
package crypto

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package admin
  2. package kms
  3. package provider
  4. package store
  5. package v0

Type Members

  1. case class AsymmetricEncrypted[+M](ciphertext: ByteString, encryptedFor: Fingerprint) extends NoCopy with Product with Serializable
  2. case class CertificateId(str: String255) extends LengthLimitedStringWrapper with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable
  3. class Crypto extends NamedLogging with FlagCloseable

    Wrapper class to simplify crypto dependency management

  4. trait CryptoKey extends Product with Serializable
  5. sealed trait CryptoKeyFormat extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  6. trait CryptoKeyPair[+PK <: PublicKey, +SK <: PrivateKey] extends HasVersionedWrapper[CryptoKeyPair[PublicKey, PrivateKey]]
  7. trait CryptoKeyPairKey extends CryptoKey
  8. trait CryptoPrivateApi extends EncryptionPrivateOps with SigningPrivateOps
  9. trait CryptoPrivateStoreApi extends CryptoPrivateApi with EncryptionPrivateStoreOps with SigningPrivateStoreOps
  10. trait CryptoPureApi extends EncryptionOps with SigningOps with HmacOps with HkdfOps with HashOps with RandomOps
  11. sealed trait DecryptionError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  12. class DomainSnapshotSyncCryptoApi extends SyncCryptoApi with NamedLogging

    crypto operations for a (domain,timestamp)

  13. class DomainSyncCryptoClient extends SyncCryptoClient[DomainSnapshotSyncCryptoApi] with HasFutureSupervision with NamedLogging with FlagCloseable

    Crypto operations on a particular domain

  14. case class Encrypted[+M] extends NoCopy with Product with Serializable

    A tag to denote encrypted data.

  15. sealed trait EncryptionError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  16. sealed trait EncryptionKeyCreationError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  17. sealed trait EncryptionKeyGenerationError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  18. final case class EncryptionKeyPair(publicKey: EncryptionPublicKey, privateKey: EncryptionPrivateKey) extends CryptoKeyPair[EncryptionPublicKey, EncryptionPrivateKey] with NoCopy with Product with Serializable
  19. sealed trait EncryptionKeyScheme extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting

    Key schemes for asymmetric/hybrid encryption.

  20. trait EncryptionOps extends AnyRef

    Encryption operations that do not require access to a private key store but operates with provided keys.

  21. final case class EncryptionPrivateKey extends PrivateKey with HasVersionedWrapper[EncryptionPrivateKey] with NoCopy with Product with Serializable
  22. trait EncryptionPrivateOps extends AnyRef

    Encryption operations that require access to stored private keys.

  23. trait EncryptionPrivateStoreOps extends EncryptionPrivateOps

    A default implementation with a private key store

  24. case class EncryptionPublicKey extends PublicKey with PrettyPrinting with HasVersionedWrapper[EncryptionPublicKey] with NoCopy with Product with Serializable
  25. case class EncryptionPublicKeyWithName(publicKey: EncryptionPublicKey, name: Option[KeyName]) extends PublicKeyWithName with Product with Serializable
  26. final case class Fingerprint(str: String68) extends LengthLimitedStringWrapper with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    a human readable fingerprint of a key that serves as a unique identifier

  27. case class Hash extends HasCryptographicEvidence with Ordered[Hash] with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable
  28. sealed abstract class HashAlgorithm extends AnyRef

    A Multi-hash compatible description of a hash algorithm

  29. trait HashBuilder extends AnyRef

    The methods of HashBuilder change its internal state and return this for convenience.

    The methods of HashBuilder change its internal state and return this for convenience.

    Requirements for all implementations:

    For any HashBuilder hb, it is computationally infeasible to find two sequences as1 and as2 of calls to add such that the concatenation of as1 differs from the concatenation as2, yet their computed hashes are the same, i.e., as1.foldLeft(hb)((hb, a) => hb.add(a)).finish is the same as as2.foldLeft(hb)((hb, a) => hb.add(a)).finish.

  30. trait HashOps extends AnyRef

    Trait only needed if we want to make the default algorithm configurable

  31. final class HashPurpose extends AnyVal

    The purpose of a hash serves to avoid hash collisions due to equal encodings for different objects.

    The purpose of a hash serves to avoid hash collisions due to equal encodings for different objects. It is in general not possible to derive the purpose of the hash from the hash alone.

    Whenever a hash is computed using HashOps, a HashPurpose must be specified that gets included in the hash. To reliably prevent hash collisions, every HashPurpose object should be used only in a single place.

    All HashPurpose objects must be created through the HashPurpose$.apply method, which checks that the id is fresh.

  32. sealed trait HkdfError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  33. final class HkdfInfo extends AnyVal

    Ensures unique values of "info" HKDF parameter for the different usages of the KDF.

