package console
General console
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- console
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- trait AdminCommandRunner extends AnyRef
Support for running an admin command
- trait AmmoniteCacheLock extends AnyRef
- final case class AmmoniteConsoleConfig(cacheDir: Option[File] = AmmoniteConsoleConfig.defaultCacheDir, workingDir: Option[File] = None, colors: Boolean = true, verbose: Boolean = false, defaultLimit: PositiveInt = PositiveInt.tryCreate(1000)) extends Product with Serializable
Configure behaviour of ammonite
Configure behaviour of ammonite
- cacheDir
cache dir, defaults to ~/.ammonite. If none is given, in-memory is used. If you specify a cache dir, the Canton repl will startup faster. In our tests, we have very rarely observed unexpected compile errors when the cache was enabled; if you want to avoid that, set the cache dir to None (i.e.
cache-dir = null
in the config file).- workingDir
working directory. if none is given, we'll use the working directory of the Canton process
- colors
if true (default), we'll use color output
- verbose
if true (not default), we'll emit verbose ammonite output
- defaultLimit
default limit parameter for commands that can potentially return many results
- trait BaseInspection[I <: CantonNode] extends AnyRef
Support for inspecting the instance
- final case class BindingsHolder(bindings: IndexedSeq[Bind[_]]) extends Product with Serializable
ammonite requires a ApiHolder in this pattern to make items through bindings available within the dynamic Console environment.
- class BootstrapScriptException extends RuntimeException
Thrown when the bootstrap script fails to execute
- trait CantonHealthAdministration[Status <: CantonStatus] extends Helpful with NamedLogging with NoTracing
- class CantonInternalError extends Throwable with NoStackTrace with CommandExecutionFailedException
- class CommandFailure extends Throwable with NoStackTrace with CommandExecutionFailedException
- final case class CommandSuccessful[+A](value: A) extends ConsoleCommandResult[A] with Product with Serializable
Successful command result
Successful command result
- value
The value returned from the command
- class CommunityCantonHealthAdministration extends CantonHealthAdministration[CommunityCantonStatus]
- trait CommunityDomainReference extends AnyRef
- class CommunityHealthDumpGenerator extends HealthDumpGenerator[CommunityCantonStatus]
- Annotations
- @nowarn()
- class CommunityLocalDomainReference extends DomainReference with CommunityDomainReference with LocalDomainReference
- class CommunityRemoteDomainReference extends DomainReference with CommunityDomainReference with RemoteDomainReference
- sealed trait ConsoleCommandResult[+A] extends AnyRef
Response from a console command.
- trait ConsoleEnvironment extends NamedLogging with FlagCloseable with NoTracing
The environment in which console commands are evaluated.
The environment in which console commands are evaluated.
- Annotations
- @SuppressWarnings()
- class ConsoleEnvironmentBinding extends AnyRef
To make the ConsoleEnvironment functionality conveniently available in ammonite we stash it in a implicit variable included as a predef before any script or REPL commands are run.
- trait ConsoleErrorHandler extends AnyRef
Handle an error from a console.
Handle an error from a console. We expect this implementation will either throw or exit, hence the scala.Nothing return type.
- class ConsoleGrpcAdminCommandRunner extends GrpcAdminCommandRunner
A console-specific version of the GrpcAdminCommandRunner that uses the console environment
- trait ConsoleMacros extends NamedLogging with NoTracing
- trait ConsoleOutput extends AnyRef
Interface for output to the Console user.
- abstract class DomainManagerNodeReference extends InstanceReference with DomainAdministration with SequencerConnectionAdministration with SetupAdministration
- trait DomainReference extends InstanceReference with DomainAdministration with InstanceReferenceWithSequencer
- implicit class EitherToCommandResultExtensions[A, B] extends AnyRef
Turn a either into a command result.
Turn a either into a command result. Left is considered an error, Right is successful.
