
Cryptographic Key Usage

This section covers the generation and usage of cryptographic keys in the Canton nodes. It assumes that the configuration sets auto-init = true which leads to the generation of the default keys on a node’s startup.

The scope of cryptographic keys covers all Canton-protocol specific keys, private keys for TLS, as well as additional keys required for the domain integrations, e.g., with Besu.

Supported Cryptographic Schemes in Canton

Within Canton we use the cryptographic primitives of signing, symmetric and asymmetric encryption, and MAC with the following supported schemes (D = default, S = supported, P = partially supported for instance just signature verification but no signing with a private key, and / = not supported):

Crypto Provider Tink JCE KMS
Ed25519 D D P
Symmetric Encryption
Asymmetric Encryption
ECIES on P-256 with HMAC-SHA256 and AES128-GCM D D /
ECIES on P-256 with HMAC-SHA256 and AES128-CBC / S /
RSA 2048 with OAEP using SHA-256 / S D
HMAC with SHA-256 D D D

Key Generation and Storage

Keys can either be generated in the node and stored in the node’s primary storage or generated and stored by an external key management system (KMS). We currently support a version of Canton that can use a KMS to either: (a) protect Canton’s private keys at rest or (b) generate and store the private keys itself. This version is available only as part of Daml Enterprise.

You can find more background information on this key management feature in Secure Cryptographic Private Key Storage. See Protect Private Keys With Envelope Encryption and a Key Management Service if you wish to know how Canton can protect private keys whilst they remain internally stored in Canton using a KMS, or Externalize Private Keys With a Key Management Service for more details on how Canton can enable private keys to be generated and stored by an external KMS.

The following section Key Management Service Setup describes how to enable KMS support in Canton and how to setup each of these two modes of operation.

Public Key Distribution using Topology Management

The public keys of the corresponding key pairs that are used for signing and asymmetric encryption within Canton are distributed using Canton’s Topology Management. Specifically, signing and asymmetric encryption public keys are distributed using OwnerToKeyMapping transactions, which associate a node with a public key for either signing or encryption, and NamespaceDelegation for namespace signing public keys.

See Topology Transactions for details on the specific topology transactions in use.

Common Node Keys

Each node provides an Admin API for administrative purposes, which is secured using TLS.

The node reads the private key for the TLS server certificate from a file at startup.

Participant Node Keys

Participant Namespace Signing Key

A Canton participant node spans its own identity namespace, for instance for its own id and the Daml parties allocated on the participant node. The namespace is the hash of the public key of the participant namespace signing key.

The private key is used to sign and thereby authorize all topology transactions for this namespace and this participant, including the following transactions:

  • Root NamespaceDelegation for the new identity namespace of the participant
  • OwnerToKeyMapping for all the public keys that the participant will generate and use (these keys will be explained in the follow-up sections)
  • PartyToParticipant for the parties allocated on this participant
  • VettedPackages for the packages that have been vetted by this participant

Signing Key

In addition to the topology signing key, a participant node will generate another signing key pair that is used for the Canton transaction protocol in the following cases:

  • Sequencer Authentication: Signing the nonce generated by the sequencer as part of its challenge-response authentication protocol. The sequencer verifies the signature with the public key registered for the member in the topology state.
  • Transaction Protocol - The Merkle tree root hash of confirmation requests is signed for a top-level view. - The confirmation responses sent to the mediator are signed as a whole. - The Merkle tree root hash of transfer-in and transfer-out messages is signed.
  • Pruning: Signing of ACS commitments.

Participant Encryption Key

In addition to a signing key pair, a participant node also generates a key pair for encryption based on an asymmetric encryption scheme. A transaction payload is encrypted for a recipient based on the recipient’s public encryption key that is part of the topology state.

See the next section on how a transaction is encrypted using an ephemeral symmetric key.

View Encryption Key

A transaction is composed of multiple views due to sub-transaction privacy. Instead of duplicating each view by directly encrypting the view for each recipient using their participant encryption public key, Canton derives a symmetric key for each view to encrypt that view. The key is derived using a HKDF from a secure seed that is only stored encrypted under the public encryption key of a participants. Thereby, only the encrypted seed is duplicated but not a view.

Ledger API TLS Key

The private key for the TLS server certificate is provided as a file, which can optionally be encrypted and the symmetric decryption key is fetched from a given URL.

