Daml Triggers - Off-Ledger Automation in Daml¶
In addition to the actual Daml logic which is uploaded to the Ledger and the UI, Daml applications often need to automate certain interactions with the ledger. This is commonly done in the form of a ledger client that listens to the transaction stream of the ledger and when certain conditions are met, e.g., when a template of a given type has been created, the client sends commands to the ledger to create a template of another type.
It is possible to write these clients in a language of your choice, such as JavaScript, using the HTTP JSON API. However, that introduces an additional layer of friction: you now need to translate between the template and choice types in Daml and a representation of those Daml types in the language you are using for your client. Daml triggers address this problem by allowing you to write certain kinds of automation directly in Daml, reusing all the Daml types and logic that you have already defined. Note that, while the logic for Daml triggers is written in Daml, they act like any other ledger client: they are executed separately from the ledger, they do not need to be uploaded to the ledger and they do not allow you to do anything that any other ledger client could not do.
If you don’t want to follow along, but still want to get the final code for this section to play with, you can get it by running:
How To Think About Triggers¶
It is tempting to think of Daml Triggers as snippets of code that “react to ledger events”. However, this is not the best way to think about them; while it will work in some cases, in many corner cases that line of thought will lead to subtle errors.
Instead, you should think of, and write, your triggers from the perspective of “correcting the current ACS” to match some predefined expectations. Trigger rules should be a combination of checking those expectations on the current ACS and applyin corrective actions to bring back the ACS in line with its expected state.
The “trigger” part is best thought of as an optimization: rather than check the ACS constantly, we only apply our rules when something happens that we believe _may_ lead to the state of the ledger diverging from our expectations.
Sample Trigger¶
Our example for this tutorial builds upon the Getting Started Guide, specifically picking up right after the Your First Feature section.
We assume that our requirements are to build a chatbot that reponds to every message with:
“Please, tell me more about that.”
That should fool anyone and pass the Turing test, easily.
As explained above, while the layman description may be “responds to every message”, our technical description is better phrased as “ensure that, at all times, the last message we can see has been sent by us; if that is not the case, the corrective action is to send a response to the last message we can see”.
Daml Trigger Basics¶
A Daml trigger is a regular Daml project that you can build using daml
. To get access to the API used to build a trigger, you need to add the
library to the dependencies
field in daml.yaml
Note: In the specific case of the Getting Started Guide, this is already
included as part of the create-daml-app
In addition to that you also need to import the Daml.Trigger
module in your own code.
Daml triggers automatically track the active contract set (ACS), i.e., the set of contracts
that have been created and have not been archived, and the
commands in flight for you. In addition to that, they allow you to
have user-defined state that is updated based on new transactions and
command completions. For our chatbot trigger, the ACS is sufficient, so
we will simply use ()
as the type of the user defined state.
To create a trigger you need to define a value of type Trigger s
where s
is the type of your user-defined state:
To clarify, this is the definition in the Daml.Trigger
library, reproduced
here for illustration purposes. This is not something you need to add to your
own code.
The initialize
function is called on startup and allows you to
initialize your user-defined state based on querying the active contract
The updateState
function is called on new transactions and command
completions and can be used to update your user-defined state based on
the ACS and the transaction or completion. Since our Daml trigger does
not have any interesting user-defined state, we will not go into
details here.
The rule
function is the core of a Daml trigger. It defines which
commands need to be sent to the ledger based on the party the trigger is
executed at, the current state of the ACS, and the user defined state.
The type TriggerA
allows you to emit commands that are then sent to
the ledger, query the ACS with query
, update the user-defined state,
as well as retrieve the commands in flight with getCommandsInFlight
Like Scenario
or Update
, you can use do
notation and
with TriggerA
We can specify the templates that our trigger will operate
on. In our case, we will simply specify AllInDar
which means that
the trigger will receive events for all template types defined in the
DAR. It is also possible to specify an explicit list of templates. For example,
to specify just the Message
template, one would write:
This is mainly useful for performance reasons if your DAR contains many templates that are not relevant for your trigger. Note that providing an explicit list of templates also filters the result of querying the ACS using the Trigger API: contracts of the excluded templates cannot be queried.
Finally, you can specify an optional heartbeat interval at which the trigger
will be sent a MHeartbeat
message. This is useful if you want to ensure
that the trigger is executed at a certain rate to issue timed commands. We will
not be using heartbeats in this example.