    Ensures unique values of "info" HKDF parameter for the different usages of the KDF. E.g., we may have one purpose for deriving the encryption key for a view from a random value, and another one for deriving the random values used for the subviews.

  34. trait HkdfOps extends AnyRef

    The expansion step of the HMAC-based key derivation function (HKDF) as defined in:

  35. final case class Hmac extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable
  36. sealed abstract class HmacAlgorithm extends PrettyPrinting
  37. sealed trait HmacError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  38. trait HmacOps extends AnyRef

    pure HMAC operations that do not require access to external keys.

  39. final case class HmacSecret extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable
  40. sealed trait JavaKeyConversionError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  41. trait JavaKeyConverter extends AnyRef
  42. case class KeyName(str: String300) extends LengthLimitedStringWrapper with Product with Serializable
  43. sealed trait KeyPurpose extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  44. class LtHash16 extends AnyRef

    A running digest of a set of bytes, where elements can be added and removed.

    A running digest of a set of bytes, where elements can be added and removed.

    Note that it's the caller's responsibility to ensure that the collection defined by the sequence of additions/removals is really a set. In particular: 1. the digest accepts a call to remove before the corresponding call to add 2. the digest will change if the same element is added twice. Note, however, that the digest rolls over if you add an element 216 times; i.e., taking a digest d, then adding the same element 216 times results in d again.

  45. final case class Nonce extends HasCryptographicEvidence with Product with Serializable
  46. trait PrivateKey extends CryptoKeyPairKey
  47. trait PublicKey extends CryptoKeyPairKey
  48. trait PublicKeyWithName extends Product with Serializable with HasVersionedWrapper[PublicKeyWithName]
  49. trait RandomOps extends AnyRef
  50. final case class Salt extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    A (pseudo-)random salt used for hashing to prevent pre-computed hash attacks.

    A (pseudo-)random salt used for hashing to prevent pre-computed hash attacks.

    The algorithm that was used to generate/derive the salt is kept to support the verification of the salt generation.

  51. sealed trait SaltAlgorithm extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting

    Indicates the algorithm used to generate and derive salts.

  52. sealed trait SaltError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  53. sealed abstract case class SaltSeed extends Product with Serializable

    A seed to derive further salts from.

    A seed to derive further salts from.

    Unlike Salt this seed will not be shipped to another participant.

  54. case class SecureRandomness extends HasCryptographicEvidence with HasVersionedToByteString with Product with Serializable

    The class is a tag that denotes a byte string as a securely generated random value.

    The class is a tag that denotes a byte string as a securely generated random value.

    Not an AnyVal as we also want it to be a serializable value such that we can encrypt it.

  55. case class Signature extends HasVersionedWrapper[Signature] with PrettyPrinting with NoCopy with Product with Serializable
  56. sealed trait SignatureCheckError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  57. sealed trait SignatureFormat extends Product with Serializable
  58. sealed trait SigningError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  59. sealed trait SigningKeyGenerationError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  60. final case class SigningKeyPair(publicKey: SigningPublicKey, privateKey: SigningPrivateKey) extends CryptoKeyPair[SigningPublicKey, SigningPrivateKey] with NoCopy with Product with Serializable
  61. sealed trait SigningKeyScheme extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  62. trait SigningOps extends AnyRef

    Signing operations that do not require access to a private key store but operates with provided keys.

  63. final case class SigningPrivateKey extends PrivateKey with HasVersionedWrapper[SigningPrivateKey] with NoCopy with Product with Serializable
  64. trait SigningPrivateOps extends AnyRef

    Signing operations that require access to stored private keys.

  65. trait SigningPrivateStoreOps extends SigningPrivateOps

    A default implementation with a private key store

  66. case class SigningPublicKey extends PublicKey with PrettyPrinting with NoCopy with HasVersionedWrapper[SigningPublicKey] with Product with Serializable
  67. case class SigningPublicKeyWithName(publicKey: SigningPublicKey, name: Option[KeyName]) extends PublicKeyWithName with Product with Serializable
  68. final case class SymmetricKey(format: CryptoKeyFormat, key: ByteString, scheme: SymmetricKeyScheme) extends CryptoKey with HasVersionedWrapper[SymmetricKey] with NoCopy with Product with Serializable
  69. sealed trait SymmetricKeyScheme extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting

    Key schemes for symmetric encryption.

  70. trait SyncCryptoApi extends AnyRef

    impure part of the crypto api with access to private key store and knowledge about the current entity to key assoc

  71. class SyncCryptoApiProvider extends AnyRef

    Crypto API Provider class

    Crypto API Provider class

    The utility class combines the information provided by the IPSclient, the pure crypto functions and the signing and decryption operations on a private key vault in order to automatically resolve the right keys to use for signing / decryption based on domain and timestamp.

