
package v0

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class AcsCommitment(domainId: String, sendingParticipant: String, counterParticipant: String, fromExclusive: Option[Timestamp], toInclusive: Option[Timestamp], commitment: ByteString) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[AcsCommitment] with Product with Serializable

    A commitment to the active contract set (ACS) that is shared between two participants on a given domain at a given time.

    A commitment to the active contract set (ACS) that is shared between two participants on a given domain at a given time. Given a commitment scheme to the ACS, the semantics are as follows: the sender declares that the shared ACS was exactly the one committed to, at every commitment tick during the specified period and as determined by the period's interval. The interval is assumed to be a round number of seconds. The ticks then start at the Java EPOCH time, and are exactly interval apart. All fields are mandatory.

  2. final case class ActionDescription(description: Description) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ActionDescription] with Product with Serializable
  3. final case class Batch(envelopes: Seq[Envelope]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Batch] with Product with Serializable
  4. final case class BlindableNode(blindedOrNot: BlindedOrNot) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[BlindableNode] with Product with Serializable
  5. final case class CausalityMessage(targetDomainId: String, transferId: Option[TransferId], clock: Option[VectorClock]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[CausalityMessage] with Product with Serializable
  6. final case class CausalityUpdate(informeeStakeholders: Seq[String], ts: Option[Timestamp], domainId: String, requestCounter: Long, tag: Tag) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[CausalityUpdate] with Product with Serializable
  7. final case class CheckOnlyPackages(participant: String, packageIds: Seq[String]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[CheckOnlyPackages] with Product with Serializable

    Allows the referenced package-ids to represent the creation packages of input contracts to a Daml transaction

    Allows the referenced package-ids to represent the creation packages of input contracts to a Daml transaction


    the participant declaring the packages as check-only


    the hashes of the check-only packages

  8. final case class CommonMetadata(salt: Option[Salt], confirmationPolicy: ByteString, domainId: String, uuid: String, mediatorId: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[CommonMetadata] with Product with Serializable
  9. final case class CompressedBatch(algorithm: CompressionAlgorithm, compressedBatch: ByteString) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[CompressedBatch] with Product with Serializable
  10. final case class DeduplicationPeriod(period: Period) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[DeduplicationPeriod] with Product with Serializable
  11. final case class DeliverErrorReason(reason: Reason) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[DeliverErrorReason] with Product with Serializable
  12. final case class DomainGovernanceTransaction(mapping: Mapping) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[DomainGovernanceTransaction] with Product with Serializable
  13. final case class DomainParametersChange(domain: String, domainParameters: Option[DynamicDomainParameters]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[DomainParametersChange] with Product with Serializable


    domain affected by the new domain parameters

  14. final case class DomainTopologyTransactionMessage(signature: Option[Signature], domainId: String, transactions: Seq[ByteString]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[DomainTopologyTransactionMessage] with Product with Serializable


    signature of the domain topology manager


    * versioned signed topology transactions serialized as byte-strings such that we can compute the signature here

  15. final case class DriverContractMetadata(contractSalt: Option[Salt]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[DriverContractMetadata] with Product with Serializable
  16. final case class DynamicDomainParameters(participantResponseTimeout: Option[Duration], mediatorReactionTimeout: Option[Duration], transferExclusivityTimeout: Option[Duration], topologyChangeDelay: Option[Duration], ledgerTimeRecordTimeTolerance: Option[Duration]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[DynamicDomainParameters] with Product with Serializable
  17. final case class EncryptedViewMessage(viewTree: ByteString, submitterParticipantSignature: Option[Signature], viewHash: ByteString, randomness: Seq[ParticipantRandomnessLookup], domainId: String, viewType: ViewType) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[EncryptedViewMessage] with Product with Serializable



