Interface ObjectMetaOuterClass.ObjectMetaOrBuilder

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean containsAnnotations​(java.lang.String key)
      A set of modifiable key-value pairs that can be used to represent arbitrary, client-specific metadata.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getAnnotations()
      int getAnnotationsCount()
      A set of modifiable key-value pairs that can be used to represent arbitrary, client-specific metadata.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getAnnotationsMap()
      A set of modifiable key-value pairs that can be used to represent arbitrary, client-specific metadata.
      java.lang.String getAnnotationsOrDefault​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String defaultValue)
      A set of modifiable key-value pairs that can be used to represent arbitrary, client-specific metadata.
      java.lang.String getAnnotationsOrThrow​(java.lang.String key)
      A set of modifiable key-value pairs that can be used to represent arbitrary, client-specific metadata.
      java.lang.String getResourceVersion()
      An opaque, non-empty value, populated by a participant server which represents the internal version of the resource this ``ObjectMeta`` message is attached to. getResourceVersionBytes()
      An opaque, non-empty value, populated by a participant server which represents the internal version of the resource this ``ObjectMeta`` message is attached to.
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • getResourceVersion

        java.lang.String getResourceVersion()
         An opaque, non-empty value, populated by a participant server which represents the internal version of the resource
         this ``ObjectMeta`` message is attached to. The participant server will change it to a unique value each time the corresponding resource is updated.
         You must not rely on the format of resource version. The participant server might change it without notice.
         You can obtain the newest resource version value by issuing a read request.
         You may use it for concurrent change detection by passing it back unmodified in an update request.
         The participant server will then compare the passed value with the value maintained by the system to determine
         if any other updates took place since you had read the resource version.
         Upon a successful update you are guaranteed that no other update took place during your read-modify-write sequence.
         However, if another update took place during your read-modify-write sequence then your update will fail with an appropriate error.
         Concurrent change control is optional. It will be applied only if you include a resource version in an update request.
         When creating a new instance of a resource you must leave the resource version empty.
         Its value will be populated by the participant server upon successful resource creation.
        string resource_version = 6 [json_name = "resourceVersion"];
        The resourceVersion.
      • getResourceVersionBytes getResourceVersionBytes()
         An opaque, non-empty value, populated by a participant server which represents the internal version of the resource
         this ``ObjectMeta`` message is attached to. The participant server will change it to a unique value each time the corresponding resource is updated.
         You must not rely on the format of resource version. The participant server might change it without notice.
         You can obtain the newest resource version value by issuing a read request.
         You may use it for concurrent change detection by passing it back unmodified in an update request.
         The participant server will then compare the passed value with the value maintained by the system to determine
         if any other updates took place since you had read the resource version.
         Upon a successful update you are guaranteed that no other update took place during your read-modify-write sequence.
         However, if another update took place during your read-modify-write sequence then your update will fail with an appropriate error.
         Concurrent change control is optional. It will be applied only if you include a resource version in an update request.
         When creating a new instance of a resource you must leave the resource version empty.
         Its value will be populated by the participant server upon successful resource creation.
        string resource_version = 6 [json_name = "resourceVersion"];
        The bytes for resourceVersion.
      • getAnnotationsCount

        int getAnnotationsCount()
         A set of modifiable key-value pairs that can be used to represent arbitrary, client-specific metadata.
         1. The total size over all keys and values cannot exceed 256kb in UTF-8 encoding.
         2. Keys are composed of an optional prefix segment and a required name segment such that:
            - key prefix, when present, must be a valid DNS subdomain with at most 253 characters, followed by a '/' (forward slash) character,
            - name segment must have at most 63 characters that are either alphanumeric ([a-z0-9A-Z]), or a '.' (dot), '-' (dash) or '_' (underscore);
              and it must start and end with an alphanumeric character.
         2. Values can be any non-empty strings.
         Keys with empty prefix are reserved for end-users.
         Properties set by external tools or internally by the participant server must use non-empty key prefixes.
         Duplicate keys are disallowed by the semantics of the protobuf3 maps.
         Annotations may be a part of a modifiable resource.
         Use the resource's update RPC to update its annotations.
         In order to add a new annotation or update an existing one using an update RPC, provide the desired annotation in the update request.
         In order to remove an annotation using an update RPC, provide the target annotation's key but set its value to the empty string in the update request.
        map<string, string> annotations = 12 [json_name = "annotations"];
      • containsAnnotations

