Class CommandCompletionServiceGrpc

  • @Generated(value="by gRPC proto compiler",
               comments="Source: com/daml/ledger/api/v1/command_completion_service.proto")
    public final class CommandCompletionServiceGrpc
    extends java.lang.Object
     Allows clients to observe the status of their submissions.
     Commands may be submitted via the Command Submission Service.
     The on-ledger effects of their submissions are disclosed by the Transaction Service.
     Commands may fail in 2 distinct manners:
     1. Failure communicated synchronously in the gRPC error of the submission.
     2. Failure communicated asynchronously in a Completion, see ``completion.proto``.
     Note that not only successfully submitted commands MAY produce a completion event. For example, the participant MAY
     choose to produce a completion event for a rejection of a duplicate command.
     Clients that do not receive a successful completion about their submission MUST NOT assume that it was successful.
     Clients SHOULD subscribe to the CompletionStream before starting to submit commands to prevent race conditions.