Participant Query Store User Guide


The term operational data store (ODS) usually refers to a database that mirrors the ledger and allows for efficient querying. The Participant Query Store (PQS) feature acts as an ODS for the participant node. It stores contract creation, contract archival, and exercise information in a PostgreSQL database using a JSONB column format. You access the data using SQL over a JDBC connection.

The PQS is intended for high throughput and complex queries, for which the Canton ledger (gRPC Ledger API) and the JSON API are not optimized. The PQS is useful for:

  • Application developers to access data on the ledger, observe the evolution of data, and debug their applications.
  • Business analysts to analyze ledger data and create reports.
  • Support teams to debug any problems that happen in production.
  • Application operators to take a full snapshot of the ledger (from the start of the ledger to the current latest transaction). Alternatively, they can take a partial snapshot of the ledger (between specific offsets).
  • Report writers to extract historical data and then stream indefinitely (either from the start of the ledger or from a specific offset).

There are many other uses.

In the Early Access implementation, the PQS provides a unidirectional path for exporting data from the ledger event stream to a PostgreSQL data store. Data is exported in an append-only fashion and provides a stable view of data for purposes such as point-in-time queries.

Early Access Purpose and Limitations

The Early Access (EA) release allows users to learn about the architecture and programming model of the PQS. This enhancement to the participant node provides new capabilities that can take time to explore. The EA release is not fully production ready, but it will rapidly become enterprise-hardened. Since applications take time to develop, the EA version is recommended for learning and development. As enhancements are made and gaps are closed, a new patch release will be provided.

The current limitations of the EA version are:

  • PQS does not currently support OAuth, but this is expected to be closed shortly.
  • PQS has not been performance optimized, so it is not yet ready for large- or high-throughput queries.
  • As is typical of EA releases, backward compatibility between EA releases may be sacrificed to make improvements in the user experience and design of PQS. You may need to make adjustments in your use through the EA period.

Future early access releases will remove or reduce these limitations. Please check back to this section for announcements of a new early access release.



The typical configuration is to have a separate PQS instance with its own DB for each participant node (shown in the figure). In this configuration, the PQS extracts contract information for all parties on the participant node. As data is physically segregated by Daml participants and hosted Daml parties must trust the node operator, they may trust the operator to protect the PQS privacy as well. A more restricted configuration is possible that limits the parties for which the PQS extracts information.

A client application can access the PQS directly using a JDBC connection where the data access rights are defined by the PostgreSQL database (left side in the figure). In this case, having access to the database means that the user has access to all the content in the database. If finer-grained access is needed, a read-only query service (right side in the figure) can be inserted between the client application and the PQS. That query service can filter out what a client application can see. This is a fairly standard pattern in the industry.

A diagram showing different ways to connect to the Participant Query Store

To understand the format that PQS outputs into a Postgres document-oriented cache, you must understand how the ledger stores data. The Daml ledger is composed of transactions, which generate events. An event can represent one of these situations:

  • Creation of contracts (“create event”)
  • Exercise of a choice on a contract (“exercise event”), which archives the contract if it is a consuming choice

A contract on the ledger is either created or archived. The relationships between transactions and contracts are captured in the database as follows:

  • All contracts have links (foreign keys) to the transaction in which they were created.
  • Archived contracts have pointers to the transaction in which they were archived.

Transactions on the ledger are inserted into PostgreSQL concurrently, for high performance. Consistency (for readers) is provided through a watermark mechanism that indicates a consistent offset from which readers can consume for a fully consistent ledger. These details are managed for readers through the functions available in PostgreSQL. Depending on your needs, readers may wish to use or bypass these mechanisms, depending on the type of query and consistency required.


Relational databases excel at storing structured data for which the schema is known in advance. However, they have traditionally lacked mechanisms for data that is more dynamic or evolves. For example, you may want to store arbitrary Daml contracts and might prefer not to update the database schema every time the underlying template changes.

PostgreSQL helps manage unstructured data through native support for JSON data and allows queries to process this data. For best performance, the PQS stores data as JSONB only.

An example query might look like this:

FROM contract
WHERE payload->>'isin' = 'abc123'
ORDER BY payload->'issuanceData'->'issueDate'->>'Some';

For more information on querying JSON data, see the section JSON Functions and Operators in the PostgreSQL manual. The operators ->, ->>, #>, #>>, and @> may be of particular interest.


