of DAML’s unique features is that the clear data ownership based on signatories allows for clean contract upgrades directly from within DAML. So far, this required SDK versions of the original and the new DAML contracts to be equal, a limitation that we obviously wanted to lift. This release lifts this restriction and adds support for contract migrations across SDK versions thanks to adding support for data-dependencies in daml.yaml.

dependencies and data-dependencies are source and binary dependencies respectively. dependencies should be used to include any libraries (e.g. the DAML Standard Library) that are always deployed together with the project, whereas data-dependencies should be used for any dependencies that are independently deployable, for example the DAML Finance Library, or applications already running on the target ledger.

Specific Changes
  • daml.yaml now supports a section for data-dependencies in addition to dependencies
  • The already deprecated daml migrate command has been removed
  • Data constructors for record types have to be the same as the type name.
Impact and Migration

To make use of this feature, DAML projects have to be compiled to DAML-LF 1.8. The current default is still 1.7, and so this has to be done by passing in the flag --target=1.8. Detailed information on the upgrading and dependency functionality can be found in the docs. Data constructors that don’t match record type names have to be renamed. For example, if you had a record type data Foo = Bar with .., you need to change it to data Foo = Foo with ...

More functionality in daml.yaml


The project file daml.yaml should tell the DAML Assistant CLI everything it needs to know to set up a test environment using daml start. However, until this release, there were certain Sandbox, Navigator, and HTTP JSON API settings that needed to be set through additional command line flags. These can now be set using sandbox-options, navigator-options and json-api-options sections in daml.yaml.

Specific Changes
  • Items under the sandbox-options, navigator-options and json-api-options sections in daml.yaml are picked up by daml start and passed to the respective components.
Impact and Migration

Command line arguments like daml start --sandbox-option="--wall-clock-time" will keep working as before, but you can now simplify your CLI usage moving them into daml.yaml.

Cleanup of some API services and components


Privacy is one of DAML’s primary concerns, with visibility of data usually constrained to signatories and observers of contracts. However, there are two well-documented and controlled mechanisms through which non-observers can learn about contracts: Divulgence and Witnessing.

Whether events or contracts that are known due to those mechanisms are shown in APIs or tools used to be inconsistent and led to oddities such as the Navigator showing assets that had been transferred. This change addresses these inconsistencies and ensures divulged and witnessed contracts are only included in APIs returning transaction trees.

Specific Changes
  • The Flat Transaction Service and Active Contract Service no longer include divulged and witnessed contracts
  • The JSON API no longer includes divulged and witnessed contracts
  • The Extractor no longer stores divulged and witnessed contracts and the column contract.witness_parties has been renamed to contract.stakeholders
Impact and Migration

Applications are unlikely to be accidentally relying on the current behaviour so there is probably little to no impact on existing DAML applications. In general, if you want to share data on a DAML ledger, we recommend using the observer mechanism or sharing it in dedicated sharing contracts as highlighted in the Broadcast Example.

New Command Deduplication Mechanism


For certain applications, it is crucially important that commands will not be processed twice, even if application or ledger components crash or network links fail. The new command deduplication mechanism gives a way to achieve that.

The previous mechanism based on Maximum Record Time (MRT) and Checkpoints on the CompletionStream was difficult to use in practice and didn’t generalise to ledgers without a linearly ordered record time. The new mechanism is designed to replace the old one over the course of the next DAML SDK releases.

Specific Changes
  • The Command and CommandSubmission services add a deduplication_time parameter to commands during which no second command with the commandId can be submitted.
Impact and Migration

The maximum record time based mechanism for command deduplication is now deprecated and will be removed with the next SDK release. We recommend switching from the MRT-based mechanism to deduplication_time based one. Detailed documentation here.

Minor Improvements

    • The JSON API has a new /v1/create-and-exercise endpoint that allows the submission of commands creating a contract and then immediately exercising a choice on it.
    • The experimental websocket streaming version no longer sends a {"live": true} marker to indicate live data is starting. Instead, live data is indicated by the presence of an offset.
    • The /v1/parties endpoint now allows POST requests, which expect a JSON array of party identifiers as input, and returns the corresponding party details.
  • Language
    • The pragma daml 1.2 is now optional. This is in preparation for DAML SDK 1.0 from which time on the language won’t be versioned independently from the SDK.
  • Ledgers
    • Rejected submissions are now logged at a lower “INFO” level to remove a source of warnings/errors without relation to server health.
    • The Sandbox can now produce random ContractIds consistent with other ledger implementations. This can be activated using the flags --contract-id-seeding=weak or --contract-id-seeding=strong. The weak version uses a less safe, non-blocking random number source.
  • Security
    • All services now bind to localhost ( instead to all interfaces ( This default can be overridden using command line flags:
      • daml sandbox --address
      • daml navigator 6865
      • daml json-api --address

What’s Next

We are working towards the first stable DAML SDK release in April. The majority of work between now and then amounts to tidying up, cleaning up UX issues, reducing architectural debt, and removing deprecated features.

  • The Quickstart / Getting Started documentation will be overhauled
  • The Ledger Time model will be upgraded so ledger_effective_time no longer needs to be supplied as part of command submission - Record time will no longer be guaranteed to be linearly ordered - Maximum Record Time will be removed from the API - Checkpoints will be removed from the CompletionStream
  • The DAML Sandbox will have a new architecture much more closely aligned with other DAML Ledgers - Contract Ids will be hashes rather than sequence numbers - The default time mode will switch to wall-clock - Ledger initialization via scenarios will be removed - Ledger Offsets will no longer be sequence numbers, but instead increasing integers
  • Maven artifacts will be versioned in line with the SDK
  • DAML will get a generic Map type to replace the current TextMap

0.13.54 - 2020-02-20


  • Removed the warnings regarding static time and scenarios on initialization. We will not deprecate these until we have a stable alternative.
  • If no ledger ID is provided when running against an existing ledger, use the existing ID. Previously, Sandbox would fail to start.

DAML Standard Library

  • Add subtractDays to the DAML Standard Library.

0.13.53 - 2020-02-19

[DAML Stdlib]

  • Restrict the (>>) operator to instances of Action and make it lazy in its second argument. This gives expressions of the form do A; B the desirable semantics of only running B when A is a successful action.
  • Remove the Action and ActionFail instances for Validation in DA.Validation. Please enable the ApplicativeDo language extension if you want to use Validation with do-notation and replace fail with DA.Validation.invalid.

[DAML Ledger Integration Kit]

  • Enforce that all parties referenced as stakeholders, actors, or maintainers in a transaction have been allocated.
  • Ledger API Test Tool default tests modified. Use --list for the updated list of default tests. Time service test dropped from the suite.


  • Static time mode is being deprecated in the future. A warning has been added to notify users of this fact.
  • Scenarios for ledger initialization are being deprecated in the future, in favor of DAML Script. A warning has been added to notify users of this fact. Scenarios can still be used for testing in DAML studio.
  • Participant index contract lookups simplified. This should speed up command interpretation.
  • If authentication is enabled, requests without a valid authentication are going to be rejected with an UNAUTHENTICATED return code instead of PERMISSION_DENIED.

[JSON API - Experimental]

  • Add {"live": true} to WebSocket streams to mark the beginning of “live” data. See issue #4461.

    This marker is a placeholder feature; issue #4509 bookmarks in query streams will obsolete this marker, after which it will no longer be emitted. When building features on the marker, be aware of this forthcoming replacement.

[DAML Standard Library]

  • Add a subtract function which is useful as a replacement for sections of (-), e.g., subtract 1 is equivalent to \x -> x - 1.

0.13.52 - 2020-02-12

DAML Assistant

  • The assistant can now do completions for SDK commands, e.g., daml ledger upl<TAB> will complete to daml ledger upload-dar.
  • The new behavior introduced in 0.13.51 to shut down when stdin is closed is now disabled unless you explicitly enable it by passing --shutdown-stdin-close.

DAML Script - Experimental

  • Add a HasTime instance for Script which allows you to get the current time (UTC in wallclock mode, UNIX epoch otherwise)
  • The time mode must now always be specified explicitly. Use --static-time to recover the previous default time mode.
  • Add a sleep function that pauses the script for the given duration. This is primarily useful in tests where you repeatedly call query until a certain state is reached.


  • Fix computation of witnesses of top-level fetch nodes in scenario results (“known to”).

DAML Studio

  • You can now open DAML Studio in the root of a multi-package project instead of opening it separately for each package. Take a look at the documentation for details on how to set this up.

DAML Triggers - Experimental

  • The time mode must now always be specified explicitly. Use --static-time to recover the previous default time mode.

JSON API - Experimental

  • wrap Streaming API events in JSON object: { "events": [ E1, E2, ... ] } See issue #4384.

  • The format of archived responses from WebSocket endpoints has changed to include template IDs, similar to exercise responses. See issue #4383.

  • Rename JSON API endpoints. See issue #4289 and issue #3145. .. code-block:

    /command/create => /v1/create
    /command/exercise => /v1/exercise
    /contracts/lookup => /v1/fetch
    /contracts/search => /v1/query
    /contracts/searchForever => /v1/stream/query
    /contracts/lookupForever => /v1/stream/fetch
    /parties => /v1/parties
    Copy to clipboard
  • Exercise response field “contracts” renamed to “events”. See issue #4385.

  • Added streaming version of fetch by key: /stream/fetch. See issue #4705.

  • /contracts/searchForever accepts multiple queries, and includes with each created result the matchedQueries indicating which queries matched. See issue #4363.


  • Fixed a memory leak when using the ResetService; not everything was cleaned up correctly.
  • Preliminary work to rebuild Sandbox on top of the DAML Ledger Integration Kit. Currently not exposed through the CLI.

0.13.51 - 2020-02-05

JSON API - Experimental

  • In websocket endpoints, if a ‘created’ and ‘archived’ contract in the same result array share a contract key, the ‘archived’ is guaranteed to occur earlier in the array than the ‘created’. See issue #4354.