- class EnterpriseConsoleEnvironment extends ConsoleEnvironment
- trait EnterpriseConsoleMacros extends ConsoleMacros
Contains all the macros that are only available in the enterprise version
- trait EnterpriseDomainReference extends DomainReference
- class EnterpriseLocalDomainReference extends EnterpriseDomainReference with LocalDomainReference
- class EnterpriseRemoteDomainReference extends EnterpriseDomainReference with RemoteDomainReference
- class ExternalLedgerApiClient extends BaseLedgerApiAdministration with LedgerApiCommandRunner with FeatureFlagFilter with NamedLogging
Bare, Canton agnostic parts of the ledger-api client
Bare, Canton agnostic parts of the ledger-api client
This implementation allows to access any kind of ledger-api client, which does not need to be Canton based. However, this comes at some cost, as some of the synchronization between nodes during transaction submission is not supported
- sealed trait FeatureFlag extends AnyRef
- trait FeatureFlagFilter extends NamedLogging
- class GrpcAdminCommandRunner extends NamedLogging with AutoCloseable with Spanning
Attempt to run a grpc admin-api command against whatever is pointed at in the config
- trait GrpcRemoteInstanceReference extends RemoteInstanceReference
- class HeadlessConsole extends AutoCloseable
- trait HealthDumpGenerator[Status <: CantonStatus] extends AnyRef
Generates a health dump zip file containing information about the current Canton process This is the core of the implementation of the HealthDump gRPC endpoint.
- trait Helpful extends AnyRef
Implementors will have a
method available that will be callable from the Console.Implementors will have a
method available that will be callable from the Console. Implementors should annotate appropriate methods with@Help.Summary
to have them included. - trait InstanceReference extends InstanceReferenceCommon
Reference to "Old" daml 2.x nodes have: - parties admin commands - "old" topology admin commands based on "old" TopologyChangeOp
- trait InstanceReferenceCommon extends AdminCommandRunner with Helpful with NamedLogging with FeatureFlagFilter with PrettyPrinting
- trait InstanceReferenceWithSequencer extends InstanceReferenceWithSequencerConnection
- trait InstanceReferenceWithSequencerConnection extends InstanceReferenceCommon
- trait LedgerApiCommandRunner extends AnyRef
Support for running ledgerApi commands
- class LocalDomainManagerReference extends DomainManagerNodeReference with BaseInspection[DomainManagerNode] with LocalInstanceReference
- trait LocalDomainReference extends DomainReference with BaseInspection[Domain] with LocalInstanceReference
- class LocalDomainReferencesExtensions extends LocalInstancesExtensions
- trait LocalInstanceReference extends LocalInstanceReferenceCommon with InstanceReference
- trait LocalInstanceReferenceCommon extends InstanceReferenceCommon with NoTracing
Pointer for a potentially running instance by instance type (domain/participant) and its id.
Pointer for a potentially running instance by instance type (domain/participant) and its id. These methods define the REPL interface for these instances (e.g. participant1 start)
- trait LocalInstancesExtensions extends Helpful
Aliases to manage a sequence of instances in a REPL environment
- class LocalMediatorReference extends MediatorReference with LocalMediatorReferenceCommon with LocalInstanceReference with BaseInspection[MediatorNode]
- trait LocalMediatorReferenceCommon extends MediatorReferenceCommon with LocalInstanceReferenceCommon
- class LocalParticipantReference extends ParticipantReference with LocalParticipantReferenceCommon with LocalInstanceReference with BaseInspection[ParticipantNode]
- sealed trait LocalParticipantReferenceCommon extends LedgerApiCommandRunner with ParticipantReferenceCommon with LocalInstanceReferenceCommon
- class LocalParticipantReferencesExtensions extends ParticipantReferencesExtensions with LocalInstancesExtensions
- class LocalSequencerNodeReference extends SequencerNodeReference with LocalSequencerNodeReferenceCommon with LocalInstanceReference with BaseInspection[SequencerNode]
- trait LocalSequencerNodeReferenceCommon extends LocalInstanceReferenceCommon
