class RemoteSequencerNodeReferenceX extends SequencerNodeReferenceX with RemoteSequencerNodeReferenceCommon
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- RemoteSequencerNodeReferenceX
- RemoteSequencerNodeReferenceCommon
- RemoteInstanceReference
- SequencerNodeReferenceX
- DomainBootstrapGroup
- SequencerNodeAdministrationGroupXWithInit
- SequencerAdministrationGroupX
- SequencerAdministrationGroupCommon
- ConsoleCommandGroup
- InstanceReferenceX
- SequencerNodeReferenceCommon
- InstanceReferenceWithSequencerConnection
- InstanceReferenceCommon
- PrettyPrinting
- PrettyUtil
- ShowUtil
- ShowSyntax
- ToShowOps
- FeatureFlagFilter
- NamedLogging
- Helpful
- AdminCommandRunner
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Instance Constructors
- new RemoteSequencerNodeReferenceX(environment: EnterpriseConsoleEnvironment, name: String)
Type Members
- type Status = SequencerNodeStatus
- Definition Classes
- SequencerNodeReferenceCommon → InstanceReferenceCommon
- implicit class ShowAnyRefSyntax extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- ShowUtil
- implicit class ShowEitherSyntax[L, R] extends AnyRef
Enables the syntax
.Enables the syntax
.- Definition Classes
- ShowUtil
- implicit class ShowLengthLimitedStringSyntax extends StringOperators
- Definition Classes
- ShowUtil
- implicit class ShowLengthLimitedStringWrapperSyntax extends StringOperators
- Definition Classes
- ShowUtil
- implicit class ShowOptionSyntax[T] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- ShowUtil
- implicit class ShowProductSyntax extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- ShowUtil
- Annotations
- @SuppressWarnings()
- implicit class ShowStringSyntax extends StringOperators
- Definition Classes
- ShowUtil
- implicit class ShowTraversableSyntax[T] extends AnyRef
Enables syntax like
show"Found several elements: ${myCollection.mkShow()}"
.Enables syntax like
show"Found several elements: ${myCollection.mkShow()}"
.- Definition Classes
- ShowUtil
- abstract class StringOperators extends AnyRef
Enables syntax like
show"This is a string: ${myString.doubleQuoted}"
andshow"This is a hash: ${myHash.readableHash}"
.Enables syntax like
show"This is a string: ${myString.doubleQuoted}"
andshow"This is a hash: ${myHash.readableHash}"
.- Definition Classes
- ShowUtil
Value Members
- def adHocPrettyInstance[T <: Product](implicit c: ClassTag[T]): Pretty[T]
Use this as a temporary solution, to make the code compile during an ongoing migration.
Use this as a temporary solution, to make the code compile during an ongoing migration. Drawbacks:
- Instances of
are ignored. - No parameter names
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- Instances of
- def clear_cache(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- InstanceReferenceCommon
- Annotations
- @Summary(s = "Clear locally cached variables", flag = FeatureFlag.Testing) @Description(s = "Some commands cache values on the client side. Use this command to explicitly clear the caches of these values.")
- def config: RemoteSequencerConfig
- Definition Classes
- RemoteSequencerNodeReferenceCommon
- Annotations
- @Summary(s = "Returns the remote sequencer configuration", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
- val consoleEnvironment: EnterpriseConsoleEnvironment
- Definition Classes
- SequencerNodeReferenceX → ConsoleCommandGroup → InstanceReferenceCommon → FeatureFlagFilter
- def customParam[T](getValue: (T) => String, cond: (T) => Boolean = (_: T) => true): (T) => Option[Tree]
Use this if you need a custom representation of a parameter.
Use this if you need a custom representation of a parameter. Do not use this to create lengthy strings, as line wrapping is not supported.
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- val environment: EnterpriseConsoleEnvironment
- Definition Classes
- RemoteSequencerNodeReferenceX → RemoteSequencerNodeReferenceCommon
- def equals(obj: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- SequencerNodeReferenceX → AnyRef → Any
- def hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- InstanceReferenceCommon → AnyRef → Any
- def health: HealthAdministrationCommon[Status]
- Definition Classes
- SequencerNodeReferenceX → InstanceReferenceCommon
- Annotations
- @Summary(s = "Health and diagnostic related commands", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Group(name = "Health")
- def help(methodName: String)(implicit consoleEnvironment: ConsoleEnvironment): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Helpful
- Annotations
- @Summary(s = "Help for specific commands (use help() or help(\"method\") for more information)", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Topic(t = Seq("Top-level Commands"))
- def help()(implicit consoleEnvironment: ConsoleEnvironment): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Helpful
- def id: SequencerId
- Definition Classes
- SequencerNodeReferenceCommon → InstanceReferenceCommon
- Annotations
- @Summary(s = "Yields the globally unique id of this sequencer. " +
"Throws an exception, if the id has not yet been allocated (e.g., the sequencer has not yet been started).", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
- val keys: EnterpriseKeyAdministrationGroup
- Definition Classes
- RemoteSequencerNodeReferenceCommon → RemoteInstanceReference → InstanceReferenceCommon
- Annotations
- @Summary(s = "Manage public and secret keys", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Group(name = "Keys")
- val name: String
- Definition Classes
- RemoteSequencerNodeReferenceX → InstanceReferenceCommon
- def param[T, V](name: String, getValue: (T) => V, cond: (T) => Boolean = (_: T) => true)(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): (T) => Option[Tree]
A tree representing both parameter name and value.
