Interface VersionServiceOuterClass.GetLedgerApiVersionResponseOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        java.lang.String getVersion()
         The version of the ledger API.
        string version = 1 [json_name = "version"];
        The version.
      • getVersionBytes getVersionBytes()
         The version of the ledger API.
        string version = 1 [json_name = "version"];
        The bytes for version.
      • hasFeatures

        boolean hasFeatures()
         The features supported by this Ledger API endpoint.
         Daml applications CAN use the feature descriptor on top of
         version constraints on the Ledger API version to determine
         whether a given Ledger API endpoint supports the features
         required to run the application.
         See the feature descriptions themselves for the relation between
         Ledger API versions and feature presence.
        .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.FeaturesDescriptor features = 2 [json_name = "features"];
        Whether the features field is set.
      • getFeatures

        VersionServiceOuterClass.FeaturesDescriptor getFeatures()
         The features supported by this Ledger API endpoint.
         Daml applications CAN use the feature descriptor on top of
         version constraints on the Ledger API version to determine
         whether a given Ledger API endpoint supports the features
         required to run the application.
         See the feature descriptions themselves for the relation between
         Ledger API versions and feature presence.
        .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.FeaturesDescriptor features = 2 [json_name = "features"];
        The features.
      • getFeaturesOrBuilder

        VersionServiceOuterClass.FeaturesDescriptorOrBuilder getFeaturesOrBuilder()
         The features supported by this Ledger API endpoint.
         Daml applications CAN use the feature descriptor on top of
         version constraints on the Ledger API version to determine
         whether a given Ledger API endpoint supports the features
         required to run the application.
         See the feature descriptions themselves for the relation between
         Ledger API versions and feature presence.
        .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.FeaturesDescriptor features = 2 [json_name = "features"];