
package service

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package grpc
  2. package store

Type Members

  1. class GrpcSequencerConnectionService extends EnterpriseSequencerConnectionService
  2. class HandshakeValidator extends NamedLogging

    Class that is used to verify that a generic server and a generic client support the same protocol version.

    Class that is used to verify that a generic server and a generic client support the same protocol version. In practice, this class is used for all handshakes (e.g. the participant-domain one) except the sequencer client-sequencer handshake.

  3. case class ServiceAgreementAcceptance(agreementId: ServiceAgreementId, participantId: ParticipantId, signature: Signature, timestamp: CantonTimestamp) extends Product with Serializable
  4. class ServiceAgreementManager extends NamedLogging

    Manages the agreement of the participants of the Terms of Service.

  5. sealed trait ServiceAgreementManagerError extends AnyRef