Running a No-Op Trigger¶
To implement a no-op trigger, one could write the following in a separate
In the context of the Getting Started app, if you write the above file, then
run daml start
and npm start
as usual, and then set up the trigger
and then play with the app as alice
and bob
just like you did for
Your First Feature, you should see the trigger command
printing a line for each interaction, containing the message triggered
well as other debug information.
Diversion: Updating Message
Before we can make our Trigger more useful, we need to think a bit more about
what it is supposed to do. For example, we don’t want to respond to bob
own messages. We also do not want to send messages when we have not received
In order to start with something reasonably simple, we’re going to set the rule as
if the last message we can see was not sent bybob
, then we’ll send"Please, tell me more about that."
to whoever sent the last message we can see.
This raises the question of how we can determine which message is the last one,
given the current structure of a message. In order to solve that, we need to
add a Time
field to Message
, which can be done by editing the
template in daml/User.daml
to look like:
This should result in Daml Studio reporting an error in the SendMessage
choice, as it now needs to set the receivedAt
field. Here is the updated
code for SendMessage
-- New definition for SendMessage
nonconsuming choice SendMessage: ContractId Message with
sender: Party
content: Text
controller sender
assertMsg "Designated user must follow you back to send a message" (elem sender following)
now <- getTime
create Message with sender, receiver = username, content, receivedAt = now
The getTime
action (doc)
returns the time at which the command was received by the sandbox. In more
sensitive applications, this may not be sufficiently reliable, as transactions
may be processed in parallel (so “received at” timestamp order may not match
actual transaction order), and in distributed cases dishonest participants may
fudge this value. It’s good enough for this example, though.
Now that we have a field to sort on, and thus a way to identify the latest message, we can turn our attention back to our trigger code.
Open up the trigger code again (daml/ChatBot.daml
), and change it to:
module ChatBot where
import qualified Daml.Trigger as T
import qualified User
import qualified DA.List.Total as List
import DA.Action (when)
import DA.Optional (whenSome)
autoReply : T.Trigger ()
autoReply = T.Trigger
{ initialize = pure ()
, updateState = \_ -> pure ()
, rule = \p -> do
message_contracts <- T.query @User.Message
let messages = map snd message_contracts
debug $ "Messages so far: " <> show (length messages)
let lastMessage = List.maximumOn (.receivedAt) messages
debug $ "Last message: " <> show lastMessage
whenSome lastMessage $ \m ->
when (m.receiver == p) $ do
users <- T.query @User.User
debug users
let isSender = (\user -> user.username == m.sender)
let replyTo = List.head $ filter (\(_, user) -> isSender user) users
whenSome replyTo $ \(sender, _) ->
T.dedupExercise sender (User.SendMessage p "Please, tell me more about that.")
, registeredTemplates = T.AllInDar
, heartbeat = None
Refresh daml start
by pressing r
(followed by Enter
on Windows) in
its terminal, then start the trigger with:
Play a bit with alice
and bob
in your browser, to get a feel for how
the trigger works. Watch both the messages in-browser and the debug statements
printed by the trigger runner.
Let’s walk through the rule
code line-by-line:
- We use the
function to get all of theMessage
templates visible to the current party (p
; in our case this will bebob
). Per the documentation, this returns a list of tuples (contract id, payload), which we store asmessage_contracts
. - We then map the snd function on the result to get only the payloads, i.e. the actual data of the messages we can see.
- We print, as a
message, the number of messages we can see. - On the next line, get the message with the highest
field (maximumOn). - We then print another debug message, this time printing the message our code
has identified as “the last message visible to the current party”. If you run
this, you’ll see that
is actually aOptional Message
. This is because the maximumOn function will return the element from a list for which the given functions produces the highest value if the list has at least one element, but it needs to still do something sensible if the list is empty; in this case, it would returnNone
. - When
isSome m
(whenSome), we execute the given function. Otherwise,lastMessage
and we implicitly do nothing. - Next, we need to check whether the message has been sent to or by the
party running the trigger (with the current Daml model, it has to be one or
the other, as messages are only visible to the sender and receiver).
when the
m.receiver == p
, we then our expectations of the ledger state are wrong and we need to correct it. Otherwise, the state matches our rule and we don’t need to do anything. - At this point we know the state is “wrong”, per our expectations, and start
engaging in correcting actions. For this trigger, this means sendinga message
to the sender of the last message. In order to do that, we need to find the
contract for the sender. We start by getting the list of allUser
contracts we know about, which will be all users who follow the party running the trigger (and that party’s ownUser
contract). As forMessage
contracts earlier, the result ofquery @User
is going to be a list of tuples with (contract id, payload). The big difference is that this time we actually want to keep the contract ids, as that is what we’ll use to send a message back. - We print the list of users we just fetched, as a debug message.