  18. final case class Envelope(content: ByteString, recipients: Option[Recipients]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Envelope] with Product with Serializable
  19. final case class EnvelopeContent(someEnvelopeContent: SomeEnvelopeContent) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[EnvelopeContent] with Product with Serializable
  20. final case class FullInformeeTree(tree: Option[GenTransactionTree]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[FullInformeeTree] with Product with Serializable
  21. final case class GenTransactionTree(submitterMetadata: Option[BlindableNode], commonMetadata: Option[BlindableNode], participantMetadata: Option[BlindableNode], rootViews: Option[MerkleSeq]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GenTransactionTree] with Product with Serializable
  22. final case class GlobalKey(templateId: ByteString, key: ByteString) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GlobalKey] with Product with Serializable
  23. final case class Handshake() extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Handshake] with Product with Serializable

    Messages for performing a version handshake with a sequencer service Reused between sequencer services IMPORTANT: changing the version handshakes can lead to issues with upgrading domains - be very careful when changing the handshake message format

    Messages for performing a version handshake with a sequencer service Reused between sequencer services IMPORTANT: changing the version handshakes can lead to issues with upgrading domains - be very careful when changing the handshake message format

  24. final case class IdentifierDelegation(uniqueIdentifier: String, targetKey: Option[SigningPublicKey]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[IdentifierDelegation] with Product with Serializable

    identifier delegation giving right to issue topology transaction on that particular identifier

    identifier delegation giving right to issue topology transaction on that particular identifier




    target key getting the right

  25. final case class Informee(party: String, weight: Int) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Informee] with Product with Serializable


    optional: only set if party is confirming

  26. final case class InformeeMessage(fullInformeeTree: Option[FullInformeeTree]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[InformeeMessage] with Product with Serializable
  27. final case class InformeeTree(tree: Option[GenTransactionTree]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[InformeeTree] with Product with Serializable
  28. final case class LegalIdentityClaim(uniqueIdentifier: String, evidence: Evidence) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[LegalIdentityClaim] with Product with Serializable

    A claim of a legal identity of a Canton unique identifier.

    A claim of a legal identity of a Canton unique identifier.

  29. final case class LightTransactionViewTree(tree: Option[GenTransactionTree]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[LightTransactionViewTree] with Product with Serializable
  30. final case class LocalReject(code: Code, reason: String, resource: Seq[String]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[LocalReject] with Product with Serializable


    * human readable explanation


    * affected resource

  31. final case class LocalVerdict(someLocalVerdict: SomeLocalVerdict) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[LocalVerdict] with Product with Serializable
  32. final case class MalformedMediatorRequestResult(requestId: Option[Timestamp], domainId: String, viewType: ViewType, rejection: Option[MediatorRejection]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[MalformedMediatorRequestResult] with Product with Serializable
  33. final case class MediatorDomainState(side: RequestSide, domain: String, mediator: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[MediatorDomainState] with Product with Serializable

    mapping a mediator to a domain

    mapping a mediator to a domain

  34. final case class MediatorRejection(code: Code, reason: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[MediatorRejection] with Product with Serializable
  35. final case class MediatorResponse(requestId: Option[Timestamp], sender: String, viewHash: ByteString, localVerdict: Option[LocalVerdict], rootHash: ByteString, confirmingParties: Seq[String], domainId: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[MediatorResponse] with Product with Serializable


    May be empty for Malformed verdicts if the participant cannot determine the view hash.


    May be empty for Malformed verdicts if the participant cannot determine the root hash.


    Empty iff the verdict is malformed.

  36. final case class MerkleSeq(rootOrEmpty: Option[BlindableNode]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[MerkleSeq] with Product with Serializable


    optional; absent if the sequence is empty

  37. final case class MerkleSeqElement(first: Option[BlindableNode], second: Option[BlindableNode], data: Option[BlindableNode]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[MerkleSeqElement] with Product with Serializable


    Fields mandatory for Branch


    Fields mandatory for Singleton

  38. final case class NamespaceDelegation(namespace: String, targetKey: Option[SigningPublicKey], isRootDelegation: Boolean) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[NamespaceDelegation] with Product with Serializable

    namespace delegation message (equivalent to X509v3 CA root or intermediate CAs)

    namespace delegation message (equivalent to X509v3 CA root or intermediate CAs)


    fingerprint of the root key defining the namespace


    target key of getting full rights on the namespace (if target == namespace, it's a root CA)


    flag indicating whether the given delegation is a root delegation or not a root delegation is also allowed to issue other NamespaceDelegations.

