Class CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public static final getDescriptor()
      • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

        protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
        Specified by:
        internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder>
      • getDescriptorForType

        public getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        getDescriptorForType in class<CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder>
      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      • build

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands build()
        Specified by:
        build in interface
        Specified by:
        build in interface
      • buildPartial

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands buildPartial()
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
      • setRepeatedField

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setRepeatedField​( field,
                                                                    int index,
                                                                    java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        setRepeatedField in interface
        setRepeatedField in class<CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder>
      • addRepeatedField

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder addRepeatedField​( field,
                                                                    java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        addRepeatedField in interface
        addRepeatedField in class<CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder>
      • isInitialized

        public final boolean isInitialized()
        Specified by:
        isInitialized in interface
        isInitialized in class<CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder>
      • mergeFrom

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder mergeFrom​( input,
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        mergeFrom in class<CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder>
      • getLedgerId

        public java.lang.String getLedgerId()
         Must correspond to the ledger ID reported by the Ledger Identification Service.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string ledger_id = 1 [json_name = "ledgerId"];
        Specified by:
        getLedgerId in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The ledgerId.
      • getLedgerIdBytes

        public getLedgerIdBytes()
         Must correspond to the ledger ID reported by the Ledger Identification Service.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string ledger_id = 1 [json_name = "ledgerId"];
        Specified by:
        getLedgerIdBytes in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The bytes for ledgerId.
      • setLedgerId

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setLedgerId​(java.lang.String value)
         Must correspond to the ledger ID reported by the Ledger Identification Service.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string ledger_id = 1 [json_name = "ledgerId"];
        value - The ledgerId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearLedgerId

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearLedgerId()
         Must correspond to the ledger ID reported by the Ledger Identification Service.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string ledger_id = 1 [json_name = "ledgerId"];
        This builder for chaining.
      • setLedgerIdBytes

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setLedgerIdBytes​( value)
         Must correspond to the ledger ID reported by the Ledger Identification Service.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string ledger_id = 1 [json_name = "ledgerId"];
        value - The bytes for ledgerId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getWorkflowId

        public java.lang.String getWorkflowId()
         Identifier of the on-ledger workflow that this command is a part of.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string workflow_id = 2 [json_name = "workflowId"];
        Specified by:
        getWorkflowId in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The workflowId.
      • getWorkflowIdBytes

        public getWorkflowIdBytes()
         Identifier of the on-ledger workflow that this command is a part of.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string workflow_id = 2 [json_name = "workflowId"];
        Specified by:
        getWorkflowIdBytes in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The bytes for workflowId.
      • setWorkflowId

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setWorkflowId​(java.lang.String value)
         Identifier of the on-ledger workflow that this command is a part of.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string workflow_id = 2 [json_name = "workflowId"];
        value - The workflowId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearWorkflowId

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearWorkflowId()
         Identifier of the on-ledger workflow that this command is a part of.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string workflow_id = 2 [json_name = "workflowId"];
        This builder for chaining.
      • setWorkflowIdBytes

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setWorkflowIdBytes​( value)
         Identifier of the on-ledger workflow that this command is a part of.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string workflow_id = 2 [json_name = "workflowId"];
        value - The bytes for workflowId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getApplicationId

        public java.lang.String getApplicationId()
         Uniquely identifies the application or participant user that issued the command.
         Must be a valid ApplicationIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         Required unless authentication is used with a user token or a custom token specifying an application-id.
         In that case, the token's user-id, respectively application-id, will be used for the request's application_id.
        string application_id = 3 [json_name = "applicationId"];
        Specified by:
        getApplicationId in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The applicationId.
      • getApplicationIdBytes

        public getApplicationIdBytes()
         Uniquely identifies the application or participant user that issued the command.
         Must be a valid ApplicationIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         Required unless authentication is used with a user token or a custom token specifying an application-id.
         In that case, the token's user-id, respectively application-id, will be used for the request's application_id.
        string application_id = 3 [json_name = "applicationId"];
        Specified by:
        getApplicationIdBytes in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The bytes for applicationId.
      • setApplicationId

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setApplicationId​(java.lang.String value)
         Uniquely identifies the application or participant user that issued the command.
         Must be a valid ApplicationIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         Required unless authentication is used with a user token or a custom token specifying an application-id.
         In that case, the token's user-id, respectively application-id, will be used for the request's application_id.
        string application_id = 3 [json_name = "applicationId"];
        value - The applicationId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearApplicationId

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearApplicationId()
         Uniquely identifies the application or participant user that issued the command.
         Must be a valid ApplicationIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         Required unless authentication is used with a user token or a custom token specifying an application-id.
         In that case, the token's user-id, respectively application-id, will be used for the request's application_id.
        string application_id = 3 [json_name = "applicationId"];
        This builder for chaining.
      • setApplicationIdBytes