DAML Assistant

  • Bash and Zsh completions will now fall back to regular file completions after the command argument.
  • The DAML assistant will now shut down long-running processes like daml sandbox when stdin is closed. This is mainly useful on Windows, where process APIs often kill the process in a way that does not allow it to do any cleanup, in particular, we cannot stop child processes.


  • Added a test case to the participant state tests to ensure your ledger state is resumable upon restart.


  • Fix an error that stops the server from exiting cleanly if API server initialization fails.

DAML Stdlib

  • Added partition function to prelude.


  • Updated roadmap to reflect the current state.

0.13.50 - 2020-01-30

DAML Compiler

  • damlc test now initializes the packagedb automatically which means that it will work on projects that declare custom dependencies in daml.yaml without having to call damlc init first.
  • Choices marked explicitly as preconsuming are now equivalent to a nonconsuming choice that calls archive self at the beginning.

DAML Integration Kit

  • The simplified kvutils API now uses com.daml.resources to manage acquiring and releasing resources instead of Closeable.

DAML Standard Library

  • Add CanAbort instance for Either Text.

DAML Studio

  • Support all build-options supported by daml build.


  • On initialization error, report the error correctly and exit with a status code of 1. Previously, the program would hang indefinitely. (This regression was introduced in v0.13.41.)
  • Upgrade the Flyway database migrations library from v5 to v6.

DAML Triggers - Experimental

  • DAML triggers can now be tested in scenarios. Specifically, a trigger’s rule can be executed in a scenario and assertions performed on the emitted commands.

0.13.49 - This version was skipped

0.13.48 - This version was skipped

0.13.47 - This version was skipped

0.13.46 - 2020-01-22


  • The sandbox uses a new payload format for authentication tokens (JWTs). The old format is deprecated, but still works.


  • The HTTP JSON API now uses the same payload format for authentication tokens as the sandbox. The old format is deprecated, but still works.

DAML Studio

  • Scenarios with unserializable result types no longer crash the scenario service.

0.13.45 - 2020-01-22


  • Metrics are now namespaced by "daml" and their names have been standardized to snake_case.


  • Prohibit contract IDs in contract keys completely. Previously, creating keys containing absolute (but not relative) contract IDs was allowed, but lookupByKey on such a key would crash.

DAML Compiler

  • Added a --drop-orphan-instances flag in daml damlc docs.
  • The modification times in a DAR are now fixed to a given value which makes the output of daml build deterministic in single-threaded mode (which is the default).

JSON API - Experimental

  • Support Exercise by Key. See issue #4099.
  • Response format in searchForever changed to be more like exercise. See issue #4072.
  • In ‘search’ endpoint arguments, %templates is now templateIds. Additionally, all contract query fields must occur under ‘query’. See issue #3450.


  • Potentially fix a bug when recovering from failure.

DAML Standard Library

  • The Template, Choice, and TemplateKey typeclasses have been split up into many small typeclasses to improve forward compatibility of DAML models. Template, Choice and TemplateKey constraints can still be used as before.

0.13.44 - 2020-01-17

DAML Studio

  • Fix a bug introduced in 0.13.43 that caused DAML studio to stop responding after code completions were requested.

Ledger API Server

  • Publish the resource management code as a library under com.daml:resources.

Ledger API Authorization

  • Support EC256 algorithm for JWT rather than EC512

JSON API Experimental

  • WebSocket contract search at /contracts/searchForever. See issue #3936.

0.13.43 - 2020-01-15

DAML Compiler

  • The build-options field from daml.yaml is now also respected when --project-root is used.


  • Docker images for this release and releases in the future are built using the Dockerfile of the corresponding git tag and are therefore stable. Previously, they were updated whenever the Dockerfile changed.

Ledger API Server

  • BREAKING CHANGE lookupByKey now requires the submitter to be a stakeholder on the referenced contract. See issue #2311 and issue #3543.
  • Metrics: Update dropwizard to version 4.1.2.
  • Authorization: Support elliptic curve algorithm for JWT verification.


  • Allow submitMustFail in scenarios used for sandbox initialization.
  • Loosen database schema to allow persistence of transaction ledger entries where no submitter info is present (typically when the submitter is hosted by another participant node).
  • DAML trace logs (trace, traceRaw, traceId) are now logged via the regular logging system (slf4j+logback) at interpretation time via the logger daml.tracelog at DEBUG level.
  • Fix bug that can cause the transaction stream to not terminate. See issue #3984.

DAML Triggers - Experimental

  • You can now configure a heartbeat message to be sent at a regular time interval.

JSON API - Experimental

  • The /contracts/search endpoint reports unresolved template IDs as warnings. See issue #3771.
  • Use JSON string to encode template IDs. Use colon (:) to separate parts of the ID. The request format, with optional package ID: - "<module>:<entity>" - "<package ID>:<module>:<entity>" The response always contains fully qualified template ID in the format: - "<package ID>:<module>:<entity>" See issue #3647.
  • Align contract table with domain.ActiveContract class. The database schema has changed, if using --query-store-jdbc-config, you must rebuild the database by adding ,createSchema=true. See issue #3754.
  • The witnessParties field is removed from all JSON responses.

0.13.42 - 2020-01-08

JSON API - Experimental

  • Rename argument in active contract to payload. See #3826.
  • Change variant JSON encoding. The new format is { tag: data-constructor, value: argument }. For example, if we have: data Foo = Bar Int | Baz, these are all valid JSON encodings for values of type Foo: - {"tag": "Bar", "value": 42} - {"tag": "Baz", "value": {}} See #3622
  • Fix /contracts/lookup find by contract key.
  • Fix /command/exercise to support any LF type as a choice argument. See #3390

DAML Compiler

  • Move more types from daml-stdlib to standalone LF packages. The module names for the types have also changed slightly. This only matters over the Ledger API when you specify the module name explicitly. In DAML you should continue to use the existing module names.
    • The types from DA.Semigroup are now in a separate package under DA.Semigroup.Types.
    • The types from DA.Monoid are now in a separate package under DA.Monoid.Types.
    • The types from DA.Time are now in a separate package under DA.Time.Types.
    • The types from DA.Validation are now in a separate package under DA.Validation.Types.
    • The types from DA.Logic are now in a separate package under DA.Logic.Types.
    • The types from DA.Date are now in a separate package under DA.Date.Types.
    • The Down type from DA.Internal.Prelude is now in a separate package under DA.Internal.Down.


  • daml damlc docs now accepts a --exclude-instances option to exclude unwanted instance docs by class name.


  • Made ledger api server to bind to localhost by default instead to the public interface for security reasons.

DAML Assistant

  • Bash completions for the DAML assistant are now available via daml install. These will be installed automatically on Linux and Mac. If you use bash and have bash completions installed, these bash completions let you use the tab key to autocomplete many DAML Assistant commands, such as daml install and daml version.
  • Zsh completions for the DAML Assistant are now installed as part of daml install. To activate them you need to add ~/.daml/zsh to your $fpath, e.g., by adding fpath=(~/.daml/zsh $fpath) to the beginning of your ~/.zshrc before you call compinit.

DAML Script - Experimental

  • Allow running DAML scripts as test-cases. Executing daml test-script --dar mydar.dar will execute all definitions matching the type Script a as test-cases. See #3687.

Reference v2

  • On an exception, shut down everything and crash. Previously, the server would stay in a half-running state.

0.13.41 - 2019-12-18

DAML Ledger Integration Kit

  • Move to asyncronous package management service (#3806)
  • Fix indexer crash on duplicate submission. See #3847
  • Standardize and cleanup metric names to use underscores that are compatible with Prometheus
  • Add FailingCommandsIT and CommandSubmissionCompletion to Ledger test tool suite. Some of the tests previously part of the CommandService Ledger API Test Tool suite have been moved to a new home in CommandSubmissionCompletion to reflect the fact that those use the submission/completion workflow instead of leveraging the submit-and-wait alternatives.

DAML Triggers - Experimental

  • Expose timestamp in triggers. See #3612.

JSON API - Experimental

  • Fix and document /contracts/lookup endpoint. See #3755.
  • Expose exercise result. Changed the output of the /command/exercise. Note exerciseResult and contracts in {"status":200,"result":{"exerciseResult": ...,"contracts":[...]}. See #3314.


  • Restore 0.13.38 logging behaviour.


  • Restore 0.13.38 logging behaviour.


  • As of 0.13.39, we merged a number of internal JAR files in the SDK tarball to reduce its size. These jars used to be standalone JARs you could invoke as e.g. java -jar sandbox.jar <args>. As a result of merging the jars, they lost their individual logback.xml configuration file. Although running the jars directly was (and is still) not supported, note that you can now achieve the same behaviour with e.g. java -Dlogback.configurationFile=sandbox-logback.xml -jar daml-sdk.jar sandbox <args>.

DAML Standard Library

  • Add Eq instances for AnyTemplate, AnyChoice and AnyContractKey.

DAML Compiler

  • Fix an issue where transitive package dependencies resulted in packages not being found, if the DAR name was changed with -o.


  • Added documentation for authorization claims

0.13.40 - 2019-12-10

DAML Compiler

  • The modules DA.Types and GHC.Tuple from daml-prim have been moved to separate DALF packages.
  • Fixed an issue where packages produced by damlc resulted in type errors during validation by DAML engine.


  • The sandbox JWT authentication now respects the ledgerId and participantId fields of the token payload.
  • Improve loading of active contracts for the Sandbox SQL backend.
  • AuthService implementations can now restrict the validity of access tokens to a single ledger or participant.

Java Client

  • Ensure the access token is initialized when using a deprecated constructor.

RxJava Bindings

  • Added a method to the Bot class allowing users to specify a Scheduler to use for running the bot. See issue #2356.

Java Bindings

  • Removed warnings in code emitted by the Java Codegen.

0.13.39 - 2019-12-05

Java Bindings

DAML Compiler

  • The modules GHC.Prim and GHC.Types from daml-prim have been moved to separate packages.
  • Don’t make UndecidableSuperClasses a default language extension for DAML anymore. If you really need this feature for a module, you can reenable it using a LANGUAGE pragma at the top.