  39. final case class OwnerToKeyMapping(keyOwner: String, publicKey: Option[PublicKey]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[OwnerToKeyMapping] with Product with Serializable

    mapping of key-owner (participant, mediator, sequencer, domain topology manager) to a key

    mapping of key-owner (participant, mediator, sequencer, domain topology manager) to a key


    the key owner


    the designated key

  40. final case class ParticipantMetadata(salt: Option[Salt], ledgerTime: Option[Timestamp], submissionTime: Option[Timestamp], workflowId: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ParticipantMetadata] with Product with Serializable



  41. sealed abstract class ParticipantPermission extends GeneratedEnum

    enum indicating the participant permission level

  42. final case class ParticipantRandomnessLookup(participant: String, randomness: ByteString) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ParticipantRandomnessLookup] with Product with Serializable


    An encrypted random bytestring. After decryption, used in HKDF to derive the encryption keys for the view and its subviews

  43. final case class ParticipantState(side: RequestSide, domain: String, participant: String, permission: ParticipantPermission, trustLevel: TrustLevel) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ParticipantState] with Product with Serializable
  44. final case class PartyIndexAndWeight(index: Int, weight: Int) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[PartyIndexAndWeight] with Product with Serializable


    The index of the confirming party in the 'informees' field of the 'ViewCommonData' message.

  45. final case class PartyToParticipant(side: RequestSide, party: String, participant: String, permission: ParticipantPermission) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[PartyToParticipant] with Product with Serializable

    mapping that maps a party to a participant

    mapping that maps a party to a participant


    the side of this request (if namespace of party = participant, it must be "Both", otherwise it should map to the request side)


    the party that should be mapped (from)


    the target participant that the party should be mapped to


    permission of the participant (what he can do)

  46. final case class PossiblyIgnoredSequencedEvent(counter: Long, timestamp: Option[Timestamp], traceContext: Option[TraceContext], isIgnored: Boolean, underlying: Option[SignedContent]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[PossiblyIgnoredSequencedEvent] with Product with Serializable


    Optional if is_ignored == true, required otherwise

  47. final case class Quorum(partyIndexAndWeight: Seq[PartyIndexAndWeight], threshold: Int) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Quorum] with Product with Serializable


    The list of confirmers that constitute a quorum. Each confirmer is represented by their index in the 'informees' field of the 'ViewCommonData' message.

  48. final case class Recipients(recipientsTree: Seq[RecipientsTree]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Recipients] with Product with Serializable
  49. final case class RecipientsTree(recipients: Seq[String], children: Seq[RecipientsTree]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[RecipientsTree] with Product with Serializable

    Protobuf has a hard limit on the nesting depth of messages, so this message could potentially hit the nesting depth limit.

    Protobuf has a hard limit on the nesting depth of messages, so this message could potentially hit the nesting depth limit. However this probably won't be an issue any time soon.

  50. final case class RegisterTopologyTransactionRequest(requestedBy: String, participant: String, requestId: String, signedTopologyTransactions: Seq[ByteString], domainId: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[RegisterTopologyTransactionRequest] with Product with Serializable


    the member requesting the approval of the transactions on behalf of the participant. typically this will be either an unauthenticated member (before the participant is active) or the participant itself (after it has become active)

  51. final case class RegisterTopologyTransactionResponse(requestedBy: String, participant: String, requestId: String, results: Seq[Result], domainId: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[RegisterTopologyTransactionResponse] with Product with Serializable
  52. final case class RejectionReason(parties: Seq[String], reject: Option[LocalReject]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[RejectionReason] with Product with Serializable
  53. final case class RejectionReasons(reasons: Seq[RejectionReason]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[RejectionReasons] with Product with Serializable
  54. sealed abstract class RequestSide extends GeneratedEnum

