package config
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- final case class ActiveContractsServiceStreamsConfig(maxIdsPerIdPage: Int = ActiveContractsServiceStreamsConfig.DefaultAcsIdPageSize, maxPagesPerIdPagesBuffer: Int = ActiveContractsServiceStreamsConfig.DefaultAcsIdPageBufferSize, maxWorkingMemoryInBytesForIdPages: Int = ActiveContractsServiceStreamsConfig.DefaultAcsIdPageWorkingMemoryBytes, maxPayloadsPerPayloadsPage: Int = ActiveContractsServiceStreamsConfig.DefaultEventsPageSize, maxParallelIdCreateQueries: Int = ActiveContractsServiceStreamsConfig.DefaultAcsIdFetchingParallelism, maxParallelPayloadCreateQueries: Int = ActiveContractsServiceStreamsConfig.DefaultAcsContractFetchingParallelism, contractProcessingParallelism: Int = ActiveContractsServiceStreamsConfig.DefaultContractProcessingParallelism, maxIncompletePageSize: Int = 20) extends Product with Serializable
Ledger api active contracts service specific configurations
Ledger api active contracts service specific configurations
- maxIdsPerIdPage
Number of event ids to retrieve in a single query (a page of event ids).
- maxPagesPerIdPagesBuffer
Number of id pages to store in a buffer. There is a buffer for each decomposed filtering constraint.
- maxWorkingMemoryInBytesForIdPages
Memory for storing id pages across all id pages buffers. Per single stream.
- maxPayloadsPerPayloadsPage
Number of parallel queries that fetch payloads of create events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelIdCreateQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch ids of create events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelPayloadCreateQueries
Number of event payloads to retrieve in a single query (a page of event payloads).
- contractProcessingParallelism
The parallelism for contract processing.
- maxIncompletePageSize
The maximum size of an incomplete page. Stream is chunked up this into groups of this size.
- final case class CommandServiceConfig(defaultTrackingTimeout: NonNegativeFiniteDuration = CommandServiceConfig.DefaultDefaultTrackingTimeout, maxCommandsInFlight: Int = CommandServiceConfig.DefaultMaxCommandsInFlight) extends Product with Serializable
Configuration for the Ledger API Command Service.
Configuration for the Ledger API Command Service.
- defaultTrackingTimeout
The duration that the command service will keep tracking an active command by default. This value will be used if a timeout is not specified on a gRPC request.
- maxCommandsInFlight
Maximum number of submitted commands waiting to be completed in parallel. Commands submitted after this limit is reached will be rejected.
- final case class IndexServiceConfig(bufferedEventsProcessingParallelism: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultBufferedEventsProcessingParallelism, bufferedStreamsPageSize: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultBufferedStreamsPageSize, maxContractStateCacheSize: Long = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultMaxContractStateCacheSize, maxContractKeyStateCacheSize: Long = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultMaxContractKeyStateCacheSize, maxTransactionsInMemoryFanOutBufferSize: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultMaxTransactionsInMemoryFanOutBufferSize, apiStreamShutdownTimeout: Duration = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultApiStreamShutdownTimeout, inMemoryStateUpdaterParallelism: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultInMemoryStateUpdaterParallelism, inMemoryFanOutThreadPoolSize: Option[Int] = None, preparePackageMetadataTimeOutWarning: NonNegativeFiniteDuration = IndexServiceConfig.PreparePackageMetadataTimeOutWarning, completionsPageSize: Int = IndexServiceConfig.DefaultCompletionsPageSize, activeContractsServiceStreams: ActiveContractsServiceStreamsConfig = ActiveContractsServiceStreamsConfig.default, transactionFlatStreams: TransactionFlatStreamsConfig = TransactionFlatStreamsConfig.default, transactionTreeStreams: TransactionTreeStreamsConfig = TransactionTreeStreamsConfig.default, globalMaxEventIdQueries: Int = 20, globalMaxEventPayloadQueries: Int = 10) extends Product with Serializable
Ledger api index service specific configurations
Ledger api index service specific configurations
- bufferedEventsProcessingParallelism
parallelism for loading and decoding ledger events for populating ledger api server's internal buffers
- bufferedStreamsPageSize
the page size for streams created from ledger api server's in-memory buffers
- maxContractStateCacheSize
maximum caffeine cache size of mutable state cache of contracts
