Work with Dependencies

The application from Composing Choices is a complete and secure model for atomic swaps of assets, but there is plenty of room for improvement. However, one can’t implement all features before going live with an application so it’s important to understand how to change already running code. There are fundamentally two types of change one may want to make:

  1. Upgrades, which change existing logic. For example, one might want the Asset template to have multiple signatories.
  2. Extensions, which merely add new functionality through additional templates.

Upgrades are covered in their own section outside this introduction to Daml: Upgrading and Extending Daml Applications so in this section we will extend the Composing Choices model with a simple second workflow: a multi-leg trade. In doing so, you’ll learn about:

  • The software architecture of the Daml Stack
  • Dependencies and Data Dependencies
  • Identifiers

Since we are extending Composing Choices, the setup for this chapter is slightly more complex:

  1. In a base directory, load the Composing Choices project using daml new intro7 --template daml-intro-7. The directory intro7 here is important as it’ll be referenced by the other project we are creating.
  2. In the same directory, load this chapter’s project using daml new intro9 --template daml-intro-9.

Dependencies contains a new module Intro.Asset.MultiTrade and a corresponding test module Test.Intro.Asset.MultiTrade.

DAR, DALF, Daml-LF, and the Engine

In Composing Choices you already learnt a little about projects, Daml-LF, DAR files, and dependencies. In this chapter we will actually need to have dependencies from the current project to the Composing Choices project so it’s time to learn a little more about all this.

Let’s have a look inside the DAR file of Composing Choices. DAR files, like Java JAR files, are just ZIP archives, but the SDK also has a utility to inspect DARs out of the box:

  1. Navigate into the intro7 directory.
  2. Build using daml build -o assets.dar
  3. Run daml damlc inspect-dar assets.dar

You’ll get a whole lot of output. Under the header “DAR archive contains the following files:” you’ll see that the DAR contains:

  1. *.dalf files for the project and all its dependencies
  2. The original Daml source code
  3. *.hi and *.hie files for each *.daml file
  4. Some meta-inf and config files

The first file is something like intro7-1.0.0-887056cbb313b94ab9a6caf34f7fe4fbfe19cb0c861e50d1594c665567ab7625.dalf which is the actual compiled package for the project. *.dalf files contain Daml-LF, which is Daml’s intermediate language. The file contents are a binary encoded protobuf message from the daml-lf schema. Daml-LF is evaluated on the Ledger by the Daml Engine, which is a JVM component that is part of tools like the IDE’s Script runner, the Sandbox, or proper production ledgers. If Daml-LF is to Daml what Java Bytecode is to Java, the Daml Engine is to Daml what the JVM is to Java.

Hashes and Identifiers

Under the heading “DAR archive contains the following packages:” you get a similar looking list of package names, paired with only the long random string repeated. That hexadecimal string, 887056cbb313b94ab9a6caf34f7fe4fbfe19cb0c861e50d1594c665567ab7625 in this case, is the package hash and the primary and only identifier for a package that’s guaranteed to be available and preserved. Meta information like name (“intro7”) and version (“1.0.0”) help make it human readable but should not be relied upon. You may not always get DAR files from your compiler, but be loading them from a running Ledger, or get them from an artifact repository.

We can see this in action. When a DAR file gets deployed to a ledger, not all meta information is preserved.

  1. Note down your main package hash from running inspect-dar above
  2. Start the project using daml start
  3. Open a second terminal and run daml ledger fetch-dar --host localhost --port 6865 --main-package-id "887056cbb313b94ab9a6caf34f7fe4fbfe19cb0c861e50d1594c665567ab7625" -o assets_ledger.dar, making sure to replace the hash with the appropriate one.
  4. Run daml damlc inspect-dar assets_ledger.dar

You’ll notice two things. Firstly, a lot of the dependencies have lost their names, they are now only identifiable by hash. We could of course also create a second project intro7-1.0.0 with completely different contents so even when name and version are available, package hash is the only safe identifier.

