Download and Install Canton

Choosing Open-Source or Enterprise Edition

The Canton distributed ledger is included with Daml Enterprise edition, or available as open source. Which role the application takes depends on the configuration. The main administration interface of the Canton application is the embedded console, which is part of the application.

Canton releases come in two variants: Open-Source or Enterprise. Both support the full Canton protocol, but differ in terms of enterprise and non-functional capabilities:

Differences between Enterprise and Open Source Edition
Capability Enterprise Open-Source
Daml Synchronisation Yes Yes
Sub-Transaction Privacy Yes Yes
Transaction Processing Parallel (fast) Sequential (slow)
High Availability Yes No
Participant Query Store Yes No
Daml Shell Yes No
High Throughput via Microservices Yes No
Resource Management Yes No
Ledger Pruning Yes No
AWS KMS, GCP KMS and KMS Driver Yes No
Postgres Backend Yes Yes

Please follow below instructions in order to obtain your copy of Canton.

Downloading the Open Source Edition

The Open Source release is available from Github. You can also use our Canton Docker images by following our Docker instructions.

Downloading the Enterprise Edition

Enterprise releases are available on request ( and can be downloaded from the respective repository, or you can use our Canton Enterprise Docker images as described in our Docker instructions.