All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
ActiveContractClientImpl |
ActiveContracts<Ct> |
ActiveContractsClient |
An RxJava version of ActiveContractsServiceGrpc
ArchivedEvent |
Bool |
ByKey |
Parent of all generated ByKey classes within templates and interfaces.
ByKey.ToInterface |
Parent of all generated ByKey classes within interfaces.
Checkpoint |
Choice<Tpl,ArgType,ResType> |
This represents a Daml choice that can be exercised on ContractId s of type
ContractId<Tpl> .
ClientPublisherFlowable |
Command |
CommandClient |
An RxJava version of CommandServiceGrpc
CommandClientImpl |
CommandCompletionClient |
An RxJava version of CommandCompletionServiceGrpc
CommandCompletionClientImpl |
CommandsSubmission |
This class can be used to build a valid submission.
CommandSubmissionClient |
An RxJava version of CommandSubmissionServiceGrpc
CommandSubmissionClientImpl |
CompletionEndResponse |
CompletionStreamRequest |
CompletionStreamResponse |
Contract<Id,Data> |
A superclass for all codegen-generated Contracts.
Contract |
ContractCompanion<Ct,Id,Data> |
Metadata and utilities associated with a template as a whole, rather than one single contract
made from that template.
ContractCompanion.FromJson<T> |
ContractCompanion.WithKey<Ct,Id,Data,Key> |
ContractCompanion.WithKey.NewContract<Ct,Id,Data,Key> |
ContractCompanion.WithoutKey<Ct,Id,Data> |
ContractCompanion.WithoutKey.NewContract<Ct,Id,Data> |
ContractDecoder |
ContractFilter<Ct> |
This class contains utilities to decode a CreatedEvent and create a
TransactionFilter by provider parties It can only be instantiated with a subtype of
ContractId<T> |
This class is used as a super class for all concrete ContractIds generated by the java codegen
with the following properties:
ContractId |
ContractTypeCompanion<Ct,Id,ContractType,Data> |
ContractWithKey<Id,Data,Key> |
A superclass for all codegen-generated Contracts whose templates have a key defined.
CreateAnd |
Parent of all generated CreateAnd classes within templates and interfaces.
CreateAnd.ToInterface |
Parent of all generated CreateAnd classes within interfaces.
CreateAndExerciseCommand |
CreateCommand |
Created<CtId> |
This class contains information related to a result after a contract is created.
CreatedEvent |
CreateUserRequest |
CreateUserResponse |
DamlCollectors |
DamlEnum<T> |
Base interface of all decoded-to-codegen Daml enums.
DamlEnum |
DamlGenMap |
DamlLedgerClient |
A LedgerClient implementation that connects to an existing Ledger and provides clients to
query it.
DamlLedgerClient.Builder |
DamlList |
DamlMap |
DamlOptional |
DamlRecord<T> |
Base class of all decoded-to-codegen Daml records with no type parameters.
DamlRecord |
DamlRecord.Field |
DamlTextMap |
Date |
Decimal |
DefinedDataType<T> |
DeleteUserRequest |
DeleteUserResponse |
DisclosedContract |
Event |
EventQueryClient |
An RxJava version of PackageServiceGrpc
EventQueryClientImpl |
EventUtils |
ExerciseByKeyCommand |
ExerciseCommand |
Exercised<R> |
This class contains information related to the result after a choice is exercised.
ExercisedEvent |
Exercises<Cmd> |
Root of all generated Exercises interfaces for templates and Daml interfaces.
Exercises.Archive<Cmd> |
Filter |
Filter.Interface |
Filter.Template |
FiltersByParty |
GetActiveContractsRequest |
GetActiveContractsResponse |
GetEventsByContractIdResponse |
GetEventsByContractKeyResponse |
GetFlatTransactionResponse |
GetLedgerEndResponse |
GetPackageResponse |
GetPackageResponse.HashFunction |
GetPackageStatusResponse |
GetPackageStatusResponse.PackageStatus |
GetTransactionResponse |
GetTransactionsRequest |
GetTransactionsResponse |
GetTransactionTreesResponse |
GetUserRequest |
GetUserResponse |
GrantUserRightsRequest |
GrantUserRightsResponse |
HasCommands |
This is an interface describing classes that contains or can generate a list of Command
Identifier |
InclusiveFilter |
Int64 |
InterfaceCompanion<I,Id,View> |
Metadata and utilities associated with an interface as a whole.
InterfaceCompanion.FromJson<T> |
JsonLfDecoder<T> |
JsonLfDecoder.Error |
JsonLfDecoders |
JsonLfDecoders.JavaArg<T> |
JsonLfEncoder |
JsonLfEncoders |
JsonLfEncoders.Field |
JsonLfReader |
JsonLfReader.Location |
JsonLfReader.UnknownValue |
JsonLfWriter |
JsonLfWriter.Options |
LedgerClient |
Contains the set of services provided by a Ledger implementation
LedgerConfigurationClient |
An RxJava version of LedgerConfigurationServiceGrpc
LedgerConfigurationClientImpl |
LedgerIdentityClient |
LedgerIdentityClientImpl |
LedgerOffset |
LedgerOffset.Absolute |
LedgerOffset.LedgerBegin |
LedgerOffset.LedgerEnd |
ListUserRightsRequest |
ListUserRightsResponse |
ListUsersRequest |
ListUsersResponse |
NoFilter |
Numeric |
PackageClient |
An RxJava version of PackageServiceGrpc
PackageClientImpl |
PackageVersion |
Party |
PrefetchContractKey |
PrimitiveValueDecoders |
Record |
Record.Field |
RevokeUserRightsRequest |
RevokeUserRightsResponse |
StubHelper |
SubmitAndWaitRequest |
SubmitCommandsRequest |
SubmitRequest |
Template |
Text |
TimeClient |
TimeClientImpl |
Timestamp |
A Timestamp value is represented as microseconds since the UNIX epoch.
Transaction |
TransactionClientImpl |
TransactionFilter |
TransactionsClient |
An RxJava version of TransactionServiceGrpc
TransactionTree |
TreeEvent |
Unit |
UnsupportedEventTypeException |
Update<U> |
UpdateSubmission<U> |
This class can be used to build a valid submission for an Update.
User |
User.Right |
User.Right.CanActAs |
User.Right.CanReadAs |
User.Right.IdentityProviderAdmin |
User.Right.ParticipantAdmin |
UserManagementClient |
An RxJava version of UserManagementServiceGrpc
UserManagementClientImpl |
Value |
ValueDecoder<Data> |
A converter from the encoded form of a Daml value, represented by Value , to the
codegen-decoded form, represented by Data .
Variant<T> |
Base class of all decoded-to-codegen Daml variants with no type parameters.
Variant |
WorkflowEvent |