The JSON API provides a significantly simpler way to interact with a ledger than the Ledger API by providing basic active contract set functionality:

  • creating contracts,
  • exercising choices on contracts,
  • querying the current active contract set, and
  • retrieving all known parties.

The goal of this API is to get your distributed ledger application up and running quickly, so we have deliberately excluded complicating concerns including, but not limited to:

  • inspecting transactions,
  • asynchronous submit/completion workflows,
  • temporal queries (e.g. active contracts as of a certain time), and

For these and other features, use the Ledger API instead.

We welcome feedback about the JSON API on our issue tracker, or on our forum.

Running the JSON API

Start a Daml Ledger

You can run the JSON API alongside any ledger exposing the gRPC Ledger API you want. If you don’t have an existing ledger, you can start an in-memory sandbox:

daml new my_project --template quickstart-java
cd my_project
daml build
daml sandbox --wall-clock-time --ledgerid MyLedger ./.daml/dist/quickstart-0.0.1.dar

Start the HTTP JSON API Service


The most basic way to start the JSON API is with the command:

daml json-api --ledger-host localhost --ledger-port 6865 --http-port 7575

This will start the JSON API on port 7575 and connect it to a ledger running on localhost:6865.


Your JSON API service should never be exposed to the internet. When running in production the JSON API should be behind a reverse proxy, such as via NGINX.

Standalone JAR

The daml json-api command is great during development since it is included with the SDK and integrates with daml start and other commands. Once you are ready to deploy your application, you can download the standalone JAR from Github releases. It is much smaller than the whole SDK and easier to deploy since it only requires a JVM but no other dependencies and no installation process. The JAR accepts exactly the same command line parameters as daml json-api, so to start the standalone JAR, you can use the following command:

java -jar http-json-1.5.0.jar --ledger-host localhost --ledger-port 6865 --http-port 7575

Replace the version number 1.5.0 by the version of the SDK you are using.

With Query Store

In production setups, you should configure the JSON API to use a PostgreSQL backend as a cache. The in-memory backend will call the ledger to fetch the entire active contract set for the templates in your query every time so it is generally not recommended to rely on this in production. Note that the PostgreSQL backend acts purely as a cache. It is safe to reinitialize the database at any time.

To enable the PostgreSQL backend you can use the --query-store-jdbc-config flag, an example of which is below.


When you use the Query Store you’ll want your first run to specify createSchema=true so that all the necessary tables are created. After the first run make sure createSchema=false so that it doesn’t attempt to create the tables again.

daml json-api --ledger-host localhost --ledger-port 6865 --http-port 7575 \
--query-store-jdbc-config "driver=org.postgresql.Driver,url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test?&ssl=true,user=postgres,password=password,createSchema=false"


The JSON API provides many other useful configuration flags, run daml json-api --help to see all of them.

Access Tokens

The JSON API essentially performs two separate tasks:

  1. It talks to the Ledger API to get data it needs to operate, for this you need to provide an access token if your Ledger requires authorization. Learn more in the Authorization docs.
  2. It accepts requests from Parties and passes them on to the Ledger API, for this each party needs to provide an access token with each request it sends to the JSON API.


By default, the Daml Sandbox does not does not require access tokens. However, you still need to provide a party-specific access token when submitting commands or queries as a party. The token will not be validated in this case but it will be decoded to extract information like the party submitting the command.

Party-specific Access Tokens

Party-specific requests, i.e., command submissions and queries, require a JWT with some additional restrictions compared to the format described in the Token Payload section here. For command submissions, actAs must contain at least one party and readAs can contain 0 or more parties. Queries require at least one party in either actAs or readAs (note that before SDK 1.7.0, every request required exactly one party and before SDK 1.8.0 actAs was limited to exactly one party). In addition to that, the application id and ledger id are mandatory. HTTP requests pass the token in a header, while WebSocket requests pass the token in a subprotocol.


While the JSON API receives the token it doesn’t validate it itself. Upon receiving a token it will pass it, and all data contained within the request, on to the Ledger API’s AuthService which will then determine if the token is valid and authorized. However, the JSON API does decode the token to extract the ledger id, application id and party so it requires that you use the JWT format documented below.