Domain Topology Manager Keys

Domain Namespace Signing Key

The domain topology manager governs the namespace of the domain and has a signing key pair for the namespace. The hash of the public key forms the namespace and all entities in the domain (mediator, sequencer, the topology manager itself) may have identities under the domain namespace.

The domain topology manager signs and thereby authorizes the following topology transactions:

  • NamespaceDelegation to register the namespace public key for the new namespace
  • OwnerToKeyMapping to register both its own signing public key (see next section) and the signing public keys of the other domain entities as part of the domain onboarding
  • ParticipantState to enable a new participant on the domain
  • MediatorDomainState to enable a new mediator on the domain

Signing Key

The domain topology manager is not part of the Canton transaction protocol, but it receives topology transactions via the sequencer. Therefore, in addition to the domain namespace, the domain topology manager has a signing key pair, which is registered in the topology state for the topology manager. This signing key is used to perform the challenge-response protocol of the sequencer.

Sequencer Node Keys

Signing Key

The sequencer has a signing key pair that is used to sign all events the sequencer sends to a subscriber.

Ethereum Sequencer

The Ethereum-based sequencer is a client of a Besu node and additional keys are used in this deployment:

  • TLS client certificate and private key to authenticate towards a Besu node if mutual authentication is configured.
  • A Wallet (in BIP-39 or UTC / JSON format), which contains or will result in a signing key pair for Ethereum transactions.

Fabric Sequencer

The Fabric-based sequencer is a Fabric application connecting to an organization’s peer node and the following additional keys are required:

  • TLS client certificate and private key to authenticate towards a Fabric peer node if mutual authentication is required.
  • The client identity’s certificate and private key.

Public API TLS Key

The private key for the TLS server certificate is provided as a file.

Mediator Node Keys

Signing Key

The mediator node is part of the Canton transaction protocol and uses a signing key pair for the following:

  • Sequencer Authentication: Signing of the challenge as part of the sequencer challenge-response protocol.
  • Signing of transaction results, transfer results, and rejections of malformed mediator requests.

Domain Node Keys

The domain node embeds a sequencer, mediator, and domain topology manager. The set of keys remains the same as for the individual nodes.

Canton Console Keys

When the Canton console runs separate from the node and mutual authentication is configured on the Admin API, then the console requires a TLS client certificate and corresponding private key as a file.

Cryptographic Key Management

Rotating Canton Node Keys

Canton supports rotation of node keys (signing and encryption) during live operation through its topology management. In order to ensure continuous operation, the new key is added first and then the previous key is removed.

For participant nodes, domain nodes, and domain topology managers, the nodes can rotate their keys directly using their own identity manager with the following command for example:


On a participant node both the signing and encryption key pairs are rotated. On a domain and domain manager node only the signing key pair, because they do not have a encryption key pair. Identity namespace root or intermediate keys are not rotated with this command, see below for commands on namespace key management.

For sequencer and mediator nodes that are part of a domain, the domain topology manager authorizes the key rotation and a reference needs to be passed in to the command, for example:


We can also individually rotate a key by running the following command for example:


A fingerprint of a key can be retrieved from the list of public keys:


Namespace Intermediate Key Management

Relying on the namespace root key to authorize topology transactions for the namespace is problematic because we cannot rotate the root key without losing the namespace. Instead we can create intermediate keys for the namespace, similar to an intermediate certificate authority, in the following way:

// create a new namespace intermediate key
val intermediateKey = identityManager.keys.secret.generate_signing_key()

// Create a namespace delegation for the intermediate key with the namespace root key

We can rotate an intermediate key by creating a new one and renewing the existing topology transactions that have been authorized with the previous intermediate key. First the new intermediate key has to be created in the same way as the initial intermediate key. To rotate the intermediate key and renew existing topology transactions:

// Renew all active topology transactions that have been authorized by the previous intermediate key with the new intermediate key
identityManager.topology.all.renew(intermediateKey.fingerprint, newIntermediateKey.fingerprint)

// Remove the previous intermediate key

Moving the Namespace Secret Key to Offline Storage

An identity is ultimately bound to a particular secret key. Owning that secret key gives full authority over the entire namespace. From a security standpoint, it is therefore critical to keep the namespace secret key confidential. This can be achieved by moving the key off the node for offline storage. The identity management system can still be used by creating a new key and an appropriate intermediate certificate. The following steps illustrate how:

