
package config

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait AdminServerConfig extends ServerConfig

    A variant of ServerConfig that by default listens to connections only on the loopback interface.

  2. final case class ApiLoggingConfig(messagePayloads: Option[Boolean] = None, maxMethodLength: Int = ApiLoggingConfig.defaultMaxMethodLength, maxMessageLines: Int = ApiLoggingConfig.defaultMaxMessageLines, maxStringLength: Int = ApiLoggingConfig.defaultMaxStringLength, maxMetadataSize: Int = ApiLoggingConfig.defaultMaxMetadataSize) extends Product with Serializable

    Control logging of the ApiRequestLogger

    Control logging of the ApiRequestLogger

    Every GRPC service invocation is logged through the ApiRequestLogger. This allows to monitor all incoming traffic to a node (ledger API, sequencer API, admin API).


    Indicates whether to log message payloads. (To be disabled in production!) Also applies to metadata. None is equivalent to false.


    indicates how much to abbreviate the name of the called method. E.g. "com.digitalasset.canton.MyMethod" may get abbreviated to "c.d.c.MyMethod". The last token will never get abbreviated.


    maximum number of lines to log for a message


    maximum number of characters to log for a string within a message


    maximum size of metadata

  3. sealed trait ApiType extends PrettyPrinting
  4. sealed trait BaseTlsArguments extends AnyRef
  5. sealed trait BatchAggregatorConfig extends Product with Serializable

    Parameters for that batcher that batches queries (e.g., to a DB).

  6. final case class CacheConfig(maximumSize: PositiveNumeric[Long], expireAfterAccess: NonNegativeFiniteDuration = NonNegativeFiniteDuration.ofMinutes(10)) extends Product with Serializable

    Configurations settings for a single cache

    Configurations settings for a single cache


    the maximum size of the cache


    how quickly after last access items should be expired from the cache

  7. final case class CachingConfigs(indexedStrings: CacheConfig = CachingConfigs.defaultStaticStringCache, contractStore: CacheConfig = CachingConfigs.defaultContractStoreCache, topologySnapshot: CacheConfig = CachingConfigs.defaultTopologySnapshotCache, partyCache: CacheConfig = CachingConfigs.defaultPartyCache, participantCache: CacheConfig = CachingConfigs.defaultParticipantCache, keyCache: CacheConfig = CachingConfigs.defaultKeyCache, packageVettingCache: CacheConfig = CachingConfigs.defaultPackageVettingCache, mySigningKeyCache: CacheConfig = CachingConfigs.defaultMySigningKeyCache) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration settings for various internal caches

    Configuration settings for various internal caches


    cache size configuration for the static string index cache


    cache size configuration for the contract store


    cache size configuration for topology snapshots

  8. case class CantonCommunityConfig(domains: Map[InstanceName, CommunityDomainConfig] = Map.empty, participants: Map[InstanceName, CommunityParticipantConfig] = Map.empty, remoteDomains: Map[InstanceName, RemoteDomainConfig] = Map.empty, remoteParticipants: Map[InstanceName, RemoteParticipantConfig] = Map.empty, monitoring: MonitoringConfig = MonitoringConfig(), parameters: CantonParameters = CantonParameters(), features: CantonFeatures = CantonFeatures()) extends CantonConfig with ConfigDefaults[CantonCommunityConfig] with Product with Serializable
  9. trait CantonConfig extends AnyRef

    Root configuration parameters for a single Canton process.

  10. final case class CantonEnterpriseConfig(sequencers: Map[InstanceName, SequencerNodeConfig] = Map.empty, domains: Map[InstanceName, EnterpriseDomainConfig] = Map.empty, domainManagers: Map[InstanceName, DomainManagerConfig] = Map.empty, mediators: Map[InstanceName, MediatorNodeConfig] = Map.empty, participants: Map[InstanceName, EnterpriseParticipantConfig] = Map.empty, remoteSequencers: Map[InstanceName, RemoteSequencerConfig] = Map.empty, remoteMediators: Map[InstanceName, RemoteMediatorConfig] = Map.empty, remoteDomains: Map[InstanceName, RemoteDomainConfig] = Map.empty, remoteDomainManagers: Map[InstanceName, RemoteDomainManagerConfig] = Map.empty, remoteParticipants: Map[InstanceName, RemoteParticipantConfig] = Map.empty, monitoring: MonitoringConfig = MonitoringConfig(), parameters: CantonParameters = CantonParameters(), features: CantonFeatures = CantonFeatures()) extends CantonConfig with ConfigDefaults[CantonEnterpriseConfig] with Product with Serializable
  11. case class CantonFeatures(enablePreviewCommands: Boolean = false, enableTestingCommands: Boolean = false, enableRepairCommands: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

    Control which features are turned on / off in Canton

    Control which features are turned on / off in Canton


    Feature flag to enable the set of commands that use functionality which we don't deem stable.


