Daml-LF JSON Encoding¶
We describe how to decode and encode Daml-LF values as JSON. For each Daml-LF type we explain what JSON inputs we accept (decoding), and what JSON output we produce (encoding).
The output format is parameterized by two flags:
The suggested defaults for both of these flags is false. If the intended
recipient is written in JavaScript, however, note that the JavaScript data
model will decode these as numbers, discarding data in some cases;
encode-as-String avoids this, as mentioned with respect to JSON.parse
below. For that reason, the HTTP JSON API Service uses true
for both flags.
Note that throughout the document the decoding is type-directed. In other words, the same JSON value can correspond to many Daml-LF values, and the expected Daml-LF type is needed to decide which one.
Decimals can be expressed as JSON numbers or as JSON strings. JSON strings are accepted using the same format that JSON accepts, and treated them as the equivalent JSON number:
Note that JSON numbers would be enough to represent all Decimals. However, we also accept strings because in many languages (most notably JavaScript) use IEEE Doubles to express JSON numbers, and IEEE Doubles cannot express Daml-LF Decimals correctly. Therefore, we also accept strings so that JavaScript users can use them to specify Decimals that do not fit in IEEE Doubles.
Numbers must be within the bounds of Decimal, [–(10³⁸–1)÷10¹⁰, (10³⁸–1)÷10¹⁰]. Numbers outside those bounds will be rejected. Numbers inside the bounds will always be accepted, using banker’s rounding to fit them within the precision supported by Decimal.
A few valid examples:
A few invalid examples:
If encodeDecimalAsString is set, decimals are encoded as strings, using
the format -?[0-9]{1,28}(\.[0-9]{1,10})?
. If encodeDecimalAsString
is not set, they are encoded as JSON numbers, also using the format
Note that the flag encodeDecimalAsString is useful because it lets JavaScript consumers consume Decimals safely with the standard JSON.parse.
Int64, much like Decimal, can be represented as JSON numbers and as
strings, with the string representation being [+-]?[0-9]+
. The
numbers must fall within [-9223372036854775808,
9223372036854775807]. Moreover, if represented as JSON numbers, they
must have no fractional part.
A few valid examples:
A few invalid examples:
If encodeInt64AsString is set, Int64s are encoded as strings, using the
format -?[0-9]+
. If encodeInt64AsString is not set, they are encoded as
JSON numbers, also using the format -?[0-9]+
Note that the flag encodeInt64AsString is useful because it lets
JavaScript consumers consume Int64s safely with the standard
Timestamps are represented as ISO 8601 strings, rendered using the
format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ssssssZ
Parsing is a little bit more flexible and uses the format
, i.e. it’s OK to omit the microsecond part
partially or entirely, or have more than 6 decimals. Sub-second data beyond
microseconds will be dropped. The UTC timezone designator must be included. The
rationale behind the inclusion of the timezone designator is minimizing the
risk that users pass in local times. Valid examples:
The timestamp must be between the bounds specified by Daml-LF and ISO 8601, [0001-01-01T00:00:00Z, 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999Z].
Timestamps are encoded as ISO 8601 strings, rendered using the format
The sub-second part will be formatted as follows:
- If no sub-second part is present in the timestamp (i.e. the timestamp represents whole seconds), the sub-second part will be omitted entirely;
- If the sub-second part does not go beyond milliseconds, the sub-second part will be up to milliseconds, padding with trailing 0s if necessary;
- Otherwise, the sub-second part will be up to microseconds, padding with trailing 0s if necessary.
In other words, the encoded timestamp will either have no sub-second part, a sub-second part of length 3, or a sub-second part of length 6.
Represented as empty object {}
. Note that in JavaScript {} !==
; however, null
would be ambiguous; for the type Optional
, null
decodes to None
, but {}
decodes to Some ()
Additionally, we think that this is the least confusing encoding for Unit since unit is conceptually an empty record. We do not want to imply that Unit is used similarly to null in JavaScript or None in Python.
Represented as an ISO 8601 date rendered using the format
The dates must be between the bounds specified by Daml-LF and ISO 8601, [0001-01-01, 9999-12-31].
Represented as strings.
Represented as booleans.
Records can be represented in two ways. As objects:
And as arrays:
Note that Daml-LF record fields are ordered. So if we have
when representing the record as an array the user must specify the fields in order:
The motivation for the array format for records is to allow specifying
tuple types closer to what it looks like in Daml. Note that a Daml
tuple, i.e. (42, True), will be compiled to a Daml-LF record Tuple2 {
_1 = 42, _2 = True }
Records are always encoded as objects.
GenMaps are represented as lists of pairs:
Order does not matter. However, any duplicate keys will cause the map to be treated as invalid.
Optionals are encoded using null
if the value is None, and with the
value itself if it’s Some. However, this alone does not let us encode
nested optionals unambiguously. Therefore, nested Optionals are encoded
using an empty list for None, and a list with one element for Some. Note
that after the top-level Optional, all the nested ones must be
represented using the list notation.
A few examples, using the form
to make clear what the target Daml-LF type is:
null --> None : Optional Int64
null --> None : Optional (Optional Int64)
42 --> Some 42 : Optional Int64
[] --> Some None : Optional (Optional Int64)
[42] --> Some (Some 42) : Optional (Optional Int64)
[[]] --> Some (Some None) : Optional (Optional (Optional Int64))
[[42]] --> Some (Some (Some 42)) : Optional (Optional (Optional Int64))
Finally, if Optional values appear in records, they can be omitted to represent None. Given Daml-LF types
We have
{ } --> Depth1 { foo: None } : Depth1
{ } --> Depth2 { foo: None } : Depth2
{ foo: 42 } --> Depth1 { foo: Some 42 } : Depth1
{ foo: [42] } --> Depth2 { foo: Some (Some 42) } : Depth2
{ foo: null } --> Depth1 { foo: None } : Depth1
{ foo: null } --> Depth2 { foo: None } : Depth2
{ foo: [] } --> Depth2 { foo: Some None } : Depth2
Note that the shortcut for records and Optional fields does not apply to
Map (which are also represented as objects), since Map relies on absence
of key to determine what keys are present in the Map to begin with. Nor
does it apply to the [f₁, ..., fₙ]
record form; Depth1 None
the array notation must be written as [null]
Type variables may appear in the Daml-LF language, but are always
resolved before deciding on a JSON encoding. So, for example, even
though Oa
doesn’t appear to contain a nested Optional
, it may
contain a nested Optional
by virtue of substituting the type
variable a
In other words, the correct JSON encoding for any LF value is the one you get when you have eliminated all type variables.
Encoded as described above, never applying the shortcut for None record
fields; e.g. { foo: None }
will always encode as { foo: null }
Variants are expressed as
For example, if we have
These are all valid JSON encodings for values of type Foo:
Note that Daml data types with named fields are compiled by factoring out the record. So for example if we have
We’ll get in Daml-LF
and then, from JSON
This can be encoded and used in TypeScript, including exhaustiveness checking; see a type refinement example.
Enums are represented as strings. So if we have
There are exactly two valid JSON values for Foo, “Bar” and “Baz”.