// fingerprint of namespace giving key
val participantId =
val namespace = participantId.uid.namespace.fingerprint

// create new key
val name = "new-identity-key"
val fingerprint = participant1.keys.secret.generate_signing_key(name = name).fingerprint

// create an intermediate certificate authority through a namespace delegation
// we do this by adding a new namespace delegation for the newly generated key
// and we sign this using the root namespace key
  signedBy = Some(namespace),

// export namespace key to file for offline storage, in this example, it's a temporary file
better.files.File.usingTemporaryFile("namespace", ".key") { privateKeyFile =>
  participant1.keys.secret.download_to(namespace, privateKeyFile.toString)

  // delete namespace key (very dangerous ...)
  participant1.keys.secret.delete(namespace, force = true)

When the root namespace key is required, it can be imported again on the original node or on another, using the following steps:

// import it back wherever needed
other.keys.secret.upload(privateKeyFile.toString, Some("newly-imported-identity-key"))

Identifier Delegation Key Management

Identifier delegations work similar to namespace delegations, however a key is only allowed to operate on a specific identity and not an entire namespace (cf. Topology Transactions).

Therefore the key management for identifier delegations also works the same way as for namespace delegations, where all the topology transactions authorized by the previous identifier delegation key have to be renewed.

Key Management Service Setup


This feature is only available in Canton Enterprise

Canton supports using a Key Management Service (KMS) to increase security of stored private keys.

The first way to do this is by (1) storing Canton’s private keys in a node’s database in an encrypted form and then (2) upon startup the KMS decrypts these keys for use by Canton. The unencrypted keys are stored in memory so this approach increases security without impacting performance. This is a common approach used by KMS vendors; using a symmetric encryption key, called the KMS wrapper key, to encrypt and decrypt the stored, private keys.

The second way is to directly use a KMS to generate and store Canton’s private keys and then use its API to securely sign an decrypt messages. A Canton node still stores the corresponding public keys in its stores so that it can verify signatures and encrypt messages without having to rely on the KMS.

The KMS integration is currently enabled for Amazon Web Services (AWS) KMS and Google Cloud Provider (GCP) KMS in Canton Enterprise.

Running Canton with a KMS

KMS support can be enabled for a new installation (i.e., during the node bootstrap) or for an existing deployment. When the KMS is enabled after a node has been running, the keys are (a) encrypted and stored in this encrypted form in the Canton node’s database, or (b) transparently replaced by external KMS keys. For scenario (a) this process is done transparently, while in (b) a node needs to be migrated if the key schemes being used do not match the current supported keys for KMS.


In scenario (a), the KMS keys used to encrypt the private keys need to live as long as the Canton database backups, so care must be taken when deleting database backup files or KMS keys. Otherwise, a Canton node restored from a database backup may try to decrypt the private keys with a KMS wrapper key that was previously deleted.

Canton Configuration of a KMS

Like other Canton capabilities, KMS integration is enabled within a Canton node’s configuration file. A KMS for AWS or GCP is configured in the following way:

  • type specifies which KMS to use.
canton.participants.participant1.crypto.kms {
	type = aws
	region = us-east-1
	multi-region-key = false # optional, default is false
	audit-logging = false # optional, default is false

Specific to AWS:

  • region specifies which region the AWS KMS is bound to.
  • multi-region-key flag enables the replication of keys generated by the KMS. With replication turned on, the operator can replicate a key from one region to another (Note: replication of a key is not done automatically by Canton) and change the region configured in Canton at a later point in time without any other key rotation required. The standard single-region approach is applicable for most scenarios.
canton.participants.participant2.crypto.gcp {
    type = gcp
    location-id = us-east1,
    project-id = gcp-kms-testing,
    keyRing-id = canton-test-keys-2023,

Specific to GCP:

  • location-id specifies which region the GCP KMS is bound to.
  • project-id specifies which project are we binding to.
  • keyRingId specifies the keyring to use. Contrary to AWS, multi region keys are enabled for an entire keyring. Therefore, the KMS operator is responsible for setting the keyring correctly depending on the systems’ needs.

