Class PartyManagementServiceGrpc.PartyManagementServiceFutureStub

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class PartyManagementServiceGrpc.PartyManagementServiceFutureStub
    extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractFutureStub<PartyManagementServiceGrpc.PartyManagementServiceFutureStub>
     Status: experimental interface, will change before it is deemed production
     Inspect the party management state of a ledger participant and modify the
     parts that are modifiable. We use 'backing participant' to refer to this
     specific participant in the methods of this API.
    • Method Detail

      • getParticipantId

        public<PartyManagementServiceOuterClass.GetParticipantIdResponse> getParticipantId​(PartyManagementServiceOuterClass.GetParticipantIdRequest request)
         Return the identifier of the backing participant.
         All horizontally scaled replicas should return the same id.
         daml-on-kv-ledger: returns an identifier supplied on command line at launch time
         canton: returns globally unique identifier of the backing participant
         - ``UNAUTHENTICATED``: if the request does not include a valid access token
         - ``PERMISSION_DENIED``: if the claims in the token are insufficient to perform a given operation
      • listKnownParties

        public<PartyManagementServiceOuterClass.ListKnownPartiesResponse> listKnownParties​(PartyManagementServiceOuterClass.ListKnownPartiesRequest request)
         List the parties known by the backing participant.
         The list returned contains parties whose ledger access is facilitated by
         backing participant and the ones maintained elsewhere.
         - ``UNAUTHENTICATED``: if the request does not include a valid access token
         - ``PERMISSION_DENIED``: if the claims in the token are insufficient to perform a given operation
      • allocateParty

        public<PartyManagementServiceOuterClass.AllocatePartyResponse> allocateParty​(PartyManagementServiceOuterClass.AllocatePartyRequest request)
         Adds a new party to the set managed by the backing participant.
         Caller specifies a party identifier suggestion, the actual identifier
         allocated might be different and is implementation specific.
         This call may:
         - Succeed, in which case the actual allocated identifier is visible in
           the response.
         - Respond with a gRPC error
         - ``UNAUTHENTICATED``: if the request does not include a valid access token
         - ``PERMISSION_DENIED``: if the claims in the token are insufficient to perform a given operation
         - ``UNIMPLEMENTED``: if synchronous party allocation is not supported by the backing participant
         - ``DEADLINE_EXCEEDED``: if the request times out
         - ``INVALID_ARGUMENT``: if the provided hint and/or display name is invalid on the given ledger (see below).
         daml-on-kv-ledger: suggestion's uniqueness is checked by the validators in
         the consensus layer and call rejected if the identifier is already present.
         canton: completely different globally unique identifier is allocated.
         Behind the scenes calls to an internal protocol are made. As that protocol
         is richer than the surface protocol, the arguments take implicit values
         The party identifier suggestion must be a valid party name. Party names are required to be non-empty US-ASCII strings built from letters, digits, space,
         colon, minus and underscore limited to 255 chars