Participant Query Store User Guide


The term operational datastore (ODS) usually refers to a database that mirrors the ledger and allows for efficient querying. The Participant Query Store (PQS) feature acts as an ODS for the participant node. PQS provides a unidirectional path for exporting data from the ledger event stream to a PostgreSQL datastore. Data is exported in an append-only fashion and provides a stable view of data for purposes such as point-in-time queries. It stores contract creation, contract archival, and exercise information in a PostgreSQL database using a JSONB column format. You access the data using SQL over a JDBC connection.

The PQS is intended for high throughput and complex queries, for which the Canton ledger (gRPC Ledger API) and the JSON API are not optimized. The PQS is useful for:

  • Application developers to access data on the ledger, observe the evolution of data, and debug their applications.
  • Business analysts to analyze ledger data and create reports.
  • Support teams to debug any problems that happen in production.
  • Application operators to take a full snapshot of the ledger (from the start of the ledger to the current latest transaction). Alternatively, they can take a partial snapshot of the ledger (between specific offsets).
  • Report writers to extract historical data and then stream indefinitely (either from the start of the ledger or from a specific offset).

There are many other uses.

Daml Shell (daml-shell) is a command-line tool that leverages PQS to inspect a Daml ledger.

Docker Image

To get the Participant Query Store (PQS) Docker image, run the following command:

$ docker pull



The typical configuration is to have a separate PQS instance with its own DB for each participant node (shown in the figure). In this configuration, the PQS extracts contract information for all parties on the participant node. As data is physically segregated by Daml participants and hosted Daml parties must trust the node operator, they may trust the operator to protect the PQS privacy as well. A more restricted configuration is possible that limits the parties for which the PQS extracts information.

A client application can access the PQS directly using a JDBC connection where the data access rights are defined by the PostgreSQL database (left side in the figure). In this case, having access to the database means that the user has access to all the content in the database. If finer-grained access is needed, a read-only query service (right side in the figure) can be inserted between the client application and the PQS. That query service can filter out what a client application can see. This is a fairly standard pattern in the industry.

A diagram showing different ways to connect to the Participant Query Store

To understand the format that PQS outputs into a Postgres document-oriented cache, you must understand how the ledger stores data. The Daml ledger is composed of transactions, which generate events. An event can represent one of these situations:

  • Creation of contracts (“create event”)
  • Exercise of a choice on a contract (“exercise event”), which archives the contract if it is a consuming choice

A contract on the ledger is either created or archived. The relationships between transactions and contracts are captured in the database as follows:

  • All contracts have links (foreign keys) to the transaction in which they were created.
  • Archived contracts have pointers to the transaction in which they were archived.

Transactions on the ledger are inserted into PostgreSQL concurrently for high performance. Consistency for readers is provided through a watermark mechanism that indicates a consistent offset from which readers can consume for a fully consistent ledger. These details are managed for readers through the functions available in PostgreSQL. Depending on your needs, readers may wish to use or bypass these mechanisms, depending on the type of query and consistency required.

PQS Schema Design

PQS is not directly involved in querying/reading the datastore - the application is free to query it, such as via JDBC. The objectives of the schema design is to facilitate:

  • Scalable writes: transactions are written in parallel, so writes do not need to be sequential.
  • Scalable reads: queries can be parallelized and are not blocked by writes. They produce sensible query plans with no unnecessary table scans.
  • Ease of use: readers can use familiar tools and techniques to query the datastore without needing to understand the specifics of the schema design. Simple entry points provide access to data in familiar ways. In particular, readers do not need to navigate the offset-based model.
  • Read consistency: readers can achieve the level of consistency that they require, including consistency with other ledger datastores, or with ledger commands that have been executed.

The following principles apply:

  • Append-only: only INSERTs are used, and no UPDATEs or DELETEs are used in transaction processing.
  • Offset-based: all physical tables are indexed by offset, meaning that all ledger data is known in terms of the offset in which it was committed to the ledger.
  • Implicit offset: readers can opt for queries with implicit offset, meaning they can ignore the role of offset in their queries but still provide a stable view of the ledger data. Much like PostgreSQL provides MVCC capabilities without the reader needing to understand the underlying implementation, this provides a similar experience for readers of the ledger data.
  • Idempotent: PQS is designed to be restarted at any time, and it will not impact the integrity of the data. This is achieved by using the offset-based model and ensuring that (other than the datastore itself) PQS is stateless.
  • Watermarks: PQS maintains a watermark of the latest contiguous offset, representing the point of the ledger that has been fully processed. This is used to ensure that the ledger data has read consistency, without requiring readers to perform table scans. This resolves the uncertainty created by the parallel writes.


Relational databases excel at storing structured data for which the schema is known in advance. However, they have traditionally lacked mechanisms for data that is more dynamic or evolves. For example, you may want to store arbitrary Daml contracts and might prefer not to update the database schema every time the underlying template changes.

PostgreSQL helps manage unstructured data through native support for JSON data and allows queries to process this data. For best performance, the PQS stores data as JSONB only.

An example query might look like this:

FROM contract
WHERE payload->>'isin' = 'abc123'
ORDER BY payload->'issuanceData'->'issueDate'->>'Some';

For more information on querying JSON data, see the section JSON Functions and Operators in the PostgreSQL manual. The operators ->, ->>, #>, #>>, and @> may be of particular interest.

The JSON format section below summarizes how the ledger data is encoded in JSON.


The PQS is intended for continuous operation. Upon restart after an interruption, PQS determines the last consistent offset and continues incremental processing from that point onward. PQS terminates when encountering any error and leaves it up to the orchestration layer (such as Kubernetes) or the operator to determine the appropriate course of action.

High Availability

Multiple isolated instances of PQS can be instantiated without any cross-dependency. This allows for an active-active high availability clustering model. Please note that different instances might not be at the same offset due to different processing rates or other factors. After querying one active instance, you can see results that are not yet visible on an alternative active instance. This requires consideration for the client to handle the situation where waiting or a retry is required to service “at least up to” requests.

How a Participant Node (PN) Models Time

Understanding time in a distributed application is challenging because there is no global clock. This section describes how a participant node understands time. If you are familiar with Canton, skip this section and move to the section Time Model within PQS.