Configure AWS Credentials and Permissions

When using a KMS to envelope encrypt the private keys stored in Canton, it needs to be configured with the following list of authorized actions (i.e. IAM permissions):

kms:CreateKey cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.create
kms:TagResource -
kms:Encrypt cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.useToEncrypt
kms:Decrypt cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.useToDecrypt
kms:DescribeKey cloudkms.cryptoKeys.get

When we rely on a KMS to generate, store, and manage the necessary private keys, it must be configured with the following list of authorized actions:

kms:CreateKey cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.create
kms:TagResource -
kms:Decrypt cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.useToDecrypt
kms:Sign cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.useToEncrypt
kms:DescribeKey cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.useToSign
kms:GetPublicKey cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.viewPublicKey

If you plan to use cross-account key usage then the permission for key rotation in Canton, namely kms:CreateKey, does not have to be configured as it does not apply in that use case.

To make the API calls to the AWS KMS, Canton uses the standard AWS credential access. For example, the standard environment variables of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY can be used. Alternatively, you can specify an AWS profile file (e.g. use a temporary access profile credentials - sts).

For GCP, Canton uses a GCP service account. For example, the standard environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS can be used after setting up a local Application Default Credentials (ADC) file for our service account.

The protection and rotation of the credentials for AWS or GCP are the responsibility of the node operator.

Canton Configuration for Encrypted Private Key Storage

In the example below the encrypted private key storage integration is enabled for a participant node (called participant1). The same applies for any other node, such as a sync domain manager, a mediator, or a sequencer.

The most important setting that enables an encrypted private key storage using a KMS is ‘’type = kms’’. This is shown below. If this is not specified, Canton stores the keys using its default approach, which is in unencrypted form.

canton.participants.participant1.crypto.private-key-store.encryption.type = kms

There are two ways to choose the KMS wrapper key: (1) use an already existing KMS key or; (2) let Canton generate one. To use an already existing KMS key, you must specify its identifier. For example, for AWS KMS this can be one of the following:

  • Key id: “1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab”
  • Key ARN (Amazon Resource Name): “arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab”
  • Key alias: “alias/test-key”

Please be aware that an AWS KMS key needs to be configured with the following settings:

Similarly, for GCP KMS we can use:

  • Key name: test-key
  • Key RN (Resource Name): projects/gcp-kms-testing/locations/us-east1/keyRings/canton-test-keys/cryptoKeys/test-key/cryptoKeyVersions/1

And your key needs to be configured with the following settings:

If no wrapper-key-id is specified, Canton creates a symmetric key in the KMS. After subsequent restarts the operator does not need to specify the identifier for the newly created key; Canton stores the generated wrapper key id in the database.

An example with a pre-defined AWS KMS key is shown below:

canton.participants.participant1.crypto.private-key-store.encryption.wrapper-key-id = alias/canton-kms-test-key

An example configuration that puts it all together is below:

canton.participants.participant1.crypto.private-key-store.encryption.type = kms
canton.participants.participant1.crypto.private-key-store.encryption.wrapper-key-id = alias/canton-kms-test-key
canton.participants.participant1.crypto.kms {
	type = aws
	region = us-east-1
	multi-region-key = false

Revert Encrypted Private Key Storage

If you wish to change the encrypted private key store and revert back to using an unencrypted store, you must restart the nodes with an updated configuration that includes

canton.participants.participant1.crypto.private-key-store.encryption.reverted = true # default is false


We strongly advise against this as it will force Canton to decrypt its private keys and store them in clear.

For subsequent restarts we recommend deleting all encrypted private key store configurations including the KMS store. We have forced the manual configuration of the reverted flag to prevent any unwanted decryption of the database (e.g. by unintentionally deleting the KMS configuration).

Manual wrapper key rotation

Currently AWS and GCP offer automatic KMS symmetric key rotation (yearly for AWS and user-defined for GCP). Canton extends this by enabling node administrators to manually rotate the KMS wrapper key using the following command:


You can optionally pass a wrapper key id to change to or let Canton generate a new key based on the current KMS configuration.


Changing the key specification (e.g. enable multi region) during rotation is for now only possible with AWS, by updating the configuration before rotating the wrapper key.