        boolean containsAnnotations​(java.lang.String key)
         A set of modifiable key-value pairs that can be used to represent arbitrary, client-specific metadata.
         1. The total size over all keys and values cannot exceed 256kb in UTF-8 encoding.
         2. Keys are composed of an optional prefix segment and a required name segment such that:
            - key prefix, when present, must be a valid DNS subdomain with at most 253 characters, followed by a '/' (forward slash) character,
            - name segment must have at most 63 characters that are either alphanumeric ([a-z0-9A-Z]), or a '.' (dot), '-' (dash) or '_' (underscore);
              and it must start and end with an alphanumeric character.
         2. Values can be any non-empty strings.
         Keys with empty prefix are reserved for end-users.
         Properties set by external tools or internally by the participant server must use non-empty key prefixes.
         Duplicate keys are disallowed by the semantics of the protobuf3 maps.
         Annotations may be a part of a modifiable resource.
         Use the resource's update RPC to update its annotations.
         In order to add a new annotation or update an existing one using an update RPC, provide the desired annotation in the update request.
         In order to remove an annotation using an update RPC, provide the target annotation's key but set its value to the empty string in the update request.
        map<string, string> annotations = 12 [json_name = "annotations"];
      • getAnnotations

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getAnnotations()
        Use getAnnotationsMap() instead.
      • getAnnotationsMap

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getAnnotationsMap()
         A set of modifiable key-value pairs that can be used to represent arbitrary, client-specific metadata.
         1. The total size over all keys and values cannot exceed 256kb in UTF-8 encoding.
         2. Keys are composed of an optional prefix segment and a required name segment such that:
            - key prefix, when present, must be a valid DNS subdomain with at most 253 characters, followed by a '/' (forward slash) character,
            - name segment must have at most 63 characters that are either alphanumeric ([a-z0-9A-Z]), or a '.' (dot), '-' (dash) or '_' (underscore);
              and it must start and end with an alphanumeric character.
         2. Values can be any non-empty strings.
         Keys with empty prefix are reserved for end-users.
         Properties set by external tools or internally by the participant server must use non-empty key prefixes.
         Duplicate keys are disallowed by the semantics of the protobuf3 maps.
         Annotations may be a part of a modifiable resource.
         Use the resource's update RPC to update its annotations.
         In order to add a new annotation or update an existing one using an update RPC, provide the desired annotation in the update request.
         In order to remove an annotation using an update RPC, provide the target annotation's key but set its value to the empty string in the update request.
        map<string, string> annotations = 12 [json_name = "annotations"];
      • getAnnotationsOrDefault

        java.lang.String getAnnotationsOrDefault​(java.lang.String key,
                                                 java.lang.String defaultValue)
         A set of modifiable key-value pairs that can be used to represent arbitrary, client-specific metadata.
         1. The total size over all keys and values cannot exceed 256kb in UTF-8 encoding.
         2. Keys are composed of an optional prefix segment and a required name segment such that:
            - key prefix, when present, must be a valid DNS subdomain with at most 253 characters, followed by a '/' (forward slash) character,
            - name segment must have at most 63 characters that are either alphanumeric ([a-z0-9A-Z]), or a '.' (dot), '-' (dash) or '_' (underscore);
              and it must start and end with an alphanumeric character.
         2. Values can be any non-empty strings.
         Keys with empty prefix are reserved for end-users.
         Properties set by external tools or internally by the participant server must use non-empty key prefixes.
         Duplicate keys are disallowed by the semantics of the protobuf3 maps.
         Annotations may be a part of a modifiable resource.
         Use the resource's update RPC to update its annotations.
         In order to add a new annotation or update an existing one using an update RPC, provide the desired annotation in the update request.
         In order to remove an annotation using an update RPC, provide the target annotation's key but set its value to the empty string in the update request.
        map<string, string> annotations = 12 [json_name = "annotations"];
      • getAnnotationsOrThrow

        java.lang.String getAnnotationsOrThrow​(java.lang.String key)
         A set of modifiable key-value pairs that can be used to represent arbitrary, client-specific metadata.
         1. The total size over all keys and values cannot exceed 256kb in UTF-8 encoding.
         2. Keys are composed of an optional prefix segment and a required name segment such that:
            - key prefix, when present, must be a valid DNS subdomain with at most 253 characters, followed by a '/' (forward slash) character,
            - name segment must have at most 63 characters that are either alphanumeric ([a-z0-9A-Z]), or a '.' (dot), '-' (dash) or '_' (underscore);
              and it must start and end with an alphanumeric character.
         2. Values can be any non-empty strings.
         Keys with empty prefix are reserved for end-users.
         Properties set by external tools or internally by the participant server must use non-empty key prefixes.
         Duplicate keys are disallowed by the semantics of the protobuf3 maps.
         Annotations may be a part of a modifiable resource.
         Use the resource's update RPC to update its annotations.
         In order to add a new annotation or update an existing one using an update RPC, provide the desired annotation in the update request.
         In order to remove an annotation using an update RPC, provide the target annotation's key but set its value to the empty string in the update request.
        map<string, string> annotations = 12 [json_name = "annotations"];