  • Reduced the size of the DAML SDK by about 60% uncompressed, 70% compressed, by deduplicating Scala dependencies.
  • daml damlc docs now takes into account the project’s build-options from daml.yaml.
  • daml ledger navigator now loads frontend-config.js properly.


  • Explicit config files passed via -c are preferred over daml.yaml.

Ledger API Server

Participant State API

  • Add a mandatory currentHealth() method to IndexService, ReadService and WriteService.

DAML Triggers - Experimental

  • DAML triggers can now be run against an authenticated ledger.

DAML Script - Experimental

  • Add createAndExerciseCmd matching the Ledger API command of the same name.

0.13.38 - 2019-11-29

Ledger API

  • Allow non-alphanumeric characters in Ledger API server participant ids (space, colon, hash, slash, dot). Proper fix for change originally attempted in v0.13.36. See issue issue #3327.
  • Add healthcheck endpoints, conforming to the GRPC Health Checking Protocol. It is always SERVING for now.

Ledger API Server

  • Ledger API Server and Indexer now accept an instance of MetricRegistry as parameters. This gives implementors of ledger integrations the most flexibility to set up metrics reporting that works best for them.
  • Add various metrics to track gRPC requests, command submissions, and state update processing. See #3513.

DAML Ledger Integration Kit

  • Add conformance test coverage for the service.
  • Add Ledger API Test Tool –load-scale-factor option that allows dialing up or down the workload applied by scale tests (such as the TransactionScaleIT suite). This allows improving the performance of different ledger over time.
  • The Ledger API Test Tool no longer shows individual test duration colored based on how long they lasted.


  • Add support for JWT tokens that only authorize to read data, but not to act on the ledger.
  • Add CLI options to start the sandbox with JWT based authentication with RSA signed tokens. See issue #3155 .
  • The --auth-jwt-hs256 CLI option is renamed to --auth-jwt-hs256-unsafe: you are advised to _not_ use this JWT token signing way in a production environment.


  • Fixed a bug where the --access-token-file option did not work correctly.

DAML Compiler

  • Bugfix: The Sdk-Version field in a DAR manifest file now matches the SDK version of the compiler, not the sdk-version field from daml.yaml. These are usually the same, but they could be different if you set the DAML_SDK_VERSION environment variable before running daml init or daml build.
  • Make the experimental feature “generic templates” unavailable. The current implementation is at odds with other, more important language features still under development.

DAML Studio

  • Notify users about new DAML Driven blog posts.

Java Bindings

  • Deprecated existing constructors for DamlLedgerClient, please use the static newBuilder method to instantiate a builder and use it to create the client, starting from either a NettyChannelBuilder or a plain host/port pair.
  • Rename DamlMap to DamlTextMap.
  • DamlCollectors class provides Collectors to build more easily DamlList and DamlTextMap.
  • Change the recommended method to convert DamlValue containers from/to Java Bindings containers. See docs/source/app-dev/bindings-java/codegen.rst for more details the new methodology.

DAML-LF Interface Reader

  • Rename PrimTypeMap to PrimTypeTextMap and PrimType.Map to PrimType.TextMap

JSON API - Experimental

  • Accept a path to a file containing a token at startup for package retrieval. See issue #3627.

DAML Triggers - Experimental

  • DAML Triggers now allow you to specify which templates you want to listen for. This can improve performance.

DAML Script - Experimental

  • DAML Script can now run be used in distributed topologies.
  • Expose the Ledger API exerciseByKey command

0.13.37 - 2019-11-20

DAML Stdlib

  • Added the NumericScale typeclass, which improves the type inference for Numeric literals, and helps catch the creation of out-of-bound Numerics earlier in the compilation process.
  • fromAnyChoice and fromAnyContractKey now take the template type into account.


  • Fixed a bug where Navigator becomes unresponsive if the ledger does not contain any DAML packages.


  • Add field gen_map in Protobuf definition for ledger api values. This field is used to support generic maps, an new feature currently in development. See issue for more details about generic maps. The Ledger API will send no messages where this field is set, when using a stable version of DAML-LF. However the addition of this field may cause pattern-matching exhaustive warnings in the code of ledger API clients. Those warnings can be safely ignored until GenMap is made stable in an upcoming version of DAML-LF.


  • The app can now work against a Ledger API server that requires client authentication. See issue #3157.

DAML Compiler

  • Breaking The default DAML-LF version is now 1.7. You can still produce DAML-LF 1.6 by passing --target=1.6 to daml build. This removes the Decimal type in favor of a Numeric s type with a flexible scale. Decimal is now a synonym for Numeric 10. If you get errors about ambigous literals, you might need to add a type annotation, e.g., replace 1.0 by (1.0 : Decimal).

JSON API - Experimental

  • CLI configuration to enable serving static content as part of the JSON API daemon: --static-content "directory=/full/path,prefix=static" This configuration is NOT recommended for production deployment. See issue #2782.
  • The database schema has changed; if using --query-store-jdbc-config, you must rebuild the database by adding ,createSchema=true. See issue #3461.
  • Terminate process immediately after creating schema. See issue #3386.

DAML Triggers - Experimental

  • emitCommands now accepts an additional argument that allows you to mark contracts as pending. Those contracts will be automatically filtered from the result of getContracts until we receive the corresponding completion/transaction.

DAML Script - Experimental

  • This release contains a first version of an experimental DAML script feature that provides a scenario-like API that is run against an actual ledger.

0.13.36 - 2019-11-14


  • Fix divulged contract visibility in multi-participant environments. See issue #3351.
  • Enable the ability to configure ledger api servers with a time service (for test purposes only).
  • Allow a ledger api server to share the DAML engine with the DAML-on-X participant node for performance. See issue #2975.
  • Allow non-alphanumeric characters in ledger api server participant ids (space, colon, hash, slash, dot).
  • Include SQL statement type in ledger api server logging of SQL errors.

DAML Compiler

  • Support for incremental builds in daml build using the --incremental=yes flag. This is still experimental and disabled by default but will become enabled by default in the future. On large codebases, this can significantly improve compile times and reduce memory usage.
  • Support for data dependencies on packages compiled with an older SDK (experimental). To import data dependencies, list the packages under the data-dependencies stanza in the project’s daml.yaml file.


  • Add the option to start the sandbox with JWT based authentication. See issue #3363.
  • Fixed a bug in the SQL backend that caused the database to be flooded with requests when streaming out transactions.

DAML Stdlib

  • maintainer function that will give you the list of maintainers of a contract key.

DAML Triggers

  • Added exerciseByKeyCmd and dedupExerciseByKey to exercise a choice given the contract key instead of the contract id.
  • getTemplates has been renamed to getContracts to describe its behavior more accurately. getTemplates still exists as a compatiblity helper but it is deprecated and will be removed in a future SDK release.
  • Fix a bug where the use of Numeric caused triggers to crash with an assertion error.

JSON API - Experimental

  • Fix to support Archive choice. See issue #3219
  • Implement replay on database consistency violation, See issue #3387.
  • Comparison/range queries supported. See issue #2780.

Extractor - Experimental

  • Fix bug in reading TLS parameters.

0.13.34 - 2019-11-07

DAML-LF - Internal

  • Freeze DAML-LF 1.7. Summary of changes (See DAML-LF specification for more details.):
    • Add support for parametrically scaled Numeric type.
    • Drop support of Decimal in favor or Numerics.
    • Add interning of strings and names. This reduces drastically dar file size.
    • Add support for ‘Any’ type.
    • Add support for type representation values.
  • Add immutable bintray/maven packages for handling DAML-LF archive up to version 1.7:
    • com.daml-lf-1.7-archive-proto

      This package contains the archive protobuf definitions as they were introduced when 1.7 was frozen. These definitions can be used to read DAML-LF archives up to version 1.7.

DAML Triggers

  • Triggers must now be compiled with daml build --target 1.7 instead of

0.13.33 - 2019-11-06


  • Fixed regression in Navigator to properly respect the CLI option --ledger-api-inbound-message-size-max again. See issue #3301.

DAML Compiler

  • Reduce the memory footprint of the IDE and the command line tools (ca. 18% in our experiments).
  • Fix compile error caused by instantiating generic templates at Numeric n.
  • The compiler now accepts single-constructor enum types. For example data A = A or data Foo = Bar.

DAML Triggers

  • Add dedupCreate and dedupExercise helpers that will only send commands if they are not already in flight.
  • Remove the custom AbsoluteContractId type in favor of the regular ContractId type used in DAML templates.


  • Fixed a bug a database migration script for Sandbox on Postgres introduced in SDK 0.13.32. See issue #3284.
  • Timing about database operations are now exposed over JMX as well as via the logs.
  • Added a missing index to the SQL schema for the Postgres Ledger.

DAML Integration Kit

Ledger API

DAML Stdlib

  • Add DA.TextMap.filter and DA.Next.Map.filter.
  • Add assertEq and assertNotEq to DA.Assert as synonyms for === and =/=.
  • Add DA.Foldable.mapA_, DA.Foldable.forA_, DA.Foldable.sequence_ and DA.Action.replicateA_. These functions match the behavior of corresponding functions without the underscore suffix but ignore the result which can be more convenient and efficient.

Extractor - Experimental

  • Extractor now stores exercise events in the single table data format. See issue #3274.

JSON API - Experimental

  • workflowId no longer included in any responses.
  • /contracts/search endpoint can optionally store searched contracts in a Postgres-based cache, by passing the new --query-store-jdbc-config option. See issue #2781.


  • Display release notes in the IDE when the DAML extension is upgraded.

0.13.32 - 2019-10-29

DAML Triggers

  • The trigger runner now supports triggers using the high-level API directly. These no longer need to be converted to low-level Triggers using runTrigger. Triggers using the low-level API are still supported.
  • The trigger runner has a new command that just lists the triggers in a dar using daml trigger list --dar path/to/dar.