Canton Configuration for External Key Storage and Usage

In the example below, we configure a Canton participant node (called participant1) to generate and store private keys in an external KMS. Besides the previously presented KMS configuration (in this example we use AWS, but GCP is set similarly) you only need to specify the correct crypto provider kms and ensure that the remaining nodes, in particular the connected domain, runs with the correct schemes: = jce = [ ec-dsa-p-256 ] = [ rsa-2048-oaep-sha-256 ]

canton.participants.participant1.crypto.provider = kms
canton.participants.participant1.crypto.kms {
	type = aws
	region = us-east-1
	multi-region-key = false # optional, default is false

Therefore, a node running with a kms provider is only ever able to communicate with other nodes running a kms or jce providers. Furthermore, the nodes have to be explicitly configured to use the KMS supported algorithms as the required algorithms.

AWS and GCP KMSs only support the following cryptographic schemes.


You cannot mix an external private key storage configuration with an encrypted private key storage configuration. Currently if a node starts with a KMS as its provider it can no longer be reverted without a full reset of the node (i.e., re-generation of node identity and all keys).

Setup with Pre-Generated Keys

In the previous example, Canton creates its own keys on startup and initializes the identity of the nodes automatically. If the keys have already been generated in the KMS, we need to manually initialize the identity of the nodes by adding the following flag in the config:

<node> = false

We then need to register the keys in Canton by running the key registration command on each node. For example for a participant we would run:


where xyzKmsKeyId is the KMS identifier for a specific key (e.g. KMS Key RN). If we are using, for example, AWS cross account keys be aware that using the key id is not enough and we are required to register the key using its ARN.

Finally, we need to initialize our domain and participants using the previously registered keys.

Participant Node Migration to KMS Crypto Provider

To migrate an existing participant node connected to a domain with a non KMS-compatible provider and start using KMS external keys, we need to manually execute the following steps. The general idea is to replicate the old node into a new one that uses a KMS provider and connects to a KMS-compatible domain (e.g. running JCE with KMS supported encryption and signing keys).

First, we need to delegate the namespace of the old participant to the new participant:

val namespaceNew = participantNew.uid.namespace.fingerprint
val namespaceOld = participantOld.uid.namespace.fingerprint

val rootNamespaceDelegationOld = participantOld.topology.namespace_delegations
  .list(filterNamespace = namespaceOld.toProtoPrimitive)

val namespaceKeyNew =
participantOld.keys.public.upload(namespaceKeyNew, Some("pNew-namespace-key"))

// Delegate namespace of old participant to new participant
val delegation = participantOld.topology.namespace_delegations.authorize(
  ops = TopologyChangeOp.Add,
  namespace = namespaceOld,
  authorizedKey = namespaceNew,


Secondly, we must recreate all parties of the old participant in the new participant:

val parties = participantOld.parties.list().map(

// Disconnect from new KMS-compatible domain to prepare migration of parties and contracts

parties.foreach { party =>
    .authorize(ops = TopologyChangeOp.Add, party = party, participant =

Finally, we need to transfer the active contracts of all the parties from the old participant to the new one and connect to the new domain:

val parties = participantOld.parties.list().map(

// Make sure domain and the old participant are quiet before exporting ACS"acme")

File.usingTemporaryFile("participantOld-acs", suffix = ".txt") { acsFile =>
  val acsFileName = acsFile.toString

  // Export from old participant
    parties = parties.toSet,
    outputFile = acsFileName,
    contractDomainRenames = Map(kmsDomainId -> newDomainId),

  // Import to new participant

// Kill/stop the old participant

// Connect the new participant to a new domain"da")

The end result is a new participant node with its keys stored and managed by a KMS connected to a domain that is able to communicate using the appropriate key schemes.

Manual KMS key rotation

Canton keys can still be manually rotated even if they are externally stored in a KMS. To do that we can use the same standard rotate key commands or, if we already have a KMS key to rotate to, run the following command:

val newSigningKey = participant1.keys.secret

Neither AWS or GCP offer automatic rotation of asymmetric keys so, unlike the wrapper key rotation, the node operator needs to be responsible for periodically rotating these keys.


AWS and GCP provide tools to monitor KMS keys. For AWS to set automatic external logging, refer to the AWS official documentation. This includes instructions on how to set AWS Cloud Trail or Cloud Watch Alarms to keep track of usage of KMS keys or of performed crypto operations. For GCP you can refer to the GCP official documentation for information on logging. Errors resulting from the use of KMS keys are logged in Canton.


