
package resource

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class CommunityDbMigrations extends DbMigrations with NamedLogging
  2. class CommunityDbMigrationsFactory extends DbMigrationsFactory
  3. class CommunityStorageFactory extends StorageFactory
  4. trait DbLock extends NamedLogging with FlagCloseable with HasCloseContext

    Abstraction for an application-specific database lock.

    Abstraction for an application-specific database lock.

    The lock is identified by an integer and bound to the given database's session/connection.

    If the connection is lost, the database releases the lock and the DbLock sets the lock state to Lost. The caller's connection management has to recreate and try to reacquire the lock with the given id. NOTE: The database must be configured with a single connection.

  5. sealed trait DbLockConfigError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  6. sealed abstract case class DbLockCounter extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable
  7. sealed trait DbLockError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  8. final case class DbLockId extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    Common Wrapper for DB lock identifier

    Common Wrapper for DB lock identifier

    Oracle only supports lock ids up to unsigned 30bit, Postgres support 64bit.

  9. sealed trait DbLockMode extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  10. class DbLockOracle extends DbLock

    A Oracle DB lock using the DBMS_LOCK package.

  11. class DbLockPostgres extends DbLock

    A Postgres DB lock using advisory locks

  12. class DbLockedConnection extends NamedLogging with FlagCloseable with HasCloseContext with StateMachine[State]

    Maintains the combination of a persistent DB connection and a DB lock acquired on that connection.

    Maintains the combination of a persistent DB connection and a DB lock acquired on that connection.

    If the connection is closed or becomes invalid, it will try to rebuild the connection and re-acquire the lock.

  13. sealed trait DbLockedConnectionError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  14. class DbLockedConnectionPool extends JdbcDataSource with FlagCloseable with HasCloseContext with NamedLogging with StateMachine[State]

    A pool of DbLockedConnection for writes guarded by a main lock.

    A pool of DbLockedConnection for writes guarded by a main lock. It implements the slick.jdbc.JdbcDataSource trait to be used by slick.

    The pool is considered active iff the main connection is active, i.e., the connection is healthy and the lock acquired. If the main connection becomes inactive, the pool of connections are ramped down and the pool periodically attempts to become active again. Once a pool becomes active, it waits for the other pool to ramp down by acquiring exclusive access to the pool's shared lock.

  15. sealed trait DbLockedConnectionPoolError extends Product with Serializable
  16. trait DbMigrations extends AnyRef
  17. trait DbMigrationsFactory extends AnyRef
  18. trait DbStorage extends Storage
  19. class DbStorageMulti extends DbStorage with NamedLogging with HasCloseContext

    DB Storage implementation that allows multiple processes to access the underlying database and uses a pool of write connections which are guarded by an exclusive main lock to ensure a single writer instance.

    DB Storage implementation that allows multiple processes to access the underlying database and uses a pool of write connections which are guarded by an exclusive main lock to ensure a single writer instance.

    Periodically checks the activeness of the write connection pool and if the activeness changes executes the onActive or onPassive callbacks.

  20. class DbStorageSingle extends DbStorage with FlagCloseable with NamedLogging

    DB Storage implementation that assumes a single process accessing the underlying database.

  21. trait DbStore extends FlagCloseable with NamedLogging with HasCloseContext
  22. class EnterpriseDbMigrations extends DbMigrations with NamedLogging
  23. class EnterpriseDbMigrationsFactory extends DbMigrationsFactory
  24. class EnterpriseReplicatedStorageFactory extends StorageFactory with NamedLogging
  25. class EnterpriseStorageFactory extends StorageFactory
  26. class KeepAliveConnection extends Connection

    Connection wrapper to prevent closing of the connection.

  27. class MemoryStorage extends Storage with NamedLogging with FlagCloseable
  28. trait StateMachine[S] extends AnyRef
  29. sealed trait Storage extends CloseableHealthComponent with AtomicHealthComponent

    Storage resources (e.g., a database connection pool) that must be released on shutdown.

    Storage resources (e.g., a database connection pool) that must be released on shutdown.

    The only common functionality defined is the shutdown through AutoCloseable. Using storage objects after shutdown is unsafe; thus, they should only be closed when they're ready for garbage collection.

  30. trait StorageFactory extends AnyRef
  31. sealed trait TransactionalStoreUpdate extends AnyRef

    A store update operation that can be executed transactionally with other independent update operations.

    A store update operation that can be executed transactionally with other independent update operations. Transactionality means that either all updates execute or none. The updates in a transactional execution must be independent of each other. During such an execution, partial updates may be observable by concurrent store accesses.

    Useful for updating stores on multiple domains transactionally.

Value Members

  1. object DatabaseStorageError extends StorageErrorGroup
  2. object DbLock
  3. object DbLockCounter extends Serializable
  4. object DbLockCounters

    We pre-allocate a set of counters that are used as part of the lock ID allocation.

  5. object DbLockError extends Serializable
  6. object DbLockId extends Serializable
  7. object DbLockMode extends Serializable
  8. object DbLockedConnection
  9. object DbLockedConnectionError extends Serializable
  10. object DbLockedConnectionPool
  11. object DbLockedConnectionPoolError extends Serializable
  12. object DbMigrations
  13. object DbStorage
  14. object DbStorageMulti
  15. object DbStorageSingle
  16. object DbVersionCheck extends HasLoggerName
  17. object IdempotentInsert

    Utilities for safely and idempotently inserting records to a datastore.

  18. object KeepAliveConnection
  19. object OracleDbLock
  20. object PostgresDbLock
  21. object Storage
  22. object StorageDebug

    Convenience method to extract the arguments of a sql query for debugging purposes

    Convenience method to extract the arguments of a sql query for debugging purposes

    Generally, we stuff our arguments into an SQLActionBuilder from where they can not be read. In order to support debugging, we can use the extractArguments method which will iterate through action builder and extract a string version of the argument.

  23. object StorageFactory
  24. object TransactionalStoreUpdate
  25. object WithDbLock