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setApplicationIdBytes​( value)
         Uniquely identifies the application or participant user that issued the command.
         Must be a valid ApplicationIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         Required unless authentication is used with a user token or a custom token specifying an application-id.
         In that case, the token's user-id, respectively application-id, will be used for the request's application_id.
        string application_id = 3 [json_name = "applicationId"];
        value - The bytes for applicationId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getCommandId

        public java.lang.String getCommandId()
         Uniquely identifies the command.
         The triple (application_id, party + act_as, command_id) constitutes the change ID for the intended ledger change,
         where party + act_as is interpreted as a set of party names.
         The change ID can be used for matching the intended ledger changes with all their completions.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string command_id = 4 [json_name = "commandId"];
        Specified by:
        getCommandId in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The commandId.
      • getCommandIdBytes

        public getCommandIdBytes()
         Uniquely identifies the command.
         The triple (application_id, party + act_as, command_id) constitutes the change ID for the intended ledger change,
         where party + act_as is interpreted as a set of party names.
         The change ID can be used for matching the intended ledger changes with all their completions.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string command_id = 4 [json_name = "commandId"];
        Specified by:
        getCommandIdBytes in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The bytes for commandId.
      • setCommandId

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setCommandId​(java.lang.String value)
         Uniquely identifies the command.
         The triple (application_id, party + act_as, command_id) constitutes the change ID for the intended ledger change,
         where party + act_as is interpreted as a set of party names.
         The change ID can be used for matching the intended ledger changes with all their completions.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string command_id = 4 [json_name = "commandId"];
        value - The commandId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearCommandId

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearCommandId()
         Uniquely identifies the command.
         The triple (application_id, party + act_as, command_id) constitutes the change ID for the intended ledger change,
         where party + act_as is interpreted as a set of party names.
         The change ID can be used for matching the intended ledger changes with all their completions.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string command_id = 4 [json_name = "commandId"];
        This builder for chaining.
      • setCommandIdBytes

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setCommandIdBytes​( value)
         Uniquely identifies the command.
         The triple (application_id, party + act_as, command_id) constitutes the change ID for the intended ledger change,
         where party + act_as is interpreted as a set of party names.
         The change ID can be used for matching the intended ledger changes with all their completions.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        string command_id = 4 [json_name = "commandId"];
        value - The bytes for commandId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getParty

        public java.lang.String getParty()
         Party on whose behalf the command should be executed.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to act on behalf of the given party.
         Must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         Deprecated in favor of the ``act_as`` field. If both are set, then the effective list of parties on whose
         behalf the command should be executed is the union of all parties listed in ``party`` and ``act_as``.
        string party = 5 [json_name = "party"];
        Specified by:
        getParty in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The party.
      • getPartyBytes

        public getPartyBytes()
         Party on whose behalf the command should be executed.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to act on behalf of the given party.
         Must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         Deprecated in favor of the ``act_as`` field. If both are set, then the effective list of parties on whose
         behalf the command should be executed is the union of all parties listed in ``party`` and ``act_as``.
        string party = 5 [json_name = "party"];
        Specified by:
        getPartyBytes in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The bytes for party.
      • setParty

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setParty​(java.lang.String value)
         Party on whose behalf the command should be executed.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to act on behalf of the given party.
         Must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         Deprecated in favor of the ``act_as`` field. If both are set, then the effective list of parties on whose
         behalf the command should be executed is the union of all parties listed in ``party`` and ``act_as``.
        string party = 5 [json_name = "party"];
        value - The party to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearParty

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearParty()
         Party on whose behalf the command should be executed.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to act on behalf of the given party.
         Must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         Deprecated in favor of the ``act_as`` field. If both are set, then the effective list of parties on whose
         behalf the command should be executed is the union of all parties listed in ``party`` and ``act_as``.
        string party = 5 [json_name = "party"];
        This builder for chaining.
      • setPartyBytes

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setPartyBytes​( value)
         Party on whose behalf the command should be executed.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to act on behalf of the given party.
         Must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         Deprecated in favor of the ``act_as`` field. If both are set, then the effective list of parties on whose
         behalf the command should be executed is the union of all parties listed in ``party`` and ``act_as``.
        string party = 5 [json_name = "party"];
        value - The bytes for party to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getCommandsCount

        public int getCommandsCount()
         Individual elements of this atomic command. Must be non-empty.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.Command commands = 8 [json_name = "commands"];
        Specified by:
        getCommandsCount in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
      • clearCommands

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearCommands()
         Individual elements of this atomic command. Must be non-empty.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.Command commands = 8 [json_name = "commands"];
      • removeCommands

