package multidomain

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class Checkpoint(recordTime: Option[Timestamp], offset: Option[LedgerOffset]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Checkpoint] with Product with Serializable

    Checkpoints may be used to:

    Checkpoints may be used to:

    * detect time out of commands. * provide an offset which can be used to restart consumption.


    All commands with a maximum record time below this value MUST be considered lost if their completion has not arrived before this checkpoint. Required


    May be used in a subsequent CompletionStreamRequest to resume the consumption of this stream at a later time. Required

  2. final case class CompletionEndRequest(ledgerId: String, domainId: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[CompletionEndRequest] with Product with Serializable


    Must correspond to the ledger ID reported by the Ledger Identification Service. Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in value.proto). Optional


    Must be a valid domain ID Required

  3. final case class CompletionEndResponse(offset: Option[LedgerOffset]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[CompletionEndResponse] with Product with Serializable


    This offset can be used in a CompletionStreamRequest message. Required

  4. final case class CompletionStreamRequest(ledgerId: String, applicationId: String, parties: Seq[String], offset: Option[LedgerOffset], domainId: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[CompletionStreamRequest] with Product with Serializable


    Must correspond to the ledger id reported by the Ledger Identification Service. Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in value.proto). Optional


    Only completions of commands submitted with the same application_id will be visible in the stream. Must be a valid ApplicationIdString (as described in value.proto). Required unless authentication is used with a user token or a custom token specifying an application-id. In that case, the token's user-id, respectively application-id, will be used for the request's application_id.


    Non-empty list of parties whose data should be included. Only completions of commands for which at least one of the act_as parties is in the given set of parties will be visible in the stream. Must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in value.proto). Required


    This field indicates the minimum offset for completions. This can be used to resume an earlier completion stream. This offset is exclusive: the response will only contain commands whose offset is strictly greater than this. Optional, if not set the ledger uses the current ledger end offset instead.


    Must be a valid domain ID Required

  5. final case class CompletionStreamResponse(checkpoint: Option[Checkpoint], completions: Seq[Completion]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[CompletionStreamResponse] with Product with Serializable


    This checkpoint may be used to restart consumption. The checkpoint is after any completions in this response. Optional


    If set, one or more completions.

  6. final case class GetLedgerEndRequest(ledgerId: String, domainId: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetLedgerEndRequest] with Product with Serializable


    Must correspond to the ledger ID reported by the Ledger Identification Service. Must be a valid LedgerString (as describe in value.proto). Optional


    Must be a valid domain ID Required

  7. final case class GetLedgerEndResponse(offset: Option[LedgerOffset]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetLedgerEndResponse] with Product with Serializable


    The absolute offset of the current ledger end.

  8. final case class GetTreeUpdatesResponse(updates: Seq[TreeUpdate]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetTreeUpdatesResponse] with Product with Serializable


    The list of updates trees that matches the filter in the request.

  9. final case class GetUpdatesRequest(ledgerId: String, begin: Option[LedgerOffset], end: Option[LedgerOffset], party: String, domainId: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetUpdatesRequest] with Product with Serializable


    Must correspond to the ledger ID reported by the Ledger Identification Service. Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in value.proto). Optional


    Beginning of the requested ledger section. This offset is exclusive: the response will only contain transactions whose offset is strictly greater than this. Required


    End of the requested ledger section. This offset is inclusive: the response will only contain transactions whose offset is less than or equal to this. Optional, if not set, the stream will not terminate.


    Required For the multi-domain, this currently replace the usual TransactionFilter


    Must be a valid domain ID Required

  10. final case class Num(num: Long) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Num] with Product with Serializable
  11. final case class NumberRequest(from: Long) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[NumberRequest] with Product with Serializable
  12. final case class PingMessage(token: String, seqNum: Long) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[PingMessage] with Product with Serializable


    token to be echoed back in response


    to be increased by one

  13. final case class SubmitRequest(transferCommand: Option[TransferCommand]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SubmitRequest] with Product with Serializable


    The transfer command to be submitted. Required

  14. final case class Transfer(updateId: String, commandId: String, workflowId: String, offset: String, submitter: String, event: Event) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Transfer] with Product with Serializable

    Complete view of an on-ledger transfer.

    Complete view of an on-ledger transfer.