DAML Compiler

  • The package database is now be cleaned automatically on initialization. This means that you should no longer have to run daml clean on SDK upgrades if you use DAR dependencies (e.g. with DAML triggers).


  • Improve performance of looking up contracts from postgres. See issue #2330.

0.13.31 - 2019-10-18


  • Party management fix, see issue #3177.
  • The maximum allowed TTL for commands is now configurable via the --max-ttl-seconds parameter, for example: daml sandbox --max-ttl-seconds 300.
  • Fixed a bug where CreatedEvent#event_id field is not properly filled by ActiveContractsService. See issue #65.


  • Shrink docker image containing the full DAML SDK from 2.8 GB to 1.2 GB.


  • Accept and use an access token to be used against Ledger API servers that require authentication, see issue #3156.
  • Demo-oriented password workflow has been removed.

Ledger Client

  • Expose new method to construct channels for more granular control over the client creation process.

JSON API - Experimental

  • Add /parties endpoint.

DAML Triggers - Experimental

  • The trigger runner now logs output from trace, error and failed command completions and hides internal debugging output.

DAML-LF - Internal

  • Changed the name of the bintray/maven package from com.daml-lf-archive-scala to com.daml.daml-lf-archive-reader

0.13.30 - 2019-10-15

DAML Standard Library

  • Add DA.Action.State module containing a State action that can be used for computations that modify a state variable.
  • Add createAndExercise.

DAML Compiler

  • Fixed the location of interface files when the source field in daml.yaml points to a file. This is mainly important for when you want to use the created .dar in the dependencies field of another package. See issue #3135.


  • Breaking Rename DAML-LF Archive protobuf package from com.daml_lf to com.daml.daml_lf_dev. This will only affect you do not use the DAML-LF Archive reader provided with the SDK but a custom one based on code generation by protoc.

  • Breaking Some bintray/maven packages are renamed:
    • com.daml-lf-proto becomes com.daml-lf-dev-archive-proto
    • com.daml-lf-archive becomes com.daml:daml-lf-dev-archive-java-proto`
  • Add immutable bintray/maven packages for handling DAML-LF archive up to version 1.6 in a stable way:
    • com.daml-lf-1.6-archive-proto

      This package contains the archive protobuf definitions as they were introduced when 1.6 was frozen. These definitions can be used to read DAML-LF archives up to version 1.6.

      The main advantage of this package over the dev version (com.daml-lf-dev-archive-proto) is that it is immutable (it is guaranteed to never changed once introduced in the SDK). In other words one can used it without suffering frequent breaking changes introduced in the dev version.

      Going forward the SKD will contain a similar immutable package containning the proto definition for at least each DAML-LF version the compiler supports.

      We strongly advise anyone reading DAML-LF Archive directly to use this package (or the com.daml:daml-lf-1.6-archive-java-proto package described below). Breaking changes to the dev version may be introduced frequently and without further notice in the release notes.

    • com.daml:daml-lf-1.6-archive-java-proto

      This package contains the java classes generated from the package com.daml-lf-1.6-archive-proto

DAML Triggers

  • This release contains a first version of an experimental DAML triggers feature that allows you to implement off-ledger automation in DAML.

DAML-SDK Docker Image

  • The image now contains a daml user and the SDK is installed to /home/daml/.daml. /home/daml/.daml/bin is automatically added to PATH.

JSON API - Experimental

  • Support for automatic package reload See issue #2906.

Java Bindings

  • Add helper to prepare transformer for Bot.wire. See issue #3097.


  • The ledger api index server starts only after the indexer has finished initializing the database.


  • Filter contracts or contracts keys in the database query for parties that cannot see them.

Scala Bindings

  • Fixed a bug in the retry logic of LedgerClientBinding#retryingConfirmedCommands. Commands are now only retried when the server responds with status RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED or UNAVAILABLE.

Scala Codegen

  • Fixes for StackOverflowErrors in reading large LF archives. See issue #3104.

SQL Extractor

0.13.29 - 2019-10-04

  • Rerelease of 0.13.28 since that failed due to CI issues.

0.13.28 - 2019-10-04

JSON API - Experimental

  • Returning archived and active/created contracts from /command/exercise endpoint. See issue #2925.
  • Flattening the output of the /contracts/search endpoint. The endpoint returns ActiveContract objects without GetActiveContractsResponse wrappers. See issue #2987.


  • Bundle the daml-trigger package. Note, this package is experimental and will change.
  • Releases can now bundle additional libraries with the SDK in $DAML_SDK/daml-libs. You can refer to them in your daml.yaml file by listing the package name without .dar extension. See issue #2979.

DAML Studio

  • damlc ide now also supports a --target option. The easiest way to specify this is the build-options field in daml.yaml.
  • Fix a bug where the same module was imported twice under different file paths caused module name collisions. See issue #3099.


  • Improve SQL backend performance by eliminating extra queries to the database.
  • Enhance logging to correlate log messages with the associated participant id in multi-participant node tests and environments
  • Ledger api server indexer closes akka system on shutdown.
  • The ledger api server now stores divulged, otherwise unknown contracts.

DAML Visualization

  • Adding daml damlc visual-web command. visual-command generates webpage with d3 network.

DAML Ledger Integration Kit

  • The transaction service is now fully tested.
  • The TTL for commands is now read from the configuration service.
  • The contract key tests now live under a single test suite and are multi-node aware.

DAML Compiler

  • Fix a problem where constraints of the form Template (Foo t) caused the compiler to suggest enabling the UndecidableInstances language extension.
  • Generic template instantiations like template instance IouProposal = Proposal Iou now generate a type synonym type IouProposal = Proposal Iou that can be used in DAML. Before, they generated a newtype, which cannot be used anymore.
  • Fixed a bug where damlc build sometimes did not find modules during typechecking even if they were present during parallel compilations.


  • Document how to verify the signature on release tarballs.

0.13.27 - 2019-09-25

DAML Assistant

  • daml start now supports --sandbox-option=opt, --navigator-option=opt and --json-api-option=opt to pass additional option to sandbox/navigator/json-api. These flags can be specified multiple times.

DAML Compiler

  • Fix a bug where generic templates could crash the compiler.


  • Fix signing process.

0.13.26 - 2019-09-24


  • /contracts/search now supports a query language for filtering the contracts returned by matching fields. See issue 2778.

DAML Compiler

  • Fix a bug where .dar files produced by daml build were missing all .daml files except for the one that source pointed to.
  • Fix a bug where importing the same module from different directories resulted in an error in daml build.
  • damlc migrate now produces a project that can be built with daml build as opposed to having to use the special and build.cmd scripts.

DAML Integration Toolkit

  • 30 more test cases have been added to the transaction service test suite.


  • Starting with this one, releases are now signed on GitHub.

0.13.25 - 2019-09-18


  • Suppress instance documentation when –data-only mode is requested.


  • Change signature of MUL_NUMERIC and DIV_NUMERIC.

DAML Integration Kit

  • Fix contract key uniqueness check in kvutils.
  • Preload packages in a background thread in kvutils.


  • ActiveContractsService now specifies to always return at least one message with the offset. This removes a special case where clients would need to check if the stream was empty or not.
  • Dramatically increased performance of the ActiveContractService by only loading the contracts that the parties in the transaction filter are allowed to see.

0.13.24 - 2019-09-16

Java codegen

  • If the DAR source cannot be read, the application crashes and prints an error report.

DAML Assistant

  • Java and Scala codegen is now integrated with the assistant and distributed with the SDK. It can be run via daml codegen. You can find more information in the DAML Assistant documentation.

DAML Compiler

  • Fix bug with qualified imports of generic templates.


  • Upgraded ledger-api server H2 Database version to 1.4.199 with stability fixes including one to the merge statement.

DAML Integration Kit

  • One more test case added. Transaction service tests are not multi-node aware.
  • Semantic tests now ensure synchronization across participants when running in a multi-node setup.

0.13.23 - 2019-09-11

DAML Integration Kit

  • The reference implementation can now spin up multiple nodes, either scaling a single participant horizontally or adding new participants. Check the CLI --help option.
  • The test tool now runs the double spend test on a shared contract in a multi-node setup (as well as single-node).
  • The test tool can now run all semantic test in a multi-node setup.

DAML Standard Library

  • BREAKING CHANGE The (/) operator was moved out of the Fractional typeclass into a separate Divisible typeclass, which is now the parent class of Fractional. The Int instance of Fractional is discontinued, but there is an Int instance of Divisible. This change will break projects that rely on the Fractional Int instance. To fix that, change the code to rely on Divisible Int instead. This change will also break projects where a Fractional instance is defined. To fix that, add a Divisible instance and move the definition of (/) there.

DAML Assistant

  • The HTTP JSON API is now integrated with the assistant and distributed with the SDK. It can either be launched via daml json-api or via daml start. You can find more information in the README.
  • The daml.yaml file now supports an additional field build-options, which you can use to list cli options you want added to invocations of daml build and daml ide.


  • BREAKING CHANGE The /contracts/search request payload must use "%templates" in place of "templateIds" to select which templates’ contracts are returned. See issue #2777.

DAML Compiler

0.13.22 - 2019-09-04

DAML Assistant

  • BREAKING CHANGE Changed the meaning of the source field in the daml.yaml file to be a pointer to the source directory of the DAML code contained in a project relative to the project root. This is breaking projects, where the source field of the project is pointing to a non-toplevel location in the source code directory structure.

DAML Integration Kit

  • Introduced initial support for multi-node testing. Note that for the time being no test actually uses more than one node.
  • BREAKING CHANGE The -p / --target-port and -h / --host flags have been discontinued. Pass one (or more) endpoints to test as command line arguments in the <host>:<port> form.


  • Basic explanation of generic templates.

Ledger API

  • BREAKING CHANGE In Protobuf Value message, rename decimal` field to ``numeric.


  • Updated the PostgreSQL JDBC driver to version 42.2.6.
  • Added TRACE level debugging for database operations.
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to an inconsistent snapshot of active contracts being served by the ActiveContractsService under high load.
  • Commands are now deduplicated based on (submitter, application_id, command_id).