The PQS is intended for continuous operation. Upon restart after an interruption, PQS determines the last consistent offset and continues incremental processing from that point onward. PQS terminates when encountering any error and leaves it up to the orchestration layer (such as Kubernetes) or the operator to determine the appropriate course of action.

High Availability

Multiple isolated instances of PQS can be instantiated without any cross-dependency. This allows for an active-active high availability, clustering model. Please note that different instances might not be at the same offset due to different processing rates or other factors. After querying one active instance, it is possible for you to see results that are not yet visible on an alternative, active instance. This requires consideration for the client to handle the situation where waiting or a retry is required to service “at least up to” requests.


Meeting Prerequisites

Here are the prerequisites to run PQS:

  • A PostgreSQL database that can be reached from the PQS. Note that PQS uses the JSONB data type for storing JSON data, which requires Postgres versions 11, 13, and 15.
  • An empty database (recommended) to avoid schema and table collisions.
  • Daml ledger as the source of events. While m/TLS is supported, auth tokens are yet to be implemented.
  • Installation of The Daml Enterprise SDK.

Deploying the Scribe Component

The PQS consists of two components: the PostgreSQL database and a ledger component called Scribe, as shown below. Scribe is packaged as a Java JAR file. To run the PQS during Early Access, retrieve scribe.jar from this Artifactory path.

A diagram showing the components of the Participant Query Store

Connecting the PQS to a Ledger

To connect to the participant node ledger, provide separate address and port parameters. For example, you could specify --host --port 6865, or in short form -h -p 6865.

You do not need to pass the default host localhost and default port 6865.

To connect to a participant node, you might need to provide TLS certificates. To see options for this, refer to the output of the --help command.

Authorizing PQS

If you are running PQS against a participant node’s ledger API that verifies authorization, you must provide credentials for the OAuth Client Authentication Flow.

The type of access token that PQS expects is Audience / Scope based tokens (see “User Access Tokens” for more information).

Scribe will obtain tokens from the Authorization Server on startup, and it will reauthenticate before the token expires. If Scribe fails authorization, it will terminate with an error for the service orchestration infrastructure to respond appropriately.

Setting Up PostgreSQL

To connect the database, create a PostgreSQL database with three users:

  • Ops: Provides a way for database administrators or Scribe to access DDL for schema creation and general maintenance.
  • Writer: Allows Scribe to connect, such as during “pipeline” operations of writing the ledger.
  • Reader: Supports all other users.

Connecting to the PQS PostgreSQL Data Store

The database connection is handled by the JDBC API, so you need to provide the following (all have defaults):

  • Hostname
  • Port number
  • Username
  • Password

The following example connects to a PostgreSQL instance running on localhost on the default port, with a user Postgres which has not set a password and a database called daml_pqs. This is a typical setup on a developer machine with a default PostgreSQL install.

$ ./scribe.jar pipeline ledger postgres-document \
     --target-postgres-database daml_pqs \

The next example connects to a database on host, listening on port 5432. The database is called daml_pqs.

$ ./scribe.jar pipeline ledger postgres-document \
     --target-postgres-host \
     --target-postgres-database daml_pqs


By default, the PQS logs to stderr, with INFO verbose level. To change the level, use the --logger-level enum option, as in the example --logger-level Trace.

Using Command Line Options

You can discover commands and parameters through the embedded --help (remember to include pipeline before --help), as shown in the following example.

./scribe.jar pipeline --help

Initiate continuous ledger data export

Available sources:
  ledger   Daml ledger

Available targets:
  postgres-document   Postgres database (w/ document payload representation)
  postgres-relational Postgres database (w/ relational payload representation)