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder removeCommands​(int index)
         Individual elements of this atomic command. Must be non-empty.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.Command commands = 8 [json_name = "commands"];
      • getCommandsBuilder

        public CommandsOuterClass.Command.Builder getCommandsBuilder​(int index)
         Individual elements of this atomic command. Must be non-empty.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.Command commands = 8 [json_name = "commands"];
      • addCommandsBuilder

        public CommandsOuterClass.Command.Builder addCommandsBuilder()
         Individual elements of this atomic command. Must be non-empty.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.Command commands = 8 [json_name = "commands"];
      • addCommandsBuilder

        public CommandsOuterClass.Command.Builder addCommandsBuilder​(int index)
         Individual elements of this atomic command. Must be non-empty.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.Command commands = 8 [json_name = "commands"];
      • getCommandsBuilderList

        public java.util.List<CommandsOuterClass.Command.Builder> getCommandsBuilderList()
         Individual elements of this atomic command. Must be non-empty.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.Command commands = 8 [json_name = "commands"];
      • hasDeduplicationTime

        public boolean hasDeduplicationTime()
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         Same semantics apply as for `deduplication_duration`.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_time = 9 [json_name = "deduplicationTime", deprecated = true];
        Specified by:
        hasDeduplicationTime in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        Whether the deduplicationTime field is set.
      • getDeduplicationTime

        public getDeduplicationTime()
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         Same semantics apply as for `deduplication_duration`.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_time = 9 [json_name = "deduplicationTime", deprecated = true];
        Specified by:
        getDeduplicationTime in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The deduplicationTime.
      • setDeduplicationTime

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setDeduplicationTime​( value)
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         Same semantics apply as for `deduplication_duration`.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_time = 9 [json_name = "deduplicationTime", deprecated = true];
      • setDeduplicationTime

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setDeduplicationTime​( builderForValue)
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         Same semantics apply as for `deduplication_duration`.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_time = 9 [json_name = "deduplicationTime", deprecated = true];
      • mergeDeduplicationTime

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder mergeDeduplicationTime​( value)
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         Same semantics apply as for `deduplication_duration`.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_time = 9 [json_name = "deduplicationTime", deprecated = true];
      • clearDeduplicationTime

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearDeduplicationTime()
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         Same semantics apply as for `deduplication_duration`.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_time = 9 [json_name = "deduplicationTime", deprecated = true];
      • getDeduplicationTimeBuilder

        public getDeduplicationTimeBuilder()
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         Same semantics apply as for `deduplication_duration`.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_time = 9 [json_name = "deduplicationTime", deprecated = true];
      • getDeduplicationTimeOrBuilder

        public getDeduplicationTimeOrBuilder()
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         Same semantics apply as for `deduplication_duration`.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_time = 9 [json_name = "deduplicationTime", deprecated = true];
        Specified by:
        getDeduplicationTimeOrBuilder in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
      • hasDeduplicationDuration

        public boolean hasDeduplicationDuration()
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         It is interpreted relative to the local clock at some point during the submission's processing.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_duration = 15 [json_name = "deduplicationDuration"];
        Specified by:
        hasDeduplicationDuration in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        Whether the deduplicationDuration field is set.
      • getDeduplicationDuration

        public getDeduplicationDuration()
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         It is interpreted relative to the local clock at some point during the submission's processing.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_duration = 15 [json_name = "deduplicationDuration"];
        Specified by:
        getDeduplicationDuration in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The deduplicationDuration.
      • setDeduplicationDuration

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setDeduplicationDuration​( value)
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         It is interpreted relative to the local clock at some point during the submission's processing.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_duration = 15 [json_name = "deduplicationDuration"];
      • setDeduplicationDuration

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setDeduplicationDuration​( builderForValue)
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         It is interpreted relative to the local clock at some point during the submission's processing.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_duration = 15 [json_name = "deduplicationDuration"];
      • mergeDeduplicationDuration

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder mergeDeduplicationDuration​( value)
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         It is interpreted relative to the local clock at some point during the submission's processing.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_duration = 15 [json_name = "deduplicationDuration"];
      • clearDeduplicationDuration

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearDeduplicationDuration()
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         It is interpreted relative to the local clock at some point during the submission's processing.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_duration = 15 [json_name = "deduplicationDuration"];
      • getDeduplicationDurationBuilder

        public getDeduplicationDurationBuilder()
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         It is interpreted relative to the local clock at some point during the submission's processing.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_duration = 15 [json_name = "deduplicationDuration"];
      • getDeduplicationDurationOrBuilder

        public getDeduplicationDurationOrBuilder()
         Specifies the length of the deduplication period.
         It is interpreted relative to the local clock at some point during the submission's processing.
         Must be non-negative. Must not exceed the maximum deduplication time (see
        .google.protobuf.Duration deduplication_duration = 15 [json_name = "deduplicationDuration"];
        Specified by:
        getDeduplicationDurationOrBuilder in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
      • hasDeduplicationOffset

