package sync

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class CantonSyncService extends WriteService with WriteParticipantPruningService with ReadService with FlagCloseable with Spanning with NamedLogging

    The Canton-based synchronization service.

    The Canton-based synchronization service.

    A single Canton sync service can connect to multiple domains.

  2. class DomainRouter extends FlagCloseable with NamedLogging

    The domain router routes transaction submissions from upstream to the right domain.

    The domain router routes transaction submissions from upstream to the right domain.

    Submitted transactions are inspected for which domains are involved based on the location of the involved contracts.

  3. class EnterpriseCantonSyncServiceFactory extends Factory[CantonSyncService]
  4. case class ParticipantDidNotBecomeActive(msg: String) extends SyncDomainInitializationError with Product with Serializable
  5. class ParticipantEventPublisher extends NamedLogging with FlagCloseableAsync

    Helper to publish participant events in a thread-safe way.

    Helper to publish participant events in a thread-safe way. For "regular" SingleDimensionEventLogs representing domains thread safety is taken care of by the com.digitalasset.canton.participant.event.RecordOrderPublisher.

    ParticipantEventPublisher also encapsulates the participant clock generating unique participant recordTime.

  6. case class ParticipantTopologyHandshakeError(err: DomainRegistryError) extends SyncDomainInitializationError with Product with Serializable
  7. case class SequencedEventStoreError(err: store.SequencedEventStoreError) extends SyncDomainInitializationError with Product with Serializable
  8. class SyncDomain extends NamedLogging with StartAndCloseable[Either[SyncDomainInitializationError, Unit]] with TransferSubmissionHandle with HasDegradationState[CantonError]

    A connected domain from the synchronization service.

  9. sealed trait SyncDomainInitializationError extends AnyRef
  10. trait SyncDomainPersistentStateLookup extends AnyRef

    Read-only interface to the SyncDomainPersistentStateManager

  11. class SyncDomainPersistentStateManager extends SyncDomainPersistentStateLookup with NamedLogging with AutoCloseable

    Manages domain state that needs to survive reconnects

  12. trait SyncServiceError extends Serializable with Product with CantonError
  13. case class TimestampedEvent(event: LedgerSyncEvent, localOffset: LocalOffset, requestSequencerCounter: Option[SequencerCounter], eventId: Option[EventId])(implicit traceContext: TraceContext) extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable
  14. case class TimestampedEventAndCausalChange(tse: TimestampedEvent, causalityUpdate: Option[CausalityUpdate]) extends Product with Serializable
  15. sealed trait TransactionRoutingError extends TransactionError with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object CantonSyncService
  2. object CommandDeduplicationError extends InjectionErrorGroup
  3. object DomainRouter
  4. object EnterpriseSyncDomainFactory extends Factory[SyncDomain]
  5. object LedgerEvent

    Ledger sync event related helper functions for upstream communication via the participant state read service.

  6. object ParticipantEventPublisher
  7. object SyncDomain
  8. object SyncServiceError extends SyncServiceErrorGroup with Serializable
  9. object SyncServiceInjectionError extends InjectionErrorGroup
  10. object TimestampedEvent extends Serializable
  11. object TimestampedEventAndCausalChange extends Serializable
  12. object TransactionRoutingError extends RoutingErrorGroup with Serializable

    All routing errors happen before in-flight submission checking and are therefore never definite answers.

  13. object UpstreamOffsetConvert

    Conversion utility to convert back and forth between GlobalOffsets and the offsets used by the ParticipantState API ReadService still based on a byte string.

    Conversion utility to convert back and forth between GlobalOffsets and the offsets used by the ParticipantState API ReadService still based on a byte string. Canton emits single-Long GlobalOffsets.