For a ledger without authorization, e.g., the default configuration of Daml Sandbox, you can use (or the JWT library of your choice) to generate your token. You can use an arbitrary secret here. The default “header” is fine. Under “Payload”, fill in:

  "": {
    "ledgerId": "MyLedger",
    "applicationId": "foobar",
    "actAs": ["Alice"]

The value of the ledgerId field has to match the ledgerId of your underlying Daml Ledger. For the Sandbox this corresponds to the --ledgerid MyLedger flag.


The value of applicationId will be used for commands submitted using that token.

The value for actAs is specified as a list and you provide it with the party that you want to use. Such as the example which uses Alice for a party. Each request can only be for one party. For example you couldn’t have actAs defined as ["Alice", "Bob"].

The party should reference an already allocated party.


As mentioned above the JSON API does not validate tokens so if your ledger runs without authorization you can use an arbitrary secret.

Then the “Encoded” box should have your token, ready for passing to the service as described in the following sections.

Alternatively, here are two tokens you can use for testing:

{"": {"ledgerId": "MyLedger", "applicationId": "HTTP-JSON-API-Gateway", "actAs": ["Alice"]}}:


{"": {"ledgerId": "MyLedger", "applicationId": "HTTP-JSON-API-Gateway", "actAs": ["Bob"]}}:

Auth via HTTP

Set HTTP header Authorization: Bearer paste-jwt-here


Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJodHRwczovL2RhbWwuY29tL2xlZGdlci1hcGkiOnsibGVkZ2VySWQiOiJNeUxlZGdlciIsImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uSWQiOiJIVFRQLUpTT04tQVBJLUdhdGV3YXkiLCJhY3RBcyI6WyJBbGljZSJdfX0.34zzF_fbWv7p60r5s1kKzwndvGdsJDX-W4Xhm4oVdpk
Auth via WebSockets

WebSocket clients support a “subprotocols” argument (sometimes simply called “protocols”); this is usually in a list form but occasionally in comma-separated form. Check documentation for your WebSocket library of choice for details.

For HTTP JSON requests, you must pass two subprotocols:

  • jwt.token.paste-jwt-here



HTTP Status Codes

The JSON API reports errors using standard HTTP status codes. It divides HTTP status codes into 3 groups indicating:

  1. success (200)
  2. failure due to a client-side problem (400, 401, 404)
  3. failure due to a server-side problem (500)

The JSON API can return one of the following HTTP status codes:

  • 200 - OK
  • 400 - Bad Request (Client Error)
  • 401 - Unauthorized, authentication required
  • 404 - Not Found
  • 500 - Internal Server Error

If a client’s HTTP GET or POST request reaches an API endpoint, the corresponding response will always contain a JSON object with a status field, either an errors or result field and an optional warnings:

    "status": <400 | 401 | 404 | 500>,
    "errors": <JSON array of strings>, | "result": <JSON object or array>,
    ["warnings": <JSON object> ]


  • status – a JSON number which matches the HTTP response status code returned in the HTTP header,
  • errors – a JSON array of strings, each string represents one error,
  • result – a JSON object or JSON array, representing one or many results,
  • warnings – an optional field with a JSON object, representing one or many warnings.

See the following blog post for more details about error handling best practices: REST API Error Codes 101.

Successful response, HTTP status: 200 OK

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "status": 200,
    "result": <JSON object>

Successful response with a warning, HTTP status: 200 OK

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "status": 200,
    "result": <JSON object>,
    "warnings": <JSON object>

Failure, HTTP status: 400 | 401 | 404 | 500

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "status": <400 | 401 | 404 | 500>,
    "errors": <JSON array of strings>


Result with JSON Object without Warnings:

{"status": 200, "result": {...}}

Result with JSON Array and Warnings:

{"status": 200, "result": [...], "warnings": {"unknownTemplateIds": ["UnknownModule:UnknownEntity"]}}

Bad Request Error:

{"status": 400, "errors": ["JSON parser error: Unexpected character 'f' at input index 27 (line 1, position 28)"]}

Bad Request Error with Warnings:

{"status":400, "errors":["Cannot resolve any template ID from request"], "warnings":{"unknownTemplateIds":["XXX:YYY","AAA:BBB"]}}

Authentication Error:

{"status": 401, "errors": ["Authentication Required"]}

Not Found Error:

{"status": 404, "errors": ["HttpMethod(POST), uri: http://localhost:7575/v1/query1"]}

Internal Server Error:

{"status": 500, "errors": ["Cannot initialize Ledger API"]}

Create a new Contract

To create an Iou contract from the Quickstart guide:

template Iou
    issuer : Party
    owner : Party
    currency : Text
    amount : Decimal
    observers : [Party]

HTTP Request

  • URL: /v1/create
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
  "templateId": "Iou:Iou",
  "payload": {
    "issuer": "Alice",
    "owner": "Alice",
    "currency": "USD",
    "amount": "999.99",
    "observers": []


  • templateId is the contract template identifier, which can be formatted as either:
    • "<package ID>:<module>:<entity>" or
    • "<module>:<entity>" if contract template can be uniquely identified by its module and entity name.
  • payload field contains contract fields as defined in the Daml template and formatted according to Daml-LF JSON Encoding.

HTTP Response

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "status": 200,
    "result": {
        "observers": [],
        "agreementText": "",
        "payload": {
            "observers": [],
            "issuer": "Alice",
            "amount": "999.99",
            "currency": "USD",
            "owner": "Alice"
        "signatories": [
        "contractId": "#124:0",
        "templateId": "11c8f3ace75868d28136adc5cfc1de265a9ee5ad73fe8f2db97510e3631096a2:Iou:Iou"


  • status field matches the HTTP response status code returned in the HTTP header,
  • result field contains created contract details. Keep in mind that templateId in the JSON API response is always fully qualified (always contains package ID).

Creating a Contract with a Command ID

When creating a new contract you may specify an optional meta field. This allows you to control the commandId used when submitting a command to the ledger.


You cannot currently use commandIds anywhere else in the JSON API, but you can use it for observing the results of its commands outside the JSON API in logs or via the Ledger API’s Command Services

  "templateId": "Iou:Iou",
  "payload": {
    "observers": [],
    "issuer": "Alice",
    "amount": "999.99",
    "currency": "USD",
    "owner": "Alice"
  "meta": {
    "commandId": "a unique ID"


  • commandId – optional field, a unique string identifying the command.

Exercise by Contract ID

The JSON command below, demonstrates how to exercise an Iou_Transfer choice on an Iou contract:

    controller owner can
      Iou_Transfer : ContractId IouTransfer
          newOwner : Party
        do create IouTransfer with iou = this; newOwner

HTTP Request

  • URL: /v1/exercise
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "templateId": "Iou:Iou",
    "contractId": "#124:0",
    "choice": "Iou_Transfer",
    "argument": {
        "newOwner": "Alice"


  • templateId – contract template identifier, same as in create request,
  • contractId – contract identifier, the value from the create response,
  • choice – Daml contract choice, that is being exercised,
  • argument – contract choice argument(s).

HTTP Response

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "status": 200,
    "result": {
        "exerciseResult": "#201:1",
        "events": [
                "archived": {
                    "contractId": "#124:0",
                    "templateId": "11c8f3ace75868d28136adc5cfc1de265a9ee5ad73fe8f2db97510e3631096a2:Iou:Iou"
                "created": {
                    "observers": [],
                    "agreementText": "",
                    "payload": {
                        "iou": {
                            "observers": [],
                            "issuer": "Alice",
                            "amount": "999.99",
                            "currency": "USD",
                            "owner": "Alice"
                        "newOwner": "Alice"
                    "signatories": [
                    "contractId": "#201:1",
                    "templateId": "11c8f3ace75868d28136adc5cfc1de265a9ee5ad73fe8f2db97510e3631096a2:Iou:IouTransfer"


  • status field matches the HTTP response status code returned in the HTTP header,

  • result field contains contract choice execution details:

    • exerciseResult field contains the return value of the exercised contract choice,
    • events contains an array of contracts that were archived and created as part of the choice execution. The array may contain: zero or many {"archived": {...}} and zero or many {"created": {...}} elements. The order of the contracts is the same as on the ledger.