        public boolean hasDeduplicationOffset()
         Specifies the start of the deduplication period by a completion stream offset (exclusive).
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``ledger_offset.proto``).
        string deduplication_offset = 16 [json_name = "deduplicationOffset"];
        Specified by:
        hasDeduplicationOffset in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        Whether the deduplicationOffset field is set.
      • getDeduplicationOffset

        public java.lang.String getDeduplicationOffset()
         Specifies the start of the deduplication period by a completion stream offset (exclusive).
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``ledger_offset.proto``).
        string deduplication_offset = 16 [json_name = "deduplicationOffset"];
        Specified by:
        getDeduplicationOffset in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The deduplicationOffset.
      • getDeduplicationOffsetBytes

        public getDeduplicationOffsetBytes()
         Specifies the start of the deduplication period by a completion stream offset (exclusive).
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``ledger_offset.proto``).
        string deduplication_offset = 16 [json_name = "deduplicationOffset"];
        Specified by:
        getDeduplicationOffsetBytes in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The bytes for deduplicationOffset.
      • setDeduplicationOffset

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setDeduplicationOffset​(java.lang.String value)
         Specifies the start of the deduplication period by a completion stream offset (exclusive).
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``ledger_offset.proto``).
        string deduplication_offset = 16 [json_name = "deduplicationOffset"];
        value - The deduplicationOffset to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearDeduplicationOffset

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearDeduplicationOffset()
         Specifies the start of the deduplication period by a completion stream offset (exclusive).
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``ledger_offset.proto``).
        string deduplication_offset = 16 [json_name = "deduplicationOffset"];
        This builder for chaining.
      • setDeduplicationOffsetBytes

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setDeduplicationOffsetBytes​( value)
         Specifies the start of the deduplication period by a completion stream offset (exclusive).
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``ledger_offset.proto``).
        string deduplication_offset = 16 [json_name = "deduplicationOffset"];
        value - The bytes for deduplicationOffset to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasMinLedgerTimeAbs

        public boolean hasMinLedgerTimeAbs()
         Lower bound for the ledger time assigned to the resulting transaction.
         Note: The ledger time of a transaction is assigned as part of command interpretation.
         Use this property if you expect that command interpretation will take a considerate amount of time, such that by
         the time the resulting transaction is sequenced, its assigned ledger time is not valid anymore.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_rel.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp min_ledger_time_abs = 10 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeAbs"];
        Specified by:
        hasMinLedgerTimeAbs in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        Whether the minLedgerTimeAbs field is set.
      • getMinLedgerTimeAbs

        public getMinLedgerTimeAbs()
         Lower bound for the ledger time assigned to the resulting transaction.
         Note: The ledger time of a transaction is assigned as part of command interpretation.
         Use this property if you expect that command interpretation will take a considerate amount of time, such that by
         the time the resulting transaction is sequenced, its assigned ledger time is not valid anymore.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_rel.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp min_ledger_time_abs = 10 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeAbs"];
        Specified by:
        getMinLedgerTimeAbs in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The minLedgerTimeAbs.
      • setMinLedgerTimeAbs

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setMinLedgerTimeAbs​( value)
         Lower bound for the ledger time assigned to the resulting transaction.
         Note: The ledger time of a transaction is assigned as part of command interpretation.
         Use this property if you expect that command interpretation will take a considerate amount of time, such that by
         the time the resulting transaction is sequenced, its assigned ledger time is not valid anymore.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_rel.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp min_ledger_time_abs = 10 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeAbs"];
      • setMinLedgerTimeAbs

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setMinLedgerTimeAbs​( builderForValue)
         Lower bound for the ledger time assigned to the resulting transaction.
         Note: The ledger time of a transaction is assigned as part of command interpretation.
         Use this property if you expect that command interpretation will take a considerate amount of time, such that by
         the time the resulting transaction is sequenced, its assigned ledger time is not valid anymore.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_rel.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp min_ledger_time_abs = 10 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeAbs"];
      • mergeMinLedgerTimeAbs

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder mergeMinLedgerTimeAbs​( value)
         Lower bound for the ledger time assigned to the resulting transaction.
         Note: The ledger time of a transaction is assigned as part of command interpretation.
         Use this property if you expect that command interpretation will take a considerate amount of time, such that by
         the time the resulting transaction is sequenced, its assigned ledger time is not valid anymore.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_rel.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp min_ledger_time_abs = 10 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeAbs"];
      • clearMinLedgerTimeAbs

