Election-based lifecycling (using a callable bond)

This tutorial describes how to define and process Elections. It builds on the previous Time-based Lifecycling tutorial, which uses a fixed rate bond where all coupons are pre-defined and are paid out as time passes. In contrast, the coupons of a callable bond depend on whether the issuer has called the bond. Hence, a simple time event is not sufficient to define the next state of the instrument. Instead, the lifecycling framework requires an active Election to be made on each call date. This Election is the main topic of the tutorial. Check out the Lifecycling concepts for more details on time based vs election based evolution of instruments.

In this tutorial, we are going to:

  1. create a callable bond instrument and book a holding on it
  2. reuse the lifecycle rule and settlement factory from the fixed rate bond tutorial
  3. create the election not to call the bond
  4. process the election event to produce the effects of a coupon payment
  5. instruct settlement by presenting a bond holding
  6. settle the resulting batch atomically

Run the Script

The code for this tutorial can be executed via the runCallableBond script in the CallableBond.daml module.

Instrument and Holding

In order to demonstrate the Election concept, we need a suitable sample instrument. Callable bonds pay coupons as long as the bond has not been called by the issuer. The Bond Instrument packages page describes this instrument in more detail. Here, we briefly show how to create the bond instrument using a factory:

  -- Create a callable bond factory
  callableBondFactoryCid <- toInterfaceContractId @Callable.F <$> submit bank do
    createCmd Callable.Factory with
      provider = bank
      observers = M.empty

  -- Define an instrument key for the bond
    bondInstrument = InstrumentKey with
      issuer = bank
      depository = bank
      id = Id "CallableBond"
      version = "0"

  -- Bank creates the bond instrument
  callableBondCid <- submit bank do
    exerciseCmd callableBondFactoryCid Callable.Create with
      callable = Callable with
        instrument = bondInstrument
        description = "Instrument representing units of a callable bond"
        couponSchedule = periodicSchedule
        callSchedule = periodicSchedule
        calendarDataProvider = bank
        currency = usdInstrument
        lastEventTimestamp = initialTimestamp
        prevElections = []
      observers = M.fromList pp

Compared to the fixed rate bond, notice that this callable instrument also has a callSchedule, that specifies the dates on which the issuer can call the bond.

We also create a bond holding in Bob’s account:

  -- Credit Bob's account with a bond holding
  bobRequestCid <- submit bob do
    createCmd CreditAccount.Request with
      account = bobAccount
      instrument = bondInstrument
      amount = 100000.0
  bobBondHoldingCid <- submit bank do exerciseCmd bobRequestCid CreditAccount.Accept

Now, we have both an instrument definition and a holding. Let us proceed to lifecycle the bond using Elections, which is the main purpose of this tutorial.

Lifecycle Events and Rule

We start by creating an Election factory, which can be used to create elections:

  -- Create election factory to allow holders to create elections
  electionFactoryCid <- submit bank do
    toInterfaceContractId @Election.F <$> createCmd Election.Factory with
      provider = bank
      observers = M.fromList [("Observers", S.fromList [bob, bank])]

An Election contains three main pieces of information:

  • the election tag (e.g. “CALLED”)
  • who is making the election (e.g. the bank)
  • the date to which it applies.

In our example, the bank chooses not to call the bond:

  -- Create an Election for the first coupon date: do not call the bond.
  electionCid <- submit bank do
    exerciseCmd electionFactoryCid Election.Create with
      actors = S.singleton bank
      id = Id "election id"
      description = "election for a callable bond"
      claim = "NOT CALLED"
      electionTime = dateToDateClockTime $ date 2019 May 15
      electorIsOwner = False
      elector = bank
      counterparty = bank
      instrument = bondInstrument
      amount = 100000.0
      observers = M.fromList [("Holders", S.fromList [bank, bob])]
      provider = bank

Note the flag electorIsOwner above. Since the bank is not the owner of the bond holding, this flag is False in our example. On the other hand, if an investor Alice would have had a holding in a puttable bond, the election whether or not to put would have belonged to Alice (the holding owner), so this flag would have been True.

Also, note that there is an amount in the election above. This allows the elector to create an election for a specific number of holding units.

Now, we have what we need to actually lifecycle the bond. The Apply choice is exercised in order to process the election:

  -- Apply election to generate new instrument version + effects
  (newInstrumentKey, [effectCid]) <- submit bank do
    exerciseCmd electionCid Election.Apply with
      observableCids = []
      exercisableCid = coerceInterfaceContractId @Election.Exercisable lifecycleRuleCid

In order to lifecycle the coupon payment above, we need a lifecycle rule that defines how to process all election events. The lifecycle rule from the previous tutorial can be reused for this, if we first convert it to an Election.Exercisable, as described above.

A Claim Rule allows the elector to claim the effect resulting from the election event:

  -- Create a new claim rule with the bank as claimer, since it is the bank that does the election.
  lifecycleClaimRuleCid <- toInterfaceContractId @Claim.I <$> submit bank do
    createCmd Claim.Rule with
      providers = S.fromList [bank]
      claimers = S.singleton bank
      settlers = S.singleton bob
      netInstructions = False

Note that even though we already had a claim rule in the previous example, we could not reuse it because that one was for the holding owner to claim the results, whereas in the case of Election based lifecycling it is the elector that should claim them:

  -- Claim effect
  result <- submit bank do
    exerciseCmd lifecycleClaimRuleCid Claim.ClaimEffect with
      claimer = bank
      holdingCids = [bobBondHoldingCid]
      batchId = Id "BondSettlement"
  let [bobInstructionCid, bankInstructionCid, couponInstructionCid] = result.instructionCids

The result of this is an effect describing the per-unit asset movements to be executed for bond holders.

The remaining steps (settling the entitlements) are identical to the previous tutorial.

Note that the election process above is not limited to callable bonds. It also works for other instruments that require a manual decision, such as a physically settled option with a manual exercise decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which party should create the elections?

This depends on the economics of the instrument. For example, in a callable bond, it is the issuer of the bond that has the right to choose whether or not to call the bond on the call dates. On the other hand, in the case of a puttable bond, it would be the investor that can elect to demand early repayment of the bond.

What if a bond can only be called on some coupon dates?

Some instruments can require both time based and election based lifecycling. For example, consider a callable bond that has a quarterly coupon but a call schedule that only allows the bond to be called once a year. In this case, an Election has to be created on the call dates to lifecycle the bond. On the other coupon dates, regular time based lifecycling is required to process the coupon payments.


You have learned how to create a callable bond and how to define Elections to choose whether or not to call the bond. The key concepts to take away are:

  • Elections are required in order to lifecycle some instruments that require an active choice by one of the stakeholders.
  • Depending on the economics of the instrument, either the holding owner or the issuer should create the election.
  • Some instruments require both time based and election based lifecycling.