Exercise by Contract Key

The JSON command below, demonstrates how to exercise the Archive choice on the Account contract with a (Party, Text) contract key defined like this:

template Account with
    owner : Party
    number : Text
    status : AccountStatus
    signatory owner
    key (owner, number) : (Party, Text)
    maintainer key._1

HTTP Request

  • URL: /v1/exercise
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "templateId": "Account:Account",
    "key": {
        "_1": "Alice",
        "_2": "abc123"
    "choice": "Archive",
    "argument": {}


  • templateId – contract template identifier, same as in create request,
  • key – contract key, formatted according to the Daml-LF JSON Encoding,
  • choice – Daml contract choice, that is being exercised,
  • argument – contract choice argument(s), empty, because Archive does not take any.

HTTP Response

Formatted similar to Exercise by Contract ID response.

Create and Exercise in the Same Transaction

This command allows creating a contract and exercising a choice on the newly created contract in the same transaction.

HTTP Request

  • URL: /v1/create-and-exercise
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
  "templateId": "Iou:Iou",
  "payload": {
    "observers": [],
    "issuer": "Alice",
    "amount": "999.99",
    "currency": "USD",
    "owner": "Alice"
  "choice": "Iou_Transfer",
  "argument": {
    "newOwner": "Bob"


  • templateId – the initial contract template identifier, in the same format as in the create request,
  • payload – the initial contract fields as defined in the Daml template and formatted according to Daml-LF JSON Encoding,
  • choice – Daml contract choice, that is being exercised,
  • argument – contract choice argument(s).

HTTP Response

Please note that the response below is for a consuming choice, so it contains:

  • created and archived events for the initial contract ("contractId": "#1:0"), which was created and archived right away when a consuming choice was exercised on it,
  • a created event for the contract that is the result of exercising the choice ("contractId": "#1:2").
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
  "result": {
    "exerciseResult": "#1:2",
    "events": [
        "created": {
          "observers": [],
          "agreementText": "",
          "payload": {
            "observers": [],
            "issuer": "Alice",
            "amount": "999.99",
            "currency": "USD",
            "owner": "Alice"
          "signatories": [
          "contractId": "#1:0",
          "templateId": "a3b788b4dc18dc060bfb82366ae6dc055b1e361d646d5cfdb1b729607e344336:Iou:Iou"
        "archived": {
          "contractId": "#1:0",
          "templateId": "a3b788b4dc18dc060bfb82366ae6dc055b1e361d646d5cfdb1b729607e344336:Iou:Iou"
        "created": {
          "observers": [
          "agreementText": "",
          "payload": {
            "iou": {
              "observers": [],
              "issuer": "Alice",
              "amount": "999.99",
              "currency": "USD",
              "owner": "Alice"
            "newOwner": "Bob"
          "signatories": [
          "contractId": "#1:2",
          "templateId": "a3b788b4dc18dc060bfb82366ae6dc055b1e361d646d5cfdb1b729607e344336:Iou:IouTransfer"
  "status": 200

Fetch Contract by Contract ID

HTTP Request

  • URL: /v1/fetch
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:

application/json body:

  "contractId": "#201:1"

Contract Not Found HTTP Response

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "status": 200,
    "result": null

Contract Found HTTP Response

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "status": 200,
    "result": {
        "observers": [],
        "agreementText": "",
        "payload": {
            "iou": {
                "observers": [],
                "issuer": "Alice",
                "amount": "999.99",
                "currency": "USD",
                "owner": "Alice"
            "newOwner": "Alice"
        "signatories": [
        "contractId": "#201:1",
        "templateId": "11c8f3ace75868d28136adc5cfc1de265a9ee5ad73fe8f2db97510e3631096a2:Iou:IouTransfer"