    Feature flag to enable the set of commands used by Canton developers for testing purposes.


    Feature flag to enable the set of commands used by Canton operators for manual repair purposes.

  12. final case class CantonParameters(clock: ClockConfig = ClockConfig.WallClock(), enableAdditionalConsistencyChecks: Boolean = false, manualStart: Boolean = false, nonStandardConfig: Boolean = false, portsFile: Option[String] = None, timeouts: TimeoutSettings = TimeoutSettings(), retentionPeriodDefaults: RetentionPeriodDefaults = RetentionPeriodDefaults(), console: AmmoniteConsoleConfig = AmmoniteConsoleConfig()) extends Product with Serializable

    Parameters for testing Canton.

    Parameters for testing Canton. Use default values in a production environment.


    if true, run additional consistency checks. This will degrade performance.


    If set to true, the nodes have to be manually started via console (default false)


    don't fail config validation on non-standard configuration settings


    A ports file name, where the ports of all participants will be written to after startup


    Sets the timeouts used for processing and console

  13. sealed trait CheckConfig extends AnyRef

    Configuration for a check

  14. case class ClientConfig(address: String = "", port: Port, tls: Option[TlsClientConfig] = None, keepAliveClient: Option[KeepAliveClientConfig] = Some(KeepAliveClientConfig())) extends Product with Serializable

    A client configuration to a corresponding server configuration

  15. sealed trait ClockConfig extends Product with Serializable
  16. case class CommunityAdminServerConfig(address: String = defaultAddress, internalPort: Option[Port] = None, tls: Option[TlsServerConfig] = None, keepAliveServer: Option[KeepAliveServerConfig] = Some(KeepAliveServerConfig()), maxInboundMessageSize: NonNegativeInt = ServerConfig.defaultMaxInboundMessageSize) extends AdminServerConfig with CommunityServerConfig with Product with Serializable
  17. sealed trait CommunityDbConfig extends CommunityStorageConfig with DbConfig
  18. trait CommunityLocalNodeConfig extends LocalNodeConfig
  19. trait CommunityServerConfig extends ServerConfig
  20. sealed trait CommunityStorageConfig extends StorageConfig

    Determines how a node stores persistent data.

  21. sealed trait ConcurrencyLimitConfig extends AnyRef

    Use Netflix's to cap the number of concurrent requests.

  22. trait ConfigDefaults[Self] extends AnyRef
  23. final case class ConsoleCommandTimeout(bounded: TimeoutDuration = ConsoleCommandTimeout.defaultBoundedTimeout, unbounded: TimeoutDuration = ConsoleCommandTimeout.defaultUnboundedTimeout, ledgerCommand: TimeoutDuration = ConsoleCommandTimeout.defaultLedgerCommandsTimeout, ping: TimeoutDuration = ConsoleCommandTimeout.defaultPingTimeout, testingBong: TimeoutDuration = ConsoleCommandTimeout.defaultTestingBongTimeout) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for console command timeouts

    Configuration for console command timeouts


    timeout on how long "bounded" operations, i.e. operations which normally are supposed to conclude in a fixed timeframe can run before the console considers them as failed.


    timeout on how long "unbounded" operations can run, potentially infinite.


    default timeout used for ledger commands


    default ping timeout


    default bong timeout

  24. case class CryptoConfig(provider: CryptoProvider = CryptoProvider.Tink, signing: CryptoSchemeConfig[SigningKeyScheme] = CryptoSchemeConfig(), encryption: CryptoSchemeConfig[EncryptionKeyScheme] = CryptoSchemeConfig(), symmetric: CryptoSchemeConfig[SymmetricKeyScheme] = CryptoSchemeConfig(), hash: CryptoSchemeConfig[HashAlgorithm] = CryptoSchemeConfig()) extends Product with Serializable

    Cryptography configuration.

    Cryptography configuration.


    The crypto provider implementation to use.


    The signing key scheme configuration.


    The encryption key scheme configuration.


    The symmetric key scheme configuration.


    The hash algorithm configuration.