    * Side of the party to participant mapping request

    * Side of the party to participant mapping request

    Party to participant mapping request need to be approved by both namespaces if the namespaces are different. We support this by allowing to split the signatures into two transactions (so both namespace controller sign the same transaction, just with different "RequestSide"

    {Both, From_Party -> To_Participant} is split into {From, From_Party -> To_Participant} + {To, From_Party -> To_Participant}

  55. final case class RootHashMessage(rootHash: ByteString, domainId: String, viewType: ViewType, payload: ByteString) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[RootHashMessage] with Product with Serializable



  56. final case class SequencedEvent(counter: Long, timestamp: Option[Timestamp], domainId: String, messageId: Option[String], batch: Option[CompressedBatch], deliverErrorReason: Option[DeliverErrorReason]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SequencedEvent] with Product with Serializable

    Messages for sequencing

    Messages for sequencing


    Optional: Present for DeliverError, present for the sender of a Deliver.


    Optional: Present for Deliver, absent for DeliverError


    Optional: Present for DeliverError, absent for other events

  57. final case class SerializableContract(contractId: String, rawContractInstance: ByteString, metadata: Option[Metadata], ledgerCreateTime: Option[Timestamp]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SerializableContract] with Product with Serializable
  58. final case class ServiceAgreement(id: String, legalText: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ServiceAgreement] with Product with Serializable


    A unique identifier of an agreement within a domain, which must change when the legal text changes

  59. final case class SignedContent(content: Option[ByteString], signatures: Option[Signature], timestampOfSigningKey: Option[Timestamp]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SignedContent] with Product with Serializable
  60. final case class SignedLegalIdentityClaim(claim: ByteString, signature: Option[Signature]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SignedLegalIdentityClaim] with Product with Serializable

    Proves that the claimer possess the private key mentioned in the evidence

    Proves that the claimer possess the private key mentioned in the evidence


    Protobuf serialized LegalIdentityClaim


    Signature of the legal identity claim signed with the private key from the evidence.

  61. final case class SignedProtocolMessage(signature: Option[Signature], someSignedProtocolMessage: SomeSignedProtocolMessage) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SignedProtocolMessage] with Product with Serializable
  62. final case class SignedTopologyTransaction(transaction: ByteString, key: Option[SigningPublicKey], signature: Option[Signature]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SignedTopologyTransaction] with Product with Serializable


    serialized topology transaction (protobuf bytestring)


    public key used to sign the serialized topology transaction


    signature of serialized topology transaction, signed with above key

  63. final case class StaticDomainParameters(reconciliationInterval: Option[Duration], maxRatePerParticipant: Int, maxInboundMessageSize: Int, uniqueContractKeys: Boolean, requiredSigningKeySchemes: Seq[SigningKeyScheme], requiredEncryptionKeySchemes: Seq[EncryptionKeyScheme], requiredSymmetricKeySchemes: Seq[SymmetricKeyScheme], requiredHashAlgorithms: Seq[HashAlgorithm], requiredCryptoKeyFormats: Seq[CryptoKeyFormat], protocolVersion: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[StaticDomainParameters] with Product with Serializable
  64. final case class StoredParties(parties: Seq[String]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[StoredParties] with Product with Serializable

    TODO(#3256) get rid of this Enables storing parties in the database as a blob

    TODO(#3256) get rid of this Enables storing parties in the database as a blob

  65. final case class SubmissionRequest(sender: String, messageId: String, isRequest: Boolean, batch: Option[CompressedBatch], maxSequencingTime: Option[Timestamp], timestampOfSigningKey: Option[Timestamp]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SubmissionRequest] with Product with Serializable
  66. final case class SubmitterMetadata(salt: Option[Salt], actAs: Seq[String], applicationId: String, commandId: String, submitterParticipant: String, submissionId: String, dedupPeriod: Option[DeduplicationPeriod]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SubmitterMetadata] with Product with Serializable


    optional; absent if not specified by submitter

  67. sealed abstract class TopologyChangeOp extends GeneratedEnum
  68. final case class TopologyStateUpdate(operation: TopologyChangeOp, id: String, mapping: Mapping) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TopologyStateUpdate] with Product with Serializable


    unique id of this element

  69. final case class TopologyTransaction(transaction: Transaction) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TopologyTransaction] with Product with Serializable
  70. final case class TopologyTransactions(items: Seq[Item]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TopologyTransactions] with Product with Serializable

