Class ActiveContractsServiceGrpc.ActiveContractsServiceBlockingStub

    • Method Detail

      • getActiveContracts

        public java.util.Iterator<ActiveContractsServiceOuterClass.GetActiveContractsResponse> getActiveContracts​(ActiveContractsServiceOuterClass.GetActiveContractsRequest request)
         Returns a stream of the latest snapshot of active contracts.
         If there are no active contracts, the stream returns a single GetActiveContractsResponse message with the offset at which the snapshot has been taken.
         Clients SHOULD use the offset in the last GetActiveContractsResponse message to continue streaming transactions with the transaction service.
         Clients SHOULD NOT assume that the set of active contracts they receive reflects the state at the ledger end.
         - ``UNAUTHENTICATED``: if the request does not include a valid access token
         - ``PERMISSION_DENIED``: if the claims in the token are insufficient to perform a given operation
         - ``NOT_FOUND``: if the request does not include a valid ledger id
         - ``INVALID_ARGUMENT``: if the payload is malformed or is missing required fields (filters by party cannot be empty)