
package Paint

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class AcceptByOwner(iouId: ContractId[Iou]) extends ValueRef with Product with Serializable
  2. final case class AcceptByPainter() extends ValueRef with Product with Serializable
  3. final case class OfferToPaintHouseByOwner(houseOwner: Party, painter: Party, bank: Party, iouId: ContractId[Iou]) extends Template[OfferToPaintHouseByOwner] with Product with Serializable
  4. final case class OfferToPaintHouseByPainter(houseOwner: Party, painter: Party, bank: Party, amount: Amount) extends Template[OfferToPaintHouseByPainter] with Product with Serializable
  5. final case class PaintHouse(painter: Party, houseOwner: Party) extends Template[PaintHouse] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AcceptByOwner extends ValueRefCompanion with (ContractId[Iou]) => AcceptByOwner with Serializable
  2. object AcceptByPainter extends ValueRefCompanion with () => AcceptByPainter with Serializable
  3. object OfferToPaintHouseByOwner extends TemplateCompanion[OfferToPaintHouseByOwner] with (Party, Party, Party, ContractId[Iou]) => OfferToPaintHouseByOwner with Serializable
  4. object OfferToPaintHouseByPainter extends TemplateCompanion[OfferToPaintHouseByPainter] with (Party, Party, Party, Amount) => OfferToPaintHouseByPainter with Serializable
  5. object PaintHouse extends TemplateCompanion[PaintHouse] with (Party, Party) => PaintHouse with Serializable