
package environment

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class AlreadyRunning(name: String) extends StartupError with Product with Serializable

    The current action cannot be performed when the instance for the given name is running.

  2. trait BaseMetrics extends AnyRef
  3. abstract class BootstrapStage[T <: CantonNode, StageResult <: BootstrapStageOrLeaf[T]] extends BootstrapStageOrLeaf[T]
  4. sealed trait BootstrapStageOrLeaf[T <: CantonNode] extends FlagCloseable with NamedLogging with HasCloseContext
  5. abstract class BootstrapStageWithStorage[T <: CantonNode, StageResult <: BootstrapStageOrLeaf[T], M] extends BootstrapStage[T, StageResult]

    Bootstrap stage which does auto-init / write operations and might eventually be passive

  6. trait CantonNode extends AutoCloseable

    A running instance of a canton node

  7. trait CantonNodeBootstrap[+T <: CantonNode] extends FlagCloseable with NamedLogging

    When a canton node is created it first has to obtain an identity before most of its services can be started.

    When a canton node is created it first has to obtain an identity before most of its services can be started. This process will begin when start is called and will try to perform as much as permitted by configuration automatically. If external action is required before this process can complete start will return successfully but isInitialized will still be false. When the node is successfully initialized the underlying node will be available through getNode.

  8. abstract class CantonNodeBootstrapBase[T <: CantonNode, NodeConfig <: LocalNodeConfig, ParameterConfig <: CantonNodeParameters, Metrics <: BaseMetrics] extends CantonNodeBootstrap[T] with HasCloseContext with NoTracing

    Bootstrapping class used to drive the initialization of a canton node (domain and participant)

    Bootstrapping class used to drive the initialization of a canton node (domain and participant)

    (wait for unique id) -> receive initId -> notify actual implementation via idInitialized

  9. final case class CantonNodeBootstrapCommonArguments[+NodeConfig <: LocalNodeConfig, ParameterConfig <: CantonNodeParameters, M <: BaseMetrics](name: InstanceName, config: NodeConfig, parameterConfig: ParameterConfig, testingConfig: TestingConfigInternal, clock: Clock, metrics: M, storageFactory: StorageFactory, cryptoFactory: CryptoFactory, cryptoPrivateStoreFactory: CryptoPrivateStoreFactory, grpcVaultServiceFactory: GrpcVaultServiceFactory, futureSupervisor: FutureSupervisor, loggerFactory: NamedLoggerFactory, writeHealthDumpToFile: HealthDumpFunction, configuredOpenTelemetry: ConfiguredOpenTelemetry, tracerProvider: TracerProvider) extends Product with Serializable
  10. trait CantonNodeParameters extends General with Protocol
  11. class CommunityConsoleEnvironment extends ConsoleEnvironment
  12. class CommunityEnvironment extends Environment
  13. final case class ConfigurationNotFound(name: String) extends StartupError with ShutdownError with Product with Serializable

    Configuration for the given name was not found in the CantonConfig

  14. final case class DidntUseForceOnRepairMigration(name: String) extends StartupError with Product with Serializable
  15. class DomainManagerNodes[MC <: DomainManagerConfig] extends ManagedNodes[DomainManagerNode, MC, DomainNodeParameters, DomainManagerBootstrap]
  16. class DomainNodes[DC <: DomainConfig] extends ManagedNodes[Domain, DC, DomainNodeParameters, DomainNodeBootstrap]
  17. class EnterpriseEnvironment extends Environment
  18. trait Environment extends NamedLogging with AutoCloseable with NoTracing

    Holds all significant resources held by this process.

  19. trait EnvironmentFactory[E <: Environment] extends AnyRef
  20. final case class FailedDatabaseConfigChecks(name: String, cause: DatabaseConfigError) extends StartupError with Product with Serializable
  21. final case class FailedDatabaseMigration(name: String, cause: Error) extends StartupError with Product with Serializable
  22. final case class FailedDatabaseRepairMigration(name: String, cause: Error) extends StartupError with Product with Serializable
  23. final case class FailedDatabaseVersionChecks(name: String, cause: DatabaseVersionError) extends StartupError with Product with Serializable
  24. final case class FailedToCreateNode(name: String, message: String) extends StartupError with Product with Serializable
  25. trait HasGeneralCantonNodeParameters extends General
  26. trait HasProtocolCantonNodeParameters extends Protocol
  27. class ManagedNodes[Node <: CantonNode, NodeConfig <: LocalNodeConfig, NodeParameters <: CantonNodeParameters, NodeBootstrap <: CantonNodeBootstrap[Node]] extends Nodes[Node, NodeBootstrap] with NamedLogging with HasCloseContext with FlagCloseableAsync

    Nodes group that can start nodes with the provided configuration and factory

  28. class MediatorNodes extends ManagedNodes[MediatorNode, MediatorNodeConfig, MediatorNodeParameters, MediatorNodeBootstrap]
  29. final case class NodeFactoryArguments[NodeConfig <: LocalNodeConfig, ParameterConfig <: CantonNodeParameters, Metrics <: BaseMetrics](name: String, config: NodeConfig, parameters: ParameterConfig, clock: Clock, metrics: Metrics, testingConfig: TestingConfigInternal, futureSupervisor: FutureSupervisor, loggerFactory: NamedLoggerFactory, writeHealthDumpToFile: HealthDumpFunction, configuredOpenTelemetry: ConfiguredOpenTelemetry, executionContext: ExecutionContext) extends Product with Serializable
  30. trait Nodes[+Node <: CantonNode, +NodeBootstrap <: CantonNodeBootstrap[Node]] extends FlagCloseable

    Group of CantonNodes of the same type (domains, participants, sequencers).

  31. class ParticipantNodes[B <: CantonNodeBootstrap[N], N <: CantonNode, PC <: LocalParticipantConfig] extends ManagedNodes[N, PC, ParticipantNodeParameters, B]
  32. final case class PendingDatabaseMigration(name: String, pendingMigrationMessage: String) extends StartupError with Product with Serializable

    Trying to start the node when the database has pending migrations

  33. class RunningNode[T <: CantonNode] extends BootstrapStageOrLeaf[T]
  34. class SequencerNodes[SC <: SequencerNodeConfig] extends ManagedNodes[SequencerNode, SC, SequencerNodeParameters, SequencerNodeBootstrap]
  35. final case class ShutdownDuringStartup(name: String, message: String) extends StartupError with Product with Serializable
  36. sealed trait ShutdownError extends AnyRef
  37. final case class StartFailed(name: String, message: String) extends StartupError with Product with Serializable
  38. sealed trait StartupError extends Product with Serializable
