

interface Instrument

An interface for a generic equity instrument.

viewtype V

  • Choice Archive

    Controller: Signatories of implementing template

    Returns: ()

    (no fields)

  • Choice DeclareDividend

    Declare a dividend distribution to shareholders.

    Controller: (DA.Internal.Record.getField @"issuer" (view $ asBaseInstrument this))

    Returns: ContractId I

    Field Type Description
    id Id Event identifier of the dividend distribution.
    description Text Description of the dividend event.
    effectiveTime Time Time at which the dividend is distributed.
    newInstrument InstrumentKey Instrument held after the dividend distribution (i.e. "ex-dividend" stock).
    perUnitDistribution [InstrumentQuantity] Distributed quantities per unit held.
  • Choice DeclareReplacement

    Declare a replacement event, where units of the instrument are replaced by a basket of other instruments.

    Controller: (DA.Internal.Record.getField @"issuer" (view $ asBaseInstrument this))

    Returns: ContractId I

    Field Type Description
    id Id Distribution Id.
    description Text Description of the replacement event.
    effectiveTime Time Time the replacement is to be executed.
    perUnitReplacement [InstrumentQuantity] Payout offered to shareholders per held share.
  • Choice DeclareStockSplit

    Declare a stock split.

    Controller: (DA.Internal.Record.getField @"issuer" (view $ asBaseInstrument this))

    Returns: ContractId I

    Field Type Description
    id Id Event identifier of the stock split.
    description Text Description of the stock split event.
    effectiveTime Time Time at which the stock split is effective.
    newInstrument InstrumentKey Instrument to be held after the stock split is executed.
    adjustmentFactor Decimal Adjustment factor for the stock split.
  • Choice GetView

    Retrieves the interface view.

    Controller: viewer

    Returns: View

    Field Type Description
    viewer Party The party retrieving the view.
  • Method asBaseInstrument : I

    Conversion to base Instrument interface.

  • Method declareDividend : DeclareDividend -> Update (ContractId I)

    Implementation fo the DeclareDividend choice.

  • Method declareReplacement : DeclareReplacement -> Update (ContractId I)

    Implementation fo the DeclareReplacement choice.

  • Method declareStockSplit : DeclareStockSplit -> Update (ContractId I)

    Implementation fo the DeclareStockSplit choice.


class Implementation t => HasImplementation t where

Data Types

type I

= Instrument

Type synonym for Instrument.

type Implementation t

= (HasToInterface t I, Implementation t)

Type constraint requiring templates to implement Instrument along with BaseInstrument and Disclosure.

type V

= View

Type synonym for View.

instance HasFromAnyView Instrument V

data View

View for Instrument.


Field Type Description
instrument InstrumentKey The instrument’s key.

instance Eq View

instance Show View