A participant node models time advancing in its local ledger using an index called an offset. An offset is a unique index of the participant node’s local ledger. You can think of this as selecting an item in the ledger using a specific offset (or index) into the ledger. For example, in the figure, Participant A has transaction “ABC” at offset #011. An offset represents a point in time of that participant node and a given sync domain, where the offset values order the events that are changes to the ledger. Specifically, subscribers to UpdateService observe the order for a specific sync domain.

In general, a larger participant offset means that the event happened after the event at a smaller participant offset in that participant node. Since ledger entries can be made at any time, they can advance at different rates. For example, Participant A may only process requests every several minutes, so its offset counters increase slowly. However, Participant B may be processing requests very frequently, so its offset counters may increase several times a second.

The sequence of offsets of a participant may contain gaps. That is because some offsets may be used for purposes internal to the participant that never show up on the ledger API. Also, filtering for certain types of changes (such as by party or by template ID) naturally results in gaps in the sequence of offsets.

Charts of offsets and transactions for two participants connected by a sync domain

You cannot compare offset values across participants. The same ledger change (such as a transaction) for multiple participant nodes is stored at a different offset in each participant node. For example, in the figure, the transaction ABC is at offset #011 in Participant A but at offset #010 in Participant B. Similarly, the same offset value across participant nodes refers to different ledger changes. In the figure, Participant A’s offset #011 records “Tx ABC” while Participant B’s offset #011 records “Tx DEF”. Comparing offsets across sync domains does not provide a causal ordering of the events because there is no common reference.

Single offset values returned by the Ledger API can be used as-is (for example, to keep track of processed transactions and provide an application restart point in case you need to retry the request).

The Ledger API endpoints that take offset values also allow an offset range which is a portion of the participant’s ledger that is relevant for the client to read. An offset range is analogous to a duration or slice of time. For example, a client application can specify the offset range from #010 through #012 to perform a search within Participant B’s ledger.

Although the figure shows integers as an offset value, this may change. The format of offsets should be treated as opaque to the client. No client-side transformation of an offset (such as subtracting or adding one offset to another and using that in a ledger read) is guaranteed to return a meaningful offset. However, you can always expect that offsets are lexicographically comparable.

A transaction ID compares to an offset in the following ways:

  • Not every offset has a transaction ID. For example, the completion event of a rejected transaction does not have a transaction ID because the transaction did not successfully complete.
  • There is, at most, one transaction ID at a single offset.
  • Every accepted transaction is published at a single offset.
  • Offsets are local to a participant, whereas transaction IDs are virtual ledger-wide identifiers to correlate transactions across multiple participants.
  • Offsets can establish a temporal ordering within the same sync domain (“happened-before” relationship) between transactions and/or events from different transactions.

For analysis of a participant node’s ledger, the offset is a better identifier than transaction ID because it can be used for ordering and an offset range can be specified to limit the analysis. However, if the analysis must coordinate with other participant nodes, then transaction IDs are better.

If a participant node’s ledger is restored from a backup, it reviews the data on the sequencer and processes it to the latest information. However, in performing this rehydration, the resulting PN can have a different set of offset values than it had before the backup. For Daml 2.x, the order of event processing and transaction IDs remain the same, but the resulting offsets likely change. If a client application caches offset data or stores it in a database, those datastores also need to be replayed to have the proper offset values of the restored participant node.

Time Model Within PQS

PQS builds on the offset concept of the participant node’s ledger, and PQS is a valid representation of that ledger. PQS processes events asynchronously and concurrently, but the PQS programming model is intended to simplify development. The offset forms the basis for the PQS programming model. Helper functions make it easy to reason about offset values, pushing that complexity into the background. This section discusses how PQS models time.

NOTE: Use of the helper functions is required for your application to upgrade in future releases. Direct table access is unsupported because the schema may change in a future release. There should be no inherent overhead in using the API so performance should not suffer.

The following figure shows the simplest view of a participant node and its query store. Consider the ledger client and PQS client as separate entities. The PQS consists of two components: Scribe and the PostgreSQL database.

A diagram showing a ledger client and a PQS client with Scribe and Postgres as components

The asynchronous and concurrent processing of an event can result in out-of-order results written to the database, but their offset values will correspond to the participant offset values. The following scenario illustrates this:

  1. A participant emits a ledger event at offset #1, which is processed by Scribe and then immediately stored to the postgres database in a transaction.
  2. A ledger event at offset #2 is passed to Scribe but does not finish processing immediately.
  3. Scribe receives a ledger event at offset #3, processes it immediately, and stores it in the database.
  4. Ledger event #2 finishes processing and is stored in the database. In this situation, the result for offset #3 is stored in the database before offset #2. The result for offset #3 could be queried without offset #2, which could result in an erroneous query result.

The asynchronous, concurrent processing of ledger events leads to four concepts related to offsets:

  • Processed: ledger events that have been processed and the payload is stored in the database.
  • Watermark: offset for the most recent consistent and stable event processed. As more events are processed, the watermark offset moves. The watermark can jump several offsets at once.
  • Gap events: events that are in flight, being processed, and have not yet completed processing.
  • Flushed events: events that have been processed, but their offset is later than the offset of (one or more) gap events.

The following section provides an example of these concepts.

Example Daml Model

The example Daml model highlights the following:

  • The time at which a ledger event begins and ends processing
  • The offset where the event (such as contract creation) occurs
  • The offset at which a contract is archived

The example is a mix of the wall clock time and offset information.

The example covers creation, modification, and retirement of birth certificates. The operations are:

  • Create a birth certificate with a name.
  • Archive a birth certificate.
  • Change the name on a birth certificate, which creates a new contract and archives the prior contract, all in the same offset.
  • Query a birth certificate which is done through PQS.

Only contract creation and archival are shown in a following figure.