0.13.21 - 2019-08-29

DAML Compiler

  • Enable the language extension FlexibleContexts by default.
  • BREAKING CHANGE Enable the language extension MonoLocalBinds by default. let and where bindings introducing polymorphic functions that are used at different types now need an explicit type annotation. Without the type annotation the type of the first use site will be inferred and use sites at different types will fail with a type mismatch error.

Java Codegen

  • Fix bug that caused the generation of duplicate methods that affected sources with data constructors with type parameters that are either non-unique or not presented in the same order as in the corresponding data type declaration. See #2367.


  • H2 Database support in the Ledger API Server.


  • The sandbox now properly sets the connection pool properties minimumIdle, maximumPoolSize, and connectionTimeout.

0.13.20 - 2019-08-22


  • Added platform-independent tips for testing

DAML Compiler

  • Some issues that caused damlc test to crash on shutdown have been fixed.
  • The DAML compiler was accidentally compiled without optimizations on Windows. This has been fixed which should improve the performance of damlc and daml studio on Windows.
  • damlc build should no longer leak file handles so ulimit workarounds should no longer be necessary.
  • Allow more contexts in generic templates. Specifically, template constraints can have arguments besides type variables, if the FlexibleContexts extension is enabled.


  • Breaking Rename NUMERIC back to DECIMAL in Protobuf definition.

DAML Studio

  • damlc ide now also accepts --ghc-option arguments like damlc build so damlc ide --ghc-option -W launches the IDE with more warnings.
  • The VSCode extension now has a configuration field for passing extra arguments to damlc ide.

DAML Integration Kit

  • Participant State API and kvutils was extended with support for changing the ledger configuration. See changelog in respective package.scala files.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the reset service to hang for 10 seconds. See issue #2549.

Java Bindings

  • The Java Codegen now supports parametrized ContractIds. See #2258.

DAML Standard Library

  • Add stripInfix function to DA.List.

0.13.19 - 2019-08-14


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the ledger from loading transactions with empty workflow ids.
  • Fixed internal shutdown order to avoid dead letter warnings when stopping Sandbox/Ledger API Server. See issue #1886.

DAML Studio

  • Added a new command for visualizing a project in the IDE.
  • Print stack trace when a scenario fails.
  • Various memory leaks have been fixed so long-running sessions should no longer show a significant increase in memory usage.

DAML Compiler

  • The --project-root option now works properly with relative paths in daml build.
  • Support generic template declarations and instances. Documentation for generic templates is still being worked on.
  • The --dump-pom flag from damlc package has been removed as packaging has not relied on POM files for a while.


  • {"None": {}} and {"Some": value}, where previously accepted, are no longer supported or used for DAML Optional values. Instead, for simple cases, use the plain value for Some, and null for None. See issue #2361 for other cases.


  • A new, more intuitive JSON format for DAML values is supported. See issue #2361.

0.13.18 - 2019-08-07

  • Fix a bug where daml studio did not launch VSCode on Windows.

0.13.17 - 2019-08-07


  • For damlc docs, the --template argument now takes the path to a Mustache template when generating Markdown, Rst, and HTML output. The template can use title and body variables to control the appearance of the docs.

DAML Assistant

  • Spaces in user names or other parts of file names should now be handled correctly.
  • The daml deploy and daml ledger experimental commands were added. Use daml deploy --help and daml ledger --help to find out more about them.

0.13.16 - 2019-08-01

DAML Compiler

  • BREAKING CHANGE Handwritten instances of Template and Choice typeclasses are no longer supported. All template constructs must be defined using declarations inside template syntax.


  • The damlc docs command now produces docs to a folder by default. Use the new --combine flag to output a single file instead.
  • The damlc docs flag --prefix has been replaced with a --template flag which allows for a more flexible template.
  • The damlc docs flag --json has been dropped in favor of --format=json.


  • BREAKING CHANGE Changed schema to accomodate removed field ExercisedEvent#contract_creating_event_id. Existing database schemas are not compatible anymore with the newer version. The extractor needs to be run on an empty schema from Ledger Begin.

Java Bindings

  • Add all packages of java bindings to the javadocs. See #2280.
  • BREAKING CHANGE Removed field ExercisedEvent#contract_creating_event_id. See #2068.

Ledger API

  • BREAKING CHANGE Removed field ExercisedEvent#contract_creating_event_id. See #2068.


  • The active contract service correctly serves stakeholders. See #2070.
  • Added the --maxInboundMessageSize CLI parameter to set the maximum size of messages received through the Ledger API. If the value is not set the current default is preserved (4 MB).
  • Makes package uploads idempotent and tolerate partial duplicates. See #2130.

0.13.15 - 2019-07-25

DAML Studio

  • Scenario links no longer disappear if the current file does not compile. The location is adjusted but this is done one a best effort basis and can fail if the scenario itself is modified.

DAML Compiler

  • Support reading of DAML-LF 1.5 again.


  • Breaking Rename DECIMAL by NUMERIC in archive Protobuf definition.

Ledger API

  • BREAKING: Drop support for legacy identifier. The previously deprecated field name in Identifier message is not supported anymore. Use module_name and entity_name instead.


  • Fixed an issue when Navigator console did not see any contracts. See #2271.


  • Improved the Maven pom.xml file for quickstart-java to better integrate with VS Code. See #887.


0.13.14 - 2019-07-22

DAML Compiler

  • Support reading of DAML-LF 1.5 again.

DAML Studio

VSCode scenario view improvements. Add a note in the IDE if:

  • there is an open scenario view for a scenario that does no longer exist,
  • there is an open scenario view for a scenario in a file that does no longer compile.

0.13.13 - 2019-07-16

DAML Assistant

  • Fix VSCode path for use if not already in PATH on mac
  • BREAKING: remove –replace=newer option.

DAML Studio

  • Fix a bug where the extension seemed to disappear every other time VS Code was opened.
  • DAML Studio now displays a “Processing” indicator on the bottom left while the IDE is doing work in the background.


  • Fixing an issue around handling passTime in scenario loader See #1953.
  • Remembering already loaded packages after reset See #1979.


DAML Compiler

  • Add support for DAML-LF 1.6. In particular:

    • BREAKING CHANGE Add support for enum types. DAML variant types that look like enumerations (i.e., those variants without type parameters and without arguments) are compiled to the new DAML-LF enum type when DAML-LF 1.6 target is selected. For instance the daml type declaration of the form:

      data Color = Red | Green | Blue
      Copy to clipboard

      will produce a DAML-LF enum type instead of DAML-LF variant type. This change is breaking, since this release makes DAML-LF 1.6 the default compiler output.

    • Add DA.Text.toCodePoints and DA.Text.fromCodePoints primitives to (un)pack strings.

    • Add support for DAML-LF intern package IDs.

  • BREAKING CHANGE Make DAML-LF 1.6 the default output. This change activates the support of enum type describes above.

  • BREAKING CHANGE Drop support for DAML-LF 1.5. Compiling to DAML-LF 1.6 requires some changes regarding enum types to applications using the Ledger API, see above. (The ledger server still supports DAML-LF 1.5.)

Ledger API

  • Add support for enum types. Simple DAML variant types will be mapped to DAML-LF enum types when using a DAML-LF 1.6 archive. Ledger API Value Protobuf provides the new Enum message. This message must be used to communicate this new data type throught the API.

Java Codegen

Scala Codegen

  • Add support for enum types.


  • Add support for enum types.


  • Add support for enum types.


0.13.12 - 2019-07-09

DAML Assistant

  • Fix VSCode path for use if not already in PATH on mac.
  • Kill child processes on SIGTERM. This means that killing daml sandbox will also kill the sandbox process.


  • Fixed regression that produced an invalid daml-lf-archive artefact. See #2058.


  • BREAKING CHANGE damlc docs now typechecks the source files before doc generation, to be able to use type information during doc generation. This may break existing doc builds.
  • Added --package-name and --input-format flags to damlc docs.

0.13.11 - 2019-07-08


  • The completion stream method of the command completion service uses the ledger end as a default value for the offset. See #1913.
  • Fixed an issue when CompletionService returns offsets having inclusive semantics when used for re-subscription. See #1932.
  • DAML-LF packages used by the sandbox are now stored in Postgres, allowing users to resume a Postgres sandbox ledger without having to again specify all packages through the CLI. See #1929.

Java Bindings

  • Added overloads to the Java bindings CompletionStreamRequest constructor and the CommandCompletionClient to accept a request without an explicit ledger offset. See #1913.
  • DEPRECATION: the CompletionStreamRequest#getOffset method is deprecated in favor of the non-nullable CompletionStreamRequest#getLedgerOffset. See #1913.

Scala Bindings

  • Contract keys are exposed on CreatedEvent. See #1681.


  • Contract keys are show in the contract details page. See #1681.

DAML Standard Library

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Remove the deprecated modules DA.Map, DA.Set, DA.Experimental.Map and DA.Experimental.Set. Please use DA.Next.Map and DA.Next.Set instead.
  • Add Sum and Product newtypes that provide Monoid instances based on the Additive and Multiplicative instances of the underlying type.
  • Add Min and Max newtypes that provide Semigroup instances based min and max.

DAML Compiler

  • The default output path for all artifacts is now in the .daml directory. In particular, the default output path for .dar files in daml build is now .daml/dist/<projectname>.dar.

DAML Studio

  • DAML Studio is now published as an extension in the Visual Studio Code marketplace. The daml studio command will now install the published extension by default, but will revert to the extension bundled with the DAML SDK if installation fails. You can get the old default behavior of always using the bundled extension by running daml studio --replace=newer or daml studio --replace=always instead.
  • You can now configure the gRPC message size limit in daml.yaml via scenario-service: {"grpc-max-message-size": 1000000}. This will set the limit to 1000000 bytes. This should only be necessary for very large projects.
  • You can now configure the gRPC timeout daml.yaml via scenario-service: {"grpc-timeout": 42}. This option will set the timeout to 42 seconds. You should only need to set this option for very large projects.