    * Topology transaction collection used during bootstrapping of domain nodes and on the admin API

    * Topology transaction collection used during bootstrapping of domain nodes and on the admin API

    Please note that this message should not be in the protocol package, as it is not used on the protocol itself but on the admin apis. But as we can't rename the package name due to backwards compatibility guarantees, we've moved the file out of the protocol.proto file, but kept the package name.

  71. final case class TransactionResultMessage(requestId: Option[Timestamp], verdict: Option[Verdict], notificationTree: Option[InformeeTree]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransactionResultMessage] with Product with Serializable
  72. final case class TransactionUpdate() extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransactionUpdate] with Product with Serializable
  73. final case class TransferId(originDomain: String, timestamp: Option[Timestamp]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferId] with Product with Serializable
  74. final case class TransferInCommonData(salt: Option[Salt], targetDomain: String, stakeholders: Seq[String], uuid: String, targetMediator: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferInCommonData] with Product with Serializable
  75. final case class TransferInMediatorMessage(tree: Option[TransferViewTree]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferInMediatorMessage] with Product with Serializable
  76. final case class TransferInUpdate(transferId: Option[TransferId]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferInUpdate] with Product with Serializable
  77. final case class TransferInView(salt: Option[Salt], submitter: String, contract: Option[SerializableContract], transferOutResultEvent: Option[SignedContent], creatingTransactionId: ByteString) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferInView] with Product with Serializable
  78. final case class TransferOutCommonData(salt: Option[Salt], originDomain: String, stakeholders: Seq[String], adminParties: Seq[String], uuid: String, originMediator: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferOutCommonData] with Product with Serializable
  79. final case class TransferOutMediatorMessage(tree: Option[TransferViewTree]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferOutMediatorMessage] with Product with Serializable
  80. final case class TransferOutUpdate(transferId: Option[TransferId]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferOutUpdate] with Product with Serializable
  81. final case class TransferOutView(salt: Option[Salt], submitter: String, contractId: String, targetDomain: String, targetTimeProof: Option[TimeProof]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferOutView] with Product with Serializable
  82. final case class TransferResult(requestId: Option[Timestamp], domain: Domain, informees: Seq[String], verdict: Option[Verdict]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferResult] with Product with Serializable
  83. final case class TransferViewTree(commonData: Option[BlindableNode], participantData: Option[BlindableNode]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferViewTree] with Product with Serializable
  84. sealed abstract class TrustLevel extends GeneratedEnum
  85. final case class TrustParty(party: String, requiredTrustLevel: TrustLevel) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TrustParty] with Product with Serializable
  86. final case class VectorClock(originDomainId: String, localTs: Option[Timestamp], partyId: String, clock: Map[String, Timestamp]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[VectorClock] with Product with Serializable
  87. final case class Verdict(someVerdict: SomeVerdict) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Verdict] with Product with Serializable
  88. final case class VersionedStatus(status: Option[Status]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[VersionedStatus] with Product with Serializable

    DA's wrapper around google.rpc.Status for the proper versioning and code-gen

    DA's wrapper around google.rpc.Status for the proper versioning and code-gen

  89. final case class VettedPackages(participant: String, packageIds: Seq[String]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[VettedPackages] with Product with Serializable

    Allows the referenced package-ids to be used in a Daml transaction

    Allows the referenced package-ids to be used in a Daml transaction


    the participant vetting the packages


    the hash of the vetted packages

  90. final case class ViewCommonData(salt: Option[Salt], informees: Seq[Informee], threshold: Int) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ViewCommonData] with Product with Serializable
  91. final case class ViewNode(viewCommonData: Option[BlindableNode], viewParticipantData: Option[BlindableNode], subviews: Seq[BlindableNode]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ViewNode] with Product with Serializable
  92. final case class ViewParticipantData(salt: Option[Salt], coreInputs: Seq[ViewParticipantData.InputContract], createdCore: Seq[ViewParticipantData.CreatedContract], createdInSubviewArchivedInCore: Seq[String], resolvedKeys: Seq[ViewParticipantData.ResolvedKey], actionDescription: Option[ActionDescription], rollbackContext: Option[ViewParticipantData.RollbackContext]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ViewParticipantData] with Product with Serializable


    ids of contracts created in a subview and archived in the core


    optional; defaults to the empty RollbackContext if omitted.