A snippet of the example follows:

template BirthCertificate
    owner : Party
    user_id : Text
    firstName : Text
    lastName : Text
    signatory owner
    choice BirthCertificateNameChange : ContractId BirthCertificate
        newFirstName : Text
        newLastName : Text
      controller owner
        create BirthCertificate with
          owner = owner
          user_id = user_id
          firstName = newFirstName
          lastName = newLastName

The birth certificate for Alice Citizen is created in offset #1, and it is active for all the shown offsets (the white horizontal line in a following figure) because it is not archived. The processing of this event starts at the same time of the event and completes before the next event occurs, which is the creation of the “Joe Bloggs” certificate. Joe Bloggs is renamed to Fred Bloggs in offset #3, so the original certificate is archived while the new certificate is created in offset #3, all within the same transaction (transaction IDs are not shown). Fred Bloggs’ birth certificate is archived at offset #4. Bill Myers’ certificate is created at offset #5, renamed to Bill Taylor in offset #6, renamed again to Bill Doe in offset #8, and renamed yet again to Bill Kirk in offset #9. The birth certificate for Jill Brown is created in offset #10.

Note the birth certificate for Jane Smith. It is created at offset #7. However, the processing of this event is very long, taking the same time as processing the other events at offsets #8, #9, and #10. The processing time is so long that the events of offset offsets #8, #9, and #10 are committed to the PQS database before Jane Smith’s birth certificate’s offset. That means that any PQS queries involving offsets #7 or later will be inconsistent because they don’t include the results of offset #7. In this case, the queries of processed event data involve offsets #1 through #6 (the blue and yellow swimlanes). The watermark is at slot #6 (the yellow swimlane) because it is the last stable offset to have its event processed. There is a gap (the purple swimlane) in the data for the inflight events that are still being processed. Lastly, there are flushed events (offset #9 and #10) where events were quickly processed and the data is available to be queried, but it is not accurate. This is because offset #7 has not been completed, and its data is not in the database.

When the processing of offset #7 finishes, just as the event from #11 arrives (not shown), the watermark jumps to offset #10 because that is the last stable offset with its event processed.

A chart of selected events, showing the offsets, processed status, watermark, gap, and flushed

If you need to query consistent and stable data, always use the watermark as the most recent offset in the query. If a query is just a point-in-time value that does not have global consistency requirements, you don’t need the watermark.

External Unsynchronized Data

The previous section discussed how PQS deals with internal synchronization in its programming model. This section examines the external synchronization of data and the precautions you need to take. This section describes the time lags that the PQS client application needs to be aware of when querying data. The following figures follow the conventions described in the section Architecture for HA and Scaling.

There are four cases to consider:

  • The client application needs to retry an incomplete request, for example as the result of network issues.
  • PQS needs to catch up after a fresh install or restart.
  • There is a small delay for the ledger event to process.
  • A high availability PQS configuration does not have synchronized PQS instances.

All distributed systems are subject to network issues. For example, networks that host the gRPC and JDBC query requests can both have intermittent issues. You must program the client application to retry for certain failures because the intermittent failure will heal itself. Most network outages are temporary, in which case the application can proceed without failing.

A diagram showing queries using grpc and JDBC

If the PQS has been (re)started or is freshly installed, then the PQS needs to catch up to the participant node’s generated events. Until that happens, the PQS will not have all the data available for querying.

There is a slight delay between when a participant node has finished the ledger processing and emitted an event and when the PQS finishes processing the event so that the result is available to query. For example, if the participant query performs a synchronous exercise and then immediately queries the PQS, it is remotely possible that PQS will not yet have the data. In this case, the client application needs to retry.

Lastly, a highly available production deployment (see the following figure) has multiple PQS instances, each of which processes events at slightly different rates. Since the PQS instances are not synchronized, they process events and commit the results to the database with different times. If the client application makes a query to the PQS service which is being serviced by PQS #A and then PQS #A fails, the client application retries after a timeout, which is then serviced by PQS #B. It is possible that PQS #B does not have its watermark at the same offset as PQS #A when PQS #A failed.

A diagram showing a multiple PQS deployment

Install and Start PQS

Meet Prerequisites

Here are the prerequisites to run PQS:

  • A PostgreSQL database that can be reached from the PQS. Note that PQS uses the JSONB data type for storing JSON data, which requires Postgres versions 11 through 16.
  • An empty database (recommended) to avoid schema and table collisions.
  • Daml ledger as the source of events. m/TLS is supported for the participant node ledger API. Alternatively, it can run against the Sandbox.
  • Installation of The Daml Enterprise SDK.

Deploy the Scribe Component

The PQS consists of two components: the PostgreSQL database and a ledger component called Scribe, as shown in the figure. Scribe is packaged as a Java JAR file and is available from the Digital Asset Artifactory path.

A diagram showing the components of the Participant Query Store

Connect the PQS to a Ledger

To connect to the participant node ledger, provide separate address and port parameters. For example, you could specify --host --port 6865, or in short form -h -p 6865.

You do not need to pass the default host localhost and default port 6865.

To connect to a participant node, you might need to provide TLS certificates. To see options for this, refer to the output of the --help command.

Authorize PQS

If you are running PQS against a participant node’s ledger API that verifies authorization, you must provide credentials for the OAuth Client Credentials Flow. For example:

$ ./scribe.jar pipeline ledger postgres-document \
    --source-ledger-auth OAuth \
    --pipeline-oauth-clientid my_client_id \
    --pipeline-oauth-clientsecret deadbeef \
    --pipeline-oauth-cafile ca.crt \
    --pipeline-oauth-endpoint https://my-auth-server/token

The type of access token that PQS expects is Audience / Scope based tokens (see “User Access Tokens” for more information).

Scribe will obtain tokens from the Authorization Server on startup, and it will reauthenticate before the token expires. If Scribe fails authorization, it will terminate with an error for the service orchestration infrastructure to respond appropriately.

If you are not authenticated, there is no user to connect to a list of readAs parties, so you must specify the parties using the -pipeline-parties argument. This argument acts as a filter, restricting the data to only what’s visible to the supplied list of party identifiers.

The authentication of PQS needs to match the participant nodes (PN) setup. For example, if PQS is run with authentication by setting OAuth and the PN is not configured to use authentication, then an error will result. The error will have a message like requests with an empty user-id are only supported if there is an authenticated user.

Set Up PostgreSQL

To connect the database, create a PostgreSQL database with three users:

  • Ops: Provides a way for database administrators or Scribe to access DDL for schema creation and general maintenance.
  • Writer: Allows Scribe to connect, such as during “pipeline” operations of writing the ledger.
  • Reader: Supports all other users.