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearMinLedgerTimeAbs()
         Lower bound for the ledger time assigned to the resulting transaction.
         Note: The ledger time of a transaction is assigned as part of command interpretation.
         Use this property if you expect that command interpretation will take a considerate amount of time, such that by
         the time the resulting transaction is sequenced, its assigned ledger time is not valid anymore.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_rel.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp min_ledger_time_abs = 10 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeAbs"];
      • getMinLedgerTimeAbsBuilder

        public getMinLedgerTimeAbsBuilder()
         Lower bound for the ledger time assigned to the resulting transaction.
         Note: The ledger time of a transaction is assigned as part of command interpretation.
         Use this property if you expect that command interpretation will take a considerate amount of time, such that by
         the time the resulting transaction is sequenced, its assigned ledger time is not valid anymore.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_rel.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp min_ledger_time_abs = 10 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeAbs"];
      • getMinLedgerTimeAbsOrBuilder

        public getMinLedgerTimeAbsOrBuilder()
         Lower bound for the ledger time assigned to the resulting transaction.
         Note: The ledger time of a transaction is assigned as part of command interpretation.
         Use this property if you expect that command interpretation will take a considerate amount of time, such that by
         the time the resulting transaction is sequenced, its assigned ledger time is not valid anymore.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_rel.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp min_ledger_time_abs = 10 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeAbs"];
        Specified by:
        getMinLedgerTimeAbsOrBuilder in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
      • hasMinLedgerTimeRel

        public boolean hasMinLedgerTimeRel()
         Same as min_ledger_time_abs, but specified as a duration, starting from the time the command is received by the server.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_abs.
        .google.protobuf.Duration min_ledger_time_rel = 11 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeRel"];
        Specified by:
        hasMinLedgerTimeRel in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        Whether the minLedgerTimeRel field is set.
      • getMinLedgerTimeRel

        public getMinLedgerTimeRel()
         Same as min_ledger_time_abs, but specified as a duration, starting from the time the command is received by the server.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_abs.
        .google.protobuf.Duration min_ledger_time_rel = 11 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeRel"];
        Specified by:
        getMinLedgerTimeRel in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The minLedgerTimeRel.
      • setMinLedgerTimeRel

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setMinLedgerTimeRel​( value)
         Same as min_ledger_time_abs, but specified as a duration, starting from the time the command is received by the server.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_abs.
        .google.protobuf.Duration min_ledger_time_rel = 11 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeRel"];
      • setMinLedgerTimeRel

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setMinLedgerTimeRel​( builderForValue)
         Same as min_ledger_time_abs, but specified as a duration, starting from the time the command is received by the server.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_abs.
        .google.protobuf.Duration min_ledger_time_rel = 11 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeRel"];
      • mergeMinLedgerTimeRel

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder mergeMinLedgerTimeRel​( value)
         Same as min_ledger_time_abs, but specified as a duration, starting from the time the command is received by the server.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_abs.
        .google.protobuf.Duration min_ledger_time_rel = 11 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeRel"];
      • clearMinLedgerTimeRel

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearMinLedgerTimeRel()
         Same as min_ledger_time_abs, but specified as a duration, starting from the time the command is received by the server.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_abs.
        .google.protobuf.Duration min_ledger_time_rel = 11 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeRel"];
      • getMinLedgerTimeRelBuilder

        public getMinLedgerTimeRelBuilder()
         Same as min_ledger_time_abs, but specified as a duration, starting from the time the command is received by the server.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_abs.
        .google.protobuf.Duration min_ledger_time_rel = 11 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeRel"];
      • getMinLedgerTimeRelOrBuilder

        public getMinLedgerTimeRelOrBuilder()
         Same as min_ledger_time_abs, but specified as a duration, starting from the time the command is received by the server.
         Must not be set at the same time as min_ledger_time_abs.
        .google.protobuf.Duration min_ledger_time_rel = 11 [json_name = "minLedgerTimeRel"];
        Specified by:
        getMinLedgerTimeRelOrBuilder in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
      • getActAsList

        public getActAsList()
         Set of parties on whose behalf the command should be executed.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to act on behalf of each of the given parties.
         This field supersedes the ``party`` field. The effective set of parties on whose behalf the command
         should be executed is the union of all parties listed in ``party`` and ``act_as``, which must be non-empty.
         Each element must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        repeated string act_as = 12 [json_name = "actAs"];
        Specified by:
        getActAsList in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        A list containing the actAs.
      • getActAsCount

        public int getActAsCount()
         Set of parties on whose behalf the command should be executed.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to act on behalf of each of the given parties.
         This field supersedes the ``party`` field. The effective set of parties on whose behalf the command
         should be executed is the union of all parties listed in ``party`` and ``act_as``, which must be non-empty.
         Each element must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        repeated string act_as = 12 [json_name = "actAs"];
        Specified by:
        getActAsCount in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The count of actAs.
      • getActAs