  --config file                              Path to configuration overrides via an external HOCON file (optional)
  --pipeline-party string                    Ledger party identifier to connect as
  --pipeline-filter string                   Filter expression determining which templates and interfaces to include (default: *)
  --pipeline-ledger-start [enum | string]    Start offset (default: Latest)
  --pipeline-ledger-stop [enum | string]     Stop offset (default: Never)
  --pipeline-datasource enum                 Ledger API service to use as data source (default: TransactionStream)
  --logger-level enum                        Log level (default: Info)
  --logger-mappings map                      Custom mappings for log levels
  --logger-format enum                       Log output format (default: Plain)
  --logger-pattern [enum | string]           Log pattern (default: Plain)
  --target-postgres-host string              Postgres host (default: localhost)
  --target-postgres-tls-mode enum            SSL mode required for Postgres connectivity (default: Disable)
  --target-postgres-tls-cert file            Client's certificate (optional)
  --target-postgres-tls-key file             Client's private key (optional)
  --target-postgres-tls-cafile file          Trusted Certificate Authority (CA) certificate (optional)
  --target-postgres-autoapplyschema boolean  Apply metadata inferred schema on startup (default: true)
  --target-postgres-password string          Postgres user password (default: ********)
  --target-postgres-username string          Postgres user name (default: postgres)
  --target-postgres-database string          Postgres database (default: postgres)
  --target-postgres-port int                 Postgres port (default: 5432)
  --source-ledger-host string                Ledger API host (default: localhost)
  --source-ledger-tls-cafile file            Trusted Certificate Authority (CA) certificate (optional)
  --source-ledger-tls-cert file              Client's certificate (leave empty if embedded into private key file) (optional)
  --source-ledger-tls-key file               Client's private key (leave empty for server-only TLS) (optional)
  --source-ledger-port int                   Ledger API port (default: 6865)

For more help, use the command:

./scribe.jar pipeline --help-verbose

Following is an example of a basic command to run PQS to extract all data, including exercises, for a party with the display name Alice. You can replace the argument values with those that match your environment.

$ ./scribe.jar pipeline ledger postgres-document \
--pipeline-party=Alice \
--pipeline-datasource=TransactionTreeStream \
--source-ledger-host=localhost \
--source-ledger-port=6865 \
--target-postgres-host=localhost \
--target-postgres-port=5432 \
--target-postgres-database=postgres \
--target-postgres-username=postgres \

NOTE: Only postgres-document is currently implemented, with postgres-relational to follow soon.

The -pipeline-ledger-start argument is an enum with the following possible values:

  • Latest: Use latest offset that is known or resume where it left off. This is the default behavior, where streaming starts at the latest known end. The first time you start, this will result in PQS calling ActiveContractService to get a state snapshot, which it will load into the _creates table. It will then start streaming creates, archives, and (optionally) exercises from the offset of that ActiveContractService. When you restart PQS, it will start from the point it last left off. You should always use this mode on restart.
  • Genesis: Use the first original offset of the ledger. This causes PQS to try to start from offset 0. It allows you to load historic creates, archives or (optionally) exercises from a ledger that already has data on it. If you try to restart on an already populated database in this mode, PQS will rewrite data if it needs to.
  • Oldest: Use the oldest available (unpruned) offset on the ledger or resume where it left off.

The -pipeline-party argument is a filter that restricts the data to that visible to the supplied list of party identifiers. At the moment, this is a mandatory field. --pipeline-party will allow you to filter that down to a subset of the accessible parties. Restarting with a changed set of parties may be possible, but is not encouraged.

PQS is able to start and finish at prescribed ledger offsets, specified by the arguments --pipeline-ledger-start and --pipeline-ledger-stop. The ./scribe.jar pipeline --help-verbose command provides extensive help information.

PQS Development

Display of Metadata-Inferred Database Schema

PQS analyzes package metadata as part of its operation and displays the required schema to the user, as shown in the following example

$ ./scribe.jar datastore postgres-document schema show
* generated by scribe, version: v0.0.1-main+2151-7961ecb *
-- tables
create table if not exists _transactions (
"offset" text primary key not null,
ix bigint not null,
transaction_id text,
effective_at timestamp with time zone,
workflow_id text

or it applies the schema on the fly idempotently (default).

$ ./scribe.jar pipeline ledger postgres-document --pipeline-party=Alice
18:27:26.799 I [zio-fiber-64] com.digitalasset.scribe.appversion.package:11 scribe, version: v0.0.1-main+2151-7961ecb
18:27:27.159 I [zio-fiber-68] com.digitalasset.scribe.configuration.package:40 Applied configuration:
pipeline {
18:27:28.714 I [zio-fiber-67] com.digitalasset.scribe.postgres.document.DocumentPostgres.Service:36 Applying schema
18:27:28.805 I [zio-fiber-67] com.digitalasset.scribe.postgres.document.DocumentPostgres.Service:39 Schema applied
18:27:28.863 I [zio-fiber-0] com.digitalasset.scribe.pipeline.pipeline.Impl:29 Starting pipeline on behalf of
18:27:29.043 I [zio-fiber-0] com.digitalasset.scribe.pipeline.pipeline.Impl:57 Last checkpoint is absent.
Seeding from ACS before processing transactions with starting offset '000000000000000008'
18:27:29.063 I [zio-fiber-938] com.digitalasset.zio.daml.Ledger.Impl:191 Contract filter inclusive of 2 templates
and 0 interfaces
18:27:29.120 I [zio-fiber-0] com.digitalasset.scribe.pipeline.pipeline.Impl:74 Continuing from offset 'GENESIS' and
index '0' until offset 'INFINITY'
18:27:29.159 I [zio-fiber-967] com.digitalasset.zio.daml.Ledger.Impl:191 Contract filter inclusive of 2 templates
and 0 interfaces