Connect to the PQS PostgreSQL Datastore

The database connection is handled by the JDBC API, so you need to provide the following (all have defaults):

  • Hostname
  • Port number
  • Username
  • Password

The following example connects to a PostgreSQL instance running on localhost on the default port, with a user for which Postgres has not set a password and a database called daml_pqs. This is a typical setup on a developer machine with a default PostgreSQL install.

$ ./scribe.jar pipeline ledger postgres-document \
     --target-postgres-database daml_pqs

The next example connects to a database on host, listening on port 5432. The database is called daml_pqs.

$ ./scribe.jar pipeline ledger postgres-document \
     --target-postgres-host \
     --target-postgres-database daml_pqs


By default, the PQS logs to stderr, with INFO verbose level. To change the level, use the --logger-level enum option, as in the example --logger-level Trace.

Using Command Line Options

You can discover commands and parameters through the embedded --help (remember to include pipeline before --help). For example:

$ ./scribe.jar pipeline --help


Usage: scribe pipeline SOURCE TARGET [OPTIONS]

Initiate continuous ledger data export

Available sources:
ledger    Daml ledger

Available targets:
postgres-document    Postgres database (w/ document payload representation)

--config file                              Path to configuration overrides via an external HOCON file (optional)
--pipeline-datasource enum                 Ledger API service to use as data source (default: TransactionStream)
--pipeline-oauth-clientid string           Client identifier (optional)
--pipeline-oauth-accesstoken string        Access token (optional)
--pipeline-oauth-parameters map            Custom parameters
--pipeline-oauth-cafile file               Trusted Certificate Authority (CA) certificate (optional)
--pipeline-oauth-endpoint uri              Token endpoint URL (optional)
--pipeline-oauth-clientsecret string       Client secret (optional)
--pipeline-filter-parties string           Filter expression determining Daml party identifiers to filter on (default: *)
--pipeline-filter-metadata string          Filter expression determining which templates and interfaces to capture metadata for (default: !*)
--pipeline-filter-contracts string         Filter expression determining which templates and interfaces to include (default: *)
--pipeline-ledger-start [enum | string]    Start offset (default: Latest)
--pipeline-ledger-stop [enum | string]     Stop offset (default: Never)
--health-port int                          HTTP port to use to expose application health info (default: 8080)
--logger-level enum                        Log level (default: Info)
--logger-mappings map                      Custom mappings for log levels
--logger-format enum                       Log output format (default: Plain)
--logger-pattern [enum | string]           Log pattern (default: Plain)
--target-postgres-host string              Postgres host (default: localhost)
--target-postgres-tls-mode enum            SSL mode required for Postgres connectivity (default: Disable)
--target-postgres-tls-cert file            Client certificate (optional)
--target-postgres-tls-key file             Client private key (optional)
--target-postgres-tls-cafile file          Trusted Certificate Authority (CA) certificate (optional)
--target-postgres-maxconnections int       Maximum number of JDBC connections (default: 16)
--target-postgres-password string          Postgres user password (default: ********)
--target-postgres-username string          Postgres user name (default: postgres)
--target-postgres-database string          Postgres database (default: postgres)
--target-postgres-port int                 Postgres port (default: 5432)
--target-schema-autoapply boolean          Apply metadata inferred schema on startup (default: true)
--source-ledger-host string                Ledger API host (default: localhost)
--source-ledger-auth enum                  Authorisation mode (default: NoAuth)
--source-ledger-tls-cafile file            Trusted Certificate Authority (CA) certificate (optional)
--source-ledger-tls-cert file              Client certificate (leave empty if embedded into private key file) (optional)
--source-ledger-tls-key file               Client private key (leave empty for server-only TLS) (optional)
--source-ledger-port int                   Ledger API port (default: 6865)

For more help, use the command:

$ ./scribe.jar pipeline --help-verbose

Use a --config file to define multiple options or reflect an infrastructure-as-code approach. Here’s an example configuration file:

   health.port = 8080

   logger {
      # level = "Debug"
      format = "Plain"
      pattern = "Plain"

   pipeline {
      datasource = "TransactionStream"

      filter {
         parties = "*"
         metadata = "!*"
         contracts = "*"

      ledger {
         start = "Latest"
         stop = "Never"

   source {
      ledger {
         host = "canton"
         port = 10011

   target {
      postgres {
         host = "pqs-postgres"
         port = 5432
         username = "postgres"
         database = "postgres"
         maxConnections = 16
   schema.autoApply = true

Following is an example of a basic command to run PQS to extract all data, including exercises, for a party with the display name Alice. You can replace the argument values with those that match your environment.

$ ./scribe.jar pipeline ledger postgres-document \
--pipeline-parties Alice::12209942561b94adc057995f9ffca5a0b974953e72ba25e0eb158e05c801149639b9 \
--pipeline-datasource TransactionTreeStream \
--source-ledger-host localhost \
--source-ledger-port 6865 \
--target-postgres-host localhost \
--target-postgres-port 5432 \
--target-postgres-database postgres \
--target-postgres-username postgres \
--target-postgres-password postgres

NOTE: Only postgres-document is currently implemented, with postgres-relational to follow soon.

PQS is able to start and finish at prescribed ledger offsets, specified by the arguments --pipeline-ledger-start and --pipeline-ledger-stop. The ./scribe.jar pipeline --help-verbose command provides extensive help information.


The -pipeline-ledger-start argument is an enum with the following possible values:

  • Latest: Use the latest offset that is known or resume where it left off. This is the default behavior, where streaming starts at the latest known end. The first time you start, this will result in PQS calling ActiveContractService to get a state snapshot, which it will load into the _creates table. It will then start streaming creates, archives, and (optionally) exercises from the offset of that ActiveContractService. When you restart PQS, it will start from the point it last left off. You should always use this mode on restart.
  • Genesis: Use the first original offset of the ledger. This causes PQS to try to start from offset 0. It allows you to load historic creates, archives or (optionally) exercises from a ledger that already has data on it. If you try to restart on an already populated database in this mode, PQS will rewrite data if it needs to.
  • Oldest: Use the oldest available (unpruned) offset on the ledger or resume where it left off.