That is why over the Ledger API, all types, like templates and records are identified by the triple (entity name, module name, package hash) which refers to the version of the package that was used to create them. Your client application should know the package hashes it wants to interact with. To aid that, inspect-dar also provides a machine-readable format for the information it emits: daml damlc inspect-dar --json assets_ledger.dar. The main_package_id field in the resulting JSON payload is the package hash of our project.

Starting with 2.10, client applications can interact with packages via their package name, a human-readable name defined in the daml.yaml. The participant guarantees that all packages referring to the same package name are backward- and forward-compatible, such that an application does not have to be upgraded every time if the package is upgraded. This functionality is only available when smart contract upgrading (SCU) is enabled.

In the downloaded data, observe that all the *.daml, *.hi and *.hie files are gone. This brings us to data dependencies.

Dependencies and Data Dependencies

Dependencies under the daml.yaml dependencies group rely on the *.hi files. The information in these files is crucial for dependencies like the Standard Library, which provide functions, types and typeclasses.

However, as you can see above, this information isn’t preserved. Furthermore, preserving this information may not even be desirable. Imagine we had built intro7 with SDK 1.100.0, and are building intro9 with SDK 1.101.0. All the typeclasses and instances on the inbuilt types may have changed and are now present twice – once from the current SDK and once from the dependency. This gets messy fast, which is why the SDK does not support dependencies across SDK versions. For dependencies on contract models that were fetched from a ledger, or come from an older SDK version, there is a simpler kind of dependency called data-dependencies. The syntax for data-dependencies is the same, but they only rely on the “binary” *.dalf files. The name tries to confer that the main purpose of such dependencies is to handle data: Records, Choices, Templates. The stuff one needs to use contract composability across projects.

For an extension model like this one, data-dependencies are appropriate, so the current project includes Composing Choices that way:

  - ../intro7/assets.dar

You’ll notice a module Test.Intro.Asset.TradeSetup, which is almost a carbon copy of the Composing Choices trade setup Scripts. data-dependencies is designed to use existing contracts and data types. Daml Script is not imported. In practice, we also shouldn’t expect that the DAR file we download from the ledger using daml ledger fetch-dar contains test scripts. For larger projects it’s good practice to keep them separate and only deploy templates to the ledger.

Structuring Projects

As you’ve seen here, identifiers depend on the package as a whole and packages always bring all their dependencies with them. Thus changing anything in a complex dependency graph can have significant repercussions. It is therefore advisable to keep dependency graphs simple, and to separate concerns which are likely to change at different rates into separate packages.

For example, in all our projects in this intro, including this chapter, our scripts are in the same project as our templates. In practice, that means changing a test changes all identifiers, which is not desirable. It’s better for maintainability to separate tests from main templates. If we had done that in Composing Choices, that would also have saved us from copying Composing Choices.

Similarly, we included Trade in the same project as Asset in Composing Choices, even though Trade is a pure extension to the core Asset model. If we expect Trade to need more frequent changes, it may be a good idea to split it out into a separate project from the start.

Building Multiple Packages

Splitting a project into multiple independent packages, one per audience, is a common and recommended strategy. A Daml package represents an interface to a multi-party workflow, which often has different concerns for different parties.More generally, smaller interfaces are easier to use, maintain and upgrade, and can also be beneficial to improve the build times of a project. An example setup would be to split an application into onboarding.dar, asset.dar, trading.dar and internal-worfklows.dar, and only share the DARs with the clients on a need-to-know basis. This allows to evolve the internal workflows quickly, without having to coordinate upgrades with the clients, who has to upload and vet any new package that you release.

Therefore, projects can be broken up into multiple packages, each with its own concerns, but managed together in a single project, which compiles the dependencies whenever necessary. This covered in the separate section on how to build multiple packages.

Next Up

The MultiTrade model has more complex control flow and data handling than previous models. In Functional Programming 101 you’ll learn how to write more advanced logic: control flow, folds, common typeclasses, custom functions, and the Standard Library. We’ll be using the same projects so don’t delete your folders just yet.