- maxContractKeyStateCacheSize
maximum caffeine cache size of mutable state cache of contract keys
- maxTransactionsInMemoryFanOutBufferSize
maximum number of transactions to hold in the "in-memory fanout" (if enabled)
- apiStreamShutdownTimeout
shutdown timeout for a graceful completion of ledger api server's streams
- inMemoryStateUpdaterParallelism
the processing parallelism of the Ledger API server in-memory state updater
- inMemoryFanOutThreadPoolSize
size of the thread-pool backing the Ledger API in-memory fan-out. If not set, defaults to ((number of thread)/4 + 1)
- preparePackageMetadataTimeOutWarning
timeout for package metadata preparation after which a warning will be logged
- completionsPageSize
database / pekko page size for batching of ledger api server index ledger completion queries
- activeContractsServiceStreams
configurations pertaining to the ledger api server's "active contracts service"
- transactionFlatStreams
configurations pertaining to the ledger api server's streams of transaction trees
- transactionTreeStreams
configurations pertaining to the ledger api server's streams of flat transactions
- globalMaxEventIdQueries
maximum number of concurrent event id queries across all stream types
- globalMaxEventPayloadQueries
maximum number of concurrent event payload queries across all stream types
- class InvalidConfigException extends RuntimeException with StartupException
- final case class PartyManagementServiceConfig(maxPartiesPageSize: PositiveInt = PartyManagementServiceConfig.DefaultMaxPartiesPageSize) extends Product with Serializable
Ledger api party management service specific configurations
Ledger api party management service specific configurations
- maxPartiesPageSize
maximum number of parties returned
- sealed trait ServerRole extends AnyRef
Used to disambiguate thread pool names.
Used to disambiguate thread pool names.
This is necessary because Hikari connection pools use the pool name when registering metrics. If we were to register two connection pools with the same names with a single metrics registry, the second would fail with an exception.
- final case class TransactionFlatStreamsConfig(maxIdsPerIdPage: Int = 20000, maxPagesPerIdPagesBuffer: Int = 1, maxWorkingMemoryInBytesForIdPages: Int = 100 * 1024 * 1024, maxPayloadsPerPayloadsPage: Int = 1000, maxParallelIdCreateQueries: Int = 4, maxParallelIdConsumingQueries: Int = 4, maxParallelIdAssignQueries: Int = 4, maxParallelIdUnassignQueries: Int = 4, maxParallelPayloadCreateQueries: Int = 2, maxParallelPayloadConsumingQueries: Int = 2, maxParallelPayloadAssignQueries: Int = 2, maxParallelPayloadUnassignQueries: Int = 2, maxParallelPayloadQueries: Int = 2, transactionsProcessingParallelism: Int = 8) extends Product with Serializable
Flat transaction streams configuration.
Flat transaction streams configuration.
- maxIdsPerIdPage
Number of event ids to retrieve in a single query (a page of event ids).
- maxPagesPerIdPagesBuffer
Number of id pages to store in a buffer. There is a buffer for each decomposed filtering constraint.
- maxWorkingMemoryInBytesForIdPages
Memory for storing id pages across all id pages buffers. Per single stream.
- maxPayloadsPerPayloadsPage
Number of event payloads to retrieve in a single query (a page of event payloads).
- maxParallelIdCreateQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch ids of create events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelIdConsumingQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch ids of consuming events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelIdAssignQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch ids of assign events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelIdUnassignQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch ids of unassign events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelPayloadCreateQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch payloads of create events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelPayloadConsumingQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch payloads of consuming events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelPayloadAssignQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch payloads of assign events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelPayloadUnassignQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch payloads of unassign events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelPayloadQueries
Upper bound on the number of parallel queries that fetch payloads. Per single stream.
