
package v1

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. sealed trait EncryptionAlgoSpec extends AnyRef
  2. sealed trait EncryptionKeySpec extends KeySpec
  3. sealed trait KeySpec extends Product with Serializable
  4. trait KmsDriver extends api.KmsDriver with AutoCloseable

    The interface for a pluggable KMS implementation, that is, a KMS Driver.

    The interface for a pluggable KMS implementation, that is, a KMS Driver.

    Cryptographic operations are async, i.e., they return a Future. In case of failures, the future must be failed with a KmsDriverException.

    Each KMS operation takes an OpenTelemetry io.opentelemetry.context.Context as a trace context that can optionally be propagated to the external KMS.

  5. final case class KmsDriverException(exception: Throwable, retryable: Boolean) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

    An exception that should be thrown by the KMS driver in case of failure.

    An exception that should be thrown by the KMS driver in case of failure.


    The underlying exception of the KMS that lead to the failure.


    If true the caller can retry the failing operation.

  6. trait KmsDriverFactory extends api.KmsDriverFactory with DriverFactory
  7. sealed trait KmsDriverHealth extends Product with Serializable
  8. final case class PublicKey(key: Array[Byte], spec: KeySpec) extends Product with Serializable

    A public key exported from the KMS.

    A public key exported from the KMS.


    The DER-encoded X.509 public key (SubjectPublicKeyInfo)


    The key specification of the key pair

  9. sealed trait SigningAlgoSpec extends AnyRef
  10. sealed trait SigningKeySpec extends KeySpec