  93. sealed abstract class ViewType extends GeneratedEnum

Value Members

  1. object AcsCommitment extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[AcsCommitment] with StableProtoVersion
  2. object AcsCommitmentsProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  3. object ActionDescription extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ActionDescription] with StableProtoVersion
  4. object Batch extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Batch]
  5. object BlindableNode extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[BlindableNode]
  6. object CausalityMessage extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[CausalityMessage] with StableProtoVersion
  7. object CausalityProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  8. object CausalityUpdate extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[CausalityUpdate] with StableProtoVersion
  9. object CheckOnlyPackages extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[CheckOnlyPackages]
  10. object CommonMetadata extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[CommonMetadata] with StableProtoVersion
  11. object CommonProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  12. object CompressedBatch extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[CompressedBatch] with StableProtoVersion
  13. object DeduplicationPeriod extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[DeduplicationPeriod]
  14. object DeliverErrorReason extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[DeliverErrorReason]
  15. object DomainGovernanceTransaction extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[DomainGovernanceTransaction]
  16. object DomainParametersChange extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[DomainParametersChange]
  17. object DomainTopologyTransactionMessage extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[DomainTopologyTransactionMessage] with StableProtoVersion
  18. object DriverContractMetadata extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[DriverContractMetadata]
  19. object DynamicDomainParameters extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[DynamicDomainParameters] with StableProtoVersion
  20. object EncryptedViewMessage extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[EncryptedViewMessage] with StableProtoVersion
  21. object Envelope extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Envelope] with StableProtoVersion
  22. object EnvelopeContent extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[EnvelopeContent] with StableProtoVersion
  23. object FullInformeeTree extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[FullInformeeTree] with StableProtoVersion
  24. object GenTransactionTree extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GenTransactionTree]
  25. object GlobalKey extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GlobalKey]
  26. object Handshake extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Handshake]
  27. object IdentifierDelegation extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[IdentifierDelegation]
  28. object Informee extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Informee]
  29. object InformeeMessage extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[InformeeMessage] with StableProtoVersion
  30. object InformeeTree extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[InformeeTree] with StableProtoVersion
  31. object LegalIdentityClaim extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[LegalIdentityClaim] with StableProtoVersion
  32. object LightTransactionViewTree extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[LightTransactionViewTree] with StableProtoVersion
  33. object LocalReject extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[LocalReject]
  34. object LocalVerdict extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[LocalVerdict] with StableProtoVersion
  35. object MalformedMediatorRequestResult extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[MalformedMediatorRequestResult] with StableProtoVersion
  36. object MediatorDomainState extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[MediatorDomainState]
  37. object MediatorProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  38. object MediatorRejection extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[MediatorRejection]
  39. object MediatorResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[MediatorResponse] with StableProtoVersion
  40. object MediatorResponseProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  41. object MerkleProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  42. object MerkleSeq extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[MerkleSeq] with StableProtoVersion
  43. object MerkleSeqElement extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[MerkleSeqElement] with StableProtoVersion
  44. object NamespaceDelegation extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[NamespaceDelegation]
  45. object OwnerToKeyMapping extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[OwnerToKeyMapping]
  46. object ParticipantMetadata extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ParticipantMetadata] with StableProtoVersion
  47. object ParticipantPermission extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[ParticipantPermission]
  48. object ParticipantRandomnessLookup extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ParticipantRandomnessLookup]
  49. object ParticipantState extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ParticipantState]
  50. object ParticipantTransactionProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  51. object ParticipantTransferProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  52. object PartyIndexAndWeight extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[PartyIndexAndWeight]
  53. object PartyToParticipant extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[PartyToParticipant]
  54. object PossiblyIgnoredSequencedEvent extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[PossiblyIgnoredSequencedEvent]
