class InMemoryTransferStore extends TransferStore with NamedLogging
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- InMemoryTransferStore
- NamedLogging
- TransferStore
- TransferLookup
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Instance Constructors
- new InMemoryTransferStore(domain: TargetDomainId, loggerFactory: NamedLoggerFactory)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext)
Value Members
- def addTransfer(transferData: TransferData)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[Future, TransferStoreError, Unit]
Adds the transfer to the store.
Adds the transfer to the store.
Calls to this method are idempotent, independent of the order. Differences in protocol.transfer.TransferData!.transferOutResult between two calls are ignored if the field is scala.None$ in one of the calls. If applicable, the field content is merged.
- Definition Classes
- InMemoryTransferStore → TransferStore
- Exceptions thrown
if the transfer's target domain is not the domain this TransferStore belongs to.
- def addTransferOutResult(transferOutResult: DeliveredTransferOutResult)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[Future, TransferStoreError, Unit]
Adds the given com.digitalasset.canton.protocol.messages.TransferOutResult to the transfer data in the store, provided that the transfer data has previously been stored.
Adds the given com.digitalasset.canton.protocol.messages.TransferOutResult to the transfer data in the store, provided that the transfer data has previously been stored.
The same com.digitalasset.canton.protocol.messages.TransferOutResult can be added any number of times. This includes transfer-out results that are in the protocol.transfer.TransferData!.transferOutResult added with addTransfer.
- transferOutResult
The transfer-out result to add
- returns
TransferStore$.UnknownTransferId if the transfer has not previously been added with addTransfer. TransferStore$.TransferOutResultAlreadyExists if a different transfer-out result for the same transfer request has been added before, including as part of addTransfer.
- Definition Classes
- InMemoryTransferStore → TransferStore
- def addTransfersOffsets(offsets: Map[TransferId, TransferGlobalOffset])(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[FutureUnlessShutdown, TransferStoreError, Unit]
Adds the given offsets to the transfer data in the store, provided that the transfer data has previously been stored.
Adds the given offsets to the transfer data in the store, provided that the transfer data has previously been stored.
The same offset can be added any number of times.
- Definition Classes
- InMemoryTransferStore → TransferStore
- def addTransfersOffsets(events: Seq[(TransferId, TransferGlobalOffset)])(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext, traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[FutureUnlessShutdown, TransferStoreError, Unit]
Adds the given com.digitalasset.canton.participant.GlobalOffset for the transfer events to the transfer data in the store, provided that the transfer data has previously been stored.
Adds the given com.digitalasset.canton.participant.GlobalOffset for the transfer events to the transfer data in the store, provided that the transfer data has previously been stored.
The same com.digitalasset.canton.participant.GlobalOffset can be added any number of times.
- Definition Classes
- TransferStore
- def completeTransfer(transferId: TransferId, timeOfCompletion: TimeOfChange)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): CheckedT[Future, Nothing, TransferStoreError, Unit]
Marks the transfer as completed, i.e., a transfer-in request was committed.
Marks the transfer as completed, i.e., a transfer-in request was committed. If the transfer has already been completed then a TransferStore.TransferAlreadyCompleted is reported, and the com.digitalasset.canton.participant.util.TimeOfChange of the completion is not changed from the old value.
- timeOfCompletion
Provides the request counter and activeness time of the committed transfer-in request.
- Definition Classes
- InMemoryTransferStore → TransferStore
- def deleteCompletionsSince(criterionInclusive: RequestCounter)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[Unit]
Removes all completions of transfers that have been triggered by requests with at least the given counter.
Removes all completions of transfers that have been triggered by requests with at least the given counter. This method must not be called concurrently with completeTransfer, but may be called concurrently with addTransfer and addTransferOutResult.
Therefore, this method need not be linearizable w.r.t. completeTransfer. For example, if two requests
complete two transfers while deleteCompletionsSince is running for somerc <= rc1, rc2
, then there are no guarantees which of the completions ofrc1
remain.- Definition Classes
- InMemoryTransferStore → TransferStore
- def deleteTransfer(transferId: TransferId)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[Unit]
Removes the transfer from the store, when the transfer-out request is rejected or the transfer is pruned.
Removes the transfer from the store, when the transfer-out request is rejected or the transfer is pruned.
- Definition Classes
- InMemoryTransferStore → TransferStore
- def find(filterSource: Option[SourceDomainId], filterTimestamp: Option[CantonTimestamp], filterSubmitter: Option[LfPartyId], limit: Int)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[Seq[TransferData]]
Find utility to look for in-flight transfers.
Find utility to look for in-flight transfers. Queried by Results need not be consistent with lookup.
- Definition Classes
- InMemoryTransferStore → TransferLookup
- def findAfter(requestAfter: Option[(CantonTimestamp, SourceDomainId)], limit: Int)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[Seq[TransferData]]
Find utility to look for in-flight transfers.
Find utility to look for in-flight transfers. Transfers are ordered by the tuple (request timestamp, source domain ID), ie transfers are ordered by request timestamps and ties are broken with lexicographic ordering on domain IDs.
The ordering here has been chosen to allow a participant to fetch all the pending transfers. The ordering has to be consistent accross calls and uniquely identify a pending transfer, but is otherwise arbitrary.
- requestAfter
optionally, specify a strict lower bound for the transfers returned, according to the (request timestamp, source domain ID) ordering
- limit
limit the number of results
- Definition Classes
- InMemoryTransferStore → TransferLookup
- def findIncomplete(sourceDomain: Option[SourceDomainId], validAt: GlobalOffset, stakeholders: Option[NonEmpty[Set[LfPartyId]]], limit: NonNegativeInt)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): Future[Seq[IncompleteTransferData]]
Find utility to look for incomplete transfers.
Find utility to look for incomplete transfers. Transfers are ordered by global offset.
A transfer
is considered as incomplete at offsetvalidAt
if only one of the two transfer events was emitted on the multi-domain event log atvalidAt
. That is, one of the following hold:- Only transfer-out was emitted
is smaller or equal tovalidAt
is null or greater thanvalidAt
2. Only transfer-in was emittedt.transferInGlobalOffset
is smaller or equal tovalidAt
is null or greater thanvalidAt
In particular, for a transfer to be considered incomplete at
, then exactly one of the two offsets (transferOutGlobalOffset, transferInGlobalOffset) is not null and smaller or equal tovalidAt
.- sourceDomain
if empty, select only transfers whose source domain matches the given one
- validAt
select only transfers that are successfully transferred-out
- stakeholders
if non-empty, select only transfers of contracts whose set of stakeholders intersects
.- limit
limit the number of results
- Definition Classes
- InMemoryTransferStore → TransferLookup
- Only transfer-out was emitted
- def lookup(transferId: TransferId)(implicit traceContext: TraceContext): EitherT[Future, TransferLookupError, TransferData]
Looks up the given in-flight transfer and returns the data associated with the transfer.
Looks up the given in-flight transfer and returns the data associated with the transfer.
- returns
scala.Left$(TransferStore.UnknownTransferId) if the transfer is unknown; scala.Left$(TransferStore.TransferCompleted) if the transfer has already been completed.
- Definition Classes
- InMemoryTransferStore → TransferLookup