Fetch Contract by Key

HTTP Request

  • URL: /v1/fetch
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "templateId": "Account:Account",
    "key": {
        "_1": "Alice",
        "_2": "abc123"

Contract Not Found HTTP Response

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "status": 200,
    "result": null

Contract Found HTTP Response

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "status": 200,
    "result": {
        "observers": [],
        "agreementText": "",
        "payload": {
            "owner": "Alice",
            "number": "abc123",
            "status": {
                "tag": "Enabled",
                "value": "2020-01-01T00:00:01Z"
        "signatories": [
        "key": {
            "_1": "Alice",
            "_2": "abc123"
        "contractId": "#697:0",
        "templateId": "11c8f3ace75868d28136adc5cfc1de265a9ee5ad73fe8f2db97510e3631096a2:Account:Account"

Get all Active Contracts

List all currently active contracts for all known templates.


Retrieved contracts do not get persisted into a query store database. Query store is a search index and can be used to optimize search latency. See Start HTTP service for information on how to start JSON API service with a query store enabled.


You can only query active contracts with the /v1/query endpoint. Archived contracts (those that were archived or consumed during an exercise operation) will not be shown in the results.

HTTP Request

  • URL: /v1/query
  • Method: GET
  • Content: <EMPTY>

HTTP Response

The response is the same as for the POST method below.

Get all Active Contracts Matching a Given Query

List currently active contracts that match a given query.

HTTP Request

  • URL: /v1/query
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "templateIds": ["Iou:Iou"],
    "query": {"amount": 999.99}


  • templateIds – an array of contract template identifiers to search through,
  • query – search criteria to apply to the specified templateIds, formatted according to the Query language.

Empty HTTP Response

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "status": 200,
    "result": []

Nonempty HTTP Response

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "result": [
            "observers": [],
            "agreementText": "",
            "payload": {
                "observers": [],
                "issuer": "Alice",
                "amount": "999.99",
                "currency": "USD",
                "owner": "Alice"
            "signatories": [
            "contractId": "#52:0",
            "templateId": "b10d22d6c2f2fae41b353315cf893ed66996ecb0abe4424ea6a81576918f658a:Iou:Iou"
    "status": 200


  • result contains an array of contracts, each contract formatted according to Daml-LF JSON Encoding,
  • status matches the HTTP status code returned in the HTTP header.

Nonempty HTTP Response with Unknown Template IDs Warning

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "warnings": {
        "unknownTemplateIds": ["UnknownModule:UnknownEntity"]
    "result": [
            "observers": [],
            "agreementText": "",
            "payload": {
                "observers": [],
                "issuer": "Alice",
                "amount": "999.99",
                "currency": "USD",
                "owner": "Alice"
            "signatories": [
            "contractId": "#52:0",
            "templateId": "b10d22d6c2f2fae41b353315cf893ed66996ecb0abe4424ea6a81576918f658a:Iou:Iou"
    "status": 200

Fetch Parties by Identifiers

  • URL: /v1/parties
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
["Alice", "Bob", "Dave"]

If an empty JSON array is passed: [], this endpoint returns BadRequest(400) error:

  "status": 400,
  "errors": [
    "JsonReaderError. Cannot read JSON: <[]>. Cause: spray.json.DeserializationException: must be a list with at least 1 element"

HTTP Response

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
  "status": 200,
  "result": [
      "identifier": "Alice",
      "displayName": "Alice & Co. LLC",
      "isLocal": true
      "identifier": "Bob",
      "displayName": "Bob & Co. LLC",
      "isLocal": true
      "identifier": "Dave",
      "isLocal": true

Please note that the order of the party objects in the response is not guaranteed to match the order of the passed party identifiers.


  • identifier – a stable unique identifier of a Daml party,
  • displayName – optional human readable name associated with the party. Might not be unique,
  • isLocal – true if party is hosted by the backing participant.

Response with Unknown Parties Warning

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
  "result": [
      "identifier": "Alice",
      "displayName": "Alice & Co. LLC",
      "isLocal": true
  "warnings": {
    "unknownParties": ["Erin"]
  "status": 200

The result might be an empty JSON array if none of the requested parties is known.

