package service
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- class GrpcSequencerConnectionService extends EnterpriseSequencerConnectionService
- class HandshakeValidator extends NamedLogging
Class that is used to verify that a generic server and a generic client support the same protocol version.
Class that is used to verify that a generic server and a generic client support the same protocol version. In practice, this class is used for all handshakes (e.g. the participant-domain one) except the sequencer client-sequencer handshake.
- case class ServiceAgreementAcceptance(agreementId: ServiceAgreementId, participantId: ParticipantId, signature: Signature, timestamp: CantonTimestamp) extends Product with Serializable
- class ServiceAgreementManager extends NamedLogging
Manages the agreement of the participants of the Terms of Service.
- sealed trait ServiceAgreementManagerError extends AnyRef
Value Members
- object GrpcSequencerConnectionService
- object ServiceAgreementAcceptance extends Serializable
- object ServiceAgreementManager
- object ServiceAgreementManagerError