package manager
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- class DomainManagerBootstrap extends CantonNodeBootstrapBase[DomainManagerNode, DomainBaseConfig, DomainManagerNodeParameters] with DomainTopologyManagerIdentityInitialization[StoredDomainMangerNodeSettings]
Startup / Bootstrapping class for domain manager
- class DomainManagerNode extends CantonNode with NamedLogging with HasUptime with NoTracing
A domain manager in the system.
A domain manager in the system.
The domain manager offers: - identity providing service. - distributed domain bootstrapping.
- case class DomainManagerNodeParameters(general: General, protocol: Protocol) extends CantonNodeParameters with HasGeneralCantonNodeParameters with HasProtocolCantonNodeParameters with Product with Serializable
Parameters used by domain managers nodes
Parameters used by domain managers nodes
We "merge" parameters that are valid for all nodes (i.e. canton.parameters) and the node specific parameters together into this class.
- general
the node parameters required by the base class
- protocol
related parameters which are configured differently (not all nodes have the same set of parameters)
- class DomainManagerReplicaManager extends ReplicaManager
Manages replicas of a single Domain Manager instance.
Manages replicas of a single Domain Manager instance. Passive instances are currently entirely passive and have no components running at runtime. When becoming active a DomainManagerRuntime is started and connected to the admin services. When becoming passive the running DomainManagerRuntime is shutdown and the admin services are disconnected.
If the admin services are called while passive every method will return an unavailable response.
- class DomainManagerReplicaManagerException extends RuntimeException
An unexpected error occurred while transitioning between replica states
- trait DomainManagerRuntime extends FlagCloseable
Domain manager component and its supporting services
- trait DomainManagerRuntimeFactory extends AnyRef
- class EnterpriseDomainManagerRuntimeFactory extends DomainManagerRuntimeFactory with NamedLogging
Value Members
- object DomainManagerBootstrap