
package console

General console utilities

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. console
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package commands
  2. package macros

Type Members

  1. trait AdminCommandRunner extends AnyRef

    Support for running an admin command

  2. trait AmmoniteCacheLock extends AnyRef
  3. case class AmmoniteConsoleConfig(cacheDir: Option[File] = AmmoniteConsoleConfig.defaultCacheDir, workingDir: Option[File] = None, colors: Boolean = true, verbose: Boolean = false, defaultLimit: PositiveInt = PositiveInt.tryCreate(1000)) extends Product with Serializable

    Configure behaviour of ammonite

    Configure behaviour of ammonite


    cache dir, defaults to ~/.ammonite. If none is given, in-memory is used. If you specify a cache dir, the Canton repl will startup faster. In our tests, we have very rarely observed unexpected compile errors when the cache was enabled; if you want to avoid that, set the cache dir to None (i.e. cache-dir = null in the config file).


    working directory. if none is given, we'll use the working directory of the Canton process


    if true (default), we'll use color output


    if true (not default), we'll emit verbose ammonite output


    default limit parameter for commands that can potentially return many results

  4. trait BaseInspection[I <: CantonNode] extends AnyRef

    Support for inspecting the instance

  5. case class BindingsHolder(bindings: IndexedSeq[Bind[_]]) extends Product with Serializable

    ammonite requires a ApiHolder in this pattern to make items through bindings available within the dynamic Console environment.

  6. class BootstrapScriptException extends RuntimeException

    Thrown when the bootstrap script fails to execute

  7. trait CantonHealthAdministration[Status <: CantonStatus] extends Helpful with NamedLogging with NoTracing
  8. class CantonInternalError extends Throwable with NoStackTrace with CommandExecutionFailedException
  9. class CommandFailure extends Throwable with NoStackTrace with CommandExecutionFailedException
  10. final case class CommandSuccessful[+A](value: A) extends ConsoleCommandResult[A] with Product with Serializable

    Successful command result

    Successful command result


    The value returned from the command

  11. class CommunityCantonHealthAdministration extends CantonHealthAdministration[CommunityCantonStatus]
  12. trait CommunityDomainReference extends AnyRef
  13. class CommunityHealthDumpGenerator extends HealthDumpGenerator[CommunityCantonStatus]
    @nowarn() @nowarn()
  14. class CommunityLocalDomainReference extends DomainReference with CommunityDomainReference with LocalDomainReference
  15. class CommunityRemoteDomainReference extends DomainReference with CommunityDomainReference with RemoteDomainReference
  16. sealed trait ConsoleCommandResult[+A] extends AnyRef

    Response from a console command.

  17. trait ConsoleEnvironment extends NamedLogging with FlagCloseable with NoTracing

    The environment in which console commands are evaluated.

    The environment in which console commands are evaluated.

  18. trait ConsoleErrorHandler extends AnyRef

    Handle an error from a console.

    Handle an error from a console. We expect this implementation will either throw or exit, hence the scala.Nothing return type.

  19. class ConsoleGrpcAdminCommandRunner extends GrpcAdminCommandRunner
  20. class ConsoleHttpAdminCommandRunner extends NamedLogging with AutoCloseable with Spanning

    Attempt to run an http admin-api command against whatever is pointed at in the config

  21. trait ConsoleMacros extends NamedLogging with NoTracing
  22. trait ConsoleOutput extends AnyRef

    Interface for output to the Console user.

  23. abstract class DomainManagerNodeReference extends InstanceReference with DomainAdministration with SequencerConnectionAdministration with SetupAdministration
  24. trait DomainReference extends InstanceReference with DomainAdministration with InstanceReferenceWithSequencerConnection
  25. implicit class EitherToCommandResultExtensions[A, B] extends AnyRef

    Turn a either into a command result.

    Turn a either into a command result. Left is considered an error, Right is successful.

  26. class EnterpriseConsoleEnvironment extends ConsoleEnvironment
  27. trait EnterpriseConsoleMacros extends ConsoleMacros

    Contains all the macros that are only available in the enterprise version

  28. trait EnterpriseDomainReference extends DomainReference
  29. class EnterpriseLocalDomainReference extends EnterpriseDomainReference with LocalDomainReference
  30. class EnterpriseRemoteDomainReference extends EnterpriseDomainReference with RemoteDomainReference
  31. case class EthereumCommands(config: Ethereum)(implicit loggingContext: NamedLoggingContext) extends Helpful with Product with Serializable
  32. class ExternalLedgerApiClient extends BaseLedgerApiAdministration with LedgerApiCommandRunner with FeatureFlagFilter with NamedLogging

    Bare, Canton agnostic parts of the ledger-api client

    Bare, Canton agnostic parts of the ledger-api client

    This implementation allows to access any kind of ledger-api client, which does not need to be Canton based. However, this comes at some cost, as some of the synchronization between nodes during transaction submission is not supported

  33. sealed trait FeatureFlag extends AnyRef
  34. trait FeatureFlagFilter extends NamedLogging
  35. class GrpcAdminCommandRunner extends NamedLogging with AutoCloseable with Spanning

    Attempt to run a grpc admin-api command against whatever is pointed at in the config

  36. trait GrpcRemoteInstanceReference extends RemoteInstanceReference
  37. class HeadlessConsole extends AutoCloseable
  38. trait HealthDumpGenerator[Status <: CantonStatus] extends AnyRef

    Generates a health dump zip file containing information about the current Canton process This is the core of the implementation of the HealthDump gRPC endpoint.