Fetch All Known Parties

  • URL: /v1/parties
  • Method: GET
  • Content: <EMPTY>

HTTP Response

The response is the same as for the POST method above.

Allocate a New Party

This endpoint is a JSON API proxy for the Ledger API’s AllocatePartyRequest. For more information about party management, please refer to Provisioning Identifiers part of the Ledger API documentation.

HTTP Request

  • URL: /v1/parties/allocate
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
  "identifierHint": "Carol",
  "displayName": "Carol & Co. LLC"

Please refer to AllocateParty documentation for information about the meaning of the fields.

All fields in the request are optional, this means that an empty JSON object is a valid request to allocate a new party:


HTTP Response

  "result": {
    "identifier": "Carol",
    "displayName": "Carol & Co. LLC",
    "isLocal": true
  "status": 200

List All DALF Packages

HTTP Request

  • URL: /v1/packages
  • Method: GET
  • Content: <EMPTY>

HTTP Response

  "result": [
  "status": 200

Where result is the JSON array containing the package IDs of all loaded DALFs.

Download a DALF Package

HTTP Request

  • URL: /v1/packages/<package ID>
  • Method: GET
  • Content: <EMPTY>

Note that the desired package ID is specified in the URL.

HTTP Response, status: 200 OK

  • Transfer-Encoding: chunked
  • Content-Type: application/octet-stream
  • Content: <DALF bytes>

The content (body) of the HTTP response contains raw DALF package bytes, without any encoding. Note that the package ID specified in the URL is actually the SHA-256 hash of the downloaded DALF package and can be used to validate the integrity of the downloaded content.

HTTP Response with Error, any status different from 200 OK

Any status different from 200 OK will be in the format specified below.

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "errors": [
        "io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: NOT_FOUND"
    "status": 500

Upload a DAR File

HTTP Request

  • URL: /v1/packages
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/octet-stream
  • Content: <DAR bytes>

The content (body) of the HTTP request contains raw DAR file bytes, without any encoding.

HTTP Response, status: 200 OK

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "result": 1,
    "status": 200

HTTP Response with Error

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content:
    "errors": [
        "io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: INVALID_ARGUMENT: Invalid argument: Invalid DAR: package-upload, content: [}]"
    "status": 500

Streaming API

Two subprotocols must be passed with every request, as described in Auth via WebSockets.

JavaScript/Node.js example demonstrating how to establish Streaming API connection:

const wsProtocol = "";
const tokenPrefix = "jwt.token.";
const jwt =
const subprotocols = [`${tokenPrefix}${jwt}`, wsProtocol];

const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:7575/v1/stream/query", subprotocols);

ws.addEventListener("open", function open() {
  ws.send(JSON.stringify({templateIds: ["Iou:Iou"]}));

ws.addEventListener("message", function incoming(data) {

Please note that Streaming API does not allow multiple requests over the same WebSocket connection. The server returns an error and disconnects if second request received over the same WebSocket connection.

Error and Warning Reporting

Errors and warnings reported as part of the regular on-message flow: ws.addEventListener("message", ...).

Streaming API error messages formatted the same way as synchronous API errors.

Streaming API reports only one type of warnings – unknown template IDs, which is formatted as:

{"warnings":{"unknownTemplateIds":<JSON Array of template ID strings>>}}

Error and Warning Examples

{"warnings": {"unknownTemplateIds": ["UnknownModule:UnknownEntity"]}}

  "errors":["JsonReaderError. Cannot read JSON: <{\"templateIds\":[]}>. Cause: spray.json.DeserializationException: search requires at least one item in 'templateIds'"],

  "errors":["Multiple requests over the same WebSocket connection are not allowed."],

  "errors":["Could not resolve any template ID from request."],

Contracts Query Stream

  • URL: /v1/stream/query
  • Scheme: ws
  • Protocol: WebSocket

List currently active contracts that match a given query, with continuous updates.

application/json body must be sent first, formatted according to the Query language:

{"templateIds": ["Iou:Iou"]}

Multiple queries may be specified in an array, for overlapping or different sets of template IDs:

    {"templateIds": ["Iou:Iou"], "query": {"amount": {"%lte": 50}}},
    {"templateIds": ["Iou:Iou"], "query": {"amount": {"%gt": 50}}},
    {"templateIds": ["Iou:Iou"]}

Queries have two ways to specify an offset.