DAML Integration Kit

  • Make DivulgenceIT properly work when run via the Ledger API Test Tool.
  • The submission service shuts down its ExecutorService upon exit to ensure a smooth shutdown.


  • The DAML-LF development version ( includes a new, breaking restriction regarding contract key lookups. In short, when looking up or fetching a key, the transaction submitter must be one of the key maintainers. Note that this change is not breaking since the compiler does not produce DAML-LF by default. However it will be a breaking change once this restriction makes it into DAML-LF 1.6 and once DAML-LF 1.6 becomes the default.

0.13.10 - 2019-06-28


  • Added –log-level command line flag.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The Sandbox no longer supports loading from DALF files. You can now only use DAR files. See #1610.

Ledger API

  • Added new CLI flags --stable-party-identifiers and --stable-command-identifiers to the Ledger API Test Tool to allow disabling randomization of party and command identifiers. It is useful for testing of ledgers which are configured with a predefined static set of parties.

0.13.9 - 2019-06-28

DAML Studio

  • Fix an error in the package.json that stopped the extension from being loaded.

0.13.8 - 2019-06-27


  • Contract details now show signatories and observers. See #1269.

Scala Bindings

  • Reflect addition of signatories and observers to the bindings. See #1269.

Java Codegen

  • Generated code supports signatories and observers as exposed by the bindings. See #1269.

Java Bindings

  • Reflect addition of signatories and observers to the bindings. See #1269.

Ledger API

  • Expose signatories and observers for a contract in CreatedEvent. See #1269.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Specify pretty C# namespaces in ledger api protos. C# bindings will end up in a different namespace than the default one. See #1901.

DAML Compiler

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Drop support for DAML-LF 1.4. Compiling to DAML-LF 1.5 should work without any code changes, although we highly recommend not specifying a target DAML-LF version at all. (The ledger server still supports DAML-LF 1.4.)


  • Made the archive CLI arguments optional. See #1905.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Specify pretty C# namespaces in archive protos. C# bindings will end up in a different namespace than the default one. See #1900.

0.13.7 - 2019-06-26


  • Rename none and some to optional_none and optional_some, resp., in Expr and CasePat.

0.13.6 - 2019-06-25

DAML Assistant

  • Added --install-assistant flag to daml install command, changing the default behavior of daml install to install the assistant whenever we are installing a newer version of the SDK. Deprecated the --activate flag.
  • Added --start-navigator, --on-start, and --wait-for-signal options to daml start, to make scripting and testing with the sandbox much easier.

DAML Studio

  • Opening an already open scenario will now focus it rather than opening it in a new empty tab which is never updated with results.
  • The selected view for scenario results (table or transaction) is now preserved when the scenario results are updated. See #1675.
  • Goto definition now works on the export list of modules.
  • Goto definition now works on types.




  • Protobuf has been upgraded to version 3.8.0. This also includes the protobuf-java library used as a dependency.

Ledger API

  • Added additional Ledger API integration tests to Ledger API Test Tool.

Java Bindings

  • The artefact com.daml.ledger:bindings-java now has grpc-netty as dependency so that users don’t need to explicitly add it.

DAML Integration Kit

  • Fixed a bug in the test tool that prevented users from running the tests. See #1841


  • Added support for SDK project configuration files. If you start Navigator with the SDK Assistant, Navigator will directly read the daml.yaml config file instead of the old Navigator config file. See #1128.

Docker Image

  • The daml-sdk docker images are now based on Alpine Linux.

0.13.5 - 2019-06-19

Release Procedure

  • Fixes to the CI/CD release procedure. See #1755 <>__.


  • Introduced a new API for package management. See #1311.

0.13.4 - 2019-06-19

Java Codegen

  • Support generic types (including tuples) as contract keys in codegen. See #1728.

Ledger API

  • A new command ExerciseByKey allows to exercise choices on active contracts referring to them by their key. See #1366.

Java Bindings

  • The addition of the ExerciseByKey to the Ledger API is reflected in the bindings. See #1366.

Release Procedure

  • Fixes to the release procedure. Note: The release to Maven Central was successfully performed _manually_ in release 0.13.3. This release should confirm that it will occur as part of the CI/CD. See #1745

DAML Studio

  • Closing and reopening scenario results will now show the results instead of an empty view. See #1606.

0.13.3 - 2019-06-18

Release Procedure

  • Fixes to the release procedure. See #1737

Java Bindings

  • The changes for Java Bindings listed for SDK 0.13.2 now only apply to SDK 0.13.3 and later. This is due to the partial failure of the release procedure.

DAML Studio

  • The IDE now executes tasks in parallel.


  • Fixed a bug in migration scripts that could cause databases originally created with older versions of the Sandbox to not upgrade schemas properly. See #1682.

0.13.2 - 2019-06-18

Visualizing DAML Contracts

Release Procedure

  • Fixes to the release procedure. See #1725
  • The changes for Java Bindings listed for SDK 0.13.1 now only apply to SDK 0.13.2 and later. This is due to the partial failure of the release procedure.

0.13.1 - 2019-06-17


  • Add an instance for IsParties (Optional Party), allowing Optional values to be used in signatory, observer and maintainer clauses.

Java Bindings

  • Release the Java Bindings to the public Maven Central repository. To move to using the Maven Central repository, remove the <repository>...</repository> and <pluginRepository>...</pluginRepository> blocks from Maven POM files that use version 0.13.1 (or later) of the Java Bindings. See #1205.

0.13.0 - 2019-06-17


  • This marks the first release that is no longer released for the da assistant. It is still possible to use it to get older SDK releases. Take a look at documentation for the new daml assistant for migration instructions.


  • Fixed a bug in an internal data structure that broke contract keys. See #1623.
  • Fixed a bug of not closing a resource properly when shutting down the Sandbox. See #1702.

DAML Studio

  • Double the gRPC message limit used for the scenario service. This avoids issues on large projects.

Ledger API

  • Slash (/) is now an allowed character in contract, workflow, application and command identifiers.

0.12.25 — 2019-06-13

DAML Integration Kit

  • Added new CLI flag --all-tests to the Ledger API Test Tool to run all default and optional tests.
  • Added new CLI flag --command-submission-ttl-scale-factor to the Ledger API Test Tool. It scales time-to-live of commands sent for ledger processing (captured as Maximum Record Time in submitted transactions) for some suites. Useful to tune Maximum Record Time depending on the environment and the Ledger implementation under test.
  • Fixed various bugs in the daml-on-x ledger api server and index service.


  • Introduced a new API for party management. See #1312.

Scala bindings

  • New –root command-line option for limiting what templates are selected for codegen. See #1210.

Ledger API

  • Contract keys are now available for created events from the transaction service. See #1268.

Java Bindings

  • The addition of contract keys on created events in the Ledger API is reflected in the bindings. See #1268.

Java Codegen

  • Contracts decoded from the transaction service now expose their contract key (if defined). See #1268.

0.12.24 - 2019-06-06

DAML Studio

  • Fix errors due to unhandled $/cancelRequest and textDocument/willSave requests from showing up in the output tab in VSCode. These errors also caused an automatic switch from the problems tab to the output tab which should now no longer happen.
  • Note that upgrading the VSCode extension requires launching it via daml studio. If you launch VSCode directly, you might get issues due to an outdated extension.

0.12.23 - 2019-06-05

SQL Extractor

  • 50MiB is no longer hard-coded on extractor input for sandbox or any other server, permitting large packages; e.g. pass --ledger-api-inbound-message-size-max 62914560 to extractor to get a 60MiB limit. See #1520.
  • Improving logging. See #1518.

DAML Language

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Contract key maintainers must now explicitly be computed from the contract key using the implicit key variable. For instance, if you have key (bank, accountId) : (Party, Text) and want bank to be the maintainer, you have to write maintainer key._1 (before, you could write maintainer bank).

DAML Compiler

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Drop support for DAML-LF 1.3. Compiling to DAML-LF 1.4 should work without any code changes, although we highly recommend not specifying a target DAML-LF version at all. (The ledger server still supports DAML-LF 1.3.)
  • Fix initialization of package-db for non-default DAML-LF versions. This fixes issues when using “daml build –target 1.3” (or other target versions).

DAML Standard Library

  • Add enumerate function.


  • Fixed a regression where Navigator console was not able to inspect contracts and events. See #1454.
  • 50MiB is no longer hard-coded on extractor input for sandbox or any other server, permitting large packages; e.g. pass --ledger-api-inbound-message-size-max 62914560 to extractor to get a 60MiB limit. See #1520.


  • Added recovery around failing ledger entry persistence queries using Postgres. See #1505.

DAML Integration Kit

  • The Ledger API Test Tool can now optionally run TransactionServiceIT as part of the conformance tests. This means you need to load additional .dar files into the ledger under test. Please refer to the updated instructions in the documentation.
  • Added new CLI options to the Ledger API Test Tool:
    • --list prints all available tests to the console
    • --include takes a comma-separated list of test names that should be run
    • --exclude takes a comma-separated list of test names that should not be run

0.12.22 - 2019-05-29

DAML Studio

  • Fixed a bug where type check errors would persist if there was a subsequent parse error.

DAML Compiler

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Drop support for DAML-LF 1.2. Compiling to DAML-LF 1.3 should work without any code changes, although we highly recommend not specifying a target DAML-LF version at all.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: By default damlc test must be executed in a project and will test the whole project. Testing individual files, potentially outside a project, requires passing the new --files flag.


  • The Syntax of party literals is relaxed by allowing the character colon. Concretely those literals must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9:\-_ ]+ instead of [a-zA-Z0-9\-_ ]+ previously. See #1467.

SQL Extractor

  • The extractor --party option may now specify multiple parties, separated by commas; e.g. instead of --party Bob you can say --party Bob,Bar,Baz and get the contracts for all three parties in the database. See #1360.
  • The extractor --templates option to specify template IDs in the format: <module1>:<entity1>,<module2>:<entity2>. If not provided, extractor subscribes to all available templates. See #1352.