PQS Database Schema

The following schema is representative for the exported ledger data. It is subject to change, since it is an Early Access feature.

 * generated by scribe, version: v0.0.1-main+2151-7961ecb *
 -- tables
 create table if not exists _transactions (
   "offset" text primary key not null,
   ix bigint not null,
   transaction_id text,
   effective_at timestamp with time zone,
   workflow_id text

 create table if not exists _exercises (
   event_id text primary key not null,
   choice text not null,
   contract_id text not null,
   "offset" text not null references _transactions ("offset") on delete cascade on update cascade,
   consuming bool,
   witnesses text[],
   parent text references _exercises (event_id) on delete cascade

 create table if not exists _creates (
   event_id text primary key not null,
   contract_id text not null,
   "offset" text not null references _transactions ("offset") on delete cascade on update cascade,
   witnesses text[],
   parent text references _exercises (event_id) on delete cascade

 create table if not exists _archives (
   event_id text primary key not null,
   contract_id text not null,
   "offset" text not null references _transactions ("offset") on delete cascade on update cascade

 create table if not exists _mappings (
   daml_fqn text primary key not null,
   pg_identifier text not null unique

 create table if not exists "Alias.39p75i" (
   event_id text primary key not null references _creates (event_id) on delete cascade,
   identifier text not null,
   contract_key jsonb,
   payload jsonb not null

 create table if not exists "User.11jk59n1" (
   event_id text primary key not null references _creates (event_id) on delete cascade,
   identifier text not null,
   contract_key jsonb,
   payload jsonb not null

 create table if not exists "Archive.2gpwea" (
   event_id text primary key not null references _exercises (event_id) ondelete cascade,
   identifier text not null,
   argument jsonb not null,
   result jsonb not null

 create table if not exists "Alias_Change.11wa21n1" (
   event_id text primary key not null references _exercises (event_id) on delete cascade,
   identifier text not null,
   argument jsonb not null,
   result jsonb not null

 create table if not exists "User_Follow.11q646ez" (
   event_id text primary key not null references _exercises (event_id) on delete cascade,
   identifier text not null,
   argument jsonb not null,
   result jsonb not null

Note that the Archive table represents all Archive choices in the given namespace, such as User.Archive and Alias.Archive in the User namespace.

JSON Format

PQS stores create and exercise arguments using a Daml-LF JSON-based encoding of Daml-LF values. An overview of the encoding is provided below. For more details, refer to the Daml-LF page.

Values on the ledger can be primitive types, user-defined records, or variants. An extracted contract is represented in the database as a record of its create argument. The fields of that record are primitive types, other records, or variants. A contract can be a recursive structure of arbitrary depth.

These types are translated to JSON types as follows:

Primitive types

  • ContractID: Represented as string.
  • Int64: Represented as string.
  • Decimal: Represented as string.
  • List: Represented as array.
  • Text: Represented as string.
  • Date: Days since the Unix epoch. represented as integer.
  • Time: Microseconds since the UNIX epoch. Represented as number.
  • Bool: Represented as boolean.
  • Party: Represented as string.
  • Unit and Empty: Represented as empty records.
  • Optional: Represented as object. It is a Variant with two possible constructors: None and Some.

User-defined types

  • Record: Represented as object, where each create parameter’s name is a key, and the parameter’s value is the JSON-encoded value.
  • Variant: Represented as object, using the {constructor: body} format, such as {"Left": true}.

PQS Optimization

This section briefly discusses optimizing a database as an introduction. The topic is broad, and there are many resources available. Refer to the PostgreSQL documentation for more information.


indexes are an important tool to make queries with (JSON) expressions perform well. Here is one example of an index:

ON contract
USING BTREE ((payload->'issuanceData'->'issueDate'->>'Some'));

In this example, the index allows comparisons on the issue date. It has the additional advantage that the results of the JSON query payload->'issuanceData'->'issueDate'->>'Some' are cached and do not have to be recomputed for every access.