An offset, a string supplied by an earlier query output message, may optionally be specified alongside each query itself:

    {"templateIds": ["Iou:Iou"], "query": {"amount": {"%lte": 50}}},
    {"templateIds": ["Iou:Iou"], "query": {"amount": {"%gt": 50}}},
    {"templateIds": ["Iou:Iou"], "offset": "5609"}

If specified, the stream will include only contract creations and archivals after the response body that included that offset. Queries with no offset will begin with all active contracts for that query, as usual.

If an offset is specified before the queries, as a separate body, it will be used as a default offset for all queries that do not include an offset themselves:

{"offset": "4307"}

For example, if this message preceded the above 3-query example, it would be as if "4307" had been specified for the first two queries, while "5609" would be used for the third query.

The output is a series of JSON documents, each payload formatted according to Daml-LF JSON Encoding:

    "events": [{
        "created": {
            "observers": [],
            "agreementText": "",
            "payload": {
                "observers": [],
                "issuer": "Alice",
                "amount": "999.99",
                "currency": "USD",
                "owner": "Alice"
            "signatories": ["Alice"],
            "contractId": "#1:0",
            "templateId": "eb3b150383a979d6765b8570a17dd24ae8d8b63418ee5fd20df20ad2a1c13976:Iou:Iou"
        "matchedQueries": [1, 2]

where matchedQueries indicates the 0-based indices into the request list of queries that matched this contract.

Every events block following the end of contracts that existed when the request started includes an offset. The stream is guaranteed to send an offset immediately at the beginning of this “live” data, which may or may not contain any events; if it does not contain events and no events were emitted before, it may be null if there was no transaction on the ledger or a string representing the current ledger end; otherwise, it will be a string. For example, you might use it to turn off an initial “loading” indicator:

    "events": [],
    "offset": "2"


Events in the following “live” data may include events that precede this offset if an earlier per-query offset was specified.

This has been done with the intent of allowing to use per-query offset s to efficiently use a single connection to multiplex various requests. To give an example of how this would work, let’s say that there are two contract templates, A and B . Your application first queries for A s without specifying an offset. Then some client-side interaction requires the application to do the same for B s. The application can save the latest observed offset for the previous query, which let’s say is 42, and issue a new request that queries for all B s without specifying an offset and all A s from 42. While this happens on the client, a few more A s and B s are created and the new request is issued once the latest offset is 47. The response to this will contain a message with all active B s, followed by the message reporting the offset 47, followed by a stream of live updates that contains new A s starting from 42 and new B s starting from 47 .

To keep the stream alive, you’ll occasionally see messages like this, which can be safely ignored if you do not need to capture the last seen ledger offset:


where offset is the last seen ledger offset.

After submitting an Iou_Split exercise, which creates two contracts and archives the one above, the same stream will eventually produce:

    "events": [{
        "archived": {
            "contractId": "#1:0",
            "templateId": "eb3b150383a979d6765b8570a17dd24ae8d8b63418ee5fd20df20ad2a1c13976:Iou:Iou"
    }, {
        "created": {
            "observers": [],
            "agreementText": "",
            "payload": {
                "observers": [],
                "issuer": "Alice",
                "amount": "42.42",
                "currency": "USD",
                "owner": "Alice"
            "signatories": ["Alice"],
            "contractId": "#2:1",
            "templateId": "eb3b150383a979d6765b8570a17dd24ae8d8b63418ee5fd20df20ad2a1c13976:Iou:Iou"
        "matchedQueries": [0, 2]
    }, {
        "created": {
            "observers": [],
            "agreementText": "",
            "payload": {
                "observers": [],
                "issuer": "Alice",
                "amount": "957.57",
                "currency": "USD",
                "owner": "Alice"
            "signatories": ["Alice"],
            "contractId": "#2:2",
            "templateId": "eb3b150383a979d6765b8570a17dd24ae8d8b63418ee5fd20df20ad2a1c13976:Iou:Iou"
        "matchedQueries": [1, 2]
    "offset": "3"

If any template IDs are found not to resolve, the first element of the stream will report them:

{"warnings": {"unknownTemplateIds": ["UnknownModule:UnknownEntity"]}}

and the stream will continue, provided that at least one template ID resolved properly.

