
object LedgerTime extends LocalRejectErrorCode

@Explanation(explanation = """This error is thrown if the ledger time and the record time differ more than permitted.
This can happen in an overloaded system due to high latencies or for transactions with long interpretation times."""
@Resolution(resolution = "For long-running transactions, specify a ledger time with the command submission or adjust the dynamic domain parameter ledgerTimeRecordTimeTolerance (and possibly the participant and mediator reaction timeout). For short-running transactions, simply retry.")
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. LedgerTime
  2. LocalRejectErrorCode
  3. BaseLocalRejectErrorCode
  4. ErrorCode
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class Reject(_details: String)(representativeProtocolVersion: RepresentativeProtocolVersion[LocalVerdict.type]) extends LocalRejectImpl with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. val category: ErrorCategory
    Definition Classes
  2. implicit val code: LocalRejectErrorCode
    Definition Classes
  3. def codeStr(correlationId: Option[String]): String

    The machine readable error code string, uniquely identifiable by the error id, error category and correlation id.

    The machine readable error code string, uniquely identifiable by the error id, error category and correlation id. e.g. NO_DOMAINS_CONNECTED(2,ABC234)

    Definition Classes
  4. def errorConveyanceDocString: Option[String]

    The error conveyance doc string provides a statement about the form this error will be returned to the user

    The error conveyance doc string provides a statement about the form this error will be returned to the user

    Definition Classes
  5. val id: String
    Definition Classes
  6. def logLevel: Level

    Log level of the error code

    Log level of the error code

    Generally, the log level is defined by the error category. In rare cases, it might be overridden by the error code.

    Definition Classes
  7. implicit val parent: ErrorClass
    Definition Classes
  8. def toMsg(cause: => String, correlationId: Option[String], limit: Option[Int]): String


    message including error category id, error code id, correlation id and cause

    Definition Classes
  9. val v0CodeP: Code

    The code of a LocalReject in proto format v0.

    The code of a LocalReject in proto format v0. This is used to serialize rejections to v0.LocalReject.

    Definition Classes
  10. object Reject extends Serializable