
package interning

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract class BenchmarkState extends AnyRef
    @SuppressWarnings() @State()
  2. class DomainStringIterators extends AnyRef
  3. class InitializationTimeBenchmark extends BenchmarkState
  4. trait InternizingStringInterningView extends AnyRef
  5. trait LoadStringInterningEntries extends AnyRef

    Encapsulate the dependency to load a range of string-interning-entries from persistence

  6. trait StringInterning extends AnyRef

    The facade for all supported string-interning domains

    The facade for all supported string-interning domains


    The accessors defined in this interface are thread-safe and can be used concurrently with StringInterningView.internize and StringInterningView.update.

  7. trait StringInterningAccessor[T] extends AnyRef

    The main interface for using string-interning.

    The main interface for using string-interning. Client code can use this to map between interned id-s and string-domain objects back and forth


    is the type of the string-related domain object which is interned

  8. trait StringInterningDomain[T] extends StringInterningAccessor[T]

    Composes a StringInterningAccessor for the domain-string type and an unsafe StringInterningAccessor for raw strings

    Composes a StringInterningAccessor for the domain-string type and an unsafe StringInterningAccessor for raw strings


    is the type of the string-related domain object which is interned

  9. class StringInterningView extends StringInterning with InternizingStringInterningView with UpdatingStringInterningView with NamedLogging

    This uses the prefixed raw representation internally similar to the persistence layer.

    This uses the prefixed raw representation internally similar to the persistence layer. Concurrent view usage is optimized for reading: - The single, volatile reference enables non-synchronized access from all threads, accessing persistent-immutable datastructure - On the writing side it synchronizes (this usage is anyway expected) and maintains the immutable internal datastructure

  10. class UpdateTimeBenchmark extends BenchmarkState
  11. trait UpdatingStringInterningView extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object BenchmarkState
  2. object StringInterningDomain
