
package configuration

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class CommandClientConfiguration(maxCommandsInFlight: Int, maxParallelSubmissions: Int, defaultDeduplicationTime: Duration) extends Product with Serializable


    The maximum number of unconfirmed commands the client may track. The client will backpressure when this number is reached.


    The maximum number of parallel command submissions at a given time. The client will backpressure when this number is reached.


    The deduplication time to use for commands that do not have a deduplication time set. The deduplication time is also used as the time after which commands time out in the command client.

  2. final case class LedgerClientChannelConfiguration(sslContext: Option[SslContext], maxInboundMetadataSize: Int = GrpcUtil.DEFAULT_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE, maxInboundMessageSize: Int = LedgerClientChannelConfiguration.DefaultMaxInboundMessageSize) extends Product with Serializable


    If defined, the context will be passed on to the underlying gRPC code to ensure the communication channel is secured by TLS


    The maximum size of the response headers.


    The maximum (uncompressed) size of the response body.

  3. final case class LedgerClientConfiguration(applicationId: String, ledgerIdRequirement: LedgerIdRequirement, commandClient: CommandClientConfiguration, token: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    The string that will be used as an application identifier when issuing commands and retrieving transactions


    A LedgerIdRequirement specifying how the ledger identifier must be checked against the one returned by the LedgerIdentityService


    The CommandClientConfiguration that defines how the command client should be setup with regards to timeouts, commands in flight and command TTL


    If defined, the access token that will be passed by default, unless overridden in individual calls (mostly useful for short-lived applications)

  4. final case class LedgerIdRequirement(optionalLedgerId: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable


    The ID of the target ledger. If defined, the client will only communicate with ledgers that have the expected LedgerId. Note that this setting only affects the binding process, when the ledger ID on the server is checked.