The -pipeline-ledger-stop argument is an enum with the following possible values:

  • Latest: Stop reading stream when latest offset is reached.
  • Never: Continue reading stream indefinitely.


The -pipeline-datasource argument is an enum with the following possible values:

  • TransactionStream: Read the ledger’s filtered transaction stream for a set of parties. Includes creates, archives, and interface views, but excludes transient contracts and exercises. Transient contracts are contracts that were both created and archived in the same transaction.
  • TransactionTreeStream: Read the ledger’s transaction tree stream for a set of parties. Includes creates, exercises, and transient contracts, but excludes interface views.


The --pipeline-filter string option needs a filter expression to determine which templates and interfaces to include. A filter expression is a simple wildcard inclusion statement with basic Boolean logic, where whitespace is ignored. Below are some examples:

  • *: everything, which is the default
  • a.b.c.Bar: just this one fully qualified name
  • a.b.c.*: all under the a.b.c namespace
  • deadbeef..:a.b.c.Foo just this one fully qualified name from this specific package ID
  • !a.b.c.Bar: everything except this fully qualified name
  • a.b.c.Foo & a.b.c.Bar: this is an error because it can’t be both
  • (a.b.c.Foo | a.b.c.Bar): these two fully qualified names
  • (a.b.c.* & !(a.b.c.Foo | a.b.c.Bar) | g.e.f.Baz): everything in a.b.c except for Foo and Bar, and also include g.e.f.Baz


The --pipeline-parties option supports the same filter expressions as the --pipeline-filter. So to filter for two parties alice::abc123... and bob::def567..., you could write --pipeline-parties="(alice* | bob*)". If you want to specify a specific party, include the hash behind the party hint (such as Alice_1::122055fc4b190e3ff438587b699495a4b6388e911e2305f7e013af160f49a76080ab).

Please note that the separator is a pipe character (|) instead of a comma.

Brackets are unnecessary for simple expressions. A simple list is --pipeline-parties="Alice_1::122055fc4b190e3ff438587b699495a4b6388e911e2305f7e013af160f49a76080ab | Alice_2::122053933e4803c2995e41faa8a29981ca0d1faf6b4ffbf917ba1edd0db133acb634 | Peter-1::358400000000000000000000000 Specifying the parties in a short form can be done by using the * as a wildcard. For example, --pipeline-parties="Alice* | *358400000000000000000000000" selects Alice_1, Alice_2, and Peter-1.

More advanced expressions can make use of brackets, such as --pipeline-parties="Alice* | Bob* | (participant* & !(participant3::*))".

Handle Configuration Changes

PQS initializes its behavior on startup by reading its configuration files. It currently doesn’t support dynamic configuration updates, so making a configuration change (such as adding a new party, new template, or new interface) requires stopping PQS, modifying its configuration, and then starting PQS. On startup, PQS will read the updated configuration.

When the configuration changes, the default is that PQS will not go back in time (older offset) but only move forward in time (current watermark offset and newer). If the database is dropped, then PQS can be started at the oldest, unpruned offset of the participant node and use the participant node’s history to extract the events based on the updated configuration.

PQS Development

Offset Management for Querying

The following functions control the temporal perspective of the ledger, considering how you wish to consider time as a scope for your queries. You may wish to:

  • Effectively ignore time; simply query the latest available state
  • Query the state of the ledger at a specific time in history
  • Query the ledger events across a time range – an audit trail, for example
  • Query the ledger in a way that preserves consistency with other interactions you have had with the ledger (reader or writer)

The following functions allow you to control the temporal scope of the ledger, which establishes the context in which subsequent queries in the PostgreSQL session will execute:

  • set_latest(offset): nominates the offset of the latest data to include in observing the ledger. If NULL, it uses the very latest available. The actual offset that will be used is returned. If the supplied offset is beyond what is available, an error occurs.
  • set_latest_minimum(offset): provides the minimum offset that should be used, but a more recent offset will always be chosen. Returns an error if the nominated offset is not yet available. The function returns the actual offset used.
  • set_oldest(offset): nominates the offset of the oldest events to include in the query scope. If NULL, it uses the oldest available. The function returns the actual offset used. If the supplied offset is beyond what is available, an error occurs.
  • get_offset(time): provides a helper function to determine the offset of a given time (or interval prior to now).

Under this temporal scope, the following table functions allow access to the ledger and are used directly in queries. They can be used in a similar manner to tables or views and allow users to focus on the data they wish to query, with the impact of offsets removed.

  • active(name): active instances of the target contracts/interfaces that existed at the time of the latest offset
  • creates(name): create events that occurred between the oldest and latest offset
  • archives(name): archive events that occurred between the oldest and latest offset
  • exercises(name): exercise events that occurred between the oldest and latest offset

The functions allow the user to focus on the templates/interfaces/choices they wish to query, without concern for PostgreSQL name limits. The name parameter can be used with or without the package specified:

  • Fully qualified: <package-id>:<module>:<template|interface|choice>
  • Partially qualified: <module>:<template|interface|choice>

Query Patterns

Several common ways to use the table functions are described in the following sections:

  • Use the most recent available state of the ledger
  • Query the ledger using a point in time
  • Query the ledger from a fixed offset
  • Set the oldest offset to consider
  • Set the oldest and latest offset by time value
  • Set a minimum offset for consistency
  • Use the widest available offset range for querying

These can be combined or altered for the purpose of the query.

Use the most recent available state of the ledger

In this pattern, a user wants to query the most recent available state of the ledger. This user treats the ledger Active Contract Set as a virtual database table and is not concerned with offsets because the latest result is desired.

This user wants to query the (latest) state of the ledger without consideration for offsets. Querying is inherently limited to one data source, as the user has no control over the actual offset that will be used.

In this scenario, the user wishes to query all Daml templates of User within the Test.User templates, where the user is not an administrator:

  FROM active('Test.User:User') AS "user"
  WHERE NOT "user"."admin";

By using PostgreSQL’s JSONB querying capabilities, you can join with the related Alias template to provide an overview of all users and their aliases:

SELECT "user".*, alias.*
  FROM active('Test.User:User') AS "user"
    LEFT JOIN active('Test.User:Alias') AS alias
      ON "user".payload->>'user_id' = alias.payload->>'user_id';

Historical events can also be accessed; by default all the history in the datastore is available for querying. The following query returns the data associated with all User contracts that were archived in the available history:

  FROM archives('Test.User:User') AS a
    JOIN create('Test.User:User') AS c USING contract_id;

Query the ledger using a point in time

In this pattern, a report writer wants to query the ledger as of a known historical point in time to ensure that consistent data is provided regardless of where the ledger subsequently evolved.