  • Fixed a bug in the SQL backend that caused transactions with a fetch node referencing a contract created in the same transaction to be rejected. See issue #1435.

0.12.21 - 2019-05-28

DAML Assistant

  • The exposed-modules field in daml.yaml is now optional. If it is not specified, all modules in the project are exposed. See #1328.
  • You can now see all available versions with daml version using the --all flag.

DAML Compiler

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Drop support for DAML-LF 1.1. Compiling to DAML-LF 1.2 should work without any code changes, although we highly recommend not specifying a target DAML-LF version at all.
  • Make DAML-LF 1.5 the default version produced by the compiler.

DAML Standard Library

  • parseInt and parseDecimal now work at more extremes of values and accept leading plus signs.



  • BREAKING CHANGE: The string fields application_id, command_id, ledger_id, and workflow_id in Ledger API commands must now match the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9\._:\-#]{1,255}. Those fields were unrestricted UTF-8 strings in previous versions. See #398.

0.12.20 - 2019-05-23


  • Contract keys: Support arbitrary key expressions (this was accidentally omitted from 0.12.19).

0.12.19 - 2019-05-22


  • Transaction filters in GetTransactionsRequest without any party are now rejected with INVALID_ARGUMENT instead of yielding an empty stream

    See #1250 for details.


  • Contract keys: The syntactic restriction on contract keys has been removed. They can be arbitray expressions now.


  • Add new version 1.4 and make it the default version produced by damlc. It removes the syntactic restriction on contract keys.

Java Bindings

  • Bots: A class called LedgerTestView was added to make bot unit testing possible


  • BREAKING CHANGE - Syntax: Records with empty update blocks, e.g. foo with, is now an error (the fact it was ever accepted was a bug).
  • BREAKING CHANGE - Contract Keys: Before, maintainers were incorrectly not checked to be a subset of the signatories, now they are. See issue #1123


  • When loading a scenario with --scenario, the sandbox no longer compiles packages twice, see issue #1238.
  • When starting the sandbox, you can now choose to have it load all the .dar packages immediately with the --eager-package-loading flag. The default behavior is to load the packages only when a command requires them, which causes a delay for the first command that requires a yet-to-be-compiled package. See issue #1230.

SDK tools

  • The Windows installer is now signed. You might still see Windows defender warnings for some time but the publisher should now show “Digital Asset Holdings, LLC”.

0.12.18 - 2019-05-20


  • Removed unnecessary dependency in the quickstart-java example project.
  • Removed the Configure Maven section from the installation instructions. This step is not needed anymore.

SDK tools

  • DAML Assistant: We’ve built a new and improved version of the SDK assistant, replacing da commands with daml commands. The documentation is updated to use the new assistant in this release.

    For a full guide to what’s changed and how to migrate, see Moving to the new DAML assistant. To read about how to use the new daml Assistant, see DAML Assistant (daml).


  • BREAKING CHANGE - DAML Compiler: It is now an error to omit method bodies in class instance s if the method has no default. Almost all instances of such behaviour were an error - add in a suitable definition.

  • Contract keys: We’ve added documentation for contract keys, a way of specifying a primary key for contract instances. For information about how to use them, see Contract keys.

  • BREAKING CHANGE - DAML Standard Library: Moved the Tuple and Either types to daml-prim:DA.Types rather than exposing internal locations.

    How to migrate:

    • You don’t need to change DAML code as a result of this change.
    • People using the Java/Scala codegen need to replace import ghc.tuple.* or import da.internal.prelude.* with import da.types.*.
    • People using the Ledger API directly need to replace GHC.Tuple and DA.Internal.Prelude with DA.Types.
  • BREAKING CHANGE - DAML Standard Library: Don’t expose the TextMap type via the Prelude anymore.

    How to migrate: Always import DA.TextMap when you want to use the TextMap type.

  • DAML Standard Library: Add String as a compatibility alias for Text.

Ledger API

  • BREAKING Removed the unused field ExercisedEvent from Event, because a Transaction never contains exercised events (only created and archived events): #960

    This change is backwards compatible on the transport level, meaning:

    • new versions of ledger language bindings will work with previous versions of the Sandbox, because the field was never populated
    • previous versions of the ledger language bindings will work with new versions of the Sandbox, as the field was removed without any change in observable behavior

    How to migrate:

  • Added the agreement text as a new field agreement_text to the CreatedEvent message. This means you now have access to the agreement text of contracts via the Ledger API. The type of this field is google.protobuf.StringValue to properly reflect the optionality on the wire for full backwards compatibility. See Google’s wrappers.proto for more information about StringValue.

    See #1110 for details.

  • Fixed: the CommandService.SubmitAndWait endpoint no longer rejects commands without a workflow identifier.

    See #572 for details.

Java Bindings

  • BREAKING Reflect the breaking change of Ledger API in the event class hierarchy:

    • Changed data.Event from an abstract class to an interface, representing events in a flat transaction.
    • Added interface data.TreeEvent, representing events in a transaction tree.
    • data.CreatedEvent and data.ArchivedEvent now implement data.Event.
    • data.CreatedEvent and data.ExercisedEvent now implement data.TreeEvent.
    • data.TransactionTree#eventsById is now Map<String, TreeEvent> (was previously Map<String, Event>).

    How to migrate:

    • If you are processing data.TransactionTree objects, you need to change the type of the processed events from data.Event to data.TreeEvent.
    • If you are checking for the presense of exercised events when processing data.Transaction objects, you can remove that code now. It would never have triggered in the first place, as transactions do not contain exercised events.
  • Java Codegen: You can now call a method to get a CreateAndExerciseCommand for each choice, for example:

    CreateAndExerciseCommand cmd = new MyTemplate(owner, someText).createAndExerciseAccept(42L);
    Copy to clipboard

    In this case MyTemplate is a DAML template with a choice Accept and the resulting command will create a contract and exercise the Accept choice within the same transaction.

    See issue #1092 for details.

  • Added agreement text of contracts: #1110

    • Java Bindings
      • Added field Optional<String> agreementText to data.CreatedEvent, to reflect the change in Ledger API.
    • Java Codegen
      • Added generated field Optional<String> TemplateName.Contract#agreementText.
      • Added generated static method TemplateName.Contract.fromCreatedEvent(CreatedEvent). This is the preferred method to use for converting a CreatedEvent into a Contract.
      • Added generated static method TemplateName.Contract.fromIdAndRecord(String, Record, Optional<String>). This method is useful for setting up tests, when you want to convert a Record into a contract without having to create a CreatedEvent first.
      • Deprecated generated static method TemplateName.Contract.fromIdAndRecord(String, Record) in favor of the new static methods in the generated Contract classes.
      • Changed the generated decoder utility class to use the new fromCreatedEvent method.
      • BREAKING Changed the return type of the getDecoder method in the generated decoder utility class from Optional<BiFunction<String, Record, Contract>> to Optional<Function<CreatedEvent, Contract>>.

    How to migrate:

    • If you are manually constructing instances of data.CreatedEvent (for example, for testing), you need to add an Optional<String> value as constructor parameter for the agreementText field.

    • You should change all calls to Contract.fromIdAndRecord to Contract.fromCreatedEvent.

      // BEFORE
      CreatedEvent event = ...;
      Iou.Contract contract = Iou.Contract.fromIdAndRecord(event.getContractId(), event.getArguments()));
      // AFTER
      CreatedEvent event = ...;
      Iou.Contract contract = Iou.Contract.fromCreatedEvent(event);
      Copy to clipboard
    • Pass the data.CreatedEvent directly to the function returned by the decoder’s getDecoder method. If you are using the decoder utility class method fromCreatedEvent, you don’t need to change anything.

      CreatedEvent event = ...;
      // BEFORE
      Optional<BiFunction<String, Record, Contract>> decoder = MyDecoderUtility.getDecoder(MyTemplate.TEMPLATE_ID);
      if (decoder.isPresent()) {
          return decoder.get().apply(event.getContractId(), event.getArguments();
      // AFTER
      Optional<Function<CreatedEvent, Contract>> decoder = MyDecoderUtility.getDecoder(MyTemplate.TEMPLATE_ID);
      if (decoder.isPresent()) {
          return decoder.get().apply(event);
      Copy to clipboard

Scala Bindings

  • BREAKING You can now access the agreement text of a contract with the new field Contract#agreementText: Option[String].

    How to migrate:

    • If you are pattern matching on com.daml.ledger.client.binding.Contract, you need to add a match clause for the added field.
    • If you are constructing com.daml.ledger.client.binding.Contract values, for example for tests, you need to add a constructor parameter for the agreement text.
  • CreateAndExercise support via createAnd method, e.g. MyTemplate(owner, someText).createAnd.exerciseAccept(controller, 42). See issue #1092 for more information.


  • Renamed --jdbcurl to --sql-backend-jdbcurl. Left --jdbcurl in place for backwards compat.
  • Fixed issue when loading scenarios making use of pass into the sandbox, see #1079.
  • Fixed issue when loading scenarios that involve contract divulgence, see #1166.
  • Contract visibility is now properly checked when looking up contracts in the SQL backend, see #784.
  • The sandbox now exposes the agreement text of contracts in CreatedEvents. See #1110


  • Non-empty agreement texts are now shown on the contract page above the section Contract details, see #1110

SQL Extractor

  • BREAKING In JSON content, dates and timestamps are formatted like "2020-02-22" and "2020-02-22T12:13:14Z" rather than UNIX epoch offsets like 18314 or 1582373594000000. See #1174 for more details.

0.12.17 - 2019-05-10

  • Making transaction lookups performant so we can handle such requests for large ledgers as well

  • Sandbox: Transactions with a record time that is after the maximum record time (as provided in the original command) are now properly rejected instead of committed to the ledger.

    See issue #987 for details.

  • SDK: The Windows installer no longer requires elevated privileges.

0.12.16 - 2019-05-07

  • Contract keys: Fixed two issues related to contract key visibility.

    See issue #969 and issue #973 for details.