- abstract class MediatorReference extends MediatorReferenceCommon with InstanceReference with SequencerConnectionAdministration
- trait MediatorReferenceCommon extends InstanceReferenceCommon
- final case class NodeReferences[A, R <: A, L <: A](local: Seq[L], remote: Seq[R]) extends Product with Serializable
- abstract class ParticipantReference extends ParticipantReferenceCommon with InstanceReference
- sealed trait ParticipantReferenceCommon extends ConsoleCommandGroup with ParticipantAdministration with LedgerApiAdministration with LedgerApiCommandRunner with AdminCommandRunner with InstanceReferenceCommon
- class ParticipantReferencesExtensions extends Helpful with NamedLogging with FeatureFlagFilter
- class RemoteDomainManagerReference extends DomainManagerNodeReference with GrpcRemoteInstanceReference
- trait RemoteDomainReference extends DomainReference with GrpcRemoteInstanceReference
- trait RemoteInstanceReference extends InstanceReferenceCommon
- class RemoteMediatorReference extends MediatorReference with RemoteMediatorReferenceCommon
- trait RemoteMediatorReferenceCommon extends GrpcRemoteInstanceReference
- class RemoteParticipantReference extends ParticipantReference with GrpcRemoteInstanceReference with RemoteParticipantReferenceCommon
- sealed trait RemoteParticipantReferenceCommon extends LedgerApiCommandRunner with ParticipantReferenceCommon
- class RemoteSequencerNodeReference extends SequencerNodeReference with RemoteSequencerNodeReferenceCommon
- trait RemoteSequencerNodeReferenceCommon extends SequencerNodeReferenceCommon with RemoteInstanceReference
- abstract class SequencerNodeReference extends SequencerNodeReferenceCommon with InstanceReferenceWithSequencer with InstanceReference with SequencerNodeAdministration
- trait SequencerNodeReferenceCommon extends InstanceReferenceCommon with InstanceReferenceWithSequencerConnection
- class SimClockCommand extends AnyRef
- implicit class StringErrorEitherToCommandResultExtensions[A] extends AnyRef
Turn an either where Left is a error message into a ConsoleCommandResult.
Deprecated Type Members
- trait CommandExecutionFailedException extends Throwable
- Deprecated
use CommandFailure or CantonInternalError instead.
Value Members
- def objectClassNameWithoutSuffix(c: Class[_]): String
Strip the Object suffix from the name of the provided class
- object AdminCommandRunner
- object AmmoniteCacheLock
- object AmmoniteConsoleConfig extends LazyLogging with Serializable
- object BindingsBridge extends APIHolder[BindingsHolder]
- object CantonHealthAdministration
- object CantonHealthAdministrationEncoders
- object CommandErrors extends CommandErrorGroup
- object CommandSuccessful extends Serializable
- object ConsoleCommandResult
- object ConsoleEnvironment
Expose a Canton environment.Environment in a way that's easy to deal with from a REPL.
- object ConsoleEnvironmentBinding
- object ConsoleMacros extends ConsoleMacros with NamedLogging
- object DebuggingHelpers extends LazyLogging
- object DomainManagerNodeReference
- object DomainReference
- object EnterpriseConsoleMacros extends EnterpriseConsoleMacros with NamedLogging
- object ExternalLedgerApiClient
- object FeatureFlag
- object HeadlessConsole extends NoTracing
Creates an interpreter but with matching bindings to the InteractiveConsole for running scripts non-interactively
Creates an interpreter but with matching bindings to the InteractiveConsole for running scripts non-interactively
- Annotations
- @SuppressWarnings()
- object Help
User friendly help messages generator.
- object InteractiveConsole extends NoTracing
Will create a real REPL for interactive entry and evaluation of commands
Will create a real REPL for interactive entry and evaluation of commands
- Annotations
- @SuppressWarnings()
- object LocalInstancesExtensions
- object MediatorReference
- object ParticipantReference
- object SequencerNodeReference
- object StandardConsoleOutput extends ConsoleOutput
Logs directly to stdout and stderr.
- object ThrowErrorHandler extends ConsoleErrorHandler
Throws a CommandFailure or CantonInternalError when a command fails.
Throws a CommandFailure or CantonInternalError when a command fails. The throwables do not have a stacktraces, to avoid noise in the interactive console.