This user can obtain a point-in-time view of the ledger to see all non-admin User templates that were active at that point in time:

set_latest(get_offset('2020-01-01 00:00:00+0'));
SELECT "user".*
  FROM active('Test.User:User') AS "user"
  WHERE NOT "user".admin;

The user can then query the history of the ledger to see how many aliases have existed for each of these users who were active at the snapshot time:

set_latest(get_offset('2020-01-01 00:00:00+0'));
WITH "users" AS (
  SELECT  "user".*
    FROM active('Test.User:User') AS "user"
    WHERE NOT "user".admin
SELECT "user".user_id, COUNT(alias.*) AS alias_count
  FROM active('Test.User:User') AS "user"
    JOIN create('Test.User:Alias') AS alias
      ON "user".payload->>'user_id' = alias.payload->>'user_id'
  WHERE NOT "user".admin;

Query the ledger from a fixed offset

In this pattern, an automation user wants to query from fixed known offsets and wants to write a query in the same, familiar way.

-- fails if the datastore has not yet reached the given offset

The queries observe active contracts from the given offset. The example queries presented above are unchanged.

Set the oldest offset to consider

In this pattern, a user wants to present a limited amount of history to users.

If readers wish to limit the event history, they can call:

-- fails if this offset has already been pruned

This adjustment in scope does not affect the example queries presented above.

Set the oldest and latest offset by time value

In this pattern, a user wants to present a time-based view to users to provide reports based on point-in-time rather than offsets:

set_latest(get_offset(TIMESTAMP '2020-03-13 00:00:00+0'))
set_oldest(get_offset(INTERVAL '14 days')); -- history of the past 14 days

Set a minimum offset for consistency

For this pattern, a website user wants to query active contracts after completing a command (write) which updated the ledger. The user does not want to see a version of the ledger prior to the command being executed.

-- The user just executed a command at offset #00000001350.
-- This function call will fail if the datastore has not yet reached this offset, in order to provide consistent reads.
-- If it has an even more recent offset (eg. 00000001355) - this will be used instead.

Use the widest available offset range for querying

In this pattern, a user wants to enquire about the offset availability of the datastore.

In this example, the user asks for the very latest and oldest offsets available, and those offsets are returned:

SELECT set_latest(NULL) AS latest_offset, set_oldest(NULL) AS oldest_offset;

Advanced Querying Topics


There are two distinct approaches for querying ledger data in the datastore: state and events.

State, in the form of the Active Contract Set by the function active(name), uses the latest offset only, using the following rules:

creation_offset <= latest_offset; AND
no archive_offset <= latest_offset

Events (create, exercise, archive) make use of the oldest and latest range offset:

event_offset <= latest_offset; AND
event_offset >= oldest_offset

Write Pipeline

Typically, you don’t need to be concerned with how the write pipeline is implemented. The above Read API takes the write pipeline implementation into consideration. The above Read API is the recommended way to query the datastore. The following information is provided for completeness.

A Daml transaction is a collection of events that take effect on the ledger atomically. However, for performance reasons, these transactions are written to the datastore in parallel. Although the datastore is written to in a purely append-only fashion, it is not guaranteed that these transactions are visible to readers in order. The offset-based model makes the database’s isolation level irrelevant, so the loosest model (read uncommitted) is not harmful.

When querying the datastore, first consider the type of read consistency required. If there is no need for consistency (for example, reading a historical contract regardless of lifetime), you can query payload tables directly without any consideration of offset. Another example is a liveness metric query that calculates the number of transactions in the datastore over the past minute. This could be valid without considering the parallel-writing method.

When consistency is required, the reader must be aware of the offset for reading. This ensures the reader doesn’t also read further offsets that are present when their precedent events are not yet stored in the database.

To achieve the level of consistency that you require, including read-consistency with other ledger data or commands you have executed, consider providing a function that returns the latest checkpoint offset:

-- utility functions
create or replace function latest_checkpoint()
returns table ("offset" _transactions."offset"%type, ix _transactions.ix%type) as $$
  select max(groups."offset") as "offset", max(groups."ix") as ix
  from (SELECT ix - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ix) as delta, * FROM _transactions) groups
  group by
  order by
  limit 1;

$$ language sql;
create or replace function first_checkpoint()
returns table ("offset" _transactions."offset"%type, ix _transactions.ix%type) as $$
  select t."offset" as "offset", t."ix" as ix from _transactions t order by ix limit 1;

Note that the Archive table represents all Archive choices in the given namespace, such as User.Archive and Alias.Archive in the User namespace.

JSON Format

PQS stores create and exercise arguments using a Daml-LF JSON-based encoding of Daml-LF values. An overview of the encoding is provided below. For more details, refer to the Daml-LF page.

Values on the ledger can be primitive types, user-defined records, or variants. An extracted contract is represented in the database as a record of its create argument. The fields of that record are primitive types, other records, or variants. A contract can be a recursive structure of arbitrary depth.

These types are translated to JSON types as follows:

Primitive Types

  • ContractID: represented as string.
  • Int64: represented as string.
  • Decimal: represented as string.
  • List: represented as array.
  • Text: represented as string.
  • Date: days since the Unix epoch, represented as integer.
  • Time: microseconds since the UNIX epoch, represented as number.
  • Bool: represented as boolean.
  • Party: represented as string.
  • Unit and Empty: Represented as empty records.
  • Optional: represented as object. It is a variant with two possible constructors: None and Some.

User-Defined Types

  • Record: represented as object, where each create parameter’s name is a key, and the parameter’s value is the JSON-encoded value.
  • Variant: represented as object, using the {constructor: body} format, such as {"Left": true}.

