Class CommandCompletionServiceGrpc.CommandCompletionServiceImplBase

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public abstract static class CommandCompletionServiceGrpc.CommandCompletionServiceImplBase
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements io.grpc.BindableService
     Allows clients to observe the status of their submissions.
     Commands may be submitted via the Command Submission Service.
     The on-ledger effects of their submissions are disclosed by the Transaction Service.
     Commands may fail in 2 distinct manners:
     1. Failure communicated synchronously in the gRPC error of the submission.
     2. Failure communicated asynchronously in a Completion, see ``completion.proto``.
     Note that not only successfully submitted commands MAY produce a completion event. For example, the participant MAY
     choose to produce a completion event for a rejection of a duplicate command.
     Clients that do not receive a successful completion about their submission MUST NOT assume that it was successful.
     Clients SHOULD subscribe to the CompletionStream before starting to submit commands to prevent race conditions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CommandCompletionServiceImplBase

        public CommandCompletionServiceImplBase()
    • Method Detail

      • completionStream

        public void completionStream​(CommandCompletionServiceOuterClass.CompletionStreamRequest request,
                                     io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<CommandCompletionServiceOuterClass.CompletionStreamResponse> responseObserver)
         Subscribe to command completion events.
         - ``UNAUTHENTICATED``: if the request does not include a valid access token
         - ``PERMISSION_DENIED``: if the claims in the token are insufficient to perform a given operation
         - ``NOT_FOUND``: if the request does not include a valid ledger id
         - ``FAILED_PRECONDITION``: if the ledger has been pruned after the subscription start offset
         - ``INVALID_ARGUMENT``: if the payload is malformed or is missing required fields
         - ``OUT_OF_RANGE``: if the absolute offset is after the end of the ledger
      • bindService

        public final io.grpc.ServerServiceDefinition bindService()
        Specified by:
        bindService in interface io.grpc.BindableService