For further auditability, Canton can be configured to log every call made to the AWS KMS. To enable this feature, set the audit-logging field of the KMS configuration to true. By default, when using a file-based logging configuration, such logs will be written into the main canton log file. To write them to a dedicated log file, set the KMS_LOG_FILE_NAME environment variable or --kms-log-file-name CLI flag to the path of the file. These and other parameters can be configured using environment variables or CLI flags:

KMS logging configuration
Environment variable CLI Flag Purpose Default
KMS_LOG_FILE_NAME –kms-log-file-name Path to a dedicated KMS log file not set
KMS_LOG_IMMEDIATE_FLUSH –kms-log-immediate-flush When true, logs will be immediately flushed to the KMS log file true
KMS_LOG_FILE_ROLLING_PATTERN –kms-log-file-rolling-pattern Pattern to use when using the rolling file strategy to roll KMS log files yyyy-MM-dd
KMS_LOG_FILE_HISTORY –kms-log-file-history Maximum number of KMS log files to keep when using the rolling file strategy 0 (i.e. no limit)

Sample of an AWS KMS audit log:

2023-09-12 15:44:54,426 [env-execution-context-27] INFO  c.d.c.c.k.a.a.AwsRequestResponseLogger:participant=participant1 tid:40d47592f1bd50f37e6804fbdff404dd - Sending request [06cc259e220da647]: DecryptRequest(CiphertextBlob=** Ciphertext placeholder **, KeyId=91c48ce4-ec80-44c1-a219-fdd07f12f002, EncryptionAlgorithm=RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256) to
2023-09-12 15:44:54,538 [aws-java-sdk-NettyEventLoop-1-15] INFO  c.d.c.c.k.a.a.AwsRequestResponseLogger:participant=participant1 tid:40d47592f1bd50f37e6804fbdff404dd - Received response [06cc259e220da647]: [Aws-Id: 1836823c-bb8a-44bf-883d-f33d696bf84f] - DecryptResponse(Plaintext=** Redacted plaintext placeholder **, KeyId=arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:724647588434:key/91c48ce4-ec80-44c1-a219-fdd07f12f002, EncryptionAlgorithm=RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256)
2023-09-12 15:44:54,441 [env-execution-context-138] INFO  c.d.c.c.k.a.a.AwsRequestResponseLogger:participant=participant1 tid:40d47592f1bd50f37e6804fbdff404dd - Sending request [e28450df3a98ea23]: SignRequest(KeyId=f23b5b37-b4e8-494d-b2bc-1fca12308c99, Message=** Sign message text placeholder **, MessageType=RAW, SigningAlgorithm=ECDSA_SHA_256) to
2023-09-12 15:44:54,554 [aws-java-sdk-NettyEventLoop-1-2] INFO  c.d.c.c.k.a.a.AwsRequestResponseLogger:participant=participant1 tid:40d47592f1bd50f37e6804fbdff404dd - Received response [e28450df3a98ea23]: [Aws-Id: 7085bcf3-1a36-4048-a38b-014b441afa11] - SignResponse(KeyId=arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:724647588434:key/f23b5b37-b4e8-494d-b2bc-1fca12308c99, Signature=** Signature message text placeholder **, SigningAlgorithm=ECDSA_SHA_256)

Note that sensitive data is removed before logging. The general log format is as follows:

tid:<canton_trace_id> - Sending request [<canton_kms_request_id>]: <request details> tid:<canton_trace_id> - Received response [<canton_kms_request_id>]: [Aws-Id: <aws_request_id>] - <response details>

Ledger-API Authorization

The Ledger API provides authorization support using JWT tokens. While the JWT token authorization allows third party applications to be authorized properly, it poses some issues for Canton internal services such as the PingService or the DarService, which are used to manage domain wide concerns. Therefore Canton generates a new admin bearer token (64 bytes, randomly generated, hex-encoded) on each startup, which is communicated to these services internally and used by these services to authorize themselves on the Ledger API. The admin token allows to act as any party registered on that participant node.

The admin token is only used within the same process. Therefore, in order to obtain this token, an attacker needs to be able to either dump the memory or capture the network traffic, which typically only a privileged user can do.

It is important to enable TLS together with JWT support in general, as otherwise tokens can be leaked to an attacker that has the ability to inspect network traffic.