

interface Factory

An interface used to generate settlement instructions.

viewtype V

  • Choice Archive

    Controller: Signatories of implementing template

    Returns: ()

    (no fields)

  • Choice GetView

    Retrieves the interface view.

    Controller: viewer

    Returns: View

    Field Type Description
    viewer Party The party retrieving the view.
  • Choice Instruct

    Generate settlement instructions, and a batch for settling them.

    Controller: instructor, consenters

    Returns: (ContractId I, [ContractId I])

    Field Type Description
    instructor Party Party instructing settlement (and the creation of the Batch and Instruction\s).
    consenters Parties Parties consenting with the Batch and Instruction\s being created.
    settlers Parties Any of the parties can trigger the final settlement.
    id Id Batch identifier.
    description Text Batch description.
    contextId Optional Id Identifier to link a batch to a context (e.g. the Effect it originated from).
    routedSteps [RoutedStep] Routed settlement steps to instruct.
    settlementTime Optional Time Settlement time (if any).
  • Method instruct : Instruct -> Update (ContractId I, [ContractId I])

    Implementation of the Instruct choice.

Data Types

type I

= Factory

Type synonym for Factory.

type V

= View

Type synonym for View.

instance HasFromAnyView Factory V

data View

View for Factory.


Field Type Description
provider Party Party providing the facility.
observers Parties Observers.

instance Eq View

instance Show View