  25. sealed trait CryptoProvider extends PrettyPrinting
  26. case class CryptoProviderScheme[S](default: S, supported: NonEmpty[Set[S]]) extends Product with Serializable
  27. case class CryptoSchemeConfig[S](default: Option[S] = None, allowed: Option[NonEmpty[Set[S]]] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Configures the optional default and allowed schemes of kind S.

    Configures the optional default and allowed schemes of kind S.


    The optional scheme to use. If none is specified, use the provider's default scheme of kind S.


    The optional allowed schemes to use. If none is specified, all the provider's supported schemes of kind S are allowed.

  28. final case class DbCacheConfig(maximumCacheSize: PositiveNumeric[Long] = DbCacheConfig.defaultMaximumCacheSize) extends Product with Serializable

    Parameters for the in-memory cache that can be used in front of a db-based data provider.

    Parameters for the in-memory cache that can be used in front of a db-based data provider.


    Maximum number of elements of the cache.

  29. trait DbConfig extends StorageConfig with PrettyPrinting

    Dictates that persistent data is stored in a database.

  30. final case class DeadlockDetectionConfig(enabled: Boolean = true, interval: NonNegativeFiniteDuration = NonNegativeFiniteDuration.ofSeconds(3), maxReports: Int = 10, reportAsWarnings: Boolean = true) extends Product with Serializable

    Deadlock detection configuration

    Deadlock detection configuration

    A simple deadlock detection method. Using a background scheduler, we schedule a trivial future on the EC. If the Future is not executed until we check again, we alert.


    if true, we'll monitor the EC for deadlocks (or slow processings)


    how often we check the EC


    after how many warnings are we going to shut up.


    if false, the deadlock detector will report using debug messages

  31. case class DomainCcfConfig(memberKeyStore: KeyStoreConfig, memberKeyName: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for the domain that uses a CCF-based sequencer.

    Configuration for the domain that uses a CCF-based sequencer.


    Key store with the member's private key and certificate to use for governance operations.


    Name of the member's key name in the member key store to sign governance requests with.

  32. case class EnterpriseAdminServerConfig(address: String = AdminServerConfig.defaultAddress, internalPort: Option[Port] = None, tls: Option[TlsServerConfig] = None, keepAliveServer: Option[KeepAliveServerConfig] = Some(KeepAliveServerConfig()), maxInboundMessageSize: NonNegativeInt = ServerConfig.defaultMaxInboundMessageSize, concurrencyLimit: Option[ConcurrencyLimitConfig] = None) extends AdminServerConfig with EnterpriseServerConfig with Product with Serializable
  33. sealed trait EnterpriseDbConfig[A <: EnterpriseDbConfig[A]] extends EnterpriseStorageConfig with DbConfig
  34. trait EnterpriseLocalNodeConfig extends LocalNodeConfig
  35. trait EnterpriseServerConfig extends ServerConfig
  36. sealed trait EnterpriseStorageConfig extends StorageConfig
  37. case class FixedLimit(limit: Int) extends LimitConfig with Product with Serializable

    A constant concurrency limit.

  38. case class Gradient2Limit(maxConcurrency: Option[Int], smoothing: Option[Double], rttTolerance: Option[Double]) extends LimitConfig with Product with Serializable

    Gradient-based algorithm to estimate the ideal limit.

  39. trait H2DbConfig extends DbConfig
  40. final case class HealthConfig(server: HealthServerConfig, check: CheckConfig) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration to expose a health endpoint on the given server running the configured check

    Configuration to expose a health endpoint on the given server running the configured check


    Server details for hosting the health endpoint


    Check for determining whether this canton process is healthy

  41. final case class HealthServerConfig(address: String = "", port: Port) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration of health server backend.

  42. case class InitConfig(autoInit: Boolean = true, instanceIdHint: Option[String36] = None, startupFailFast: Boolean = true) extends InitConfigBase with Product with Serializable

    Configuration for the node's init process

    Configuration for the node's init process


    if true, the node will automatically initialize itself. In particular, it will create a new namespace, and initialize its member id and its keys for signing and encryption. If false, the user has to manually perform these steps.


    if an instance id hint is provided it will be used during initialization to set the instance-id. otherwise a UUID will be used.


    if true, the node will fail-fast when resources such as the database cannot be connected to if false, the node will wait indefinitely for resources such as the database to come up