- transactionsProcessingParallelism
Number of transactions to process in parallel. Per single stream.
- final case class TransactionTreeStreamsConfig(maxIdsPerIdPage: Int = 20000, maxPagesPerIdPagesBuffer: Int = 1, maxWorkingMemoryInBytesForIdPages: Int = 100 * 1024 * 1024, maxPayloadsPerPayloadsPage: Int = 1000, maxParallelIdCreateQueries: Int = 8, maxParallelIdConsumingQueries: Int = 8, maxParallelIdNonConsumingQueries: Int = 4, maxParallelIdAssignQueries: Int = 4, maxParallelIdUnassignQueries: Int = 4, maxParallelPayloadCreateQueries: Int = 2, maxParallelPayloadConsumingQueries: Int = 2, maxParallelPayloadNonConsumingQueries: Int = 2, maxParallelPayloadAssignQueries: Int = 2, maxParallelPayloadUnassignQueries: Int = 2, maxParallelPayloadQueries: Int = 2, transactionsProcessingParallelism: Int = 8) extends Product with Serializable
Transaction tree streams configuration.
Transaction tree streams configuration.
- maxIdsPerIdPage
Number of event ids to retrieve in a single query (a page of event ids).
- maxPagesPerIdPagesBuffer
Number of id pages to store in a buffer. There is a buffer for each decomposed filtering constraint.
- maxWorkingMemoryInBytesForIdPages
Memory for storing id pages across all id pages buffers. Per single stream.
- maxPayloadsPerPayloadsPage
Number of event payloads to retrieve in a single query (a page of event payloads).
- maxParallelIdCreateQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch ids of create events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelIdConsumingQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch ids of consuming events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelIdNonConsumingQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch payloads of non-consuming events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelIdAssignQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch payloads of assign events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelIdUnassignQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch payloads of unassign events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelPayloadCreateQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch payloads of create events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelPayloadConsumingQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch payloads of consuming events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelPayloadNonConsumingQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch ids of non-consuming events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelPayloadAssignQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch ids of assign events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelPayloadUnassignQueries
Number of parallel queries that fetch ids of unassign events. Per single stream.
- maxParallelPayloadQueries
Upper bound on the number of parallel queries that fetch payloads. Per single stream.
- transactionsProcessingParallelism
Number of transactions to process in parallel. Per single stream.
- final case class UserManagementServiceConfig(enabled: Boolean = true, maxCacheSize: Int = UserManagementServiceConfig.DefaultMaxCacheSize, cacheExpiryAfterWriteInSeconds: Int = UserManagementServiceConfig.DefaultCacheExpiryAfterWriteInSeconds, maxUsersPageSize: Int = UserManagementServiceConfig.DefaultMaxUsersPageSize, maxRightsPerUser: Int = UserManagementServiceConfig.DefaultMaxRightsPerUser, additionalAdminUserId: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable
Ledger api user management service specific configurations
Ledger api user management service specific configurations
- enabled
whether to enable participant user management
- maxCacheSize
maximum in-memory cache size for user management state
- cacheExpiryAfterWriteInSeconds
determines the maximum delay for propagating user management state changes
- maxUsersPageSize
maximum number of users returned
- maxRightsPerUser
maximum number of rights per user
- additionalAdminUserId
adds an extra admin
Value Members
- object ActiveContractsServiceStreamsConfig extends Serializable
- object CommandServiceConfig extends Serializable
- object IndexServiceConfig extends Serializable
- object PartyManagementServiceConfig extends Serializable
- object Readers
- object ServerRole
- object TransactionFlatStreamsConfig extends Serializable
- object TransactionTreeStreamsConfig extends Serializable
- object UserManagementServiceConfig extends Serializable