PostgreSQL provides several index types, including B-tree, Hash, GiST, SP-GiST, GIN, and BRIN. Each index type uses a different algorithm that is best suited to different types of queries. The table below provides a basic explanation of where they can be used. For a more thorough understanding, consult the chapter on indexes in the PostgreSQL manual.

Index Type Comment
Hash Compact. Useful only for filters that use =.
B-tree Can be used in filters that use <, <=, =, >=, > as well as postfix string comparisons (e.g. LIKE ‘foo%’). B-trees can also speed up ORDER BY clauses and can be used to retrieve subexpressions values from the index rather than evaluating the subexpressions (i.e. when used in a SELECT clause).
GIN Useful for subset operators.
GiST, SP-GiST See manual.
BRIN Efficient for tables where rows are already physically sorted for a particular column.

psql Tips

Type psql <dbname> on the command line to enter the PostgreSQL `REPL` (if in doubt, use postgres as the database name). Some useful commands are shown in the following table.

Command Description
\l List all databases.
\c db Switch to a different database.
\d List all tables in the current database.
\d table Show a table, including column types and indexes.

To create databases and users, try this:

CREATE USER the_user WITH PASSWORD 'abc123';

To later remove them, try this:

DROP USER the_user;

psql can also be used for scripting:

psql postgres <<END

The script continues to execute if a command fails.


Type EXPLAIN ANALYZE followed by a query in psql or similar tools to get an explanation of how the query would be executed. This is an invaluable tool to verify that a query you might want to run uses the indexes that you think it does.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM the_table;


Some of the most common troubleshooting options are discussed below.

Cannot Connect to the Ledger Node

If the PQS cannot connect to the ledger node on startup, you will see a message in the logs like the following example, and the PQS will terminate.

21:15:02.084 E [zio-fiber-0] Exception in thread
"zio-fiber-" io.grpc.StatusException: UNAVAILABLE: io exception
  Suppressed:$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused:
    Suppressed: Connection refused
      at java.base/ Method)
      at java.base/
      at java.base/
      at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
      at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$
      at java.base/
io.grpc.StatusException: UNAVAILABLE: io exception Connection
refused: localhost/[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:6865 Connection refused

To fix this, make sure that the participant node’s ledger API is accessible from where you are running the PQS.

Cannot Connect to the PQS Database

If the database is not available before the transaction stream is started, the PQS will terminate and you will see as error from the JDBC driver in the logs similar to the following example.

21:16:32.116 E [zio-fiber-0] Exception in thread
"zio-fiber-" org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check
that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
  at org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection(
  at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.<init>(
  at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection(
  at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(
  at java.sql/java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
  at java.sql/java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
  at zio.jdbc.shims.postgres$.$anonfun$1(postgres.scala:21)
  at zio.ZIO$.suspendSucceed$$anonfun$1(ZIO.scala:4589)
  at zio.Unsafe$.unsafe(Unsafe.scala:37)
  at zio.ZIOCompanionVersionSpecific.succeed$$anonfun$1(ZIOCompanionVersionSpecific.scala:185)
  Suppressed: Connection refused
    at java.base/ Method)
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    at org.postgresql.core.PGStream.createSocket(
    at org.postgresql.core.PGStream.<init>(
    at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.tryConnect(
    at org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection(
    at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.<init>(
    at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection(
    at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(
    at java.sql/java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
    at java.sql/java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
    at zio.jdbc.shims.postgres$.$anonfun$1(postgres.scala:21)
    at zio.ZIO$.suspendSucceed$$anonfun$1(ZIO.scala:4589)
    at zio.Unsafe$.unsafe(Unsafe.scala:37)
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that
the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections. Connection refused

To fix this, make sure that the database exists and is accessible from where you are running the PQS. Also, ensure that the database username and password are correct and that the credentials to connect to the database from the network address are set properly.

If the database connection is broken while the transaction stream was already running, you will see a similar message in the logs, but it will be repeated. The transaction stream will be restarted with an exponential backoff. This gives the database, network, or any other troubled resource time to get back into shape. Once everything is in order, the stream will continue without any need for manual intervention.