  43. trait InitConfigBase extends AnyRef
  44. case class KeepAliveClientConfig(time: NonNegativeFiniteDuration = NonNegativeFiniteDuration.ofSeconds(40), timeout: NonNegativeFiniteDuration = NonNegativeFiniteDuration.ofSeconds(20)) extends Product with Serializable

    GRPC keep alive client configuration


    Sets the time without read activity before sending a keepalive ping. Do not set to small numbers (default is 40s)


    Sets the time waiting for read activity after sending a keepalive ping (default is 20s)

  45. case class KeepAliveServerConfig(time: NonNegativeFiniteDuration = NonNegativeFiniteDuration.ofSeconds(40), timeout: NonNegativeFiniteDuration = NonNegativeFiniteDuration.ofSeconds(20), permitKeepAliveTime: NonNegativeFiniteDuration = NonNegativeFiniteDuration.ofSeconds(20)) extends Product with Serializable

    GRPC keep alive server configuration

    GRPC keep alive server configuration


    Sets the time without read activity before sending a keepalive ping. Do not set to small numbers (default is 40s) Corresponds to


    Sets the time waiting for read activity after sending a keepalive ping (default is 20s) Corresponds to


    Sets the most aggressive keep-alive time that clients are permitted to configure (default is 20s) Corresponds to

  46. case class KeyStoreConfig(path: File, password: Password) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for Java keystore with optional password protection.

  47. sealed trait LimitConfig extends ConcurrencyLimitConfig

    Corresponds to

  48. trait LocalNodeConfig extends NodeConfig
  49. trait LocalNodeParameters extends AnyRef
  50. final case class LoggingConfig(api: ApiLoggingConfig = ApiLoggingConfig(), eventDetails: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

    Detailed logging configurations

    Detailed logging configurations

    This section allows to configure additional data such as transaction details to be logged to the standard logback system


    Configuration settings for the ApiRequestLogger


    If set to true, we will log substantial details of internal messages being processed. To be disabled in production!

  51. trait MemoryStorageConfig extends StorageConfig
  52. final case class MonitoringConfig(deadlockDetection: DeadlockDetectionConfig = DeadlockDetectionConfig(), health: Option[HealthConfig] = None, metrics: MetricsConfig = MetricsConfig(), delayLoggingThreshold: NonNegativeFiniteDuration = NonNegativeFiniteDuration.ofSeconds(20), tracing: TracingConfig = TracingConfig(), logMessagePayloads: Option[Boolean] = None, logQueryCost: Option[QueryCostMonitoringConfig] = None, logSlowFutures: Boolean = false, logging: LoggingConfig = LoggingConfig()) extends LazyLogging with Product with Serializable

    Configuration for metrics and tracing

    Configuration for metrics and tracing


    Should we regularly check our environment EC for deadlocks?


    Optional Health check to expose an http server to monitor is the canton process is healthy


    Optional Metrics Reporter used to expose internally captured metrics


    Logs a warning message once the sequencer client falls behind in processing messages from the sequencer (based on the sequencing timestamp).


    Tracing configuration


    Determines whether message payloads (as well as metadata) sent through GRPC are logged.


    Determines whether to log the 15 most expensive db queries


    Whether we should active log slow futures (where instructed)

  53. trait NodeConfig extends AnyRef
  54. final case class Password(pw: String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

    Password wrapper for keystores to prevent the values being printed in logs.

    Password wrapper for keystores to prevent the values being printed in logs.


    password value - public for supporting PureConfig parsing but callers should prefer accessing through unwrap

  55. trait PostgresDbConfig extends DbConfig
  56. final case class ProcessingTimeout(unbounded: TimeoutDuration = DefaultProcessingTimeouts.unbounded, io: TimeoutDuration =, default: TimeoutDuration = DefaultProcessingTimeouts.default, network: TimeoutDuration =, shutdownProcessing: TimeoutDuration = DefaultProcessingTimeouts.shutdownProcessing, shutdownNetwork: TimeoutDuration = DefaultProcessingTimeouts.shutdownNetwork, shutdownShort: TimeoutDuration = DefaultProcessingTimeouts.shutdownShort, closing: TimeoutDuration = DefaultProcessingTimeouts.closing, inspection: TimeoutDuration = DefaultProcessingTimeouts.inspection, storageMaxRetryInterval: TimeoutDuration = DefaultProcessingTimeouts.maxRetryInterval, verifyActive: TimeoutDuration = DefaultProcessingTimeouts.verifyActive, activeInit: TimeoutDuration = DefaultProcessingTimeouts.activeInit, slowFutureWarn: TimeoutDuration = DefaultProcessingTimeouts.slowFutureWarn) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for internal await timeouts

