
package fabric

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class ChaincodeClient extends NamedLogging
  2. sealed trait FabricBlockEvent extends AnyRef
  3. case class FabricBlockEvents(height: Long, events: Seq[Traced[FabricBlockEvent]]) extends Product with Serializable
  4. class FabricBlockParser extends NamedLogging
  5. class FabricContext extends NamedLogging with AutoCloseable

    Sets up a channel (assuming it has already been created) based on the config given and allows listening to blocks using the constructor provided listener.

    Sets up a channel (assuming it has already been created) based on the config given and allows listening to blocks using the constructor provided listener. Also allows invoking and querying Chaincode using the Chaincode client from chaincodeClient

  6. class FabricContextException extends RuntimeException
  7. class FabricInitializationChecker extends BlockListener with NamedLogging with NoTracing

    When using multiple Fabric sequencer applications, it is important to check that the ledger has been initialized.

    When using multiple Fabric sequencer applications, it is important to check that the ledger has been initialized. That's because if all application are started concurrently and one of them is initializing the ledger, the other ones should wait for that to finish before continuing. This logic is implemented here in the form of listening to blocks and considering it initialized only when seeing the "init" transaction. Alternatively if using a cloud deployment, we'll be looking for a "deploy" transaction. This init function call happens when FabricLedgerCreator instantiates and initializes the sequencer chaincode. Make sure this is only used when reading blocks from 0. Otherwise the transaction we're waiting for will not be seen.

  8. class FabricLedgerWriter extends NamedLogging with FlagCloseableAsync
  9. class FabricSequencer extends BaseSequencer with FlagCloseable
  10. class FabricSequencerReader extends NamedLogging with FlagCloseableAsync
  11. class FabricUser extends User
  12. class LedgerBlockListener extends BlockListener