Display of Metadata-Inferred Database Schema

PQS analyzes package metadata as part of its operation and displays the required schema. For example, running

$ ./scribe.jar datastore postgres-document schema show


* generated by scribe, version: v0.0.1-main+2151-7961ecb *
-- tables
create table if not exists _transactions (
"offset" text primary key not null,
ix bigint not null,
transaction_id text,
effective_at timestamp with time zone,
workflow_id text

It can aslo apply the schema on the fly idempotently (default), as in:

$ ./scribe.jar pipeline ledger postgres-document --pipeline-party=Alice

which yields:

18:27:26.799 I [zio-fiber-64] com.digitalasset.scribe.appversion.package:11 scribe, version: v0.0.1-main+2151-7961ecb
18:27:27.159 I [zio-fiber-68] com.digitalasset.scribe.configuration.package:40 Applied configuration:
pipeline {
18:27:28.714 I [zio-fiber-67] com.digitalasset.scribe.postgres.document.DocumentPostgres.Service:36 Applying schema
18:27:28.805 I [zio-fiber-67] com.digitalasset.scribe.postgres.document.DocumentPostgres.Service:39 Schema applied
18:27:28.863 I [zio-fiber-0] com.digitalasset.scribe.pipeline.pipeline.Impl:29 Starting pipeline on behalf of
18:27:29.043 I [zio-fiber-0] com.digitalasset.scribe.pipeline.pipeline.Impl:57 Last checkpoint is absent.
Seeding from ACS before processing transactions with starting offset '000000000000000008'
18:27:29.063 I [zio-fiber-938] com.digitalasset.zio.daml.Ledger.Impl:191 Contract filter inclusive of 2 templates
and 0 interfaces
18:27:29.120 I [zio-fiber-0] com.digitalasset.scribe.pipeline.pipeline.Impl:74 Continuing from offset 'GENESIS' and
index '0' until offset 'INFINITY'
18:27:29.159 I [zio-fiber-967] com.digitalasset.zio.daml.Ledger.Impl:191 Contract filter inclusive of 2 templates
and 0 interfaces

PQS Database Schema

The following schema is representative for the exported ledger data. It is subject to change since it is hidden behind the table functions.

 * generated by scribe, version: v0.0.1-main+2151-7961ecb *
 -- tables
 create table if not exists _transactions (
   "offset" text primary key not null,
   ix bigint not null,
   transaction_id text,
   effective_at timestamp with time zone,
   workflow_id text

 create table if not exists _exercises (
   event_id text primary key not null,
   choice text not null,
   contract_id text not null,
   "offset" text not null references _transactions ("offset") on delete cascade on update cascade,
   consuming bool,
   witnesses text[],
   parent text references _exercises (event_id) on delete cascade

 create table if not exists _creates (
   event_id text primary key not null,
   contract_id text not null,
   "offset" text not null references _transactions ("offset") on delete cascade on update cascade,
   witnesses text[],
   parent text references _exercises (event_id) on delete cascade

 create table if not exists _archives (
   event_id text primary key not null,
   contract_id text not null,
   "offset" text not null references _transactions ("offset") on delete cascade on update cascade

 create table if not exists _mappings (
   daml_fqn text primary key not null,
   pg_identifier text not null unique

 create table if not exists "Alias.39p75i" (
   event_id text primary key not null references _creates (event_id) on delete cascade,
   identifier text not null,
   contract_key jsonb,
   payload jsonb not null

 create table if not exists "User.11jk59n1" (
   event_id text primary key not null references _creates (event_id) on delete cascade,
   identifier text not null,
   contract_key jsonb,
   payload jsonb not null

 create table if not exists "Archive.2gpwea" (
   event_id text primary key not null references _exercises (event_id) ondelete cascade,
   identifier text not null,
   argument jsonb not null,
   result jsonb not null

 create table if not exists "Alias_Change.11wa21n1" (
   event_id text primary key not null references _exercises (event_id) on delete cascade,
   identifier text not null,
   argument jsonb not null,
   result jsonb not null

 create table if not exists "User_Follow.11q646ez" (
   event_id text primary key not null references _exercises (event_id) on delete cascade,
   identifier text not null,
   argument jsonb not null,
   result jsonb not null

Note that the Archive table represents all Archive choices in the given namespace, such as User.Archive and Alias.Archive in the User namespace.

Operate PQS

This section discusses common tasks when operating a PQS.

Check Health

The health of the Scribe component that feeds data to the Postgres database can be monitored using the health check endpoint /livez. The health check endpoint is available at the --health-port specified when launching Scribe:

--health-port int
 HTTP port to use to expose application health info (default: 8080)
$ curl http://<host>:<health-port>/livez

Purge excessive historical ledger data

Pruning ledger data from the PQS database can reduce storage size and improve query performance by removing old data. PQS provides two approaches to prune ledger data: using the PQS CLI or using the prune_to_offset PostgreSQL function.

WARNING: Calling either the prune CLI command with --prune-mode Force or calling the PostgreSQL function prune_to_offset deletes data irrevocably.

Both pruning approaches (CLI and PostgreSQL function) share the same behavior in terms of data deletion and changes.

Active contracts are preserved under a new offset, while all other transaction-related data up to and including the target offset is deleted.

The target offset (the offset provided by --prune-target or as an argument to prune_to_offset) is the transaction with the highest offset to be deleted by the pruning operation.

Note: If the provided offset (by --prune-target or as an argument to prune_to_offset) doesn’t have a transaction record, the effective target offset is the oldest transaction offset that succeeds (is greater than) the provided offset.

When using either pruning method, the following data changes:

  • The offset of active contracts moves to the oldest known offset that succeeds the pruning target offset, which is the offset of the oldest transaction that is unaffected by the pruning operation.

The following data is deleted:

  • Transactions with offsets up to and including the target offset.
  • Events, archived contracts, and exercise payloads associated with the deleted transactions.

The following data is unaffected:

  • Transaction-related data (event, choices, or contracts) for a transaction with an offset that is greater than the effective pruning target offset.

Pruning is a destructive operation and cannot be undone. If necessary, make sure to back up your data before performing any pruning operations.

There are some constraints when using either pruning method:

  • The provided target offset must be within the bounds of the contiguous history. If the target offset is outside the bounds, an error is raised.
  • The pruning operation cannot coincide with the latest consistent checkpoint of the contiguous history. If it does, an error is raised.