    Configuration for internal await timeouts


    timeout on how long "unbounded" operations can run. should be infinite in theory.


    timeout for disk based operations


    default finite processing timeout


    timeout for things related to networking


    timeout used for shutdown of some processing where we'd like to keep the result (long)


    timeout used for shutdown where we interact with some remote system


    everything else shutdown releated (default)


    our closing time (which should be strictly larger than any of the shutdown values)


    timeout for the storage inspection commands (can run a long long time)


    max retry interval for storage


    how long should we wait for the domain to tell us whether we are active or not


    how long a passive replica should wait for the initialization by the active replica


    when using future supervision, when should we start to warn about a slow future

  57. final case class QueryCostMonitoringConfig(every: NonNegativeFiniteDuration, resetOnOutput: Boolean = true) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for monitoring the cost of db queries.

    Configuration for monitoring the cost of db queries.


    determines the duration between reports


    determines whether the statistics will be reset after creating a report

  58. case class ReplicationConfig(enabled: Boolean = false, connectionPool: DbLockedConnectionPoolConfig = DbLockedConnectionPoolConfig()) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration of node replication for high availability

    Configuration of node replication for high availability


    Needs to be set to true for a replicated node, which shares the database with other replicas.


    Configuration for the write connection pool.

  59. final case class RetentionPeriodDefaults(sequencer: NonNegativeFiniteDuration = NonNegativeFiniteDuration.ofDays(7), mediator: NonNegativeFiniteDuration = NonNegativeFiniteDuration.ofDays(7), unauthenticatedMembers: NonNegativeFiniteDuration = NonNegativeFiniteDuration.ofHours(1)) extends Product with Serializable

    Default retention periods used by pruning commands where no values are explicitly specified.

    Default retention periods used by pruning commands where no values are explicitly specified. Although by default the commands will retain enough data to remain operational, however operators may like to retain more than this to facilitate possible disaster recovery scenarios or retain evidence of completed transactions.

  60. sealed trait SequencerConnectionConfig extends AnyRef

    Definition provided by the domain node to members with details on how to connect to the domain sequencer.

    Definition provided by the domain node to members with details on how to connect to the domain sequencer. *

  61. sealed trait ServerAuthRequirementConfig extends AnyRef

    Configuration on whether server requires auth, requests auth, or no auth

  62. trait ServerConfig extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for hosting a server api

  63. trait StorageConfig extends AnyRef
  64. case class TestSequencerClientFor(environmentId: String, memberName: String, domainName: String) extends Product with Serializable


    ID used to disambiguate tests running in parallel


    The name of the member that should use a delayed sequencer client


    The name of the domain for which the member should use a delayed sequencer client

  65. case class TestingConfigInternal(testSequencerClientFor: Set[TestSequencerClientFor] = Set.empty, useCausalityTracking: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

    Used to set parameters for testing when these don't need to be exposed in a config file.

  66. case class TimeoutDuration(duration: Duration) extends Product with Serializable

    Duration class used for timeouts.

    Duration class used for timeouts.

    There are two options: either it's a non-negative duration or an infinite duration

  67. final case class TimeoutSettings(console: ConsoleCommandTimeout = ConsoleCommandTimeout(), processing: ProcessingTimeout = ProcessingTimeout()) extends Product with Serializable

    Timeout settings configuration

  68. case class TlsBaseServerConfig(certChainFile: ExistingFile, privateKeyFile: ExistingFile, minimumServerProtocolVersion: Option[String] = Some( TlsServerConfig.defaultMinimumServerProtocol ), ciphers: Option[Seq[String]] = TlsServerConfig.defaultCiphers) extends BaseTlsArguments with Product with Serializable

    A wrapper for TLS server parameters supporting only server side authentication

    A wrapper for TLS server parameters supporting only server side authentication

    Same parameters as the more complete TlsServerConfig

  69. case class TlsClientCertificate(certChainFile: File, privateKeyFile: File) extends Product with Serializable

  70. case class TlsClientConfig(trustCollectionFile: Option[ExistingFile], clientCert: Option[TlsClientCertificate]) extends Product with Serializable

    A wrapper for TLS related client configurations

    A wrapper for TLS related client configurations


    a file containing certificates of all nodes the client trusts. If none is specified, defaults to the JVM trust store


    the client certificate

  71. case class TlsServerConfig(certChainFile: ExistingFile, privateKeyFile: ExistingFile, trustCollectionFile: Option[ExistingFile] = None, secretsUrl: Option[String] = None, clientAuth: ServerAuthRequirementConfig = ServerAuthRequirementConfig.Optional, minimumServerProtocolVersion: Option[String] = Some( TlsServerConfig.defaultMinimumServerProtocol ), ciphers: Option[Seq[String]] = TlsServerConfig.defaultCiphers, enableCertRevocationChecking: Boolean = false) extends BaseTlsArguments with Product with Serializable

    A wrapper for TLS related server parameters supporting mutual authentication.