    Assigned by the server. Useful for correlating logs. Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in value.proto). Required


    The ID of the command which resulted in this transfer. Missing for everyone except the submitting party on the submitting participant. Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in value.proto). Optional


    The workflow ID used in command submission. Only set if the workflow_id for the command was set. Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in value.proto). Optional


    The absolute offset. The format of this field is described in ledger_offset.proto. Required


    Party on whose behalf the command was executed. Must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in value.proto). Required

  15. final case class TransferCommand(ledgerId: String, workflowId: String, applicationId: String, commandId: String, submitter: String, command: Command, submissionId: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferCommand] with Product with Serializable


    Must correspond to the ledger ID reported by the Ledger Identification Service. Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in value.proto). Optional


    Identifier of the on-ledger workflow that this command is a part of. Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in value.proto). Optional


    Uniquely identifies the application or participant user that issued the command. Must be a valid ApplicationIdString (as described in value.proto). Required unless authentication is used with a user token or a custom token specifying an application-id. In that case, the token's user-id, respectively application-id, will be used for the request's application_id.


    Uniquely identifies the command. The triple (application_id, submitter, command_id) constitutes the change ID for the intended ledger change. The change ID can be used for matching the intended ledger changes with all their completions. Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in value.proto). Required


    Party on whose behalf the command should be executed. If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request to act on behalf of the given party. Must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in value.proto). Required


    If omitted, the participant or the committer may set a value of their choice. Optional

  16. final case class TransferInCommand(transferOutId: String, source: String, target: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferInCommand] with Product with Serializable

    Transfer-in a contract

    Transfer-in a contract


    The ID of the transfer-out event to be completed by this transfer-in. Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in value.proto). Required


    The ID of the source domain Must be a valid domain ID Required


    The ID of the target domain Must be a valid domain ID Optional

  17. final case class TransferOutCommand(contractId: String, source: String, target: String) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferOutCommand] with Product with Serializable

    Transfer-out a contract

    Transfer-out a contract


    The ID of the contract the client wants to transfer-out. Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in value.proto). Required


    The ID of the source domain Must be a valid domain ID Optional


    The ID of the target domain Must be a valid domain ID Required

  18. final case class TransferredInEvent(source: String, target: String, transferOutId: String, createdEvent: Option[CreatedEvent]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferredInEvent] with Product with Serializable

    Records that a contract has been transferred-in, and it becomes usable on the target domain

    Records that a contract has been transferred-in, and it becomes usable on the target domain


    The ID of the source domain Must be a valid domain ID Required


    The ID of the target domain Must be a valid domain ID Required


    The ID of the transfer-out event For correlation capabilities Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in value.proto). Required



  19. final case class TransferredOutEvent(transferOutId: String, contractId: String, source: String, target: String, transferInExclusivity: Option[Timestamp]) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TransferredOutEvent] with Product with Serializable

    Records that a contract has been transferred-out, and it becomes unusable on the source domain

    Records that a contract has been transferred-out, and it becomes unusable on the source domain


    The ID of the transfer-out event. This needs to be used as an input for a transfer-in TransferCommand. Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in value.proto). Required


    The ID of the transferred contract. Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in value.proto). Required


    The ID of the source domain Must be a valid domain ID Required


    The ID of the target domain Must be a valid domain ID Required


    Transfer-in exclusivity Before this time (measured on the target domain), only the submitter of the transfer-out can initiate the transfer-in Required

  20. final case class TreeUpdate(treeUpdate: TreeUpdate.TreeUpdate) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TreeUpdate] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Checkpoint extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Checkpoint]
  2. object CommandCompletionServiceGrpc
  3. object CommandCompletionServiceProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  4. object CompletionEndRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[CompletionEndRequest]
  5. object CompletionEndResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[CompletionEndResponse]
  6. object CompletionStreamRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[CompletionStreamRequest]
  7. object CompletionStreamResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[CompletionStreamResponse]
  8. object GetLedgerEndRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetLedgerEndRequest]
  9. object GetLedgerEndResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetLedgerEndResponse]
  10. object GetTreeUpdatesResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetTreeUpdatesResponse]
  11. object GetUpdatesRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetUpdatesRequest]
  12. object Num extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Num]
  13. object NumberRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[NumberRequest]
  14. object PingMessage extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[PingMessage]
  15. object SubmitRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SubmitRequest]
  16. object TestProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  17. object TestServiceGrpc
  18. object Transfer extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Transfer]
  19. object TransferCommand extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferCommand]
  20. object TransferCommandProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  21. object TransferInCommand extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferInCommand]
  22. object TransferOutCommand extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferOutCommand]
  23. object TransferProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  24. object TransferSubmissionServiceGrpc
  25. object TransferSubmissionServiceProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  26. object TransferredInEvent extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferredInEvent]
  27. object TransferredOutEvent extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TransferredOutEvent]
  28. object TreeUpdate extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TreeUpdate]
  29. object UpdateServiceGrpc
  30. object UpdateServiceProto extends GeneratedFileObject
