package domain
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- class AgreementClient extends NamedLogging
Simple wrapper around AgreementService which calls the wrapped service if the given sequencer connection is a GRPC one, otherwise it defaults to a noop, since the HTTP CCF sequencer does not yet implement an agreement service.
- class AgreementService extends NamedLogging with FlagCloseable
- class DomainAliasManager extends NamedLogging with DomainAliasResolution
- trait DomainAliasResolution extends AutoCloseable
- case class DomainConnectionConfig(domain: DomainAlias, sequencerConnection: SequencerConnection, manualConnect: Boolean = false, domainId: Option[DomainId] = None, priority: Int = 0, initialRetryDelay: Option[NonNegativeFiniteDuration] = None, maxRetryDelay: Option[NonNegativeFiniteDuration] = None, timeTracker: DomainTimeTrackerConfig = DomainTimeTrackerConfig()) extends HasVersionedWrapper[DomainConnectionConfig] with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable
The domain connection configuration object
The domain connection configuration object
- domain
alias to be used internally to refer to this domain connection
- sequencerConnection
the host and port to the sequencer(s). multiple can be given by building the com.digitalasset.canton.sequencing.SequencerConnection object explicitly.
- manualConnect
if set to true (default false), the domain is not connected automatically on startup.
- domainId
if the domain-id is known, then it can be passed as an argument. during the handshake, the participant will check that the domain-id on the remote port is indeed the one given in the configuration. the domain-id can not be faked by a domain. therefore, this additional check can be used to really ensure that you are talking to the right domain.
- priority
the priority of this domain connection. if there are more than one domain connections, the com.digitalasset.canton.participant.protocol.submission.routing.DomainRouter will pick the domain connection with the highest priority if possible.
- initialRetryDelay
domain connections are "resilient". i.e. if a connection is lost, the system will keep trying to reconnect to a domain.
- maxRetryDelay
control the backoff parameter such that the retry interval does not grow above this value
- timeTracker
the domain time tracker settings. don't change it unless you know what you are doing.
- final case class DomainConnectionInfo(connection: SequencerConnection, domainId: DomainId, parameters: StaticDomainParameters) extends Product with Serializable
- trait DomainHandle extends AutoCloseable
A context handle serving all necessary information / connectivity utilities for the node to setup a connection to a new domain
- trait DomainRegistry extends AutoCloseable
A registry of domains.
- sealed trait DomainRegistryError extends Product with Serializable with CantonError
- trait DomainRegistryHelpers extends FlagCloseable with NamedLogging
- class SequencerBasedRegisterTopologyTransactionHandle extends RegisterTopologyTransactionHandle with NamedLogging
Handle used in order to request approval of participant's topology transactions by the IDM and wait for the responses by sending RegisterTopologyTransactionRequest's via the sequencer.
Handle used in order to request approval of participant's topology transactions by the IDM and wait for the responses by sending RegisterTopologyTransactionRequest's via the sequencer. This gets passed to com.digitalasset.canton.participant.topology.ParticipantTopologyDispatcher.domainConnected
- trait SequencerConnectClient extends NamedLogging with AutoCloseable
Value Members
- object AgreementService
- object DomainAliasManager
- object DomainConnectionConfig extends HasVersionedMessageCompanion[DomainConnectionConfig] with HasVersionedMessageCompanionDbHelpers[DomainConnectionConfig] with Serializable
- object DomainConnectionInfo extends Serializable
- object DomainRegistryError extends DomainRegistryErrorGroup with Serializable
- object DomainRegistryHelpers
- object ParticipantInitializeTopology
- object SequencerConnectClient