    A wrapper for TLS related server parameters supporting mutual authentication.

    Certificates and keys must be provided in the PEM format. It is recommended to create them with OpenSSL. Other formats (such as GPG) may also work, but have not been tested.


    a file containing a certificate chain, containing the certificate chain from the server to the root CA. The certificate chain is used to authenticate the server. The order of certificates in the chain matters, i.e., it must start with the server certificate and end with the root certificate.


    a file containing the server's private key. The key must not use a password.


    a file containing certificates of all nodes the server trusts. Used for client authentication. It depends on the enclosing configuration whether client authentication is mandatory, optional or unsupported. If client authentication is enabled and this parameter is absent, the certificates in the JVM trust store will be used instead.


    URL of a secrets service that provide parameters needed to decrypt the private key. Required when private key is encrypted (indicated by '.enc' filename suffix).


    indicates whether server requires, requests, does does not request auth from clients. Normally the ledger api server requires client auth under TLS, but using this setting this requirement can be loosened. See


    minimum supported TLS protocol. Set None (or null in config file) to default to JVM settings.


    supported ciphers. Set to None (or null in config file) to default to JVM settings.


    whether to enable certificate revocation checking per TODO(#4881): implement cert-revocation at the participant and domain admin endpoints Ledger api server reference PR:

  72. case class VegasLimit(maxConcurrency: Option[Int], smoothing: Option[Double]) extends LimitConfig with Product with Serializable

    Uses an algorithm inspired by TCP-Vegas to estimate ideal limit.

  73. case class WindowedLimit(windowSize: Option[Int] = None, delegate: LimitConfig) extends ConcurrencyLimitConfig with Product with Serializable

    Use a deligate concurrency limiter, supplying it data averaged over windows of at least windowSize

    Use a deligate concurrency limiter, supplying it data averaged over windows of at least windowSize

    Corresponds to

Value Members

  1. object AdminServerConfig extends Serializable
  2. object ApiLoggingConfig extends Serializable
  3. object ApiType
  4. object BatchAggregatorConfig extends Serializable
  5. object CachingConfigs extends Serializable
  6. object CantonCommunityConfig extends Serializable
  7. object CantonConfig
  8. object CantonConfigUtil
  9. object CantonEnterpriseConfig extends Serializable
    @nowarn() @nowarn()
  10. object CheckConfig
  11. object ClockConfig extends Serializable
  12. object CommunityConfigValidations extends ConfigValidations[CantonCommunityConfig] with NamedLogging
  13. object CommunityDbConfig
  14. object CommunityStorageConfig
  15. object ConcurrencyLimitConfig
  16. object ConfigDefaults
  17. object ConfigErrors extends ConfigErrorGroup

    * Trait which acts as a wrapper around

    * Trait which acts as a wrapper around

    1. lightbend ConfigExceptions which are caught when attempting to read or parse a configuration file 2. pureconfig ConfigReaderFailures which are returned when attempting to convert a given com.typesafe.config.Config instance (basically a valid HOCON-file) to one of the Canton configs
  18. object ConsoleCommandTimeout extends Serializable
  19. object CryptoProvider
  20. object DbCacheConfig extends Serializable
  21. object DbConfig extends NoTracing
  22. object DefaultProcessingTimeouts

    Reasonable default timeouts

  23. object EnterpriseConfigValidations extends ConfigValidations[CantonEnterpriseConfig]
  24. object EnterpriseDbConfig
  25. object EnterpriseStorageConfig
  26. object Generate
  27. object Password extends Serializable
  28. object RequireTypes

    Encapsulates those classes and their utility methods which enforce a given invariant via the use of require.

  29. object SequencerConnectionConfig
  30. object ServerAuthRequirementConfig
  31. object ServerConfig extends Serializable
  32. object TimeoutDuration extends Serializable
  33. object TlsServerConfig extends Serializable
