package db
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- trait DbBulkUpdateProcessor[A, B] extends Processor[A, Try[B]]
Implementation of aggregated bulk update operations for DB stores
- class DbCursorPreheadStore[Discr] extends CursorPreheadStore[Discr] with DbStore
DB storage for a cursor prehead for a domain
- class DbDeserializationException extends RuntimeException
Thrown when a persisted value cannot be deserialized back into a scala type.
Thrown when a persisted value cannot be deserialized back into a scala type.
- Annotations
- @SuppressWarnings()
- class DbIndexedStringStore extends IndexedStringStore with DbStore
- trait DbPrunableByTime[PartitionKey] extends PrunableByTime
Mixin for an db store that stores the latest point in time when pruning has started or finished.
Mixin for an db store that stores the latest point in time when pruning has started or finished.
The pruning method of the store must use advancePruningTimestamp to signal the start end completion of each pruning.
- trait DbPrunableByTimeDomain extends DbPrunableByTime[IndexedDomain]
Specialized DbPrunableByTime that uses the com.digitalasset.canton.topology.DomainId as discriminator
- final class DbPruningSchedulerStore extends PruningSchedulerStore with DbStore with NamedLogging
- class DbSendTrackerStore_Unused extends SendTrackerStore with DbStore
- class DbSequencedEventStore extends SequencedEventStore with DbStore with DbPrunableByTime[SequencerClientDiscriminator]
- class DbSequencerCounterTrackerStore extends SequencerCounterTrackerStore with NamedLogging
- class DbSerializationException extends RuntimeException
Thrown when a value is persisted into the database.
Thrown when a value is persisted into the database.
- Annotations
- @SuppressWarnings()
- class DbUninitializedException extends RuntimeException
Thrown when the db has not been properly initialized
Thrown when the db has not been properly initialized
- Annotations
- @SuppressWarnings()
- sealed trait SequencerClientDiscriminator extends NoCopy
We typically have a database per node but there can be many owners of a SequencerClient within that node.
We typically have a database per node but there can be many owners of a SequencerClient within that node.
For a domain the mediator and topology manager may have their own SequencerClient instances. For a participant each domain the participant connects to will have its own SequencerClient. We use this discriminator to allow storing state for all sequencer clients in the same table.
To ensure that we truly use different "static_string" indexes, we'll require the indexes to be generated by code in this file so that we can discriminate the client data
Value Members
- object DbBulkUpdateProcessor
- object DbSequencedEventStore
- object DbSequencerCounterTrackerStore
- object RequiredTypesCodec
- object SequencerClientDiscriminator