        public java.lang.String getActAs​(int index)
         Set of parties on whose behalf the command should be executed.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to act on behalf of each of the given parties.
         This field supersedes the ``party`` field. The effective set of parties on whose behalf the command
         should be executed is the union of all parties listed in ``party`` and ``act_as``, which must be non-empty.
         Each element must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        repeated string act_as = 12 [json_name = "actAs"];
        Specified by:
        getActAs in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The actAs at the given index.
      • getActAsBytes

        public getActAsBytes​(int index)
         Set of parties on whose behalf the command should be executed.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to act on behalf of each of the given parties.
         This field supersedes the ``party`` field. The effective set of parties on whose behalf the command
         should be executed is the union of all parties listed in ``party`` and ``act_as``, which must be non-empty.
         Each element must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        repeated string act_as = 12 [json_name = "actAs"];
        Specified by:
        getActAsBytes in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The bytes of the actAs at the given index.
      • setActAs

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setActAs​(int index,
                                                            java.lang.String value)
         Set of parties on whose behalf the command should be executed.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to act on behalf of each of the given parties.
         This field supersedes the ``party`` field. The effective set of parties on whose behalf the command
         should be executed is the union of all parties listed in ``party`` and ``act_as``, which must be non-empty.
         Each element must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        repeated string act_as = 12 [json_name = "actAs"];
        index - The index to set the value at.
        value - The actAs to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addActAs

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder addActAs​(java.lang.String value)
         Set of parties on whose behalf the command should be executed.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to act on behalf of each of the given parties.
         This field supersedes the ``party`` field. The effective set of parties on whose behalf the command
         should be executed is the union of all parties listed in ``party`` and ``act_as``, which must be non-empty.
         Each element must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        repeated string act_as = 12 [json_name = "actAs"];
        value - The actAs to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addAllActAs

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder addAllActAs​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values)
         Set of parties on whose behalf the command should be executed.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to act on behalf of each of the given parties.
         This field supersedes the ``party`` field. The effective set of parties on whose behalf the command
         should be executed is the union of all parties listed in ``party`` and ``act_as``, which must be non-empty.
         Each element must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        repeated string act_as = 12 [json_name = "actAs"];
        values - The actAs to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearActAs

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearActAs()
         Set of parties on whose behalf the command should be executed.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to act on behalf of each of the given parties.
         This field supersedes the ``party`` field. The effective set of parties on whose behalf the command
         should be executed is the union of all parties listed in ``party`` and ``act_as``, which must be non-empty.
         Each element must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        repeated string act_as = 12 [json_name = "actAs"];
        This builder for chaining.
      • addActAsBytes

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder addActAsBytes​( value)
         Set of parties on whose behalf the command should be executed.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to act on behalf of each of the given parties.
         This field supersedes the ``party`` field. The effective set of parties on whose behalf the command
         should be executed is the union of all parties listed in ``party`` and ``act_as``, which must be non-empty.
         Each element must be a valid PartyIdString (as described in ``value.proto``).
        repeated string act_as = 12 [json_name = "actAs"];
        value - The bytes of the actAs to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getReadAsList

        public getReadAsList()
         Set of parties on whose behalf (in addition to all parties listed in ``act_as``) contracts can be retrieved.
         This affects Daml operations such as ``fetch``, ``fetchByKey``, ``lookupByKey``, ``exercise``, and ``exerciseByKey``.
         Note: A participant node of a Daml network can host multiple parties. Each contract present on the participant
         node is only visible to a subset of these parties. A command can only use contracts that are visible to at least
         one of the parties in ``act_as`` or ``read_as``. This visibility check is independent from the Daml authorization
         rules for fetch operations.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to read contract data on behalf of each of the given parties.
        repeated string read_as = 13 [json_name = "readAs"];
        Specified by:
        getReadAsList in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        A list containing the readAs.
      • getReadAsCount

        public int getReadAsCount()
         Set of parties on whose behalf (in addition to all parties listed in ``act_as``) contracts can be retrieved.
         This affects Daml operations such as ``fetch``, ``fetchByKey``, ``lookupByKey``, ``exercise``, and ``exerciseByKey``.
         Note: A participant node of a Daml network can host multiple parties. Each contract present on the participant
         node is only visible to a subset of these parties. A command can only use contracts that are visible to at least
         one of the parties in ``act_as`` or ``read_as``. This visibility check is independent from the Daml authorization
         rules for fetch operations.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to read contract data on behalf of each of the given parties.
        repeated string read_as = 13 [json_name = "readAs"];
        Specified by:
        getReadAsCount in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The count of readAs.
      • getReadAs

