Package com.daml.ledger.api.v1.admin
Class UserManagementServiceGrpc.UserManagementServiceStub
- java.lang.Object
- io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub<S>
- io.grpc.stub.AbstractAsyncStub<UserManagementServiceGrpc.UserManagementServiceStub>
- com.daml.ledger.api.v1.admin.UserManagementServiceGrpc.UserManagementServiceStub
- Enclosing class:
- UserManagementServiceGrpc
public static final class UserManagementServiceGrpc.UserManagementServiceStub extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractAsyncStub<UserManagementServiceGrpc.UserManagementServiceStub>
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service UserManagementService.Service to manage users and their rights for interacting with the Ledger API served by a participant node. The authorization rules for its RPCs are specified on the ``<RpcName>Request`` messages as boolean expressions over these facts: (1) ``HasRight(r)`` denoting whether the authenticated user has right ``r`` and (2) ``IsAuthenticatedUser(uid)`` denoting whether ``uid`` is the empty string or equal to the id of the authenticated user. (3) ``IsAuthenticatedIdentityProviderAdmin(idp)`` denoting whether ``idp`` is equal to the ``identity_provider_id`` of the authenticated user and the user has an IdentityProviderAdmin right. If `user_id` is set to the empty string (the default), then the data for the authenticated user will be retrieved. If `identity_provider_id` is set to an empty string, then it's effectively set to the value of access token's 'iss' field if that is provided. If `identity_provider_id` remains an empty string, the default identity provider will be assumed. The fields of request messages (and sub-messages) are marked either as ``Optional`` or ``Required``: (1) ``Optional`` denoting the client may leave the field unset when sending a request. (2) ``Required`` denoting the client must set the field to a non-default value when sending a request. A user resource consists of: (1) a set of properties represented by the ``User`` message, (2) a set of user rights, where each right is represented by the ``Right`` message. A user resource, once it has been created, can be modified. In order to update the properties represented by the ``User`` message use the ``UpdateUser`` RPC. The only fields that can be modified are those marked as ``Modifiable``. In order to grant or revoke user rights use ``GrantRights' and ``RevokeRights`` RPCs.
Method Summary
Method Detail
protected UserManagementServiceGrpc.UserManagementServiceStub build(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions)
- Specified by:
in classio.grpc.stub.AbstractStub<UserManagementServiceGrpc.UserManagementServiceStub>
public void createUser(UserManagementServiceOuterClass.CreateUserRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<UserManagementServiceOuterClass.CreateUserResponse> responseObserver)
Create a new user.
public void getUser(UserManagementServiceOuterClass.GetUserRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<UserManagementServiceOuterClass.GetUserResponse> responseObserver)
Get the user data of a specific user or the authenticated user.
public void updateUser(UserManagementServiceOuterClass.UpdateUserRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<UserManagementServiceOuterClass.UpdateUserResponse> responseObserver)
Update selected modifiable attribute of a user resource described by the ``User`` message.
public void deleteUser(UserManagementServiceOuterClass.DeleteUserRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<UserManagementServiceOuterClass.DeleteUserResponse> responseObserver)
Delete an existing user and all its rights.
public void listUsers(UserManagementServiceOuterClass.ListUsersRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<UserManagementServiceOuterClass.ListUsersResponse> responseObserver)
List all existing users.
public void grantUserRights(UserManagementServiceOuterClass.GrantUserRightsRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<UserManagementServiceOuterClass.GrantUserRightsResponse> responseObserver)
Grant rights to a user. Granting rights does not affect the resource version of the corresponding user.
public void revokeUserRights(UserManagementServiceOuterClass.RevokeUserRightsRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<UserManagementServiceOuterClass.RevokeUserRightsResponse> responseObserver)
Revoke rights from a user. Revoking rights does not affect the resource version of the corresponding user.
public void listUserRights(UserManagementServiceOuterClass.ListUserRightsRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<UserManagementServiceOuterClass.ListUserRightsResponse> responseObserver)
List the set of all rights granted to a user.
public void updateUserIdentityProviderId(UserManagementServiceOuterClass.UpdateUserIdentityProviderRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<UserManagementServiceOuterClass.UpdateUserIdentityProviderResponse> responseObserver)
Update the assignment of a user from one IDP to another.