Aside from "created" and "archived" elements, "error" elements may appear, which contain a string describing the error. The stream will continue in these cases, rather than terminating.

Some notes on behavior:

  1. Each result array means “this is what would have changed if you just polled /v1/query iteratively.” In particular, just as polling search can “miss” contracts (as a create and archive can be paired between polls), such contracts may or may not appear in any result object.
  2. No archived ever contains a contract ID occurring within a created in the same array. So, for example, supposing you are keeping an internal map of active contracts keyed by contract ID, you can apply the created first or the archived first, forwards, backwards, or in random order, and be guaranteed to get the same results.
  3. Within a given array, if an archived and created refer to contracts with the same template ID and contract key, the archived is guaranteed to occur before the created.
  4. Except in cases of #3, within a single response array, the order of created and archived is undefined and does not imply that any element occurred “before” or “after” any other one.
  5. You will almost certainly receive contract IDs in archived that you never received a created for. These are contracts that query filtered out, but for which the server no longer is aware of that. You can safely ignore these. However, such “phantom archives” are guaranteed to represent an actual archival on the ledger, so if you are keeping a more global dataset outside the context of this specific search, you can use that archival information as you wish.

Fetch by Key Contracts Stream

  • URL: /v1/stream/fetch
  • Scheme: ws
  • Protocol: WebSocket

List currently active contracts that match one of the given {templateId, key} pairs, with continuous updates.

application/json body must be sent first, formatted according to the following rule:

    {"templateId": "<template ID 1>", "key": <key 1>},
    {"templateId": "<template ID 2>", "key": <key 2>},
    {"templateId": "<template ID N>", "key": <key N>}



    {"templateId": "Account:Account", "key": {"_1": "Alice", "_2": "abc123"}},
    {"templateId": "Account:Account", "key": {"_1": "Alice", "_2": "def345"}}

The output stream has the same format as the output from the Contracts Query Stream. We further guarantee that for every archived event appearing on the stream there has been a matching created event earlier in the stream, except in the case of missing contractIdAtOffset fields in the case described below.

You may supply optional offset s for the stream, exactly as with query streams. However, you should supply with each {templateId, key} pair a contractIdAtOffset, which is the contract ID currently associated with that pair at the point of the given offset, or null if no contract ID was associated with the pair at that offset. For example, with the above keys, if you had one "abc123" contract but no "def345" contract, you might specify:

    {"templateId": "Account:Account", "key": {"_1": "Alice", "_2": "abc123"},
     "contractIdAtOffset": "#1:0"},
    {"templateId": "Account:Account", "key": {"_1": "Alice", "_2": "def345"},
     "contractIdAtOffset": null}

If every contractIdAtOffset is specified, as is so in the example above, you will not receive any archived events for contracts created before the offset unless those contracts are identified in a contractIdAtOffset. By contrast, if any contractIdAtOffset is missing, archived event filtering will be disabled, and you will receive “phantom archives” as with query streams.

Healthcheck Endpoints

The HTTP JSON API provides two healthcheck endpoints for integration with schedulers like Kubernetes.

Liveness check

  • URL: /livez
  • Method: GET

A status code of 200 indicates a successful liveness check.

This is an unauthenticated endpoint intended to be used as a liveness probe.

Readiness check

  • URL: /readyz
  • Method: GET

A status code of 200 indicates a successful readiness check.

This is an unauthenticated endpoint intended to be used as a liveness probe. It validates both the ledger connection as well as the database connection.