  72. trait SyncCryptoClient[+T <: SyncCryptoApi] extends TopologyClientApi[T]
  73. sealed trait SyncCryptoError extends Product with Serializable with PrettyPrinting
  74. final case class X509Certificate(cert: extends Product with Serializable

    A Scala wrapper for Java X509 Certificates

  75. case class X509CertificateDer extends Product with Serializable

    A X509 Certificate serialized in DER format.

  76. sealed trait X509CertificateEncoder[Encoding] extends AnyRef
  77. sealed trait X509CertificateError extends Product with Serializable
  78. class X509CertificateGenerator extends NamedLogging
  79. case class X509CertificatePem extends Product with Serializable

    A X509 Certificate serialized in PEM format.

Value Members

  1. object Blake2xb

    Derives Blake2xb on top of Blake2b as defined in: In particular, the parameters for Blake2b invocations are as specified in that document

  2. object CertificateId extends LengthLimitedStringWrapperCompanion[String255, CertificateId] with Serializable
  3. object CryptoFactory
  4. object CryptoHandshakeValidator
  5. object CryptoKeyFormat extends Serializable
  6. object CryptoKeyPair extends HasVersionedMessageCompanion[CryptoKeyPair[PublicKey, PrivateKey]]
  7. object DecryptionError extends Serializable
  8. object Encrypted extends Serializable
  9. object EncryptionError extends Serializable
  10. object EncryptionKeyCreationError extends Serializable
  11. object EncryptionKeyGenerationError extends Serializable
  12. object EncryptionKeyPair extends Serializable
  13. object EncryptionKeyScheme extends Serializable
  14. object EncryptionPrivateKey extends HasVersionedMessageCompanion[EncryptionPrivateKey] with Serializable
  15. object EncryptionPublicKey extends HasVersionedMessageCompanion[EncryptionPublicKey] with HasVersionedMessageCompanionDbHelpers[EncryptionPublicKey] with Serializable
  16. object EncryptionPublicKeyWithName extends Serializable
  17. object Fingerprint extends Serializable
  18. object Hash extends Serializable
  19. object HashAlgorithm
  20. object HashPurpose
  21. object HkdfError extends Serializable
  22. object HkdfInfo
  23. object Hmac extends Serializable
  24. object HmacAlgorithm
  25. object HmacError extends Serializable
  26. object HmacSecret extends Serializable
  27. object JavaKeyConversionError extends Serializable
  28. object JavaKeyConverter
  29. object KeyName extends LengthLimitedStringWrapperCompanion[String300, KeyName] with Serializable
  30. object KeyPurpose extends Serializable
  31. object LtHash16
  32. object Nonce extends Serializable
  33. object PrivateKey extends Serializable
  34. object ProtocolCryptoApi

    Helper methods to select the appropriate crypto primitive for a particular protocol version.

  35. object PseudoRandom

    Pseudo randomness, MUST NOT be used for security-relevant operations.

  36. object PublicKey extends Serializable
  37. object PublicKeyWithName extends HasVersionedMessageCompanion[PublicKeyWithName] with Serializable
  38. object Salt extends Serializable
  39. object SaltAlgorithm extends Serializable
  40. object SaltError extends Serializable
  41. object SaltSeed extends Serializable
  42. object SecureRandomness extends Serializable

    Cryptographically-secure randomness

  43. object Signature extends HasVersionedMessageCompanion[Signature] with HasVersionedMessageCompanionDbHelpers[Signature] with Serializable
  44. object SignatureCheckError extends Serializable
  45. object SignatureFormat extends Serializable
  46. object SigningError extends Serializable
  47. object SigningKeyGenerationError extends Serializable
  48. object SigningKeyPair extends Serializable
  49. object SigningKeyScheme extends Serializable

    Schemes for signature keys.

    Schemes for signature keys.

    Ed25519 is the best performing curve and should be the default. EC-DSA is slower than Ed25519 but has better compatibility with other systems (such as CCF).

  50. object SigningPrivateKey extends HasVersionedMessageCompanion[SigningPrivateKey] with Serializable
  51. object SigningPublicKey extends HasVersionedMessageCompanion[SigningPublicKey] with HasVersionedMessageCompanionDbHelpers[SigningPublicKey] with Serializable
  52. object SigningPublicKeyWithName extends Serializable
  53. object SymmetricKey extends HasVersionedMessageCompanion[SymmetricKey] with Serializable
  54. object SymmetricKeyScheme extends Serializable
  55. object SyncCryptoClient
  56. object SyncCryptoError extends Serializable
  57. object X509Certificate extends Serializable
  58. object X509CertificateDer extends X509CertificateEncoder[X509CertificateDer] with Serializable
  59. object X509CertificateError extends Serializable
  60. object X509CertificatePem extends X509CertificateEncoder[X509CertificatePem] with Serializable