  • Java Codegen: Variants with unserializable cases are now accepted.

    See issue #946 for details.

  • Java Bindings: CreateAndExerciseCommand is now properly converted in the Java Bindings data layer.

    See issue #979 for details.

  • DAML Integration Kit: Alpha release of the kit for integrating your own ledger with DAML. See the DAML Integration Kit docs for how to try it out.

  • DAML Assistant: Added a quickstart-scala DAML Assistant project template.

  • DAML-LF Engine: If all labels in a record are set, fields no longer need to be ordered.

    See issue #988 for details.

0.12.15 - 2019-05-06

  • Windows support: Beta release of the Windows SDK.

    To try it out, download the installer from GitHub releases. The Windows SDK uses the new daml command-line which will soon also become the default on Linux and MacOS.

    Documentation is still in progress, but you can see Moving to the new DAML assistant and the pull request for the updated documentation.

  • DAML Standard Library: Added fromListWith and merge to DA.TextMap.

  • DAML Standard Library: Deprecated DA.Map and DA.Set. Use the new DA.Next.Map and DA.Next.Set instead.

  • Ledger API: Added three new methods to the CommandService:

    • SubmitAndWaitForTransactionId returns the transaction ID.
  • Beta release of the Windows SDK: You can download the installer from GitHub releases. The Windows SDK ships with the new daml installer which will soon also become the default on Linux and MacOS. Documentation is still in progress, take a look at the Migration guide and the updated documentation.

  • Add fromListWith and merge to DA.TextMap.

  • Release Javadoc artifacts as part of the SDK. See more here

  • Add DA.Next.Map and DA.Next.Set and deprecate DA.Map and DA.Set in favor of those.

  • Ledger API: Added three new methods to CommandService:

    • SubmitAndWaitForTransactionId returns the transaction id.
    • SubmitAndWaitForTransaction returns the transaction.
    • SubmitAndWaitForTransactionTree returns the transaction tree.
  • Ledger API: Added field transaction_id to command completions. This field is only set when a command is successful.

  • DAML Standard Library: Added instances of Functor, Applicative, and Action for (->) r (the reader monad).

0.12.14 - 2019-05-03

  • DAML Standard Library: The id function was previously deprecated and has now been removed. Use identity instead.
  • DAML and Assistant: The compiler no longer supports DAML-LF 1.0.
  • DAML-LF: As a new “dev” minor version, writing with --target is now supported by all tools by default.
  • Ledger API: You can now look up flat transactions with the new TransactionService methods GetFlatTransactionByEventId and GetFlatTransactionById.

0.12.13 - 2019-05-02

  • Sandbox: Fixed an problem with Postgres of potentially not stopping the transaction stream at required ceiling offset.

    For more details, see the pull request.

0.12.12 - 2019-04-30

  • Sandbox: Added support for using a Postgres database as a back end for the Sandbox, which gives you persistent data storage. To try it out, see DAML Sandbox.

  • DAML Integration Kit: Added documentation for the DAML Integration Kit. The docs explain what the DAML Integration Kit is, what state it is in, and how it is going to evolve.

  • DAML Integration Kit: Released the Ledger API Test Tool. To try it out, see Ledger API Test Tool.

  • DAML-LF: Removed DAML-LF Dev major version, --target dev option, and sandbox --allow-dev option.

    A “” target will handle the intended “Dev” use cases in a future release.

  • Ledger API: The list of DAML packages used during interpretation is now included in the produced transaction.

  • Scala: Source JARs are now released for Scala libraries.

  • DAML Standard Library: Renamed DA.TextMap.filter and DA.Map.filter to filterWithKey.

  • Contract keys: Fixed bug releated to visibility and contract keys.

    For details, see issue #751.

  • Contract keys: Fixed bug related witness parties in transaction events.

    For details, see issue #794.

0.12.11 - 2019-04-26

0.12.10 — 2019-04-25

  • DAML-LF: DAML-LF 1.3 is now the default compilation target for the DAML compiler. This means that contract keys and text maps are now available by default in DAML.

0.12.9 — 2019-04-23

  • DAML Standard Library: Added the DA.Math library containing exponentiation, logarithms and trig functions

  • Ledger API: Added CreateAndExerciseCommand to the Ledger API and DAMLe for creating a contract and exercising a choice on it within the same transaction.

    You can use this to implement “callable updates”: functions of type Update a that can be called from the Ledger API via a contract.

  • Publish the participant-state APIs and reference implementations.

  • Sandbox: Added the -s option to the CLI to have a shortened version for --static-time.

  • Sandbox: Change --allow-dev to be a hidden CLI option, as it’s generally not relevant for end users.

0.12.7 — 2019-04-17

No user-facing changes.

0.12.6 — 2019-04-16

  • Java Bindings: Removed blocking call inside Bot.wire, which could lead to an application not making progress in certain situations.

0.12.5 — 2019-04-15

  • DAML-LF: The DAML-LF Archive Protobuf definitions are now packaged so that it’s possible to use them without mangling the path.

0.12.4 — 2019-04-15

  • SDK: Build artifacts are now released to GitHub.

  • Sandbox: We now avoid recompiling packages after resetting using the ResetService.

  • Scala: The compiled google.rpc.Status is now included in the ledger-api-scalapb jar.

  • Ledger API: Fixed critical bug related to the conversion of decimal numbers from Ledger API.

    For details, see issue #399 and issue #439.

0.12.3 — 2019-04-12

  • SDK: Fix Navigator and Extractor packaging.

0.12.2 — 2019-04-12

  • DAML: Added flexible controllers and disjunction choices.
  • Sandbox: Introduced experimental support for using Postgres as a backend. The optional CLI argument for it, --jdbcurl, is still hidden.
  • Node.js Bindings: Fixed validation for Ledger API timestamp values.
  • Node.js Bindings: Drop support for identifier names, replacing them with separated module and entity names.
  • Node.js Bindings: Ledger API timestamps and dates are now represented with strings instead of numbers.
  • Node.js Bindings: Protobuf 64-bit precision integers now use strings instead of numbers, to avoid a loss of precision.
  • Java Codegen: Added support for DAML TextMap primitive. This is mapped to the java.util.Map type, with keys restricted to java.lang.String instances.
  • Java Codegen: Made log output leaner.
  • Java Codegen: Added flag for log verbosity: -V LEVEL or --verbosity LEVEL, where LEVEL is a number between 0 (least verbose) and 4 (most verbose).
  • BREAKING - Sandbox and DAMLe: Remove support for DAML 1.0 packages in the engine, and thus the Sandbox. Note that the SDK has removed support for compiling DAML 1.0 months ago.

0.12.1 — 2019-04-04

No user-facing changes.

0.12.0 — 2019-04-04

  • Change in how values are addressed in Navigator’s frontend-config.js.

    • Old syntax for accessing values:

    • New syntax:

      import { DamlLfValue } from '@da/ui-core';
      // Accessing field 'bar' of field 'foo' of the argument
      DamlLfValue.evalPath(argument, ["foo", "bar"])
      Copy to clipboard


  • BREAKING CHANGE - DAML standard library: Removed DA.List.split function, which was never intended to be exposed and doesn’t do what the name suggests.

  • BREAKING CHANGE - Java Bindings: Removed type parameter for DamlList and DamlOptional classes.

    The DamlList, DamlOptional, and ContractId classes were previously parameterized (i.e DamlList[String]) for consistency with the DAML language. The type parameter has been removed as such type information is not supported by the underlying Ledger API and therefore the parameterized type couldn’t be checked for correctness.

  • BREAKING CHANGE - Java Bindings: For all classes in the package, we shortened the names of the conversion methods from long forms like fromProtoGeneratedCompletionStreamRequest and toProtoGeneratedCompletionStreamRequest to the much shorter fromProto and toProto.

  • Navigator: Added support for Optional and recursive data types.

  • Navigator: Improved start up performance for big DAML models.

  • BREAKING CHANGE - Navigator: Refactor the GraphQL API.

    If you’re maintaining a modified version of the Navigator frontend, you’ll need to adapt all your GraphQL queries to the new API.

  • Navigator: Fixed an issue where it was not possible to enter contract arguments involving contract IDs.

  • Navigator: Fixed issues where the console could not read some events or commands from its database.

  • BREAKING CHANGE - DAML: For the time being, data types with a single data constructor not associated with an argument are not accepted. For example, data T = T.

    To work around this, use data T = T {} or data T = T () (depending on whether you desire T be interpreted as a product or a sum).

0.11.3 - 2019-02-07

  • Navigator: Fixed display of Date values.
  • Extractor: Added first version of Extractor with PostgreSQL support.

0.11.2 - 2019-01-31

  • Navigator: Added a terminal-based console interface using SQLite as a backend.
  • Navigator: Now writes logs to ./navigator.log by default using Logback.
  • DAML Studio: Significant performance improvements.
  • DAML Studio: New table view for scenario results.
  • DAML Standard Library: New type classes.
  • Node.js bindings: Documentation updated to use version 0.4.0 and DAML 1.2.

0.11.1 - 2019-01-24

  • Java Bindings: Fixed Timestamp.fromInstant and Timestamp.toInstant.
  • Java Bindings: Added Timestamp.getMicroseconds.

0.11.0 - 2019-01-17

  • Documentation: DAML documentation and examples now use DAML 1.2.

  • Documentation: Added a comprehensive quickstart guide that replaces the old “My first project” example.

    As part of this, removed the My first project, IOU and PvP examples.

  • Documentation: Added a guide to building applications against a DAML ledger.

  • Documentation: Updated the support and feedback page.

  • Ledger API: Version 1.4.0 has support for multi-party subscriptions in the transactions and active contracts services.

  • Ledger API: Version 1.4.0 supports the verbose field in the transactions and active contracts services.

  • Ledger API: Version 1.4.0 has full support for transaction trees.

  • Sandbox: Implements Ledger API version 1.4.0.

  • Java Bindings: Examples updated to use version 2.5.2 which implements Ledger API version 1.4.0.