
Data Types

data Claim t x a o

Core data type used to model cashflows of instruments. Check out the Daml Finance documentation( for a detailed explanation. In the reference paper from Peyton-Jones this is called ‘Contract’. We renamed it to avoid ambiguity.

  • t and x respectively correspond to the Observation input type and the resulting output type. An observation is a function from t to x. A common choice is to use Time and Decimal, respectively.
  • a is the representation of an asset, e.g. a Text ISIN code.
  • o is the representation of an observable, e.g. a Text.

You should build the Claim using the smart constructors (e.g. zero, and) instead of using the data constructors directly (Zero, And).


Represents an absence of claims. Monoid And identity.

One a

The bearer acquires one unit of a immediately.

Give (Claim t x a o)

The obligations of the bearer and issuer are reversed.


Used to combine multiple rights together.

Field Type Description
fst Claim t x a o  
snd Claim t x a o  
tail [Claim t x a o]  


Gives the bearer the right to choose between several claims.

Field Type Description
fst Claim t x a o  
snd Claim t x a o  
tail [Claim t x a o]  


Gives the bearer the right to the first claim if predicate is true, else the second claim.

Field Type Description
predicate Inequality t x o  
success Claim t x a o  
failure Claim t x a o  


Multiplies the claim by k (which can be non-deterministic).

Field Type Description
k Observation t x o  
claim Claim t x a o  


Defers the acquisition of claim until the first instant that predicate is true.

Field Type Description
predicate Inequality t x o  
claim Claim t x a o  


Like When, but valid any time the predicate is true (not just infinium).

Field Type Description
predicate Inequality t x o  
claim Claim t x a o  


Expires said claim on the first instant that predicate is true.

Field Type Description
predicate Inequality t x o  
claim Claim t x a o  

instance Corecursive (Claim t x a o) (ClaimF t x a o)

instance Recursive (Claim t x a o) (ClaimF t x a o)

instance (Eq a, Eq x, Eq o, Eq t) => Eq (Claim t x a o)

instance (Show t, Show x, Show a, Show o) => Show (Claim t x a o)

instance Monoid (Claim t x a o)

instance Semigroup (Claim t x a o)

data Inequality t x o

Data type for boolean predicates supported by the library. A boolean predicate is a generic function with signature t -> x -> Bool. However, a lmited set of predicates is currently supported.

TimeGte t

True when time t, False otherwise.

TimeLte t

True when time t, False otherwise.

Lte (Observation t x o, Observation t x o)

True when o(t, x) o'(t, x), False otherwise for a pair of observations o, o'.

instance (Eq t, Eq x, Eq o) => Eq (Inequality t x o)

instance (Show t, Show x, Show o) => Show (Inequality t x o)