- We create a function to identify the user we are looking for.
- We get the user contract by applying our
function as a filter on the list of users, and then taking the head of that list, i.e. its first element. - Just like
will return anOptional a
, so the next step is to check whether we have actually found the relevantUser
contract. In most cases we should find it, but remember that users can send us a message if we follow them, whereas we can only answer if they follow us. - If we did find some
contract to reply to, we extract the corresponding contract id (first element of the tuple,sender
) and discard the payload (second element,_
), and we exercise theSendMessage
choice, passing in the current partyp
as the sender. See below for additional information on what thatdedup
in the name of the command means.
Command Deduplication¶
Daml Triggers react to many things, and it’s usually important to make sure that the same command is not sent mutiple times.
For example, in our autoReply
chatbot above, the rule will be triggered not
only when we receive a message, but also when we send one, as well as when we
follow a user or get followed by a user, and when we stop following a user or a
user stops following us.
It’s easy to imagine a sequence of events that would make a naive trigger implementation send too many messages. For example:
, so the trigger runs and sends anexercise
command.- _Before_ the
command is fully processed,carol
, which triggers the rule again. The state of all theMessage
can see has not changed, so the rule might send the response toalice
We obviously don’t want that to happen, as it would likely prevent us from passing that Turing test we were after.
Triggers offer a few features to help users manage that. Possibly the simplest
one is the dedup*
family of ledger operations. When using those, the
trigger runner will keep track of the commands currently sent and prevent
sending the exact same command again. In the above example, the trigger would
see that, when carol
follows bob
and the rule runs dedupExercise
there is already an Exercise command in flight with the exact same value, in
this case same message, same sender and same receiver.
Note that, if instead the in-between event is alice
following carol
this simple deduplication mechanism might not work as expected: because the
contract ID for alice
would have changed, the new command is not
the same as the in-flight one and thus a second SendMessage
exercise would
be sent to the ledger.
Similarly, if alice
sends a second message quickly after the first one,
this deduplication would prevent it, because the “response” does not have any
reference to which message it’s responding to. This may or may not be what we
If this simple deduplication is not suited to your use-case, you have two other
tools at your disposal. The first one is the second argument to the
which is a list of contract IDs. These IDs will be filtered out of any ACS
made by this trigger until the commands submitted as part of the same
call have completed. If your trigger is based on seeing
certain contracts, this can be a simple, effective way to prevent triggering it
multiple times.
The last tool you have at your disposal is the getCommandsInflight
which returns all of the commands this instance of the trigger runner has sent
and that have not yet been resolved (i.e. either committed or failed). You can
then build your own logic based on this list, the ACS, and possibly your own
trigger state.
Finally, do keep in mind that all of these mechanisms rely on internal state from the trigger runner, which keeps track of which commands it has sent and for which it’s not seen a completion. They will all fail to deduplicate if that internal state is lost, e.g. if the trigger runner is shut down and a new one is started. As such, these deduplication mechanisms should be seen as an optimization rather than a requirement for correctness. The Daml model should be designed such that duplicated commands are either rejected (e.g. using keys or relying on changing contract IDs) or benign.
When using Daml triggers against a Ledger with request authorization, you can
pass --access-token-file token.jwt
to daml trigger
which will
read the token from the file token.jwt
If you plan to run more than one trigger at a time, or triggers for more than one party at a time, you may be interested in the Trigger Service.
When not to use Daml triggers¶
Daml triggers deliberately only allow you to express automation that listens for ledger events and reacts to them by sending commands to the ledger.
Daml Triggers are not suited for automation that needs to interact with services or data outside of the ledger. For those cases, you can write a ledger client using the JavaScript bindings running against the HTTP JSON API or the Java bindings running against the gRPC Ledger API.