  39. trait Helpful extends AnyRef

    Implementors will have a help method available that will be callable from the Console.

    Implementors will have a help method available that will be callable from the Console. Implementors should annotate appropriate methods with @Help.Summary to have them included.

  40. trait InstanceReference extends AdminCommandRunner with Helpful with NamedLogging with FeatureFlagFilter with PrettyPrinting with CertificateAdministration
  41. trait InstanceReferenceWithSequencerConnection extends InstanceReference
  42. trait LedgerApiCommandRunner extends AnyRef

    Support for running an ledgerApi commands

  43. class LocalDomainManagerReference extends DomainManagerNodeReference with BaseInspection[DomainManager] with LocalInstanceReference
  44. trait LocalDomainReference extends DomainReference with BaseInspection[Domain] with LocalInstanceReference
  45. class LocalDomainReferencesExtensions extends LocalInstancesExtensions
  46. trait LocalInstanceReference extends InstanceReference with NoTracing

    Pointer for a potentially running instance by instance type (domain/participant) and its id.

    Pointer for a potentially running instance by instance type (domain/participant) and its id. These methods define the REPL interface for these instances (e.g. participant1 start)

  47. trait LocalInstancesExtensions extends Helpful

    Aliases to manage a sequence of instances in a REPL environment

  48. class LocalMediatorReference extends MediatorReference with BaseInspection[MediatorNode] with LocalInstanceReference
  49. class LocalParticipantReference extends ParticipantReference with LocalInstanceReference with BaseInspection[ParticipantNode]
  50. class LocalParticipantReferencesExtensions extends ParticipantReferencesExtensions with LocalInstancesExtensions
  51. class LocalSequencerNodeReference extends SequencerNodeReference with LocalInstanceReference with BaseInspection[SequencerNode]
  52. abstract class MediatorReference extends InstanceReference with SequencerConnectionAdministration
  53. case class NodeReferences[A, R <: A, L <: A](local: Seq[L], remote: Seq[R]) extends Product with Serializable
  54. abstract class ParticipantReference extends InstanceReference with ParticipantAdministration with LedgerApiAdministration with LedgerApiCommandRunner
  55. class ParticipantReferencesExtensions extends Helpful with NamedLogging with FeatureFlagFilter
  56. class RemoteDomainManagerReference extends DomainManagerNodeReference with GrpcRemoteInstanceReference
  57. trait RemoteDomainReference extends DomainReference with GrpcRemoteInstanceReference
  58. trait RemoteInstanceReference extends InstanceReference
  59. class RemoteMediatorReference extends MediatorReference with GrpcRemoteInstanceReference
  60. class RemoteParticipantReference extends ParticipantReference with GrpcRemoteInstanceReference
  61. class RemoteSequencerNodeReference extends SequencerNodeReference with RemoteInstanceReference
  62. abstract class SequencerNodeReference extends InstanceReference with SequencerNodeAdministration with InstanceReferenceWithSequencerConnection
  63. class SimClockCommand extends AnyRef
  64. implicit class StringErrorEitherToCommandResultExtensions[A] extends AnyRef

    Turn an either where Left is a error message into a ConsoleCommandResult.

Deprecated Type Members

  1. trait CommandExecutionFailedException extends Throwable


    use CommandFailure or CantonInternalError instead.

Value Members

  1. def objectClassNameWithoutSuffix(c: Class[_]): String

    Strip the Object suffix from the name of the provided class

  2. object AdminCommandRunner
  3. object AmmoniteCacheLock
  4. object AmmoniteConsoleConfig extends LazyLogging with Serializable
  5. object BindingsBridge extends APIHolder[BindingsHolder]
  6. object CantonHealthAdministration
  7. object CantonHealthAdministrationEncoders
  8. object CommandErrors extends CommandErrorGroup
  9. object CommandSuccessful extends Serializable
  10. object ConsoleCommandResult
  11. object ConsoleEnvironment

    Expose a Canton environment.Environment in a way that's easy to deal with from a REPL.

  12. object ConsoleEnvironmentBinding

    To make the ConsoleEnvironment functionality conveniently available in ammonite we stash it in a implicit variable included as a predef before any script or REPL commands are run.

  13. object ConsoleMacros extends ConsoleMacros with NamedLogging
  14. object DebuggingHelpers extends LazyLogging
  15. object DomainManagerNodeReference
  16. object DomainReference
  17. object EnterpriseConsoleMacros extends EnterpriseConsoleMacros with NamedLogging
  18. object ExternalLedgerApiClient
  19. object FeatureFlag
  20. object HeadlessConsole extends NoTracing

    Creates an interpreter but with matching bindings to the InteractiveConsole for running scripts non-interactively

    Creates an interpreter but with matching bindings to the InteractiveConsole for running scripts non-interactively

  21. object Help

    User friendly help messages generator.

  22. object InteractiveConsole extends NoTracing

    Will create a real REPL for interactive entry and evaluation of commands

    Will create a real REPL for interactive entry and evaluation of commands

  23. object LocalInstancesExtensions
  24. object MediatorReference
  25. object ParticipantReference
  26. object SequencerNodeReference
  27. object StandardConsoleOutput extends ConsoleOutput

    Logs directly to stdout and stderr.

  28. object ThrowErrorHandler extends ConsoleErrorHandler

    Throws a CommandFailure or CantonInternalError when a command fails.

    Throws a CommandFailure or CantonInternalError when a command fails. The throwables do not have a stacktraces, to avoid noise in the interactive console.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
