
final case class StaticDomainParameters(reconciliationInterval: PositiveSeconds, maxRatePerParticipant: NonNegativeInt, maxRequestSize: MaxRequestSize, uniqueContractKeys: Boolean, requiredSigningKeySchemes: NonEmpty[Set[SigningKeyScheme]], requiredEncryptionKeySchemes: NonEmpty[Set[EncryptionKeyScheme]], requiredSymmetricKeySchemes: NonEmpty[Set[SymmetricKeyScheme]], requiredHashAlgorithms: NonEmpty[Set[HashAlgorithm]], requiredCryptoKeyFormats: NonEmpty[Set[CryptoKeyFormat]], protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion)(representativeProtocolVersion: RepresentativeProtocolVersion[StaticDomainParameters]) extends HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[StaticDomainParameters] with Product with Serializable

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. StaticDomainParameters
  2. Serializable
  3. Product
  4. Equals
  5. HasProtocolVersionedWrapper
  6. HasRepresentativeProtocolVersion
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new StaticDomainParameters(reconciliationInterval: PositiveSeconds, maxRatePerParticipant: NonNegativeInt, maxRequestSize: MaxRequestSize, uniqueContractKeys: Boolean, requiredSigningKeySchemes: NonEmpty[Set[SigningKeyScheme]], requiredEncryptionKeySchemes: NonEmpty[Set[EncryptionKeyScheme]], requiredSymmetricKeySchemes: NonEmpty[Set[SymmetricKeyScheme]], requiredHashAlgorithms: NonEmpty[Set[HashAlgorithm]], requiredCryptoKeyFormats: NonEmpty[Set[CryptoKeyFormat]], protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion)(representativeProtocolVersion: RepresentativeProtocolVersion[StaticDomainParameters])

Value Members

  1. def castRepresentativeProtocolVersion[V, T <: HasSupportedProtoVersions[V]](target: T): Either[String, RepresentativeProtocolVersion[V]]

    Casts this instance's representative protocol version to one for the target type.

    Casts this instance's representative protocol version to one for the target type. This only succeeds if the versioning schemes are the same.

    Definition Classes
  2. val companionObj: HasProtocolVersionedWrapperCompanion[StaticDomainParameters]
  3. def isEquivalentTo(protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  4. def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
    Definition Classes
  5. def protoVersion: ProtoVersion

    Yields the Proto version that this class will be serialized to

    Yields the Proto version that this class will be serialized to

    Definition Classes
  6. val protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion
  7. val representativeProtocolVersion: RepresentativeProtocolVersion[StaticDomainParameters]

    We have a correspondence {Proto version} <-> {[protocol version]}: each proto version correspond to a list of consecutive protocol versions.

    We have a correspondence {Proto version} <-> {[protocol version]}: each proto version correspond to a list of consecutive protocol versions. The representative is one instance of this list, usually the smallest value. In other words, the Proto versions induce an equivalence relation on the list of protocol version, thus use of representative.

    The method protocolVersionRepresentativeFor below allows to query the representative for an equivalence class.

    Definition Classes
  8. val requiredCryptoKeyFormats: NonEmpty[Set[CryptoKeyFormat]]
  9. val requiredEncryptionKeySchemes: NonEmpty[Set[EncryptionKeyScheme]]
  10. val requiredHashAlgorithms: NonEmpty[Set[HashAlgorithm]]
  11. val requiredSigningKeySchemes: NonEmpty[Set[SigningKeyScheme]]
  12. val requiredSymmetricKeySchemes: NonEmpty[Set[SymmetricKeyScheme]]
  13. def toByteArray: Array[Byte]

    Yields a byte array representation of the corresponding UntypedVersionedMessage wrapper of this instance.

    Yields a byte array representation of the corresponding UntypedVersionedMessage wrapper of this instance.

    Definition Classes
  14. def toByteString: ByteString

    Yields a byte string representation of the corresponding UntypedVersionedMessage wrapper of this instance.

    Yields a byte string representation of the corresponding UntypedVersionedMessage wrapper of this instance.

    Definition Classes
  15. def toProtoV0: v0.StaticDomainParameters
  16. def toProtoV1: v1.StaticDomainParameters
  17. def toProtoVersioned: VersionedMessage[StaticDomainParameters]

    Yields the proto representation of the class inside an UntypedVersionedMessage wrapper.

    Yields the proto representation of the class inside an UntypedVersionedMessage wrapper.

    Subclasses should make this method public by default, as this supports composing proto serializations. Keep it protected, if there are good reasons for it (e.g. com.digitalasset.canton.serialization.ProtocolVersionedMemoizedEvidence).

    Be aware that if calling on a class that defines a LegacyProtoConverter, this method will still return a VersionedMessage. If the current protocol version maps to the legacy converter, deserialization will then fail (as it will try to deserialize to the raw protobuf instead of the VersionedMessage wrapper this was serialized to. Prefer using toByteString which handles this use case correctly.

    Definition Classes
  18. val uniqueContractKeys: Boolean
  19. def writeToFile(outputFile: String): Unit
    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. val maxRatePerParticipant: NonNegativeInt

    (Since version protocol version 4) Starting from protocol version 4, maxRatePerParticipant is a dynamic domain parameter

  2. val maxRequestSize: MaxRequestSize

    (Since version protocol version 4) Starting from protocol version 4, maxRequestSize is a dynamic domain parameter

  3. val reconciliationInterval: PositiveSeconds

    (Since version protocol version 4) Starting from protocol version 4, reconciliationInterval is a dynamic domain parameter