Class ConfigManagementServiceGrpc.ConfigManagementServiceStub

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class ConfigManagementServiceGrpc.ConfigManagementServiceStub
    extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractAsyncStub<ConfigManagementServiceGrpc.ConfigManagementServiceStub>
     Status: experimental interface, will change before it is deemed production
     The ledger configuration management service provides methods for the ledger administrator
     to change the current ledger configuration. The services provides methods to modify
     different aspects of the configuration.
    • Method Detail

      • setTimeModel

        public void setTimeModel​(ConfigManagementServiceOuterClass.SetTimeModelRequest request,
                                 io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<ConfigManagementServiceOuterClass.SetTimeModelResponse> responseObserver)
         Set the ledger time model.
         - ``UNAUTHENTICATED``: if the request does not include a valid access token
         - ``PERMISSION_DENIED``: if the claims in the token are insufficient to perform a given operation
         - ``INVALID_ARGUMENT``: if arguments are invalid, or the provided configuration generation
           does not match the current active configuration generation. The caller is expected
           to retry by again fetching current time model using 'GetTimeModel', applying changes
           and resubmitting.
         - ``DEADLINE_EXCEEDED``: if the request times out. Note that a timed out request may
           have still been committed to the ledger. Application should re-query the current
           time model before retrying.
         - ``FAILED_PRECONDITION``: if the request is rejected.
         - ``UNIMPLEMENTED``: if this method is not supported by the backing ledger.