  55. object Quorum extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Quorum]
  56. object QuorumProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  57. object Recipients extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Recipients]
  58. object RecipientsTree extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[RecipientsTree]
  59. object RegisterTopologyTransactionRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[RegisterTopologyTransactionRequest] with StableProtoVersion
  60. object RegisterTopologyTransactionResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[RegisterTopologyTransactionResponse] with StableProtoVersion
  61. object RejectionReason extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[RejectionReason]
  62. object RejectionReasons extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[RejectionReasons]
  63. object RequestSide extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[RequestSide]
  64. object RootHashMessage extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[RootHashMessage] with StableProtoVersion
  65. object SequencedEvent extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SequencedEvent] with StableProtoVersion
  66. object SequencingProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  67. object SerializableContract extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SerializableContract]
  68. object ServiceAgreement extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ServiceAgreement]
  69. object SignedContent extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SignedContent] with StableProtoVersion
  70. object SignedLegalIdentityClaim extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SignedLegalIdentityClaim]
  71. object SignedProtocolMessage extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SignedProtocolMessage] with StableProtoVersion
  72. object SignedTopologyTransaction extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SignedTopologyTransaction] with StableProtoVersion
  73. object StaticDomainParameters extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[StaticDomainParameters] with StableProtoVersion
  74. object StorageProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  75. object StoredParties extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[StoredParties]
  76. object SubmissionRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SubmissionRequest] with StableProtoVersion
  77. object SubmitterMetadata extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SubmitterMetadata] with StableProtoVersion
  78. object SynchronizationProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  79. object TopologyChangeOp extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[TopologyChangeOp]
  80. object TopologyExtProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  81. object TopologyProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  82. object TopologyStateUpdate extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TopologyStateUpdate]
  83. object TopologyTransaction extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TopologyTransaction] with StableProtoVersion
  84. object TopologyTransactions extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TopologyTransactions]
  85. object TransactionResultMessage extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransactionResultMessage] with StableProtoVersion
  86. object TransactionUpdate extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransactionUpdate]
  87. object TransferId extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferId]
  88. object TransferInCommonData extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferInCommonData] with StableProtoVersion
  89. object TransferInMediatorMessage extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferInMediatorMessage] with StableProtoVersion
  90. object TransferInUpdate extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferInUpdate]
  91. object TransferInView extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferInView] with StableProtoVersion
  92. object TransferOutCommonData extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferOutCommonData] with StableProtoVersion
  93. object TransferOutMediatorMessage extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferOutMediatorMessage] with StableProtoVersion
  94. object TransferOutUpdate extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferOutUpdate]
  95. object TransferOutView extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferOutView] with StableProtoVersion
  96. object TransferResult extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferResult] with StableProtoVersion
  97. object TransferViewTree extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferViewTree] with StableProtoVersion
  98. object TrustLevel extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[TrustLevel]
  99. object TrustParty extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TrustParty]
  100. object VectorClock extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[VectorClock]
  101. object Verdict extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Verdict] with StableProtoVersion
  102. object VersionedGoogleRpcStatusProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  103. object VersionedStatus extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[VersionedStatus] with StorageProtoVersion
  104. object VettedPackages extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[VettedPackages]
  105. object ViewCommonData extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ViewCommonData] with StableProtoVersion
  106. object ViewNode extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ViewNode] with StableProtoVersion
  107. object ViewParticipantData extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ViewParticipantData] with StableProtoVersion
  108. object ViewType extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[ViewType]
