Class PartyManagementServiceGrpc.PartyManagementServiceImplBase

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public abstract static class PartyManagementServiceGrpc.PartyManagementServiceImplBase
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements io.grpc.BindableService
     This service allows inspecting the party management state of the ledger known to the participant
     and managing the participant-local party metadata.
     The authorization rules for its RPCs are specified on the ``<RpcName>Request``
     messages as boolean expressions over these facts:
     (1) ``HasRight(r)`` denoting whether the authenticated user has right ``r`` and
     (2) ``IsAuthenticatedIdentityProviderAdmin(idp)`` denoting whether ``idp`` is equal to the ``identity_provider_id``
     of the authenticated user and the user has an IdentityProviderAdmin right.
     The fields of request messages (and sub-messages) are marked either as ``Optional`` or ``Required``:
     (1) ``Optional`` denoting the client may leave the field unset when sending a request.
     (2) ``Required`` denoting the client must set the field to a non-default value when sending a request.
     A party details resource is described by the ``PartyDetails`` message,
     A party details resource, once it has been created, can be modified using the ``UpdatePartyDetails`` RPC.
     The only fields that can be modified are those marked as ``Modifiable``.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PartyManagementServiceImplBase

        public PartyManagementServiceImplBase()
    • Method Detail

      • allocateParty

        public void allocateParty​(PartyManagementServiceOuterClass.AllocatePartyRequest request,
                                  io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<PartyManagementServiceOuterClass.AllocatePartyResponse> responseObserver)
         Allocates a new party on a ledger and adds it to the set managed by the participant.
         Caller specifies a party identifier suggestion, the actual identifier
         allocated might be different and is implementation specific.
         Caller can specify party metadata that is stored locally on the participant.
         This call may:
         - Succeed, in which case the actual allocated identifier is visible in
           the response.
         - Respond with a gRPC error
         daml-on-kv-ledger: suggestion's uniqueness is checked by the validators in
         the consensus layer and call rejected if the identifier is already present.
         canton: completely different globally unique identifier is allocated.
         Behind the scenes calls to an internal protocol are made. As that protocol
         is richer than the surface protocol, the arguments take implicit values
         The party identifier suggestion must be a valid party name. Party names are required to be non-empty US-ASCII strings built from letters, digits, space,
         colon, minus and underscore limited to 255 chars
      • bindService

        public final io.grpc.ServerServiceDefinition bindService()
        Specified by:
        bindService in interface io.grpc.BindableService