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React framework for DAML applications


Comprehensive documentation for @daml/react can be found here.


The best way to get you started quickly is to look at Create DAMLApp and to read the QuickstartGuide.

To get an overview on how to build a DAML application, please read the application architecture overview.

To use @daml/react your application needs to be connected to the JSON API of a DAML ledger. If your JSON API server for the ledger runs on the local host on port 7575, set

"proxy": "http://localhost:7575"

in your package.json and wrap your main component in the DamlLedger component of @daml/react

import DamlLedger from @daml/react

const App: React.FC = () => {
      token: <your authentication token>
      httpBaseUrl?: <optional http base url>
      wsBaseUrl?: <optional websocket base url>
      party: <the logged in party>
      <MainScreen />

Now you can use the following React hooks to interact with a DAML ledger:


useParty returns the party, for which commands are currently send to the ledger.

const party = useParty();


useLedger returns an instance of the Ledger class of @daml/ledger to interact with the DAML ledger.

const ledger = useLedger();
const newContract = await ledger.create(ContractTemplate, arguments);
const archiveEvent = await Ledger.archive(ContractTemplate, contractId);
const [choiceReturnValue, events] = await ledger.exercise(ContractChoice, contractId, choiceArguments);


useQuery returns the contracts matching a given query. The query matches for a given contract template and specified field values of the contracts of that template. If the query is omitted, all visible contracts of the given template are returned.

const {contracts, loading} = useQuery(ContractTemplate, () => {field: value}, [dependency1,
dependency2, ...]);

const {allContracts, isLoading} = useQuery(ContractTemplate, [dependency1, dependency2, ...]);


useReload returns a function to reload the results of queries.

const reload = useReload();
const onClick = reload;


useStreamQuery has the same signature as useQuery, but it constantly refreshes the results.

const {contracts, loading} = useStreamQuery(ContractTemplate, () => {field: value}, [dependency1,
dependency2, ...]);

const {allContracts, isLoading} = useStreamQuery(ContractTemplate, [dependency1, dependency2, ...]);


useFetchByKey returns the unique contract of a given template and a given contract key.

const {contract, loading} = useFetchByKey(ContractTemplate, () => key, [dependency1, dependency2, ...]);


useStreamFetchByKey has the same signature as useFetchByKey, but it constantly keeps refreshes the result.

const {contract, loading} = useStreamFetchByKey(ContractTemplate, () => key, [dependency1, dependency2, ...]);





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