        public java.lang.String getReadAs​(int index)
         Set of parties on whose behalf (in addition to all parties listed in ``act_as``) contracts can be retrieved.
         This affects Daml operations such as ``fetch``, ``fetchByKey``, ``lookupByKey``, ``exercise``, and ``exerciseByKey``.
         Note: A participant node of a Daml network can host multiple parties. Each contract present on the participant
         node is only visible to a subset of these parties. A command can only use contracts that are visible to at least
         one of the parties in ``act_as`` or ``read_as``. This visibility check is independent from the Daml authorization
         rules for fetch operations.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to read contract data on behalf of each of the given parties.
        repeated string read_as = 13 [json_name = "readAs"];
        Specified by:
        getReadAs in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The readAs at the given index.
      • getReadAsBytes

        public getReadAsBytes​(int index)
         Set of parties on whose behalf (in addition to all parties listed in ``act_as``) contracts can be retrieved.
         This affects Daml operations such as ``fetch``, ``fetchByKey``, ``lookupByKey``, ``exercise``, and ``exerciseByKey``.
         Note: A participant node of a Daml network can host multiple parties. Each contract present on the participant
         node is only visible to a subset of these parties. A command can only use contracts that are visible to at least
         one of the parties in ``act_as`` or ``read_as``. This visibility check is independent from the Daml authorization
         rules for fetch operations.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to read contract data on behalf of each of the given parties.
        repeated string read_as = 13 [json_name = "readAs"];
        Specified by:
        getReadAsBytes in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The bytes of the readAs at the given index.
      • setReadAs

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setReadAs​(int index,
                                                             java.lang.String value)
         Set of parties on whose behalf (in addition to all parties listed in ``act_as``) contracts can be retrieved.
         This affects Daml operations such as ``fetch``, ``fetchByKey``, ``lookupByKey``, ``exercise``, and ``exerciseByKey``.
         Note: A participant node of a Daml network can host multiple parties. Each contract present on the participant
         node is only visible to a subset of these parties. A command can only use contracts that are visible to at least
         one of the parties in ``act_as`` or ``read_as``. This visibility check is independent from the Daml authorization
         rules for fetch operations.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to read contract data on behalf of each of the given parties.
        repeated string read_as = 13 [json_name = "readAs"];
        index - The index to set the value at.
        value - The readAs to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addReadAs

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder addReadAs​(java.lang.String value)
         Set of parties on whose behalf (in addition to all parties listed in ``act_as``) contracts can be retrieved.
         This affects Daml operations such as ``fetch``, ``fetchByKey``, ``lookupByKey``, ``exercise``, and ``exerciseByKey``.
         Note: A participant node of a Daml network can host multiple parties. Each contract present on the participant
         node is only visible to a subset of these parties. A command can only use contracts that are visible to at least
         one of the parties in ``act_as`` or ``read_as``. This visibility check is independent from the Daml authorization
         rules for fetch operations.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to read contract data on behalf of each of the given parties.
        repeated string read_as = 13 [json_name = "readAs"];
        value - The readAs to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addAllReadAs

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder addAllReadAs​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values)
         Set of parties on whose behalf (in addition to all parties listed in ``act_as``) contracts can be retrieved.
         This affects Daml operations such as ``fetch``, ``fetchByKey``, ``lookupByKey``, ``exercise``, and ``exerciseByKey``.
         Note: A participant node of a Daml network can host multiple parties. Each contract present on the participant
         node is only visible to a subset of these parties. A command can only use contracts that are visible to at least
         one of the parties in ``act_as`` or ``read_as``. This visibility check is independent from the Daml authorization
         rules for fetch operations.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to read contract data on behalf of each of the given parties.
        repeated string read_as = 13 [json_name = "readAs"];
        values - The readAs to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearReadAs

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearReadAs()
         Set of parties on whose behalf (in addition to all parties listed in ``act_as``) contracts can be retrieved.
         This affects Daml operations such as ``fetch``, ``fetchByKey``, ``lookupByKey``, ``exercise``, and ``exerciseByKey``.
         Note: A participant node of a Daml network can host multiple parties. Each contract present on the participant
         node is only visible to a subset of these parties. A command can only use contracts that are visible to at least
         one of the parties in ``act_as`` or ``read_as``. This visibility check is independent from the Daml authorization
         rules for fetch operations.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to read contract data on behalf of each of the given parties.
        repeated string read_as = 13 [json_name = "readAs"];
        This builder for chaining.
      • addReadAsBytes