A tree representing both parameter name and value.
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- def paramIfDefined[T, V](name: String, getValue: (T) => Option[V])(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): (T) => Option[Tree]
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- def paramIfNonEmpty[T, V <: IterableOnce[_]](name: String, getValue: (T) => V)(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): (T) => Option[Tree]
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- def paramIfTrue[T](label: String, getValue: (T) => Boolean): (T) => Option[Tree]
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- def paramWithoutValue[T](name: String, cond: (T) => Boolean = (_: T) => true): (T) => Option[Tree]
A tree representing a parameter name without a parameter value.
A tree representing a parameter name without a parameter value. Use this for parameters storing confidential or binary data.
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- def pretty: Pretty[InstanceReferenceCommon]
Indicates how to pretty print this instance.
Indicates how to pretty print this instance. See
for examples on how to implement this method.- Definition Classes
- InstanceReferenceCommon → PrettyPrinting
- def prettyInfix[T, U, V](first: (T) => U, infixOp: String, second: (T) => V)(implicit arg0: Pretty[U], arg1: Pretty[V]): Pretty[T]
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- def prettyNode[T](label: String, children: (T) => Option[Tree]*): Pretty[T]
A tree consisting of a labelled node with the given children.
A tree consisting of a labelled node with the given children.
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- def prettyOfClass[T](getParamTrees: (T) => Option[Tree]*): Pretty[T]
A tree representing the type name and parameter trees.
A tree representing the type name and parameter trees.
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- def prettyOfObject[T <: Product]: Pretty[T]
A tree presenting the type name only.
A tree presenting the type name only. (E.g., for case objects.)
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- def prettyOfParam[T, V](getValue: (T) => V)(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): Pretty[T]
Use this to give a class with a singleton parameter the same pretty representation as the parameter.
Use this to give a class with a singleton parameter the same pretty representation as the parameter.
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- def prettyOfString[T](toString: (T) => String): Pretty[T]
Creates a pretty instance from a string function.
Creates a pretty instance from a string function. Do not use this with lengthy strings, as line wrapping is not supported.
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- def sequencerConnection: SequencerConnection
- Definition Classes
- RemoteSequencerNodeReferenceCommon → InstanceReferenceWithSequencerConnection
- implicit final def showInterpolator(sc: StringContext): ShowInterpolator
- Definition Classes
- ShowSyntax
- implicit def showPretty[T](implicit arg0: Pretty[T]): Show[T]
Enables the syntax
show"This object is pretty: $myPrettyType"
.Enables the syntax
show"This object is pretty: $myPrettyType"
.- Definition Classes
- ShowUtil
- implicit def toShow[A](target: A)(implicit tc: Show[A]): Ops[A]
- Definition Classes
- ToShowOps
- final def toString(): String
Yields a readable string representation based on com.digitalasset.canton.logging.pretty.Pretty.DefaultPprinter.
Yields a readable string representation based on com.digitalasset.canton.logging.pretty.Pretty.DefaultPprinter.
to avoid accidental overwriting.- Definition Classes
- PrettyPrinting → AnyRef → Any
- def topology: TopologyAdministrationGroupX
- Definition Classes
- SequencerNodeReferenceX → InstanceReferenceX → InstanceReferenceCommon
- def traffic_control: TrafficControlSequencerAdministrationGroup
- Definition Classes
- SequencerNodeReferenceX → InstanceReferenceX
- Annotations
- @Summary(s = "Admin traffic control related commands", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2) @Group(name = "Traffic")
- def unnamedParam[T, V](getValue: (T) => V, cond: (T) => Boolean = (_: T) => true)(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): (T) => Option[Tree]
A tree representing a parameter value without a parameter name.
A tree representing a parameter value without a parameter name.
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- def unnamedParamIfDefined[T, V](getValue: (T) => Option[V])(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): (T) => Option[Tree]
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- def unnamedParamIfNonEmpty[T, V <: IterableOnce[_]](getValue: (T) => V)(implicit arg0: Pretty[V]): (T) => Option[Tree]
- Definition Classes
- PrettyUtil
- object domain
- Definition Classes
- DomainBootstrapGroup
- object pruning extends PruningSchedulerAdministration[EnterpriseSequencerAdministrationServiceStub] with Helpful
- Definition Classes
- SequencerAdministrationGroupCommon
- Annotations
- @Summary(s = "Pruning of the sequencer", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
- object repair extends Impl with SequencerAdministrationDisableMember
- Definition Classes
- SequencerAdministrationGroupX
- Annotations
- @Summary(s = "Methods used for repairing the node", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)
- object setup extends Impl with InitNodeId
- Definition Classes
- SequencerNodeAdministrationGroupXWithInit
- Annotations
- @Summary(s = "Methods used for node initialization", flag = console.this.Help.Summary.<init>$default$2)