Prune with PQS CLI

The PQS CLI provides a prune command to prune the ledger data up to a specified offset, timestamp, or duration.

For detailed information on all available options, please run ./scribe.jar datastore postgres-document prune --help-verbose.

To use the prune command, provide a pruning target as an argument. The pruning target can be an offset, a timestamp (ISO 8601), or a duration (ISO 8601):

$ ./scribe.jar datastore postgres-document prune --prune-target <pruning_target>

By default, the prune command performs a dry run, which means it will only display the effects of the pruning operation without actually deleting any data. To execute the pruning operation, add the --prune-mode Force option:

$ ./scribe.jar datastore postgres-document prune --prune-target <pruning_target> --prune-mode Force

Instead of providing an offset as the --prune-target, you can use a timestamp or duration as the pruning cutoff. For example, the following command prunes data older than 30 days (relative to now):

$ ./scribe.jar datastore postgres-document prune --prune-target P30D

The following example prunes data up to a specific timestamp:

$ ./scribe.jar datastore postgres-document prune --prune-target 2023-01-30T00:00:00.000Z

Prune with prune_to_offset

The prune_to_offset PostgreSQL function prunes ledger data up to a specified offset. It has the same behavior as the datastore postgres-document prune command, except it does not offer dry runs.

To use prune_to_offset, provide an offset as a text argument:

SELECT * FROM prune_to_offset('<offset>');

This function deletes transactions and updates active contracts as described earlier in this section.

To prune data up to a specific timestamp or interval, use prune_to_offset in combination with the get_offset function. For example, the following query prunes data older than 30 days:

SELECT * FROM prune_to_offset(get_offset(interval '30 days'));

Optimize PQS

This section briefly discusses optimizing a database. The topic is broad, and there are many resources available. Refer to the PostgreSQL documentation for more information.


Indexes are an important tool to make queries with (JSON) expressions perform well. Here is one example of an index:

ON contract
USING BTREE ((payload->'issuanceData'->'issueDate'->>'Some'));

In this example, the index allows comparisons on the issue date. It has the additional advantage that the results of the JSON query payload->'issuanceData'->'issueDate'->>'Some' are cached and do not have to be recomputed for every access.

PostgreSQL provides several index types, including B-tree, Hash, GiST, SP-GiST, GIN, and BRIN. Each index type uses a different algorithm that is best suited to different types of queries. The table below provides a basic explanation of where they can be used. For a more thorough understanding, consult the chapter on indexes in the PostgreSQL manual.

Index Type Comment
Hash Compact. Useful only for filters that use =.
B-tree Can be used in filters that use <, <=, =, >=, > as well as postfix string comparisons (e.g. LIKE ‘foo%’). B-trees can also speed up ORDER BY clauses and can be used to retrieve subexpressions values from the index rather than evaluating the subexpressions (i.e. when used in a SELECT clause).
GIN Useful for subset operators.
GiST, SP-GiST See manual.
BRIN Efficient for tables where rows are already physically sorted for a particular column.

psql tips

Type psql <dbname> on the command line to enter the PostgreSQL `REPL` (if in doubt, use postgres as the database name). Some useful commands are shown in the following table.

Command Description
\l List all databases.
\c db Switch to a different database.
\d List all tables in the current database.
\d table Show a table, including column types and indexes.

To create databases and users, try this:

CREATE USER the_user WITH PASSWORD 'abc123';

To later remove them, try this:

DROP USER the_user;

psql can also be used for scripting:

$ psql postgres <<END

The script continues to execute if a command fails.


Type EXPLAIN ANALYZE followed by a query in psql or similar tools to get an explanation of how the query would be executed. This is an invaluable tool to verify that a query you might want to run uses the indexes that you think it does.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM the_table;


Some of the most common troubleshooting options are discussed below.

Cannot connect to the ledger node

If the PQS cannot connect to the ledger node on startup, you see a message in the logs like the following example and the PQS terminates.

21:15:02.084 E [zio-fiber-0] Exception in thread
"zio-fiber-" io.grpc.StatusException: UNAVAILABLE: io exception
  Suppressed:$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused:
    Suppressed: Connection refused
      at java.base/ Method)
      at java.base/
      at java.base/
      at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
      at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$
      at java.base/
io.grpc.StatusException: UNAVAILABLE: io exception Connection
refused: localhost/[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:6865 Connection refused

To fix this, make sure that the participant node’s ledger API is accessible from where you are running the PQS.

Cannot connect to the PQS database

If the database is not available before the transaction stream is started, the PQS terminates and you see an error from the JDBC driver in the logs similar to the following example.

21:16:32.116 E [zio-fiber-0] Exception in thread
"zio-fiber-" org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check
that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
  at org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection(
  at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.<init>(
  at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection(
  at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(
  at java.sql/java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
  at java.sql/java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
  at zio.jdbc.shims.postgres$.$anonfun$1(postgres.scala:21)
  at zio.ZIO$.suspendSucceed$$anonfun$1(ZIO.scala:4589)
  at zio.Unsafe$.unsafe(Unsafe.scala:37)
  at zio.ZIOCompanionVersionSpecific.succeed$$anonfun$1(ZIOCompanionVersionSpecific.scala:185)
  Suppressed: Connection refused
    at java.base/ Method)
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    at org.postgresql.core.PGStream.createSocket(
    at org.postgresql.core.PGStream.<init>(
    at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.tryConnect(
    at org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection(
    at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.<init>(
    at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection(
    at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(
    at java.sql/java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
    at java.sql/java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
    at zio.jdbc.shims.postgres$.$anonfun$1(postgres.scala:21)
    at zio.ZIO$.suspendSucceed$$anonfun$1(ZIO.scala:4589)
    at zio.Unsafe$.unsafe(Unsafe.scala:37)
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that
the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections. Connection refused

To fix this, make sure that the database exists and is accessible from where you are running the PQS. Also, ensure that the database username and password are correct and that the credentials to connect to the database from the network address are set properly.

If the database connection is broken while the transaction stream is already running, you will see a similar message in the logs, but it will be repeated. The transaction stream is restarted with an exponential backoff. This gives the database, network, or any other troubled resource time to get back into shape. Once everything is in order, the stream continues without any need for manual intervention.