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder addReadAsBytes​( value)
         Set of parties on whose behalf (in addition to all parties listed in ``act_as``) contracts can be retrieved.
         This affects Daml operations such as ``fetch``, ``fetchByKey``, ``lookupByKey``, ``exercise``, and ``exerciseByKey``.
         Note: A participant node of a Daml network can host multiple parties. Each contract present on the participant
         node is only visible to a subset of these parties. A command can only use contracts that are visible to at least
         one of the parties in ``act_as`` or ``read_as``. This visibility check is independent from the Daml authorization
         rules for fetch operations.
         If ledger API authorization is enabled, then the authorization metadata must authorize the sender of the request
         to read contract data on behalf of each of the given parties.
        repeated string read_as = 13 [json_name = "readAs"];
        value - The bytes of the readAs to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getSubmissionId

        public java.lang.String getSubmissionId()
         A unique identifier to distinguish completions for different submissions with the same change ID.
         Typically a random UUID. Applications are expected to use a different UUID for each retry of a submission
         with the same change ID.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         If omitted, the participant or the committer may set a value of their choice.
        string submission_id = 14 [json_name = "submissionId"];
        Specified by:
        getSubmissionId in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The submissionId.
      • getSubmissionIdBytes

        public getSubmissionIdBytes()
         A unique identifier to distinguish completions for different submissions with the same change ID.
         Typically a random UUID. Applications are expected to use a different UUID for each retry of a submission
         with the same change ID.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         If omitted, the participant or the committer may set a value of their choice.
        string submission_id = 14 [json_name = "submissionId"];
        Specified by:
        getSubmissionIdBytes in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
        The bytes for submissionId.
      • setSubmissionId

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setSubmissionId​(java.lang.String value)
         A unique identifier to distinguish completions for different submissions with the same change ID.
         Typically a random UUID. Applications are expected to use a different UUID for each retry of a submission
         with the same change ID.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         If omitted, the participant or the committer may set a value of their choice.
        string submission_id = 14 [json_name = "submissionId"];
        value - The submissionId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearSubmissionId

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearSubmissionId()
         A unique identifier to distinguish completions for different submissions with the same change ID.
         Typically a random UUID. Applications are expected to use a different UUID for each retry of a submission
         with the same change ID.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         If omitted, the participant or the committer may set a value of their choice.
        string submission_id = 14 [json_name = "submissionId"];
        This builder for chaining.
      • setSubmissionIdBytes

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder setSubmissionIdBytes​( value)
         A unique identifier to distinguish completions for different submissions with the same change ID.
         Typically a random UUID. Applications are expected to use a different UUID for each retry of a submission
         with the same change ID.
         Must be a valid LedgerString (as described in ``value.proto``).
         If omitted, the participant or the committer may set a value of their choice.
        string submission_id = 14 [json_name = "submissionId"];
        value - The bytes for submissionId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getDisclosedContractsCount

        public int getDisclosedContractsCount()
         Additional contracts used to resolve contract & contract key lookups.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.DisclosedContract disclosed_contracts = 17 [json_name = "disclosedContracts"];
        Specified by:
        getDisclosedContractsCount in interface CommandsOuterClass.CommandsOrBuilder
      • addAllDisclosedContracts

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder addAllDisclosedContracts​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends CommandsOuterClass.DisclosedContract> values)
         Additional contracts used to resolve contract & contract key lookups.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.DisclosedContract disclosed_contracts = 17 [json_name = "disclosedContracts"];
      • clearDisclosedContracts

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder clearDisclosedContracts()
         Additional contracts used to resolve contract & contract key lookups.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.DisclosedContract disclosed_contracts = 17 [json_name = "disclosedContracts"];
      • removeDisclosedContracts

        public CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder removeDisclosedContracts​(int index)
         Additional contracts used to resolve contract & contract key lookups.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.DisclosedContract disclosed_contracts = 17 [json_name = "disclosedContracts"];
      • getDisclosedContractsBuilder

        public CommandsOuterClass.DisclosedContract.Builder getDisclosedContractsBuilder​(int index)
         Additional contracts used to resolve contract & contract key lookups.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.DisclosedContract disclosed_contracts = 17 [json_name = "disclosedContracts"];
      • addDisclosedContractsBuilder

        public CommandsOuterClass.DisclosedContract.Builder addDisclosedContractsBuilder()
         Additional contracts used to resolve contract & contract key lookups.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.DisclosedContract disclosed_contracts = 17 [json_name = "disclosedContracts"];
      • addDisclosedContractsBuilder

        public CommandsOuterClass.DisclosedContract.Builder addDisclosedContractsBuilder​(int index)
         Additional contracts used to resolve contract & contract key lookups.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.DisclosedContract disclosed_contracts = 17 [json_name = "disclosedContracts"];
      • getDisclosedContractsBuilderList

        public java.util.List<CommandsOuterClass.DisclosedContract.Builder> getDisclosedContractsBuilderList()
         Additional contracts used to resolve contract & contract key lookups.
        repeated .com.daml.ledger.api.v1.DisclosedContract disclosed_contracts = 17 [json_name = "disclosedContracts"];
      • mergeUnknownFields

        public final CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder mergeUnknownFields​( unknownFields)
        Specified by:
        mergeUnknownFields in interface
        mergeUnknownFields in class<CommandsOuterClass.Commands.Builder>