Class ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public static final getDescriptor()
      • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

        protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
        Specified by:
        internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequest.Builder>
      • getDescriptorForType

        public getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        getDescriptorForType in class<ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequest.Builder>
      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        public ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequest getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      • buildPartial

        public ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequest buildPartial()
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
      • getPruneUpTo

        public java.lang.String getPruneUpTo()
         Inclusive offset up to which the ledger is to be pruned.
         By default the following data is pruned:
           1. All normal and divulged contracts that have been archived before
           2. All transaction events and completions before `prune_up_to`
        string prune_up_to = 1 [json_name = "pruneUpTo"];
        Specified by:
        getPruneUpTo in interface ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequestOrBuilder
        The pruneUpTo.
      • getPruneUpToBytes

        public getPruneUpToBytes()
         Inclusive offset up to which the ledger is to be pruned.
         By default the following data is pruned:
           1. All normal and divulged contracts that have been archived before
           2. All transaction events and completions before `prune_up_to`
        string prune_up_to = 1 [json_name = "pruneUpTo"];
        Specified by:
        getPruneUpToBytes in interface ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequestOrBuilder
        The bytes for pruneUpTo.
      • setPruneUpTo

        public ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequest.Builder setPruneUpTo​(java.lang.String value)
         Inclusive offset up to which the ledger is to be pruned.
         By default the following data is pruned:
           1. All normal and divulged contracts that have been archived before
           2. All transaction events and completions before `prune_up_to`
        string prune_up_to = 1 [json_name = "pruneUpTo"];
        value - The pruneUpTo to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearPruneUpTo

        public ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequest.Builder clearPruneUpTo()
         Inclusive offset up to which the ledger is to be pruned.
         By default the following data is pruned:
           1. All normal and divulged contracts that have been archived before
           2. All transaction events and completions before `prune_up_to`
        string prune_up_to = 1 [json_name = "pruneUpTo"];
        This builder for chaining.
      • setPruneUpToBytes

        public ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequest.Builder setPruneUpToBytes​( value)
         Inclusive offset up to which the ledger is to be pruned.
         By default the following data is pruned:
           1. All normal and divulged contracts that have been archived before
           2. All transaction events and completions before `prune_up_to`
        string prune_up_to = 1 [json_name = "pruneUpTo"];
        value - The bytes for pruneUpTo to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setSubmissionId

        public ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequest.Builder setSubmissionId​(java.lang.String value)
         Unique submission identifier.
         Optional, defaults to a random identifier, used for logging.
        string submission_id = 2 [json_name = "submissionId"];
        value - The submissionId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearSubmissionId

        public ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequest.Builder clearSubmissionId()
         Unique submission identifier.
         Optional, defaults to a random identifier, used for logging.
        string submission_id = 2 [json_name = "submissionId"];
        This builder for chaining.
      • setSubmissionIdBytes

        public ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequest.Builder setSubmissionIdBytes​( value)
         Unique submission identifier.
         Optional, defaults to a random identifier, used for logging.
        string submission_id = 2 [json_name = "submissionId"];
        value - The bytes for submissionId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getPruneAllDivulgedContracts

        public boolean getPruneAllDivulgedContracts()
         Prune all immediately and retroactively divulged contracts created before `prune_up_to`
         independent of whether they were archived before `prune_up_to`. Useful to avoid leaking
         storage on participant nodes that can see a divulged contract but not its archival.
         Application developers SHOULD write their Daml applications
         such that they do not rely on divulged contracts; i.e., no warnings from
         using divulged contracts as inputs to transactions are emitted.
         Participant node operators SHOULD set the `prune_all_divulged_contracts` flag to avoid leaking
         storage due to accumulating unarchived divulged contracts PROVIDED that:
           1. no application using this participant node relies on divulgence OR
           2. divulged contracts on which applications rely have been re-divulged after the `prune_up_to` offset.
        bool prune_all_divulged_contracts = 3 [json_name = "pruneAllDivulgedContracts"];
        Specified by:
        getPruneAllDivulgedContracts in interface ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequestOrBuilder
        The pruneAllDivulgedContracts.
      • setPruneAllDivulgedContracts

        public ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequest.Builder setPruneAllDivulgedContracts​(boolean value)
         Prune all immediately and retroactively divulged contracts created before `prune_up_to`
         independent of whether they were archived before `prune_up_to`. Useful to avoid leaking
         storage on participant nodes that can see a divulged contract but not its archival.
         Application developers SHOULD write their Daml applications
         such that they do not rely on divulged contracts; i.e., no warnings from
         using divulged contracts as inputs to transactions are emitted.
         Participant node operators SHOULD set the `prune_all_divulged_contracts` flag to avoid leaking
         storage due to accumulating unarchived divulged contracts PROVIDED that:
           1. no application using this participant node relies on divulgence OR
           2. divulged contracts on which applications rely have been re-divulged after the `prune_up_to` offset.
        bool prune_all_divulged_contracts = 3 [json_name = "pruneAllDivulgedContracts"];
        value - The pruneAllDivulgedContracts to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearPruneAllDivulgedContracts

        public ParticipantPruningServiceOuterClass.PruneRequest.Builder clearPruneAllDivulgedContracts()
         Prune all immediately and retroactively divulged contracts created before `prune_up_to`
         independent of whether they were archived before `prune_up_to`. Useful to avoid leaking
         storage on participant nodes that can see a divulged contract but not its archival.
         Application developers SHOULD write their Daml applications
         such that they do not rely on divulged contracts; i.e., no warnings from
         using divulged contracts as inputs to transactions are emitted.
         Participant node operators SHOULD set the `prune_all_divulged_contracts` flag to avoid leaking
         storage due to accumulating unarchived divulged contracts PROVIDED that:
           1. no application using this participant node relies on divulgence OR
           2. divulged contracts on which applications rely have been re-divulged after the `prune_up_to` offset.
        bool prune_all_divulged_contracts = 3 [json_name = "pruneAllDivulgedContracts"];
        This builder for chaining.